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This article presents an empirical investigation of counselor self-efficacy within 2 theoretical domains of the Integrated Developmental Model (IDM) of supervision.  相似文献   

This experimental study examined the effects of an instructor’s face threat mitigation tactics on student self-efficacy for learning and perceived emotional support from the instructor in a written feedback setting. Participants (N = 401) were randomly assigned to one of two feedback scenarios in which level of face threat was manipulated. Student feedback anxiety was measured prior to being exposed to the feedback scenario. Results indicate that high face threat mitigation is positively associated with student self-efficacy for learning and perceived emotional support from the instructor. Results also revealed that feedback anxiety predicts lower self-efficacy for learning and less perceived emotional support from the instructor. Implications regarding theory, the measurement of feedback apprehension, and student–instructor communication are discussed.  相似文献   


This study expanded on previous models that looked primarily at student and support factors related to student retention and examined other stakeholder group functions not previously reviewed in relation to student retention. The research question assumed that greater faculty participation in campus decision-making and faculty satisfaction would have been associated with a higher campus student retention rate. The non-experimental retrospective design examined the unanalyzed 2007 community college (CC) Changing Academic Profession (CAP) survey in relation to campus retention rates. The CAP captured faculty perceptions of whether faculty or non-faculty entities were the primary influence on decisions regarding academic matters, as well as a rating of faculty satisfaction. Analysis indicated that CC faculty rated their participation in campus decision-making versus non-faculty entities similarly to the ratings of faculty who had completed the CAP at four-year institutions. When compared with the 2007 retention rate per campus, only faculty job satisfaction was statistically significantly positively associated with student retention. Recommendations for future research include continuing to look at retention as an outcome of a multi-factorial model involving all campus stakeholders, and more research with retention as the outcome.  相似文献   

This study examined how self-efficacy and motivation affected student persistence at an urban community college. Self-efficacy was studied at two dimensions: self-regulated learning efficacy and self-efficacy for academic achievement. Motivation was also investigated at two levels: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Results show that self-regulated learning efficacy and extrinsic motivation predicted persistence. Intrinsic motivation and academic achievement self-efficacy failed to predict persistence directly. Two path models were constructed to assess the direct and indirect relationships among self-efficacy, motivation, and persistence. The reduced model explained 8% of the variance in persistence. In the reduced model, extrinsic motivation emerged as a mediator in the relationship between the two dimensions of self-efficacy and persistence. It was also found that self-efficacy measures correlated well with motivation measures. Implications and limitations of the research findings are discussed.  相似文献   

通过调查问卷方法对西部某“985”高校长学制直博生进行研究,获得562份有效数据。结果发现,长学制直博生的学业坚持意愿呈现分化的趋势,男生比女生的学业坚持倾向更强,一年级学生比二年级的学业坚持倾向更强,人文学科学生比其他学科的学生坚持性更强。非学术压力总分较高,来源于就业、经济、照顾家庭、婚恋、同学竞争、学校管理沟通等方面。非学术压力对长学制直博生的学业坚持具有显著负向影响。自我效能对学业坚持有正向显著影响,但自我效能对压力和学业坚持的影响模式没有调节作用。最后提出了改善长学制直博生学业坚持的对策建议。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to test the structure of attitudes to school subjects and to test the causal relationship between attitudes, level of aspiration (goal) and achievement with SEM procedures. A total of 280 high school students participated in the study. Items measuring attitude towards each subject matter clustered around one factor indicating that each school subject is unique, but related, to other subjects. These distinct, but related, factors seemed to be underlined by a higher-order construct: 'attitudes to school'. The structural analysis revealed that 'attitudes to school' influence achievement, but only indirectly. Level of aspiration had significant direct effect on achievement and mediated between 'attitudes' and achievement.  相似文献   

高等教育“买方”市场的形成意味着学生在教育中话语权逐渐提升,高等教育竞争特征越来越趋向对学生的关照。基于禀赋视角对学生非理性行为进行解释,提出禀赋效应引致的非理性行为构成双向结构模型,结合对497名大学生的调查,分析了禀赋效应在学生非理性行为上的解释关系与影响路径,发现在性别、户籍、学科、年级上存在显著差异。研究结论将有助于从禀赋效应视角对学生的非理性行为进行合理的解释与评估,并可作为依据对学生的非理性行为进行合理利用或规避,提高学生事务管理的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

