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CBA联赛外籍球员特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对CBA联赛12个赛季外籍球员身高、年龄、体重、位置、国籍以及联赛表现进行分析,探寻存在的规律,找出其中存在的不足与问题,为今后联赛外籍球员的引进与使用提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

送出去与请进来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国篮球从改革的第一个赛季开始,外籍球员就已走进了我们国内竞技场。近几年,外籍球员更是海潮一般冲击着我们的篮球人才市场,不仅甲A联赛有大批外援,就是甲B、乙级联赛  相似文献   

全国主客场制冰球联赛规则中规定允许3名外籍球员参赛,1998年~1999年度联赛哈尔滨队利用这条规则引进了外籍球员。通过对冠亚军有力的争夺者齐齐哈尔队与哈尔滨队1997年~1998年及1998年~1999年哈尔滨站比赛的技战术数据统计比较,结合我国冰球运动发展的现状,指出面临困境的中国冰球应多采取一些措施提高各队实战能力、实力水平及冰球意识。  相似文献   

东东 《新疆体育》2001,(1):11-11
2000赛季的甲A联赛,所有的风光都被高鼻子、蓝眼睛的老外抢去了风头,联赛的前四名球队都是外籍主教练,而活跃在赛场上的外籍球员则抢走了金靴金球奖,可以说较前几个赛季,中外球员实力的比拼已发生了逆转,外籍球员完全占据了上风,从此,甲A将进入外援时代。  相似文献   

以2016赛季中国足球超级联赛所有上场球员(不包含守门员)的跑动指标为研究对象,把球员分为前锋、边前卫、中前卫、边后卫、中后卫5个不同位置,找出不同位置国内球员与外籍球员在跑动表现方面的差异。采用数据级数推断法对结果进行统计学推断,表明在前锋、边前卫、中前卫位置上,外籍球员在跑动方面整体优于国内球员,在中后卫位置上国内球员与外籍球员的跑动表现相差不大。研究表明,中国足球超级联赛中,不同位置的国内外球员之间存在跑动表现上的重要差异。  相似文献   

国球之友 外籍球员纷纷参加乒超联赛,使联赛增加了一些情趣。 首先,乒超联赛有了点世界性比赛的味道,让很多中国球迷不出国门,甚至在家门口就可以欣赏到外国高手的球技。过去说:“秀才不出门,便知天下事”。现在可以说,“球迷不出国,可看天下球”,哈哈,不亦乐乎!看来,还真应感谢这些外籍球员的加盟参赛。当然,外籍球员也会感谢中国球迷为他们创造了过去他们很难享受到的热烈气氛。他们会感叹,中国球迷太热情了!太可爱了!要说打乒乓球,还是在中国过瘾!  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、现场观摩法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对CBA联赛的外籍球员进行观察、分析,总结得出外籍球员的引进促进了我国篮球竞技水平的提高以及与世界篮球运动接轨,加快了我国篮球运动的发展步伐,促进了篮球文化的交流,但还存在着一些负面影响值得我们去审视、研究。  相似文献   

研究目的:根据现行中超联赛球员引入规则,对引援结构提出新设想。方法:采用文献资料法、归纳法以欧洲联赛引援规则为背景,对2013赛季中超联赛中外球员表现进行定量处理分析。结论:国内球员在相关技术指标上与外籍球员存在差距,提出改革中超引援模式的必要性;建议:通过分析现阶段中超联赛引援结构,提出:外籍球员引进"6+5"模式及国内球员"6+4"模式。仅希望从改革联赛引援角度提高国内足球水平。  相似文献   

CBA联赛非均衡发展现象的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
非均衡现象是社会上存在的一种很普遍的现象,是相对于均衡思想提出来的.运用非均衡理论,从俱乐部的分布地域、竞技成绩和外籍球员等方面,对CBA联赛存在的非均衡发展态势进行分析和论述,旨在为我国CBA联赛的持续、健康、合理的发展提供理论参考.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法,对NBA联赛与CBA联赛运行机制进行比较研究,结果发现:两者在组织机制、市场机制、约束机制及依托于社会的发展机制等方面存在差异。针对这几个方面存在的问题,结合我国CBA联赛制度的实际,提出了拓宽媒体市场、引进外籍球员等一系列措施,旨在能为我国CBA联赛的发展提供一些参考,促进其迅速、健康发展。  相似文献   

对国外优秀职业体育联赛中竞争性平衡战略的运用进行研究,探讨了国外优秀职业体育联赛中竞争性平衡战略应用的成功经验。研究表明,职业体育联赛中俱乐部球员的流动和资金的流动是影响体育职业联盟竞争性平衡的关键因素。收入分享制度、选秀制度、转会制度及"工资帽"制度等构成国外职业体育联赛竞争性平衡战略的主要内容。考虑到中国的基本国情及中国职业体育联赛发展的现实,从竞争性平衡战略的2个核心要素为基础,提出缩小俱乐部收支差距、有效推进选秀活动、合理限制过高收入、全面推动球员转会等发展路径。  相似文献   

对由于2011-2012赛季NBA劳资纠纷停摆导致高水平外援涌入CBA后,对CBA产生的一系列问题进行了探讨。研究认为:NBA球员的引进对赞助商的发展大为有利,对球迷市场的构建起到了良好的促进作用,对大部分球员的技战术水平提高及观念转变有较好的示范作用;NBA球员的引入,对俱乐部及联盟的管理水平、球队教练组指导训练及比赛能力、边缘球员的发展等问题提出了挑战。  相似文献   

