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Tell tales out of school.“tell tales out of school”是放学后讲故事的意思吗?如果是的,Zhan也不至于犯错误了。其实tell tales out of school的意思是“搬弄是非,背后讲人坏话”。比如说:Those who tell tales out of school won’t make true friends,如果想要表示“在放学后讲故事”,应该说tell tales out of the school。请看下面的一段对话。  相似文献   

out of的用法     
复合介词out of(亦称合成介词)在中学教材中出现率很高,在语言的实际应用中也很活跃,有多种含义,现作一简单小结: 一、表示起源、来源、由于,意为“由……出来”。1.She walked out of the room,all smiles.她笑容满面地从屋子里走了出来。2.They helped us out of pity.他们由于同情而帮助了我们。  相似文献   

中学生英语读写1.Once upon a time,there was a man named Dongguo.Mr.Dongguo was a kind-hearted man.He was even afraid of killing an ant while he was walking. One day he was going out with a bag full of books when he saw a wolf running to-wards him.“Ah,a wolf,”he cried out and was about to run away.2.“Help!Help!”the wolf ran up to him and shouted.“What's the matter with you.Mr.Wolf?”Mr. Dongguo stopped and asked.“Please save me,you kind-hearted man,”the wolf said wi…  相似文献   

一、如果动词是静态的,out of则表示一种情况或状态,意为“在……外”。  相似文献   

英语中有一些副词、名词(短语)、分词或介词短语等,在句中起连接作用,相当于连接词。下面分别列举如下:一、immediately,constantly,directly可用来引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”,意义上相当于as soon as。例如:1.The young man rushed out of the hall immediately he heard the noise.那位年轻人一听到声响就冲出了大厅。2.Jenny came directly she got Linda's message.詹妮一接到琳达的信就赶来了。二、the moment,the instant,the minute,the second等名词短语可用来引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”,意义上相当于as soon as。例如:1.I'll ask Tom to call you the minute he comes back from work.汤姆一下班回来我就叫他给你打电话。  相似文献   

1.let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密 注解:据说以前英国农贸集市上猪崽贸易很兴旺,于是有人就趁机把猫放在口袋里充当小猪出售,这样粗心的顾客往往容易上当。但有经验的顾客常会打开袋子看看,如果是猫就会立即查出来。后来let the cat out of the bag就转喻为“说漏了嘴,无意中泄露了秘密”.  相似文献   

赵东春 《英语辅导》2002,(11):11-11
“out of question”和“out of the question”,一词之差,意义却大相径庭,前者是“毫无问题“,后者则是“绝不可能”、“很成问题”。一个小小的“the”,作用却如此之大,而我们却经常忽略了它的作用。其实,在英语中,还有许多词和词组,由于“the”的存在与否,使词或词组的意义发生很大变化。现列数例以作说明,  相似文献   

look(at),see,watch和read都有“看”的意思,但彼此用法却不近相同。1.look 表示有目的地使用双眼来“看”,意为“看”、“注视”,强调看的动作。例如: Look! What are the children doing overthere?看!孩子们在那边干什么? He looks out of the window.他向窗外看。  相似文献   

高中英语第三册(下)第89课有这样一句:Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out,and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave.对于这个句子我们可以有两种不同的理解。第一,这是一个复合句,主句是个祈使句:Light the fire,后面跟着两个用and连接的并列结构:“so…that…”that分别引导的是表示结果的状语从句,  相似文献   

1.什么是英语动词的词汇意貌? 英语动词除体貌(Aspect)外,还有意貌(Lexical Aspect)。动词意貌说明动作在进行过程中的状态、方式和特性。(Aspect indicntes the aspect,the type,the characterof the action”。)换句话说,动词意貌着重说明动词所表示的动作在进行过程中的特性;即表示动作处于开始状态,还是处于持续状态,处于完成状态还是处于反复进行状态,而不涉及动作所处的时间关系(Lexical aspect is“the nature of the action of  相似文献   

1.add to/add…toadd to表示“增加,增添”,其中add是不及物动词,to是介词;add…to表示“把……加到……上去”,其中add是及物动词,to是介词。例如:1)Fireworks added to the attraction of the festivalnight.烟火使节日之夜更加生色。2)Would you please add a few notes tO the article?请您给这篇文章加几条注释好吗?2.apply to/apply…toapply to表示“适用,提出申请或要求等”;apply…to表示“把……应(施)用于……等”,例如:1)The principle of diligence and frugality applies toall undertakings.勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。2)We should apply the theory to practice.我们应该把理论应用到实践中去。  相似文献   

