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我国教育信息化从硬、软件的配备阶段发展到注重应用及其效益的阶段,开展有关学校ICT应用效益研究的必要性和重要性也进一步凸显出来。本研究通过梳理和深入剖析IEA所开展的教育信息技术方面的国际研究项目SITES,对ICT应用效益的研究框架、研究方法、表现及影响因素等方面进行归纳和分析,希望能提供关于学校ICT应用效益研究方面的重要借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

在我国,教育信息化从硬、软件的配备阶段发展到注重应用及其效益的阶段,开展有关学校ICT应用效益研究的必要性和重要性也进一步凸显出来。通过梳理和深入剖析欧洲国家学校ICT效益研究报告,对ICT应用效益的研究理论框架、研究方法、ICT应用效益的界定、ICT应用效益的表现及其影响因素等方面进行归纳和分析,既能够帮助我们理性认识信息技术在教育教学过程中的有限作用,也能够进一步厘清信息技术的有效应用问题,并提供关于学校ICT应用效益研究方面的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

我国教育信息化已经从硬、软件的配备阶段发展到注重应用及其效益的阶段,当前,开展有关学校ICT应用效益的研究的必要性和重要性也进一步凸显出来.通过梳理和深入剖析英国学校ICT效益研究报告,对ICT应用效益的研究理论框架、研究方法、ICT应用效益的界定、ICT应用效益的表现及其影响因素等方面进行归纳和分析,既能够帮助我们理性认识信息技术在教育教学过程中的有限作用,也能够进一步厘清信息技术的有效应用问题,并提供关于学校ICT应用效益研究方面的借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

随着教育信息化转向深入应用阶段,开展对信息化效益的评估研究显得越来越迫切,然而在评估手段上,仍然主要是沿用传统的测验、访谈、问卷调查方法,如何在Web平台上开展评估是一个值得研究的论题,针对这一论题作出实践探索,最后对如何实施有效的评估提出一些设想。  相似文献   

高校信息技术应用的成本—效益评估理论研究相对滞后于其实践,一直没有一个将成本与效益两方面集成在一起的评估模型为高校提供决策依据。针对这一问题,文章建构了高校信息技术应用的成本—效益评估模型,并从务实角度提出具有操作性的应用步骤,期望帮助高校做出正确的投资决策,推动教育信息化进程的不断深入。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化转向深入应用阶段,开展对信息化效益的评估研究显得越来越迫切,然而在评估手段上,仍然主要是沿用传统的测验、访谈、问卷调查方法,如何在Web平台上开展评估是一个值得研究的论题,针对这一论题作出实践探索,最后对如何实施有效的评估提出一些设想。  相似文献   

教育信息技术的生产率悖论是由评估困难、效用时滞、效益外溢和管理不当四个缘由引起的。教育信息技术从集成应用向结构重组的过渡阶段是生产率悖论的高发期。从管理视域提出"三重景深"策略,从战略规划到结构重组到项目成功,层层细化,期望消解教育信息技术的生产率悖论,推动教育信息化的纵深发展。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》指出"信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响,必须予以高度重视"。面对课程改革的要求和实施方案,信息技术将会对课改,尤其是高中新课程的实施起到至关重要的作用。那么如何在新课程背景下,评估基础教育信息化应用效益,以应用为导向,促进发挥其对新课改的支撑作用,提高在新课改中的服务水平,将会成为基础教育信息化研究的新焦点。文章试图提出一种基础教育信息化效益评估模型,尝试从不同的视角评估基础教育信息化的效益。  相似文献   

在信息技术不断发展并广泛应用于教育领域的情况下,多媒体教学已经成为重要的教学方法,在应用多媒体教育手段的基础上,极大促进了教育教学活动的改革创新。WebQuest学习法就是基于多媒体技术应用形成的新教育方法,将其应用到初中阶段的信息技术教学中能促进教学活动的优化开展。本文以此为研究对象进行分析,希望可以促进初中阶段信息技术教学水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