新高考背景下,高中生需要自主选科选课,高中生涯规划教育旨在帮助学生对职业生涯发展形成自主的认识.为了探讨父母特定生涯行为与高中生职业成熟度的关系及其内在作用机制,采用《中学生职业成熟度量表》《父母特定生涯行为量表》《职业决策自我效能量表》,对427名高一学生进行调查.研究发现:父母特定生涯行为(包括支持型、干预型、缺失型)与高中生职业成熟度显著相关;职业决策自我效能在父母特定生涯行为与职业成熟度的关系中起中介作用;父母特定生涯行为是干预型和缺失型的学生,在职业生涯规划中体验到的职业决策自我效能比父母特定生涯行为是支持型的学生少一些,导致前两者学生的职业成熟度较低.为了帮助学生做好职业决策,学校和教师应重视家长在学生生涯发展中的重要作用,做好家长的职业生涯规划教育;对高中生开展有针对性的辅导,助力其生涯发展;"五位一体",推进高中生生涯课程体系建设,提升学生的职业决策自我效能感;实施"全方位辅导",推动高中生涯规划教育改革.  相似文献   

新高考背景下,高中生需要自主选科选课,高中生涯规划教育旨在帮助学生对职业生涯发展形成自主的认识.为了探讨父母特定生涯行为与高中生职业成熟度的关系及其内在作用机制,采用《中学生职业成熟度量表》《父母特定生涯行为量表》《职业决策自我效能量表》,对427名高一学生进行调查.研究发现:父母特定生涯行为(包括支持型、干预型、缺失型)与高中生职业成熟度显著相关;职业决策自我效能在父母特定生涯行为与职业成熟度的关系中起中介作用;父母特定生涯行为是干预型和缺失型的学生,在职业生涯规划中体验到的职业决策自我效能比父母特定生涯行为是支持型的学生少一些,导致前两者学生的职业成熟度较低.为了帮助学生做好职业决策,学校和教师应重视家长在学生生涯发展中的重要作用,做好家长的职业生涯规划教育;对高中生开展有针对性的辅导,助力其生涯发展;"五位一体",推进高中生生涯课程体系建设,提升学生的职业决策自我效能感;实施"全方位辅导",推动高中生涯规划教育改革.  相似文献   

The relative importance of mental effort, as indicated by strategy use, and persistence as potential mediators of the memory self-efficacy (MSE)/memory performance relationship was investigated within a sample of 26 adults aged 65 years and older. It was found that persistence but not strategy use was predictive of performance on a free-recall task. Age-related declines were found in persistence, performance, and MSE but not in strategy use. Counter to expectation, neither strategy use nor persistence was significantly related to a global measure of MSE. These results highlight the importance in MSE research of distinguishing mental effort and persistence, of task-specific measures of MSE, and of considering age-related changes within the elderly population. Implications for MSE intervention programs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Dull classroom environments, poor students’ attitudes and inhibited conceptual development led to the creation of an innovative mathematics program, the Class Banking System (CBS), which enables teachers to use constructivist ideas and approaches. To assess the effectiveness of the CBS, the Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire (ICEQ), Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), Test of Mathematics-Related Attitudes (TOMRA), and concept map tests were administered to two groups of fifth-grade students as pretests and posttests over an academic year. To enrich the data collected from those questionnaires, three case studies (one for the experimental group and two for the control group) were undertaken based on observations and interviews of selected students. Relative to non-CBS students, CBS students experienced more favorable changes in terms of mathematics concept development, attitudes to mathematics, and perceived classroom environments on several dimensions of the CLES (e.g., Personal Relevance, Shared Control) and the ICEQ (e.g., Participation and Differentiation). Qualitative information based on classroom observations and student interviews reinforced and enriched the patterns of results obtained from the concept test and questionnaires.  相似文献   

制度与文化并重--高校学生行为管理模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统地分析了高校制度管理和文化管理的功能、结构以及构建原则,提出了制度管理与文化管理并重的行为管理模式。认为大学生的行为受自我动力和超我动力驱动,自我动力与超我动力的平衡关系决定了大学生行为的指向和强度。自我动力的启动,主要靠个人利益的吸引,属制度约束的范畴;超我动力的启动,主要靠社会化需要的激发,属文化激励的范畴。  相似文献   

