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求助者,男性,大四学生,在毕业学期找工作时频频受挫,引发焦躁、难过等情绪问题,睡眠质量差。通过摄入性会谈、心理测验等手段,整理、分析求助者资料,诊断为一般心理问题。通过对求助者各方面具体情况的分析,咨询师与求助者共同确定咨询的目标和具体方案,运用合理情绪疗法,经过心理咨询,求助者改变了不合理的信念,消除了负面情绪,建立了自信,心理上获得了成长,达到预期的咨询目标。  相似文献   

通过对一例小学求助者心理问题的形成原因与发展过程的了解、分析,对求助者的心理状态进行评估,对其做出诊断,制定了相应的咨询目标和咨询方案,咨询过程中运用行为疗法、认知疗法对学生的行为问题进行干预,经过十次咨询,学生行为得以改善,取得较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

本文是一则使用合理情绪疗法帮助一名大二学生解决一般心理问题的案例.通过搜集分析求助者的一般临床资料,对求助者的情况进行鉴别诊断,确定求助者行为问题表面下的深层次问题根源,与求助者协商,制定咨询目标与方案,并对其进行咨询与咨询后的效果评估.咨询中主要使用了合理情绪疗法,帮助求助者认清楚认知与情绪的关系,用合理信念代替不合理信念,助其恢复正常的生活.  相似文献   

本文对一例宿舍人际关系差为主要特征的新生适应障碍的求助者进行咨询。通过运用贝克和雷米的认知疗法,分析求助者的不正确观念,促进求助者自我审查,纠正核心错误观念,帮助求助者分析其目前宿舍人际关系差及对大学生活不适心理行为上的原因。通过六次咨询,帮助求助者建立新的思维方式,并能运用到现实生活中去,心理困扰得到显著缓解。  相似文献   

是一例使用合理情绪疗法咨询严重心理问题的个案。结合咨询过程,搜集、整理求助者的一般临床资料,对求助者的情况进行鉴别诊断,通过确定求助者心理与行为问题的关键点,与求助者协商,制定咨询目标与方案,开展咨询并对咨询效果进行评估。咨询中综合使用各种技术方法,对求助者心理与行为问题的形成原因与发展过程进行了解释和分析,运用合理情绪疗法,与其不合理的信念进行辩论,改变求助者的不正确观念和思维方式,以达到改变其自卑、自责心理和负性的情绪状态,并重新确立积极的、自信的情绪状态的目的。  相似文献   

朱耀秀  郝传慧 《考试周刊》2015,(17):169-170
本文针对一名大三学生因失恋引起的一般心理问题进行辅导的案例报告。本案例通过搜集、整理求助者的一般临床资料,对求助者的情况进行评估诊断,对求助者的心理与行为问题形成原因进行探讨,与求助者协商制定咨询目标与咨询方案,开展咨询,并对咨询效果进行评估。由于求助者是高校学生,领悟力较好,咨询主要采用合理情绪疗法,对其进行五次咨询,通过改变认知,帮助求助者缓解焦虑抑郁情绪,咨询效果良好。  相似文献   

本文是运用埃利斯"合理情绪疗法"对一例宿舍人际交往困扰所致不良情绪进行心理咨询的案例报告。通过运用合理情绪疗法,帮助求助者分析宿舍人际交往障碍的原因和存在的不合理信念,纠正求助者的非理性观念,对求助者进行认知调节。通过咨询,帮助求助者建立新的合理思维方式,对宿舍人际交往有正确的认知理解,从而找到解决问题的合适方法。经过这次咨询,证明合理情绪疗法对人际交往障碍进行咨询与治疗是有效的。  相似文献   

以一例认知疗法和行为疗法结合某高校女生社交恐惧症的案例分析。通过收集、整理求助者的资料,对求助者的问题进行原因分析、鉴别诊断,并结合心理测验结果诊断为恐惧神经症。在咨询过程中,采用贝克和雷米的认知疗法、系统脱敏疗法和求助者中心疗法,帮助其认识、修正错误观念,矫正不良行为,巩固新观念,取得较满意的咨询效果。  相似文献   

以一例认知疗法和行为疗法结合某高校女生社交恐惧症的案例分析。通过收集、整理求助者的资料,对求助者的问题进行原因分析、鉴别诊断,并结合心理测验结果诊断为恐惧神经症。在咨询过程中,采用贝克和雷米的认知疗法、系统脱敏疗法和求助者中心疗法,帮助其认识、修正错误观念,矫正不良行为,巩固新观念,取得较满意的咨询效果。  相似文献   

求助者陈某是一个大二学生,1个月前开始暗恋杨某,逐渐出现了一些烦恼和睡眠问题,在2周前症状开始加重,学习状态下降。通过咨询了解到陈某向来胆小内向,在恋爱问题自卑明显,初步诊断为一般心理问题。通过与求助者商议,综合运用来访者中心疗法和认知合理情绪疗法。经过3周共3次的咨询,该求助者焦虑失眠等症状基本改善,初步掌握进行良好合理的认知评价的一些方法,过度胆小自卑的倾向有所缓和。  相似文献   

