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20世纪80年代以来,五四时期妇女运动史的研究取得了大批的成果,但比之于该时期其它专题研究,差距甚大,仍有待于进一步深入和提高,开拓新的研究领域。  相似文献   

Self-made enriched 10B boric acid as raw material was purified by recrystallization. The effects of final crystallization temperature, crystallization time, stirring speed, crystallization frequency and other factors on the purity were investigated. The appropriate operating condition was that the final crystallization temperature and time were 5°C and 10 h respectively under a low-speed stirring for crystallizing twice, which would make the purity and yield of boric acid reach 99.94% and 95.36%, respectively. Taking this as foundation, recrystallization process was optimized with acetone as anti-solvent, whose amount was the most important index. The boric acid solution was added into acetone and recrystallized under the same condition, and the purity and yield of boric acid would reach 99.98% and 99.61%, respectively. The product detected by XRD was confirmed as boric acid crystal. Main ion concentration in the product was detected by ICP, which basically met the national standard of high purity. Crystal morphology of boric acid was observed by SEM.  相似文献   

In this paper, we shall prove that the Marcinkiewicz integral operator #n, when its kernel Ω satisfies the L^1-Dini condition, is bounded on the Triehel-Lizorkin spaces. It is well known that the Triehel-Lizorkin spaces are generalizations of many familiar spaces such as the Lehesgue spaces and the Soholev spaces. Therefore, our result extends many known theorems on the Marcinkiewicz integral operator. Our method is to regard the Marcinkiewicz integral operator as a vector valued singular integral. We also use another characterization of the Triehel-Lizorkin space which makes our approach more clear.  相似文献   

The relation of boron trifluoride concentration with conductivity in boron trifluoride methanol solution (BF3-CH3OH)was power exponent fitted in low concentration range. The kinetics of the reaction between boron trifluoride methanol complex and sodium methoxide to produce enriched 10B methylborate was proposed based on a detailed mechanism study, and was verified by acid-base titration method and conductivity method. It was found that this reaction is first order reaction and the rate constant is 0.022 min?1 at 338 K(65 °C), the activity energy is 65 kJ/mol. In addition, it was found that the conductivity method is more feasible to measure the kinetic curve than acid-base titration method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quadratic programming method for optimal multi-degree reduction of Bézier curves with G1-continuity. The L2 and l2 measures of distances between the two curves are used as the objective functions. The two additional parameters, available from the coincidence of the oriented tangents, are constrained to be positive so as to satisfy the solvability condition. Finally, degree reduction is changed to solve a quadratic problem of two parameters with linear constraints. Applica  相似文献   

We discuss three case studies associated with Vanderbilt’s PT3 (Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology) grant. The studies explore some initial effects of attempts to enhance the education of preservice teachers in three areas: (a) How People Learn, (b) Mathematics, and (c) Adolescent Psychology. The case studies to be described each build on Vanderbilt’s AMIGO3 project, which involves technology architecture for flexible modular design that was developed to be consistent with principles of How People Learn. Three different research teams used the AMIGO3 architecture and rationale to design, implement, and study their own courses. All teams agreed on some basic guidelines, but then proceeded independently of one another. The purpose of this report is to compare similarities and differences in the experiences of the teams. The PT3 group: Primary Investigator—John Bransford; Project Director—Bob Plants; How People Learn Course—John Bransford, Nancy Vye, Kay Burgess, and Sean Brophy; Adolescent Psychology—Helen Bateman, and Christopher J. Bateman; Mathematics—Paul Cobb, Chrystal Dean, and Lori Tyler; Development Team—Tim Altman, Jason Adair, Hank Clark, Bill Corbin, John Harwood, Elliott Mitchell, and Carolyn Stalcup. Vanderbilt PT3 Partners: AACTE, Apple Computers, Bankstreet College, Concord Consortium, Little Planet Software, Middle Tennessee University, University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Minnesota, and University of Vermont. Research presented in this article was supported by grants: The Department of Education Preparing tomorrow’s teachers to use technology (PT3) Catalyst grant, #P342A990348, The National Science Foundation VaNTH Bioengineering grant, #EEC 9876363, and the Atlantic Philanthropic Association K-12 Learning Consortium (no assigned grant number).  相似文献   

Astaxanthin (AST), a carotenoid molecule extensively found in marine organisms and increasingly used as a dietary supplement, has been reported to have beneficial effects against oxidative stress. In the current paper, the effects of AST on viability of prostate cells were investigated by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay; cell apoptosis and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were determined by flow cytometry; the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was measured by fluorospectrophotometer; and activities of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were evaluated by a detection kit. The results show that copper ion (Cu2+) induced apoptosis, along with the accumulation of intracellular ROS and MDA, in both prostate cell lines (RWPE-1 and PC-3). AST treatments could decrease the MDA levels, increase MMP, and keep ROS stable in RWPE-1 cell line. An addition of AST decreased the SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT activities in PC-3 cell line treated with Cu2+, but had a contrary reaction in RWPE-1 cell lines. In conclusion, AST could contribute to protecting RWPE-1 cells against Cu2+-induced injuries but could cause damage to the antioxidant enzyme system in PC-3 cells.  相似文献   

