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College students select majors for a variety of reasons, including expected returns in the labor market. This paper demonstrates an empirical method linking a census of US degrees and fields of study with measures of the knowledge content of jobs. The study combines individual wage and employment data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) with ratings on 27 knowledge content areas from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), thus providing measures of the economy-wide knowledge content of jobs. Fields of study and corresponding BA degree data from the Digest of Education Statistics for 1976–1977 through 2001–2002 are linked to these 27 content areas. We find that the choice of college major is responsive to changes in the knowledge composition of jobs and, more problematically, the wage returns to types of knowledge. Women's degree responsiveness to knowledge content appears to be stronger than men's, but their response to wage returns is weak.  相似文献   


Policymakers have become increasingly concerned with measuring—and holding colleges accountable for—students’ labor market outcomes. In this article we introduce a piecewise growth curve approach to analyzing community college students’ labor market outcomes, and we discuss how this approach differs from two popular econometric approaches: Mincerian and individual fixed-effects models. Our results suggest that three assumptions underpinning econometric approaches—that across-student variation is constant across time, that the model specifies a counterfactual that is appropriate for all members of the sample, and that the impacts of a given award are fixed across time—may not be well founded. We then highlight how insights gained from the growth curve approach can be used to strengthen evolving econometric analyses of labor market returns.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the economic returns on tertiary degrees obtained in ages above 30 for individuals with upper-secondary schooling in light of current ideas on lifelong learning. Sweden is a case in point: Swedish tertiary education is open to older students, and labor market legislation supports employees who take a leave to study. The longitudinal data used for this analysis is based on annual population level registers from 1981 to 2007. Matching techniques are combined with fixed effect estimation to account for non-random selection. Late degrees were found to increase the employment rate by 18 percentage points and earnings while employed by 12 percent, which indicates strong employment effects and small effects on earnings while employed. The effects were absent in the higher parts of the earnings distribution, and females gained more than men. The estimated effects are largely stable across periods within a birth cohort.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the associate degree track no longer reflects the path of community college students pursuing bachelor's degrees. Rather, students use the community college to fulfill specific degree requirements. This study investigated whether community college credits were used to fulfill core or major requirements among baccalaureate graduates of a private liberal arts college over a five-year period. Results indicate that more than one-third of graduates used the community college to fulfill requirements for the bachelor's degree. Overall, the primary use of the community college was to fulfill requirements for the core curriculum. Use of the community college was greatest among humanities majors, with business majors completing the most community college hours.  相似文献   


Using large sample data from the 2013 National College Graduate Employment Survey, this article compares and analyzes differences in the job-seeking process and results for college students with urban and rural household registrations and uses a measurement model to explore factors affecting the starting salaries of college students. The research found that in the job seeking results, college students with urban household registrations had higher starting salaries than did college students with rural household registrations, and a greater proportion of college students with urban household registrations entered the main labor market. An overall analysis of the job seeking process shows that compared to college students with rural household registrations, college students with urban household registrations first showed a greater inclination to choosing management and technical professions. Furthermore, they obtain better quality positions by investing more economic resources, making more effective use of information channels, and using less time for job seeking. Finally, a study of the factors impacting starting salaries found that gender factors have a greater impact on college students with urban household registrations, the contribution rate of academic degrees toward starting salary is greater for college students with rural household registrations, and the intergenerational transmission of extent of education and income is more significant for graduates with urban household registrations.  相似文献   

Community colleges are complex organizations and assessing their performance, though important, is difficult. Compared to 4-year colleges and universities, community colleges serve a more diverse population and provide a wider variety of educational programs that include continuing education and technical training for adults, and diplomas, associates degrees, and transfer credits for recent high school graduates. Focusing solely on the latter programs of North Carolina’s community colleges, we measure the success of each college along two dimensions: attainment of an applied diploma or degree; or completion of the coursework required to transfer to a 4-year college or university. We address three questions. First, how much variation is there across the institutions in these measures of student success? Second, how do these measures of success differ across institutions after we adjust for the characteristics of the enrolled students? Third, how do our measures compare to the measures of success used by the North Carolina Community College System? Although we find variation along both dimensions of success, we also find that part of this variation is attributable to differences in the kinds of students who attend various colleges. Once we correct for such differences, we find that it is not possible to distinguish most of the system’s colleges from one another along either dimension. Top-performing institutions, however, can be distinguished from the most poorly performing ones. Finally, our adjusted rates of success show little correlation either to measurable aspects of the various colleges or to the metrics used by the state.  相似文献   

