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3.4注意词义的差异在前一节中说明许多词意义相近,但用法和应用场合不同。本节则要说明某些词之间形式相近,但意义相差较大,稍有疏忽易致笔误,在来稿中屡见不鲜。例如:(1)at work和in work。前者意为“在工作”、“在起作用”,如“She is always at workinthe morning”。后者为“工作或就业”,其反意是out of work。如“He has been in work at factory after hefinished middle school”,而“work at”和“work on”皆意为“从事于、致力于”,如“They are working on a newinvention”。(2)at table,at the table和onthe table。“at t…  相似文献   

初中英语中有四个由“end”组成的短语:in the end,at the end of…,by the end of…,since the end of…。这四个短语意思各不相同,容易混淆,它们的主要区别如下: 1.in the end意思是“最后,终于”,相当于finally,at last,不与of连用。例如:  相似文献   

若榆 《中学生百科》2011,(11):37-39
A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. In the company in which I work,each of us is afraid of at least one person.The lower your 1 is,the more people you are afraid of.But all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top who helped 2 and  相似文献   

彭明艺 《海外英语》2020,(7):202-203
The Woman Warrior is the first literary work of Maxine Hong Kingston. As the winner of the lifetime achievement award in America, her works attracted attention from home and abroad. Numerous scholars studied this work from different per?spectives like narration, culture. Female characters are the major concern of this paper. By analyzing the female characters in the book, this paper aims at having a better understanding of the feminist thought in this work.  相似文献   

1.in front of和in the front of这两个短语尽管只相差一个the,但含义却不相同。in front of(=before)意为“在……前面”,是指在某个地方的外部的前面;而in the front of意为“在……前部”,即在某个范围之内的前部。例如:  相似文献   

This paper discribes a data representation for WordNet 2.1 based on Web Ontology Language (OWL). The main components of WordNet database are transformed as classes in OWL, and the relations between synsets or lexcial words are transformed as OWL properties. Our conversion is based on the data file of WordNet instead of the Prolog database. This work can be used to enrich the work in progress of standard conversion of WordNet to the RDF/OWL representation at W3C.  相似文献   

在英语中,介词at,on与名词构成介词短语作连系动词be的表语时,具有“进行”意义。如: 1.be+at/on+动作名词①A group of students are at play on the playground. =A group of students are playing on the playground.  相似文献   

It may seem more professional to stay impersonal(非个人的)at work, but in fact friendlier employees are more productive.A comparison of the American work ethic(道德规范)toapproaches in other countries shows that keeping an emotional distance may not be the most effective way to get the job done.  相似文献   

Spinners of Steel1 High above the streets in many cities men are at work. Up and up they go as they spin their web of steel beams and girders. Few dare to do this work on high steel.The Mohawk steelworkers are among the most famous of these men.2 The forefathers of the Mohawk settled in Canada when it was still ruled by France.lt seems that these Indians have always been surefooted.More than a hundred years ago an English  相似文献   

想表示在……的前面,除了单词before以外,还有很多短语,如:in front of,in the front of,at the front of,你知道它们的区别吗?in front of表示“在……的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面。  相似文献   

Based on the former research work of the authors,the resistance of differentsolid particle suspension flow in a vertical pipe is analysed,and investigatedexperimentally.The applicable formulas of pressure drop are presented.Two types of par-ticles,talcum powder and glass beads,are convcyed in the test which has been carried outat various air vclocities of 10 to 28 m/s and at the ratio of solids-air mass flow rateranged from 0 to 2.The experimental results show a good agreement with the calculatedones.  相似文献   

There are lots of reasons to love a food festival.Whenever there's one in Melbourne,I think about going. A few weeks ago,I went down to the Night Noodle Markets after work with my colleagues.It was an outdoor food festival,a grassy 1)patch at the edge of the city,serving up all kinds of Asian street food you can think of.When the eight of us arrived at a quarter to six,2)a sea of people greeted our eyes.Tables are 3)packed.Queues are in front of the 4)food stalls where chefs 5)dished up food right before our eyes.  相似文献   

How safe is it where you work? Since the introduction of the Health and SafetyAct in the UK in 1974, fatal injuries to employees have fallen dramatically. And the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) works hard to enforce any existing rules, as well as drawing up new ones. However, at times, it seems that some of these regulations are just ridiculous. Here are a few related to schools.  相似文献   

Road tunnel excavation often traverses coal strata,which is at risk of firedamp explosion that usually results in disaster.Airtight concrete grouting is popularly used in this kind of tunnel project,Based on the essential theory of mechanics of fluids in prous media,the principle of improving concrete airtight property and its influential factors are investigated.The proportioning tests and monitoring method for airtight concrete are introduced,which is illustrated by a case study applied to the project of the Huayinshan Tunnel.It is proved by engineering practices that the achievement of this research work is beneficial to tunneling project across coal strata.  相似文献   

高梦尧 《海外英语》2011,(1):193-195,197
"All the articles in black are ridiculous,while in fact,they are full of sorrowful tears.Everyone views the author as a fool,while no one could find his woe."(Cao Xueqin,1994:1) That is written in the beginning of "A Dream of Red Mansions".As is known to us,this work has rooted its popularity in the hearts of world readers.however,once upon time,few people noticed its influence on another book,which is the masterpiece of LinYutang(a famous Chinese writer who creates his works mostly in English)--"Moment in Peking".Nowadays,"Moment in Peking" was becoming more and more conspicuous;because of its considerably connection with "A Dream of Red Mansions".It is an English novel written by LinYutang between the year 1938 and 1939 when he resided in Paris,and was regarded by the"Times" as the most classic work,which might become "the one reflecting the reality of the society at that time in China".Along with people’s focus on "A Dream of Red Mansions",its place has been promoted,too.This paper aims at analyzing the similarities and differences between these two famous works.  相似文献   

If you are like most people,your intelligence varies from season to season.You are probaby a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year.A noted scientist concluded from other men's work and his own that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.  相似文献   

Space Case     
The vacuum of space is a hostile, forbidding place: people must re- main in high-tech cocoons if they are to travel or work above the lowest few thousand feet of the earth’s atmosphere. And living beings aren’t the only things at risk . The very molecul…  相似文献   

Inspired by Eugene Nida's dynamic equivalence theory,this thesis takes the translation of Samul Ullman's work Youth as a case study.It explores the three translated versions of Mrs.Zhang Aiqing,Mr.Huang Ren and Mr.Xu Hanlin respectively.These versions are analyzed at the levels of lexicology,syntax,rhetoric,semasiology and style.Then it points out that the same effect on the target language readers are as the original text has done on the source language readers,in other words,it proves the efficiency of dynamic equivalence in the translation of Youth.  相似文献   

Scientists have written a report on the future of trade and industry. They talk about the role robots will play in industry.What is a robot?Basically,it is a machine which is de-signed to do the work of a human being. It is usually controlled by computer. Once it has been given a set of things to do,it will do the job on its own.Nowadays,Britain has 120 robots at work in industry. This compares badly with other industrial countries. In Japan,there are 4,000 robots in use. In the USA …  相似文献   

Sport and exercise are great ways of getting out of the house and making the most of the summer weather whilst also spending time with your friends and improving your health. Taking exercise eachand every day is extremely important in helping your body work efficiently and will also make you feel more energised and improve your concentration levels at school.  相似文献   

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