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Over the past twenty years or so, historians of science have become increasingly sensitized to issues involved in studying and interpreting scientific and medical instruments. The contributors to this Focus section are historians of science who have worked closely with museum objects and collections, specifically instruments used in scientific and medical contexts. Such close engagement by historians of science is somewhat rare, provoking distinctive questions as to how we define and understand instruments, opening up issues regarding the value of broken or incomplete objects, and raising concerns about which scientific and medical artifacts are displayed and interpreted in museums and in what manner. It is hoped that these essays point historians of science in new directions for reengaging with scientific objects and collections.  相似文献   

转型升级是当前制造业面临的核心议题,各级政府均将产业政策作为推动制造业高质量发展的重要选择。文章基于“政策目标-政策工具”分析框架对中央-河南-许昌三级政府的政策文本进行细粒度量化分析,解析中国制造业转型升级政策的纵向协同性问题。研究发现,制造业转型升级政策体系在纵向层级方面趋于耦合,其核心政策目标聚焦于信息化改造、创新能力提升,核心政策工具围绕着人才、资金、知识产权等领域;中央政府与地方政府在政策设计上存在一定差异,主要体现在政策目标的精细化以及政策工具的创新性方面;各级政府在政策工具选择上,已经形成相对一致的行为模式,即环境型政策工具、供给型政策工具、需求型政策工具的数量呈现阶梯式下降的差序格局。本文构建的研究方法为分析政策纵向协同性提供了参考,相关的对策建议对于政府部门优化政策设计具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the relationship between innovation activities of firms, their use of appropriation instruments and their absorptive capacity. We study a wide range of manufacturing and service industries, not just high-tech, and a wide range of innovation activities, not just R&D. We use multilevel logit models for complex samples to disentangle industry from firm-specific effects. We find that within an industry, firms that invest in appropriation instruments to reduce outgoing spillovers tend to conduct more R&D and downstream activities than firms that do not. Acquisition of technology is not related to the use of appropriation instruments. The effects of incoming spillovers (measured through absorptive capacity) on innovation activities of firms are industry specific and stronger for firms that invest in appropriation instruments. For this type of firm, both the capability to scan the external environment for technology and the capability to integrate new technology are related to the innovation activities. For firms that do not invest in appropriation instruments, only scanning capabilities are related.  相似文献   

Electronic computers in information systems are often seen as "ready-to-use" technology, which simply becomes applied to certain domains. This article explores the sociotechnical processes involved in the development of information systems by studying two cases of medical informatics, the Laboratory Instrument Computer (LINC) and a medical information system at a hospital. They show that information systems have from the beginning been a result of multiple alignment processes between the relevant actors, among which are users, developers, and the technology itself. The first case reveals that information systems are successful when actors become aligned and coordinated across boundaries. This alignment includes user interfaces as well as parts and components of the computer. The second case exhibits disalignment between relevant actors, which leads to an unstable information system. The two mechanisms are found coexisting in medical informatics.  相似文献   

J.M. Bowsher 《Endeavour》1980,4(1):20-25
The design of musical instruments owes more to art than to science and assessment of their quality is essentially subjective. Nevertheless, the physical principles of their operation are very interesting and may be of practical importance. This article reviews the acoustics of brass wind instruments, regarding the player and his instrument as an entity, and compares experimental and theoretical results.  相似文献   

从医院生态出发,提出支撑其事业大厦的基点只能且必须是高超的医术、高尚的医德和完善的服务;医院经营管理的重点应是如何随着现代医学技术的发展、现代消费者健康理念和道德价值观念的转变,对传统的医术、医德和服务理念加以提升和深化。  相似文献   