在英国,是否被高校录取,往往以学生通过各种类型的学习和考核所获得的资格证书为依据。英国有各种各样的资格证书考试和很多的考试机构,而通过某些资格考试或水平考试就是考生进入高校的敲门砖。另外,英国还有高校招生服务中心来联系高校和考生,并处理一些招生事务。在录取的程序中,考生需要按高校的要求提出申请,高校根据考生的情况确定无条件录取还是有条件录取。它们对我国的启示主要表现在以下三个方面:重视资格证书和水平考试;有专门招生服务机构;高校拥有招生自主权。  相似文献   

影响大学生就业的因素包括自身人力资本、劳动力需求、劳动力供给以及劳动力市场等,而影响就业的另一个重要因素——社会资本也逐渐受到人们的重视。韶关学院韶州师范分院学前教育专业毕业生拥有的社会资本情况不容乐观。鉴于此,院就业指导部门采取以下有力措施积极拓展学校及大学生个人的社会资本:积极拓展个人弱关系社会资本;注重个人强关系社会资本的运用;塑造良好的学校形象;加强学校内部社会资本的积累。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业流动经历了从个体显著到群体显著的演变,并将随着时代的发展不断变化。高校毕业生就业流动与社会分层是一个复杂的过程,受到多方面因素的影响。从文化资本而言,学历证书作为体制状态的文化资本,影响着高校毕业生的就业流动与社会地位;从人力资本而言,人力资本存量提升了高校毕业生在就业市场中的地位,为高校毕业生提供了向上流动的资质;从社会资本而言,高等教育通过社会资本进行阶层复制,那些社会资本雄厚的学生比其他学生更有机会获得更好的职业和流动到高阶层社会地位中去。  相似文献   

Two-year colleges are an important part of the higher education system in the United States but there are concerns as to how attendance at these institutions affects educational attainment and labor market outcomes. This paper uses data from a nationally representative survey to examine the impact of students beginning their college career at a two-year college instead of a four-year college. Treatment effects are estimated using both standard regression techniques as well as propensity score matching. As these estimates may be contaminated because of selection on unobservable characteristics this paper will also employ a number of sensitivity analyses to consider the potential bias. The results show large negative impacts on both educational attainment and labor market outcomes for men and women who begin at a two-year college, even for those students who expect to complete a bachelor's degree. The evidence from the sensitivity analyses suggest that to eliminate these large effects there would need to be substantial, and arguably implausible, selection on unobservable characteristics.  相似文献   

钟云华 《复旦教育论坛》2012,10(2):34-37,54
论文将劳动力市场划分为体制内劳动力市场与体制外劳动力市场,将大学毕业生的求职过程划分为信息收集与求职进行两个阶段,在一个二元、动态的分析框架内,就强弱社会关系对大学生就业机会获得及起薪水平的影响进行了实证研究。研究发现,强弱社会关系对大学生求职的影响与空间相关:在体制外劳动力市场,弱关系更有助于获得就业信息,弱关系比强关系更"强";但在体制内劳动力市场,强关系比弱关系更"强"。强弱关系对大学生求职的影响也与时间相关:在求职进行阶段,强关系更有助于就业机会获得,强关系比弱关系更"强"。但不管是强关系,还是弱关系,对大学生起薪水平均没有"强"影响,强弱关系对大学生起薪水平的影响与空间及时间都无关。  相似文献   

Upon graduation from 2-year college occupational programs, most individuals either obtain employment or transfer to a 4-year college. This article examines the labor market implications of such a decision. To this end, the labor market experiences of two groups of 2-year college graduates (one subsample was characterized by terminal 2-year college degrees while the other was composed of 2-year college graduates who continued their educations at the 4-year college level) were compared. The data suggest that in both the short and longer run, the 4-year college graduates have more favorable labor market experiences than the 2-year college graduates. The data also indicate 2-year college graduates confront credential barriers which place serious constraints on their career potential.  相似文献   

二元劳动力市场分割理论视野下的文科知识失业分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生就业随着高等教育扩招日趋严峻,而大学生知识失业现象在文科中更加突出.二元劳动力市场分割理论把劳动力市场分为主要劳动力市场和次要劳动力市场.运用该理论可以更清晰地分析我国文科大学生知识失业现状和紧迫性,提出加强文科专业壁垒以增强文科生就业竞争力.  相似文献   


