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以叶芝的早期浪漫主义诗作《当你年老时》为个案研究对象,从语音,词汇,修辞手段以及语境与衔接几个层面研究其文体特征,重新评读该诗,从而得出另一种全新的诗歌意境——凄关的人生预言。  相似文献   

~~梁简文帝《经琵琶峡》诗发微@林大志$河北大学人文学院中文系!河北保定071002~~~~~~  相似文献   

美国现代派诗人肯明斯的诗歌《野牛比尔不复存在》形式独特,思想深邃,历来对其主题的看法多有不同。依据"前景化"理论进行分析,此诗采用了包括偏离、并置和修辞在内的丰富的文体手段,突出了词汇、书写、读音乃至图示等方面的"前景效果"。这些文体手段一方面增加了诗歌的艺术性和形式美,同时对诗歌主题的表现也起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

张冠男 《海外英语》2014,(15):262-264
As a unique feature of literature, poem brings readers music beauty, image beauty, visual beauty as well as symbolic beauty. Robert Frost is an American contemporary poet who is good at stylistic feature of poems, especially in macroscopic organization, rhetorical methods, grammatical metaphor, vocabulary, rhythmic feature, and semantic relations. Generally, sound is related to phonetics and phonology. Patterns of sound can create melodious effect in poetry, and sometimes a single vowel or consonant will make the verse or even the particular poem significant. Sometimes musical or incantatory effects are achieved through devices such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance and rhythm. A stylistic analysis of Robert Frost’s famous poem"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"is given, which mainly focused on its language features. Through the excellent choice of words and organization of sound, Frost makes the simplest pieces into meaningful poems with beautiful melody and brings readers refreshing sense, flatus of life, tranquility and geniality.  相似文献   

莎士比亚是一位语言大师,他的戏剧台词是诗与散文的巧妙结合。本文对《麦克白》中的几种修辞手法进行分析,从而得出结论:莎士比亚巧妙运用了各种修辞手法,使得语言充满诗性,作品得以流传世代,成为经典。  相似文献   

In this article, stylistic techniques and methods are used for the stylistic analysis of Dundrup Gyal's poem " The Waterfall of Youth " The analysis is made under the aspects of phonologically, graphlogically, grammatically, syntactically and semantically patterns.This analysis is helpful in understanding the basic concept of poem that is about the youth of Tibet.  相似文献   

Naomi Lazard(瑶密·娜萨德)写了一组以公告为名,以美国越南战争为写作背景的反战诗。《来自前线消息的公告》正是这组诗中最具代表性的一首。本文从变异和歧义角度,分析该诗在选词搭配、语域转换和意象等方面的特色和创新使用,发现这首诗的魅力因为不同寻常的文体特色而大放光彩,同时对该诗有更全面,更深刻的认识。  相似文献   

现代小品文虽然比小说,诗歌等文体的起步要晚,却成熟最早,形成了独抒性灵、表现自我、崇尚自由的文体特征,其中隐含的原因自然是多方面的;与“五四”高扬个性解放、思想解放的时代气候有关;也与西学东渐,东西方文学处于交流碰撞的文学气候有关;但还现代知识分子批判“文以载道”观,对自我身份的确认;对Essay的移植、消化和吸收;对晚明小品文的积极认同有关,使现代小品文成为表现知识分子的精神话语。这种“人的觉醒”和“文的解放”的相互结合,从根本上促动了现代小品文的诞生和蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

This essay is intended as a tentative analysis of Emily Dickinson's poem I Am Nobody! Who are you? mainly from the perspective of literary stylistics. By probing into such stylistic aspects of the poem as punctuation,figure of speech and rhythm and rhyme scheme,we may better understand not only the poem itself but also the poetess' mentality.  相似文献   

宋代诗词在文化转型过程中,因文体特点、创作心态及发展阶段的不同,在雅俗走向上产生了很大的差异,是宋代文化中雅俗观念的直接体现,又在一定程度上引导了雅俗两种文化的交融。这种现象说明,时代文化影响甚至制约着文学的发展,同时文学自身规律的发展,又促使社会意识形态及审美情趣等发生改变,并对文化走向产生一定的作用。  相似文献   

中外学者之所以共认译诗之所以难,主要在于诗歌独立的文体特征;如果对于诗歌没有基本的了解与认识,到位的译诗是不可能出现的。“以诗译诗”作为一种新的译诗观念具有重要的意义:前一个“诗”是指对本我民族里诗之共识;后一个“诗”,是指所译对象的美质与美形。只有当两个“诗”相生相融的时候,绝佳的译诗也就产生了。在当代中国文学翻译界,如果有一批译者能够长期践行“以诗译诗”,则是中国诗坛之幸,世界诗坛之幸!  相似文献   

《末选之路》是20世纪著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的经典之作,这首小诗几乎家喻户晓,作者用平实的语言道出深刻的哲理,于平实中见深刻,给人耳目一新之感。此文运用文体学理论,对本诗的语音、词汇、象征等方面予以分析,总结出其精妙之处,并期待以此推,“文体学在文学作品研究中的运用。  相似文献   

The paper analyze the stylistic feature of the poem from the perspective of its stanza,rhyme,syntax and discourse.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stylistic feature of the poem from the perspective of its theme,its sentence pattern  相似文献   

王莉 《海外英语》2012,(3):208-209,235
In the narrow sense, the stylistic is the study of literature style. This paper will only focus on the style of poetry and analyze the stylistic characteristics of the poem titled A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns. Through and analysis, the aesthetic value and reasons of its pop ularity and eternality will be revealed.  相似文献   

卡明斯是美国的诗人和小说家,他的诗歌以风格独特著称。卡明斯力求独树一帜,敢于突破传统诗歌形式的束缚,在诗歌的换行,单词的拼写等方面进行创新,创造了典型的卡明斯风格的诗作。他的诗歌的最主要特点就是变异。本文以卡明斯的一首小诗ihavefoundwhatyouarelike为题材,站在文体学的角度对其语法、书写和词汇等方面对其变异特点进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

赵文荣 《海外英语》2014,(16):192-194,212
E. E. Cummings is one of the representatives of American modern experimental poets whose poems are well-known for the unique style. Cummings endeavors to make his poems be different from other poets’. He broke the traditional way of writing poems, invented in the changing of lines of the poem and the spelling of the words in the poem, thus to make his personal poem style distinctive. Therefore, standing on the stylistic point of view, this paper makes a brief analysis on Cummings’ typical poems from foregrounding perspective.  相似文献   

大量地使用典故、圣经和神话原型意象是艾略特诗歌创作的主要特色之一。在诗歌《圣灰星期三》中,艾略特运用意象、原型、典故、象征和残缺的情节等艺术手法勾勒出一幅诗歌图画,传达了渴望宗教救赎和精神复生的心声。本文通过分析诗歌中庞杂繁复的原型意象,解读了瑰丽的诗歌图景下诗人的感情经历。  相似文献   

This paper aims to make a general analysis of the famous poem The Eagle from stylistic perspective.By analyzing its phonological,lexical and grammatical feature,the poet's intention and emotional effect can be thoroughly understood.  相似文献   

"诗言志"是中国诗歌之魂,新诗要继承和发扬古典诗歌主体特征,要具有文化美、语言美、形式美.  相似文献   

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