李新  李柏洲  吴翔宇 《科学学研究》2020,38(12):2258-2270
为研究创新型城市建设中的府际关系,探索政府部门使用各类政策工具及其组合的方式,选取2018年获批的创新型城市的典型跟进政策文本,使用内容分析法与社会网络分析法,对创新型城市建设中府际关系与政策工具的交互社会网络结构展开研究。研究发现:科技局、发改委、工信局、财政局、市监局和农业农村局是创新型城市建设中府际关系与政策工具交互社会网络的核心政府部门;供给侧政策工具是创新型城市建设中最惯用的一类政策工具;府际关系与政策工具的交互社会网络呈现明显的核心——边缘结构,存在一个由24个政府部门和绝大部分政策工具组成的社会圈,同时在这个社会圈之外也存在一些独立派系。研究结果能够对完善创新型城市建设的政策体系提供有益启示,也可作为创新型城市建设活动开展的决策参考。  相似文献   

医学电子学是医学类学生必修的一门基础课程,在医学类院校的电子学教学中,应该针对不同的专业定位制定不同的教学计划,并且应将理论和实际联系起来,用适合各个专业的仪器来介绍各种电路的应用,再结合现代化的教学手段和合理的实验来达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

医院消毒供应中心(CSSD)是集中全院污染的医疗用品及敷料的部门。长期与致病源、锐器、噪音、化学消毒液、高温、电器辐射、潮湿等因素接触,对CSSD员工的健康和安全产生了威胁。本文分析了CSSD的职业危害因素,并提出职业防护对策,以期提高自我防护水平,减少危害,避免发生医疗不良事件,促进CSSD护理人员的职业健康。  相似文献   

Between 1809 and 1813 leading American physician Benjamin Rush (1745–1813) devoted a significant portion of his time to the production of “American Editions” of four British and colonial medical texts by Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689), Sir John Pringle (1707–1782), William Hillary (1697–1763), and George Cleghorn (1716–1789). This occurred during a period where Rush might have written a textbook detailing his preferred medical system for students outright. Instead, he opted for a different form of knowledge production and proliferation that focused on creating fictive conversations and encouraging critical reading rather than rote memorization. He dedicated these heavily annotated documents to the medical students of the United States of America and set them up as a pedagogical tool. Analysis of these texts helps uncover the reading practices of Rush and the manner in which he expected Americans to mediate their usage of foreign texts and theories after the American Revolution.  相似文献   

Despite recent evidence that suggests that knowledge production within the medical community is increasingly based on knowledge-making coalitions or what some have called the co-production of knowledge, there remains a strong expert led policy agenda in many countries in relation to human genome research. This article reports on the role of experts in defining the scope of discussion in relation to the biomedical use of human tissue sample collections or biobanks in Finland using the case of the Genome Information Center. It is argued that the rhetorical strategies should not be understood simply as subversive tactics, but rather as ways of engaging the public within particular contexts of creating commercial expectations and visions which are easier to negotiate from a policy perspective.  相似文献   

The prevention and cure of cancer has been one of the great goals of medical science for many years. Although only partial success can yet be claimed, intensive research on an international basis has led to a greatly improved understanding of the mechanism of its causation. This masterly review of the current state of knowledge, by one of the most eminent research workers in this field, concludes on an optimistic note: there are sound grounds for supposing that cancerous cells can potentially be restored to their normal state and there are clues to ways of finding the kinds of substance which might effect this.  相似文献   

黄清子  王振振  王立剑 《资源科学》2016,38(10):1988-2000
环保产业是连接环境与经济的桥梁,是“十三五”时期国家的重点建设内容,为更有效地促进环保产业发展,有必要对众多环保产业政策工具进行比较。本文基于国外经验及中国实际构建了中国环保产业政策工具分类的概念模型,并在此基础上应用中国环保产业营业收入和三类六项政策工具的1995-2014年数据构建GRA-VAR模型,通过测度政策工具对环保产业的重要程度及影响比较环保产业多项政策工具。研究得出:在促进环保产业发展三类政策中,科技政策工具最优、经济政策工具次之、法制政策工具最弱。其中,科技政策工具中代表成果的细分工具在六项细分工具中排名第五;经济政策工具作为经济手段,其与环保产业的关联程度高于另两类行政手段与环保产业的平均关联程度。  相似文献   