A Farmer     
A man is driving down a country road,when he sees a farmer stand-ing in the middle of a huge field of grass.He drives the car over to the side of the road and notices that the farmer is just standing there,doing nothing,looking at nothing.The man gets out of the car,walks all the way out to the farmer and asks him,“Ah,excuse me mister,but what are you doing?”The farmer replies,“I'm trying to win a Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖).”“How?”asks the man,puzzled(迷惑不解).“Well,I heard they give the…  相似文献   

MOTIVATION The calculus of Mobile Ambients (MA) (Cardelli and Gordon, 1998) was proposed to model the mobile computation based upon the notion of ambient, a bounded location where computation takes place. It can also perform movements and carry mul-tiple processes and nested ambients within it: Primi-tive “in” and “out” allows the ambient to cross the computation boundary, and primitive “open” allows the boundary to dissolve and then to unleash the in-ternal processes. Later on, s…  相似文献   

1.“was/were doing...when...”意为“正在……时突然……”。when后面可以跟suddenly。例如:I was walking in the street when(suddenly)I met an old friend of mine.我正在街上散步时,突然遇到了我的一个老朋友。2.“was/were about to do...when...”意为“正要……时,突然……”。例如:We were about to go out when the telephone rang.我们正要出去时,突然电话响了。3.“was/were on the point of doing...when...”意为“正要……时,突然……”。例如:I was on the point of going to bed when someone knocked at my door.我正要去睡觉时,突然有人敲门。4.“was/were on the way to...when...”意为“正要去……时,突然……”。例如:  相似文献   

1.get out of从……出去.get out of也可引伸为“摆脱”,“放弃”的意思。结构类似的短语有:take out of…从……拿出来;  相似文献   

Lesson 4(课文中)1.The children are coming out of the swimming pool.(孩子们正从游泳池里出来。)come/go out of…从……走出来,come 与 go 表示不同的方向。一般来讲,朝着说话人的方向走来用 come,离开说话人用 go。如:  相似文献   

TIGERA father and his small son werestanding in front of the tiger’s cage at thezoo.Father was explaining how ferocious(凶猛的)and strong tigers are,and junior(年少者,晚辈,这里指儿子)was taking it allin with a serious expression.“Dad,”the boy said finally,“if the tigergot out of his cage and ate you up…”“Yes,son?”the father said expectantly(期待地).“What bus should I take home?”theboy finished.  相似文献   

NMET2001阅读理解B篇中有这样一句话:The Popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt...其中beyond doubt的意思是“毫无疑问”、“不容置疑”,这里是用介词beyond表示否定。英语中表示否定意义的介词很多,除了最常用的without,instead of,but等,还有其它一些可以表示否定意义的介词。现将常用的一些归纳如下,以便同学们在阅读中正确理解。  相似文献   

1.I found out that the factory was pouring waste water into the river near it.(L9)我查清楚了,那家工厂正在向它附近的河里排污水。在此句中,waste是形容词,表示“废弃的”、“无用的”等意思。waste还可用作动词和名词。用作动词时,表示“浪费”、“滥用”、“使荒芜”、“使荒废”等意思;用作名词时,意为“浪费”、“滥用”、“废物”、“废料”、“垃圾”等。例如:The rich land was wasted by the flood.洪水使肥沃的土地荒芜了。Please putyour waste in the basket.请把废物放在篓子里。2.B usinessmen are afraid of newspap…  相似文献   

在英语中,动词的非限定形式(分词,不定式,动名词)作状语时(动名词需和介词联用),其表示的动作的行为者(the performer of the action)应该是句子中的主语,如:Looking about him,he(Galileo)discorvered that the persistent rat-tle came from a hanging oil lamp that was swinging back and forth(The performer of the action expressed by“looking”is“he”)To achieve this aim,We must 1earn from the other countries.(The performer of the action expressed by“achieve”,is“we”.)如果用作状语的动词的非限定形式所表示的动作与句中的主语不一致,就出现错句.这样的动词非限定形式被称为“垂悬结构”(Dangling Construction).  相似文献   

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