鲁迅先生在编辑生涯中对中国现代文化事业作出建设性的贡献,包括创办各类刊物,培养青年作者,推荐优秀作品,翻译介绍外国文学作品等等.鲁迅甘做人梯,勤奋实干的编辑实践,与他不朽的文学创作一样,都是为中国现代文化史留下的宝贵的精神遗产.  相似文献   

"大学生职业发展与就业指导"课程对提高大学生的就业力、促进大学生就业有很大的帮助。但由于课程开设的时间不长,未形成完善的课程评价体系,这对于课程的建设是不利的。文章分析了现有课程评价的不足,提出了课程评价的原则,在此基础上构建了课程评价的体系。  相似文献   

A model linking 3 perceived support variables, namely, level of support, quality of support (unconditional or conditional), and hope about future support, to false self behavior (acting in ways that are not the "real me") was hypothesized. Both parent and peer support were examined. The best fitting model for the parent and peer data revealed that perceived quality and level of parent support predict hope about future parent support, which in turn predicts false self behavior. Adolescents' motives for engaging in false self behavior were also examined. Those whose reported motives were hypothesized to be the most clinically debilitating (devaluation of the self) reported the most negative outcomes (depressed affect, low self-worth, hopelessness, and less knowledge of the true self). In contrast, adolescents citing the developmentally normative motive of role experimentation reported the most positive affect, highest self-worth, greatest hopefulness, and most knowledge of true self. Those reporting that they engaged in false self behavior to please, impress, or win the approval of parents and peers had intermediate scores on the depression, self-worth, hope, and knowledge of true self measures. Discussion focused on the potential causes and consequences of false self behavior.  相似文献   

Within the urban planning profession, designing for the needs of people with impairments has rarely been a significant feature of planning theory and instruction. Given the role of urban planners in affecting the opinions of policy-makers and the public, the prevalence of negative and misinformed attitudes among planning professionals toward impaired populations has been highlighted as requiring study. This paper reports on the effectiveness of awareness training with regard to its influence on the attitudes of urban planning students toward the needs of people with impairments and accessible design. Using an established attitude assessment instrument (the Attitudes Towards Disablement Scale), pre and post-awareness training data were collected from 112 urban planning students. Results from the present study suggest that awareness training can result in significant attitude changes, independent of the student’s gender or prior familiarity with impairment. The paper concludes with recommendations and caveats for planning education and research.
John L. LewisEmail:

成就目标定向是学习者目标达成的重要动力机制,有助于学生建立积极的学业倾向,促进学生发展和学业质量的提升。成就目标定向的结构早期被分解为"成绩目标"和"学习目标",并由此衍生出了"2×2结构"和"3×2结构"维度。研究依据行为动力学假说、自我效能感理论、成就动机理论和自我归因理论等阐释了成就目标定向的发生机制。研究认为,趋近目标定向可降低学生的考试焦虑程度,有助于提升个体语言技能;掌握目标定向有助于提升学生的学业成绩,激发学生的学习兴趣,并塑造学生的完美主义人格特质。未来的研究需开展大量的跨文化的比较研究,扩大研究对象的范畴,使用实验法等多元化的研究方法,验证成就目标定向结构模型的科学性,探明成就目标定向影响机理,强化教育干预与认知训练的实践研究,提升成就目标定向的应用价值。  相似文献   

Using survey data on the third cohort of scholarship recipients in the Washington State Achievers (WSA) program, this study first examined how the assignment of college mentor and student engagement in mentoring vary based on student and institutional characteristics and then examined the relationship between mentor assignment and different mentoring aspects of the WSA program and student persistence in college. The results from this project indicated that Asian American students were more likely to have an assigned college mentor and that Hispanic students were more likely than White students to turn to their college mentors for support and encouragement and had a higher level of perceived importance of their overall experiences with mentors. Among all WSA recipients, having an assigned college mentor was positively related to the probability of persisting in college; among those who had an assigned college mentor, the probability of persisting was positively associated with the extent to which the recipients turn to mentors for support and encouragement and with their perceived importance of experiences with mentors.  相似文献   

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