It is a commonly held view that differences in national histories, cultures, political contexts, and the timing of a country’s entry into the industrialization process are reflected as diversity among countries in their goals, priorities, boundaries, directions, ranges, instruments and also in the performance of science and technology policy. This article, which examines development processes of Finnish science and technology policy, concludes that instead of divergence there is such startling convergence of organizational forms and practices. Finland has largely adopted its policy doctrines and instruments from the countries, which from the Finnish perspective, have been considered legitimate and successful.  相似文献   

Research on the Internet's role in politics has struggled to transcend technological determinism--the assumption, often inadvertent, that the technology simply imprints its own logic on social relationships. An alternative approach traces the ways, often numerous, in which an institution's participants appropriate the technology in the service of goals, strategies, and relationships that the institution has already organized. This amplification model can be applied in analyzing the Internet's role in politics. After critically surveying a list of widely held views on the matter, this article illustrates how the amplification model might be applied to concrete problems. These include the development of social networks and ways that technology is used to bind people together into a polity.  相似文献   

This paper is a commentary on discursive transformations that occur in stories told about Xerox's photocopier technicians, comparing particularly Orr's brilliant ethnographic study and a later management case study. It argues that significant shifts take place in how knowledge is understood between these accounts so that what begins as elusive, oral, improvised and social becomes increasingly presented as encodable in a structured database, countable, auditable, individualistic. These ideological transformations seem much to do with Xerox's own historic need to rebrand itself, and simply to sell a commercial product. Thus, how knowledge is represented and what knowledge management might mean seems to be heavily influenced by corporate vested interests. The paper stresses the need to capture complexity in case studies if they are to promote a realistic or critical understanding of the organisation.  相似文献   

旨在从多层次视角下对创新气氛进行研究.对三种创新气氛的概念,测量工具以及研究现状进行深入探讨.并对不同层次的创新气氛及其测量工具进行比较研究,认为不同层次下的创新气氛及其测量工具既有联系又有区别.最后展望未来的若干研究方向.  相似文献   

基因改良生物(GMOs)究竟是利益大于风险还是相反,见仁见智。笔者认为目前的风险-利益分析过于理想化,只考虑技术层面的问题,而忽视伦理和社会因素。GMOs的争论包含着伦理价值判断、法律、政治、文化、经济、体制安排,甚至历史和传统等多方面的因素,是社会协商的产物。不同的社会集团对该问题的理解各异,专家的评价观点不能代表公众的利益诉求,在社会民主化进程中,简单地将公众排除在决策过程之外是不可取的,因为任何决策都将显著影响到公众的生命健康。  相似文献   

Tax incentives and direct funding are two different public support instruments used to facilitate the formation and growth of firms. Limited empirical evidence has compared the effectiveness of two different policies and their interactions for firms. In this paper, we investigate the main and interaction effects of these interventions on high-tech firms. Since large and small firms innovate in different ways, we compare the use of both incentives by Iranian high-tech SMEs and large firms through a factorial design technique. This paper presents significant differences both across instruments and across firm size. Results show that for SMEs, tax exemption has a significant effect on R&D investment, and funding has a significant effect on R&D investment, R&D employees, and new products. However, there aren't any interaction effects between instruments. For large firms, funding is an effective instrument for R&D investment. Also, there is an interaction effect between tax incentives and direct funding on new products. These findings indicate that funding is a more effective instrument than tax exemption, especially for SMEs, but suggest some changes in supporting policies of high-tech firms in Iran.  相似文献   

虚拟仪器是由软件实现的.其软件开发平台是LabVIEW。VISA是在所有LabVIEW工作平台上控制VISA、GPIB、RS-232以及其他种类仪器的单接口程序库,通过LabVIEW平台中的VISA模块编写控制程序,可以进行仪器控制。本文以串行通信为例.用LabVIEW构建仪器控制进行串行设备通信.在虚拟环境中使用VISA功能模块向串行设备读写数据,缩短了项目开发周期,提高了开发效率。  相似文献   

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