在小学阶段开展媒介素养教育具有启蒙意义。从媒介素养教育内涵切入,阐述媒介素养教育的现状和存在的问题,研究基于信息技术的媒介素养教育课程如何开展,建构信息技术课程在媒介素养教育中的可为之处,让小学生会用媒介、善用媒介。  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical perspective on the attempts to promote the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning in England. It describes the rationale given for the introduction of ICT in terms of its potential to impact on educational standards to contribute to developing a curriculum which has more vocational/social significance and, more generally, to provide a catalyst for curriculum reform. The introduction of ICT is underpinned by the argument that schools should show a higher degree of correspondence with a wider world where the use of technology is pervasive. However, the claims made for ICT display excessive optimism and a sense of “inevitability.” ICT has had only a modest impact on schools, though impact has to be considered in the context of what can realistically be expected: the contribution of ICT has not been negligible. Future development in the use of ICT should be more measured and adaptive, taking account of the multidimensional nature of technology.  相似文献   

The use of ICT (information and communication technology) in homes is growing faster than its use in schools and colleges—and there are already more systems in homes than in educational settings. This article argues that we should attempt to enter the area which most research on ICT in education tends to ignore: the secret garden of the learner at home. It is based partly on two pilot case-studies of secondary schools and a small sample of their students. Given the paucity of research in this area the article poses more questions than it answers. What are the implications of ICT use at home for teachers in schools? Do home systems interfere with school education or can they be used to enhance it? How should teachers respond to, and assess, work done using home ICT? Is the home situation widening the gap between one set of pupils (the "haves" of ICT) and another? Suggestions for school policies and action research for the future are put forward.  相似文献   

With the continuous deployment of ICT in K-12 education, strong access but weak uptake has become the greatest challenge for ICT implementation in schools. As the pioneer of China’s K-12 educational reform, Shanghai draws our attention in terms of the critical factors and the underlying mechanism of ICT transformation in K-12 schools. The study used questionnaire survey data collected from 2894 Shanghai teachers (971 primary, 990 middle and 933 high school teachers) to investigate the relationships between government ICT policy, school principal e-leadership, ICT implementation in schools, teacher attitudes towards ICT and pedagogical change and changes in student learning. The structural equation modelling results revealed a significant influence of e-leadership by school principals on ICT transformation in schools, confirming the critical role of e-leadership in ICT transformation model. In addition, the higher the school stage, the more personal rather than organisational factors affected the changes in teaching and learning. The findings imply a profound sociocultural and technological dilemma due to the pressure of getting into college and risk-taking in ICT-related educational transformation. The study contributes to our knowledge in terms of a more nuanced ICT transformation mechanism between school stages.  相似文献   

An important step towards the successful integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in schools is to facilitate their capacity to develop a school based ICT policy. However, one of the biggest challenges for schools is to gather data that could help shape such policy development. In this context, ICT researchers can be very useful as they can use the data gathered from their research projects to give feedback to schools. In this article, we present an electronic school performance feedback system (e‐SPFS) we developed for schools that participated in our survey research. This e‐SPFS illustrates how researchers can collaborate with practitioners; and how schools use data to examine their performance, their strengths and their weaknesses in shaping ICT policy decisions and practice. We appeal the ICT research community to carry out more research that is grounded in a school performance feedback cycle.  相似文献   

This paper examines lessons learnt from national research and evaluation studies of ICT in schools in the UK. From research on policy implementation and reform in education, it is well known that change is either very slow or tends to fail. Implementation is a complex procedure, not a direct translation from government policy to practice. Alongside documentary analysis of national evaluation reports, the analysis provides a framework for understanding the implementation process, which exemplifies the structural procedures involved. Government policy has to be filtered through macro, meso and micro levels, as policy is mediated through national agencies (macro), regional agencies (meso) down to individual schools and teachers at the micro level. The analysis identified five key areas that were problematic regarding government policy implementation. These related to management, funding, technology procurement, ICT training and impact on pedagogy. Specifically these were (1) the multi-agency nature of the initiatives in the UK and their leadership; (2) funding disparities that emerged and (3) how these impacted on differential technology resourcing and procurement between schools; (4) the UK’s national ICT training programme for serving teachers; and (5) the impact on pedagogy, of which the latter to date, has been more limited than politicians had hoped. The analysis indicates that policy aims can be achieved if an awareness of the complexity of the implementation process is maintained. This necessitates an understanding of the fact that it is a fluid, non-linear, reiterative process in which key factors are dynamically inter-related: namely, ICT needs to be implemented on multiple fronts, both materially in terms of an ICT infrastructure and culturally in terms of generating an ethos that values ICT for classroom practice. Attending to the multidimensionality of ICT policy implementation aids the management of the change process at the local level of the school. This allows for an understanding of the ways in which teachers interpret policy and engage in implementation of ICT at the local level.  相似文献   