世界足球主要联赛球员国际流动特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以2008-2009赛季世界职业足球一级市场(英超、西甲、意甲、德甲、法甲)和二级市场联赛(巴甲、阿甲、荷甲、俄超、日本联赛)注册球员为调研对象,对球员国际流动的一般特征及特殊性进行了量化分析.数据分析显示,一级市场联赛是世界职业足球发展的核心区域,主要招募来自东欧、南美洲和非洲球员,形成了全球精英球员供给分配的科层化结构.二级市场联赛大量启用本土球员,参与本土足球市场竞争.结论认为,世界足球主要联赛球员的国际流动是一个非常复杂的全球体育现象,诸如经济、政治、文化、语言、价值观、习俗、地理位置、历史殖民地、后殖民关系、国家双边交流、技战术风格打法等要素分别对其产生一定的作用影响,球员国际流动现象的产生是多种要素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

杨扬  张林  黄海燕 《体育科研》2008,29(5):37-40
通过综述国外职业体育联赛竞争性平衡的基本理论,探讨了职业联赛竞争性平衡的概念和必要性,介绍了胜利率标准差、基尼系数、HHI指数、C5率、集中率和惊喜指数等国外常用的衡量职业体育联赛竞争性平衡的指标及其计算方法,并在此基础上进一步分析各种衡量指标的优点及局限性,结果认为:目前还不存在某一个万能的衡量竞争性平衡的指标,只能针对不同的体育项目或研究目的选取合适的衡量方法。  相似文献   

This case study provides insight into a current issue faced by sporting leagues—the movement of professional players to different sports. As the case illustrates, the movement of professional players across sport codes can have a profound impact on the management of sport development, the management of player contracts, and legal issues in restraint of trade.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between use of the conventional football shoe and the epidemic of knee injuries occurring in organized football. All knee injuries in the Public High School League in 1968 and in the Catholic High School League in 1969, when players in the respective leagues wore the conventional shoe, were documented. During the 1969 and 1970 seasons, all Public League players wore “soccer type” shoes with molded soles containing fourteen ?-inch cleats. All Catholic League players wore similar shoes in 1970. In both leagues, all practices and games were conducted on natural turf. Injuries occurring with the soccer type shoe were documented. Comparison of the two groups demonstrated a marked decrease in both the incidence and severity of knee injuries in both leagues when the players wore the multi-cleated shoe. It is strongly recommended that the conventional football shoe be condemned and that only shoes meeting the following specifications be permitted: (a) synthetic molded sole, (b) minimum of 14 cleats per shoe, (c) minimum cleat tip diameter of ½ inch, (d) maximum cleat length of ? inch.  相似文献   

Collegiate basketball is one of the most popular and most watched forms of amateur sport in the Philippines. Like any sport, collegiate basketball is governed by actors and stakeholders and characterized by issues and challenges. Employing a policy-capacity and synthesis integrative review approach, this article identifies the actors, stakeholders, and institutions of the Philippines two leading college basketball leagues, namely, the Universities Athletic Association of the Philippines and the National Collegiate Athletic Association and analyses the critical issues that confront these leagues in the context of college basketball governance. Issues include an overly powerful board of directors in relation to league commissioners, a lack of accountability mechanisms, alleged piracy of coaches and players, recruitment of players and coaches, the two-year residency rule, and parity in media coverage. Accordingly, the article assesses necessary on-going policy capacities and reforms which college basketball leagues undertake to achieve sound governance.  相似文献   

Rugby has given Fiji international recognition and reputation. Not only is rugby a source of national pride but it has also become a valuable export, with an estimated 500 Fijian players currently in foreign leagues in, for instance, New Zealand, Australia, France, England and Japan. The economic and sociocultural gains from rugby migration are often considerable, and consequently, many players in Fiji aspire to secure foreign club contracts as their personal and professional goal. However, little is known about the realities and challenges of the players' lives after their active playing career, the burden of which falls largely upon informal, community-/family-based support networks. Such informal structures are increasingly under strain especially in urban areas and, faced with a lack of formal structural support mechanisms, many retired athletes experience a number of socio-economic and emotional problems. Some negotiate their post-rugby life successfully, while many struggle with becoming and being an ‘ex’. Based on semi-structured interviews, the present paper explores these athletes' experiences of ‘life after rugby’ and illuminates the local and international neoliberal power dynamics that intersects Fiji rugby.  相似文献   

"四年规则"废除与Haywood v.NBA案有千丝万缕的联系。本文通过Haywood v.NBA案件的评述,分析了"四年规则"废除对美国职业体育的影响。"四年规则"的废除动摇了NCAA人才输入的垄断地位,促进了人才市场的自由流通,赋予了更多人参加选秀的公平竞赛权,保护了非大学生球员的权利。  相似文献   

The organization of individual sports into leagues has received little attention in research, but its practical relevance has increased. This article aims to elucidate the role of competitive balance and league design elements in a sports league with less spectator demand from a player perspective. The analysis focuses on the reformed German Golf League. Because this league is an amateur league with no payment for players and currently few spectators, a change in perspective is appropriate. The empirical results of the stated preference approach highlight the relevance of perceived competitive balance as well as several league characteristics for the players. The findings thus show that governing bodies of sports leagues should focus on both the development of an optimal league design and soft aspects to deliver attractive and challenging competition from a player’s perspective.  相似文献   

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