Questionnaires were given to 392 elementary school teachers to examine help‐seeking or help‐avoidance in dealing with classroom behavioral problems. Scale validity was examined through a series of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Using a series of multivariate regression analyses and structural equation modeling, we identified predictors of motivational goals, predictors of attitudes toward help‐seeking or help‐avoidance, and a model of teachers’ attitudes toward help‐seeking or help‐avoidance. Results revealed four types of attitudes. Two reflected a positive approach to seeking help, but for different reasons: the first is intended to end the confrontation rapidly, and the second strives to develop new coping abilities. Also, two avoidant behaviors intended to avoid seeking help were revealed: one from fear of failure, and the other from a desire to deal with the problems independently. These four positions support a model of teacher help‐seeking, where seeking or avoiding help arises from a combination of implicit theories, efficacy beliefs, and motivational goals. Suggestions for further research into motivational factors of teachers when seeking help in coping with behavioral problems are suggested, as well as a call for a renewed consideration of the effectiveness of teacher support mechanisms.  相似文献   

First, third, and fifth graders' ( N = 201) reactions to 2 types of and (direct help [answers] and indirect help [hints]) commonly used by helpers to assist children were examined. The children were randomly assigned to receive either direct or indirect help on a task, and then were asked to try a similar task immediately and again a few days later. Direct help was expected to elicit dependency, whereas indirect help was expected to elicit independent reactions. Age and/or sociocognitive level were predicted to moderate the effects of help. Direct help resulted in feelings of threat, low perceived control, and high dependency help-seeking for girls, but not for boys. Boys who received indirect help and understood the notion of consistency of personality requested less dependent help than did boys with less of this sociocognitive skill. Moreover, children high in the understanding of consistency of personality were more autonomous (i.e., helped themselves more) in the indirect than in the direct help condition.  相似文献   

本文论述了当代大学生面对心理困扰时,教师如何通过课堂教学使学生获得寻求专业性心理帮助的途径,并协助学生树立主动寻求心理帮助的正确态度,提高大学生心理健康水平。  相似文献   

见义勇为的认定与救济原则刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对见义勇为行为的正确界定和对因见义勇为受到的损害有效救济是宏扬见义勇为行为的有效措施。本文对此进行了有益的分析探讨。  相似文献   

When harassed by peers, elementary school students often face a dilemma of whether to ask their teacher for help. Assistance may be useful, and perhaps necessary. However, there can be social costs; children generally are expected to resolve interpersonal conflicts on their own. Two theoretical perspectives (i.e., coping and self-regulation) provide a framework for conceptualizing adaptive help seeking as a strategy for dealing with peer harassment. A key feature of the strategy is the student's recognition that help is necessary to maintain safety. This article reviews research that supports this conceptualization. Studies focusing on students' perceptions of harassment and judgments about the necessity for help are integrated with developmental research on peer conflict and aggression. Adaptive help seeking is contrasted with two nonadaptive responses to harassment (i.e., seeking help when it is unnecessary and failure to seek help when it is necessary), developmental implications are discussed, and directions for research are suggested.  相似文献   

This study explored how adaptive help seeking was related to academic self‐efficacy, perfectionism (maladaptive and adaptive), attitudes toward help seeking (perceived benefits and perceived threats), and teacher emotional support among 311 grade 9 students in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Significant bivariate links emerged between adaptive help seeking and all six potential correlates. Regression analyses indicated that teacher emotional support, adaptive perfectionism (high personal standards), and perceived benefits were significant, positive predictors of adaptive help seeking. Gender also was a significant predictor, as boys had lower levels of adaptive help seeking compared with girls. Furthermore, gender moderated the association between perceived benefits and adaptive help‐seeking; perceived benefits were particularly highly associated with boys’ adaptive help seeking from classroom teachers. Strategies for explicating the benefits of adaptive help seeking, promoting adaptive perfectionism, and fostering teacher emotional support are provided, as well as limitations and future directions for research.  相似文献   

Contributions to this special section represent advances in understanding help seeking as a self-regulated learning strategy that occurs in classrooms, during computer-mediated communications, and when using intelligent systems that provide help to improve learners’ help-seeking skills and knowledge acquisition. Collectively, the research and development contributes information relevant for all phases of the help-seeking process. My comments focus on: (a) features of technology-supported help seeking that have implications for motivation, (b) the need for increased attention to the instructional context in which technology-supported help seeking occurs, (c) a necessary convergence of classroom and technology-supported help-seeking research paradigms, and (d) reconsideration of help seeking as a social-interactive strategy.  相似文献   

随着国家对高校助学工作的投入剧增,如何构建合理、有效的高校助学工作体系成为所有高校助学工作的重点,本文通过分析贫困生群体特点入手,提出构建助学工作“他助、自助、互助”的立体格局,为贫困生化解经济困境的同时,帮助他们提高能力、完善人格、重建自信和学会感恩。  相似文献   

Collaborative peer learning environments have received increasing attention in classrooms due to the potential for improving learning and achievement. Yet previous research shows that not all students benefit from the collaborative experience. This paper explores the nature of helping behavior within peer-directed small groups that may be most effective for learning, especially for students who have difficulty with the material. Drawing on examples from recent research on student learning in collaborative mathematics classrooms in a US middle school, we identify student behaviors that are necessary for effective help seeking and help giving, as well as responsibilities of teachers in establishing classroom conditions that bring about effective helping behavior. The findings show that effective help seekers ask precise questions, persist in seeking help, and apply the explanations received; effective help givers provide detailed explanations of the material as well as opportunities for help recipients to apply the help received, and monitor student understanding. These critical helping behaviors reflect the constructivist views embodied in Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives on learning in social contexts.  相似文献   

助学贷款政策是国家为了帮助高校贫困学生解决经济困境,顺利完成学业的一项重要措施。由于配套制度不够完善,实际运作较为困难。通过对这一现象的剖析,探索通过助学贷款政策帮助高校贫困生解决经济困境的有效途径。  相似文献   

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