Evaluating the nature and extent of the influence of information and communications technology (ICT) on the quality of learning is highly problematic, owing to the number and complexity of interacting variables involved in settings for teaching and learning. Yet, for those responsible for allocating large sums of money to the development of ICT in education, it is important to identify, characterise, measure and model more precisely the features and processes through which technology impacts upon teaching and learning activities. This article offers a framework for analysing the effects of ICT in combination with the other factors which may enhance or ameliorate the positive impact of ICT in the classroom and beyond. This framework is applicable to different levels of evaluation, including large scale curriculum development programmes, curriculum and pedagogical change in particular schools, and individual teachers' planning and reflection. Its use in evaluating new ICT-based teaching approaches at classroom level is illustrated and analysed in the context of an in-service teacher education programme in the United Kingdom, and suggestions are made concerning the development of evaluation tools based on the framework  相似文献   

The impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the management practices in the Malaysian Smart Schools was investigated. The analysis revealed that the impact has resulted in changes that include the enrichment of the ICT culture among students and teachers, more efficient student and teacher administration, better accessibility to information and a higher utilisation of school resources. This analysis also revealed that time constraints, higher administrative costs, negative acceptance/support from some untrained staff, abuse of the ICT facilities and problems related to the imposed rigid procedural requirements are among the challenges encountered by the schools.  相似文献   

This study examines how the leaders of technology integration in educational institutions - school principals and ICT facilitators - assess systemic changes that occurred in their schools. The study collected the data from Israeli elementary schools towards the end of the third and the fourth years of the gradual National ICT program. The research questions explored (1) the predictors of the general school ICT culture and (2) changes over time in the general school ICT culture and its components. An online questionnaire was distributed to all elementary schools in the Northern District and filled out jointly by the school principal and ICT facilitator. A total of 392 questionnaires (91.2 % response rate) were analyzed. The following predictors explained 63 % of variance in general school ICT culture: the percent of teachers who frequently use ICT in lessons, using technology for enhance pedagogy, teachers’ digital competence, digital content use, its design by teachers, pedagogical update of class website, school portal update (negative predictor), e-communication within school staff, and teacher-parents e-communication. Regarding the impact of time, the results indicated that between the 3rd and 4th years of ICT integration significant changes still occur in the general school ICT culture and most of its components.  相似文献   

This article describes a qualitative study designed to investigate information and communications technology (ICT) leadership by considering the lived experiences of principals in 10 carefully selected ICT-enriched schools in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. To encourage further discussion regarding the impact of ICT on educational leadership practice, I have outlined a framework that suggests eight categories of ICT leadership. Although this study focussed on principals of ICT-enriched schools, the practical wisdom of the study participants has potential to assist other educational leaders who are expected to ensure that ICT becomes a tool to enhance learning, teaching, and leadership.  相似文献   

Teachers have a central role in developing new learning models in schools. This paper describes a study that explored teachers’ confidence and competence in using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as they participated in an ICT development project conducted by an Australian education system in 12 primary schools. The project aimed to develop ICT integrated teaching practices by providing in‐class equipment and teacher professional development in ICT use, curriculum development and teaching strategies. The study used qualitative data from teacher records of Professional Development and Action Learning to identify three of four stages proposed to describe teachers’ ICT learning. Teachers moved from gaining basic ICT skills, to conducting ICT‐focused lessons and eventually appropriate ICT integration. Teachers who progressed to the third stage were able to exploit additional learning opportunities and begin to make fundamental changes to their pedagogy, but needed more time to reach the final stage of challenging existing pedagogical structures.  相似文献   

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