Investment of time in internship and in-school learning or study are two ways to accumulate human capital for college students. The authors take I&S input as two impacting faAQctors for graduates’ starting salaries to construct an I&S input allocation model minimizing “psychological cost.” The model inference indicates that the optimal allocation of I&S input relies on three aspects: returns to I&S of the future labor market, graduates’ cognitive attitudes toward the role of I&S, and the comparative advantages of I&S. The authors use the 2015 China College Graduates’ Employment Survey data conducted by the Institute of Education at Peking University to empirically verify the theoretical model. They found that under the current labor market conditions, the time input on I&S does not necessarily bring better returns, and there is a significant difference among student groups between the actual I&S time input and the “theoretically optimal values” predicted by the model. The authors conclude that the failure of allocating the I&S time input will hinder graduates’ successful transition from universities to the labor market. To avoid this time input imbalance, institutions should strengthen the guidance of I&S time input, improve the related management system, and pay more attention to I&S input quality and optimal allocation.  相似文献   

We consider the academic performance of Italian university graduates and their labor market position 3 years after graduation. Our data confirm the common finding that female students outperform male students in academia but are overcome in the labor market. Assuming that academic competition is fair and that individual talent is equally distributed by gender, we suggest that the gender gap evident in degree scores is endogenously due to the greater effort exerted by female students. We find that females face a greater increase in labor market returns from signalling through academic performance. This higher prize explains the greater effort exerted by females and the higher probability of winning the academic competition.  相似文献   

高职计算机应用技术人才培养实施"双证书"制度,是高等职业教育实现高素质技能型专门人才培养目标的要求。自1999年以来,黄冈职院全面实行双证书人才培养制度,取得了较好的效果,以计算机应用技术专业为例,解析"双证书"人才培养模式。  相似文献   

This article outlines a technique for analyzing various segments of a college's market for students. Careful scrutiny of the segments in which the college has a relatively limited appeal may suggest strategies for improving the college's performance in those segments. The article further describes a pilot test of the technique using data from Shippens-burg State College. Two key results of the pilot test were: 1. The college should give strong consideration to developing programs of interest to high-ability male students, a group currently underrepresented. 2. The development of a tuition schedule based on parental income would increase the proportion of lower-income students at the college. The cost, however, would have to be borne by the state, as the college would lose upper-income students in substantial numbers.  相似文献   

随着大学生就业形势的日益严峻,大学校园出现了“考证热潮”。文章采用问卷法、访谈法、文献法对河南科技学院大学生考证状况进行调查,运用SPSS17.0对数据进行统计分析,结果显示:个人拥有证书数量随年级而增加,不同年级、家庭学生的考证状况不同,考证原因呈多样化趋势,且考证会在一定程度上影响专业课的学习。建议大学生要明确考证的目的,培养健康的心态;调整专业课学习与考证的关系,合理进行职业规划。  相似文献   

This article argues for the importance of integrating a focus on language, literacy, and academic development for United States-educated language minority (US-LM) students, sometimes called Generation 1.5. It describes four initiatives at community colleges in California that aim to do so. US-LM students have completed some K–12 schooling in the United States, but their English is considered by community college faculty, staff, or assessment measures to be inadequate for college-level instruction. Although enacting effective language and literacy support for Generation 1.5 has centered on debates about whether these students belong in English as a Second Language (ESL) or remedial English courses, how they can best be identified and tested, or whether they should be taught in separate classes, we argue that more fundamental shifts are needed. Instead of conceiving of students’ language and literacy development solely in terms of progress through ESL or remedial English sequences, educators designing support for US-LM students must also consider larger contexts of students’ academic progress, promoting students’ development of language and literacy for success in academic and professional settings as well as progress toward completing credits required for associate degrees, certificates, and transfer to four-year institutions.  相似文献   

We apply a semi-parametric latent variable model to estimate selection and sorting effects on the evolution of private returns to schooling for college graduates during China's reform between 1988 and 2002. We find that there were substantial sorting gains under the traditional system, but such gains have dissipated to negligible levels in the most recent data. We take this as evidence of growing influence of private financial constraints on decisions to attend college as tuition costs have risen and the relative importance of government subsidies has declined. The main policy implication of our results is that labor and education reform without concomitant capital market reform and government support for the financially disadvantaged exacerbates increases in inequality inherent in elimination of the traditional “wage-grid”.  相似文献   

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