受桑格夫人来华及其生育节制理论广泛宣传的影响,生育节制问题成为五四时期思想讨论的热门话题之一。当时先进知识分子对生育节制的重要性及其方法等问题进行深入的探讨,形成了较为完整的思想。这一思想不仅有其形成的历史必然性,而且在近代中国具有不可抹煞的历史地位。  相似文献   

五四时期是中国历史上激烈变革的时代,自西学东渐之时也伴随着西俗东渐的过程。由于中国旧的传统礼俗与现代生活方式格格不入,一批先进的知识分子继承并发展了自鸦片战争以来特别是辛亥革命后中国社会传统习俗演进的丰硕成果,使得我国社会习俗的西化过程基本上沿着文明、进步的正确方向迈进。  相似文献   

五四运动是无产阶级妇女解放运动的开端,产业女工队伍的壮大,为无产阶级妇女解放运动奠定了阶级基础;马克思主义妇女观的传播,为无产阶级妇女解放运动奠定了思想基础,中国共产党的领导,开创了无产阶级妇女解放运动的新时代。  相似文献   

五四运动是无产阶级妇女解放运动的开端。产业女工队伍的壮大 ,为无产阶级妇女解放运动奠定了阶级基础 ;马克思主义妇女观的传播 ,为无产阶级妇女解放运动奠定了思想基础。在中国共产党领导下 ,开创了无产阶级妇女解放运动的新时代。  相似文献   

The subject of computer science (CS) and computer science education (CSE) has relatively recently arisen as a subject for inclusion within the compulsory school curriculum. Up to this present time, a major focus of technologies in the school curriculum has in many countries been on applications of existing technologies into subject practice (both software such as office applications, and hardware such as robots and sensors). Through uses of these applications, information and communications technologies (ICT) have focused on activities to support subject and topic learning (across wide age and subject ranges). Very recently, discussions for including computers in the curriculum have shifted to a much greater focus on computing and CS, more concerned with uses of and development of programming, together with fundamental principles of problem-solving and creativity. This paper takes a policy analysis approach; it considers evidence of current implementation of CSE in school curricula, the six main arguments for wider-scale introduction of the subject, the implications for researchers, schools, teachers and learners, the state of current discussions in a range of countries, and evidence of outcomes of CSE in compulsory curricula. The paper concludes by raising key questions for the future from a policy analysis perspective.  相似文献   

旧中国妇女几午年长期受到了剥削和压迫,一直处于社会最低层,五四运动唤醒了她们自由平等的意识,因此一场以男女教育平等为特征的妇女解放运动兴起。这一运动不仅使广大妇女开始求得男女平等的地位,而且使得广大妇女开始登上了社会政治舞台,翻开了中国妇女解放运动新的一页。  相似文献   

各种版本的中国现代文学史著作,在评述“五四文学革命”时,表现出了四种不同的路向,而在描述“五四文学革命”与此后文学之关系时,却表现出了惊人的相似性:把文学史描述成一段完美的“情节剧”,而忽视了内部的瓦解性力量。  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the inclusion of aspects of nature of science (NOS) in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In this new standards document, NOS elements in eight categories are discussed in Appendix H along with illustrative statements (called exemplars). Many, but not all, of these exemplars are linked to the standards by their association with either the “practices of science” or “crosscutting concepts,” but curiously not with the recommendations for science content. The study investigated all aspects of NOS in NGSS including the accuracy and inclusion of the supporting exemplar statements and the relationship of NOS in NGSS to other aspects of NOS to support teaching and learning science. We found that while 92 % of these exemplars are acceptable, only 78 % of those written actually appear with the standards. “Science as a way of knowing” is a recommended NOS category in NGSS but is not included with the standards. Also, several other NOS elements fail to be included at all grade levels thus limiting their impact. Finally, NGSS fails to include or insufficiently emphasize several frequently recommended NOS elements such as creativity and subjectivity. The paper concludes with a list of concerns and solutions to the challenges of NOS in NGSS.  相似文献   

Surface morphologies of Zr52.5 Al10 Ni10 Cu15 Be12.5 bulk metallic glass after being rolled at both a temperature around T9 and near ( Tx - 50) K were investigated with a scanning electron microscopy. Macroscopic and microscopic observation results show that squamae, cracks, steps and wedges exist on the surface when the samples were rolled at temperatures around Ty. However, a smooth and fiat surface appears when the samples were rolled at temperatures near ( Tx - 50) K. These results indicate that the mode of deformation in the supercooled liquid region is a partially homogeneous flow at a temperature around T9, and a fully homogeneous one at temperatures near ( Tx - 50) K. According to the results, it is more feasible to roll the amorphous alloys at temperatures near ( Tx - 50) K to obtain parts with smooth and fiat surface.  相似文献   

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