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为了提升本州以高需求儿童为主要服务对象的学前教育机构的教育质量,加利福尼亚州基于全美学前教育质量评级与改进系统(QRIS)构建了学前教育分层质量评级和改进系统(TQRIS)。TQRIS采用多元质量评价工具,结合结构性评价和师幼互动评价,依靠持续的资金支持保障学前教育质量的不断提升。TQRIS在执行方式中体现出多元评价主体和人员的职能化、评估方式的规范化、评估结果的公开和透明等特色。TQRIS的经验可以为我国农村学前留守儿童的教育提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

质量评估是新西兰学前教育体系中的重要环节之一。自2019年开始,新西兰教育部颁布并实施了最新的学前教育机构质量评估和改进框架,将保证审查和质量评估作为衡量学前教育机构质量的重要方法。在评估目的方面,“问责”和“改进”双管齐下,追求公平和卓越;在评估内容方面,重视指标的更新,兼顾结果质量与过程质量;在评估方式方面,内外部评估充分结合,尤其关注机构的自我评估;在评估过程方面,多方参与其中,结果信息发布公开透明。对于我国的学前教育质量评估来说,借鉴其经验,宜强化并充分发挥评估的“改进”目标;进一步制定完善过程性质量的评估量规;重视发展机构的自我评估能力;促进评估过程的多方参与和评估信息的公开化。  相似文献   

在幼儿的成长过程中,家长的教育和引导起着至关重要的作用.此外,家长的参与对其自身的发展也能起到促进作用.美英两国在幼儿教育中都非常重视家长的参与,并将促进家长参与作为其幼儿教育的一项重要内容.我国当前在发展和改革学前教育事业,在促进家长参与方面,英美两国的做法及经验值得我们参考和借鉴.如政府要对学前教育的家长参与“负责”;学前教育机构要多渠道促进家园合作;社区要发挥区位优势给予家庭有效的支持;家长要提升教育理念主动参与到学前教育中去.  相似文献   

幼教师资水平是保证学前教育质量与可持续发展的关键因素。近年来美国联邦层面制定并出台了一系列重要法律,保障并不断提高幼教师资水平,有效促进了学前教育发展。美国保障高素质学前教育师资的经验主要可概括为五个方面:通过法的制定体现政府对师资问题的高度重视;不断明确并提高幼教资质要求;加大财政投入以提升幼教师资水平;加强幼儿教师教育与专业发展;保障幼儿教师的基本权益。美国发展学前教育的经验对我国提高幼教师资水平、促进学前教育事业发展具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

近年来,建立学前教育质量监测体系已成为世界各国提升学前教育质量的重要路径。然而,质量监测在我国学前教育领域仍处于起步阶段,尚未形成规范体系。美国各州陆续开发并实施了学前教育质量评级与提升系统(QRIS),主要内容有建立多层级的质量标准、使用标准化工具测评质量、给予连续性的质量改进支持、提供多样化的财政激励、加强QRIS的宣传5个方面。QRIS具有追求公平、偏重过程性质量、凸显以评促建功能、重视监测结果应用等特点,对我国开展学前教育质量监测的启示有:1)构建基于证据的学前教育国家质量标准;2)建立国家层面的覆盖所有机构的学前教育质量监测体系;3)开发以过程性质量为核心的监测工具;4)审视监测重心,重视监测的发展性功能。  相似文献   

美国加州所采用的质量评估与改进系统(QRIS)在促进学前教育质量提升的同时,也面临着诸多挑战,例如发展速度缓慢、评估衡量标准不一、数据分析困难等。为此,加州要求所有学前教育项目都必须参与教育质量评估与改进系统、增强质量评估与改进系统的灵活性和有效性,并对质量评估与改进系统的评估员进行专门培训。加州的QRIS改革举措可为我国学前教育质量监测体系的构建提供借鉴,例如建立全覆盖的学前教育质量评估与改进体系,丰富学前教育质量评估与改进体系的内涵,以及提出针对学前教育质量评估结果的改进措施等。  相似文献   

依据教育质量监测要素对美国、英国、澳大利亚学前教育质量监测体系进行比较,三国学前教育质量监测表现出一些共同的特点:以改进和提升作为主要目标的监测目的;面向各种类型的学前教育机构实施监测;强调监测与儿童生活和学习有密切联系的过程性指标;依托专业人员进行评估,强调评估的专业性和科学性;公开发布监测结果,根据监测结果实施奖励或问责。借鉴三国经验,我国应将改进和提升教育质量作为学前教育质量监测的主要目标;将所有学前教育机构纳入到学前教育质量监测之中;建立国家层面的学前教育质量监测标准,强化过程性质量的评价;重视教育评估人员的专业性。  相似文献   

“幼儿照护职业技能等级证书”是第三批“1+X”证书中的重要职业技能证书,考评对象主要是学前教育、早期教育、健康护理等相关专业学生,考评内容融合了学前教育和护理专业的双领域知识,强化培养学生的专业技能,为幼教机构相关岗位提供复合型人才。云南省K校以高职学前教育专业为实践对象开展幼儿照护技能等级证书试点培训和考证,探索“1+X”证书制度在高职学生幼儿照护职业技能培养方面的积极作用,经过实践形成较为系统的培训体系和考核方法,成功申请为考核站点。通过职业技能考评提升学生多种技能,优化专业学习方法和途径,拓展学生就业渠道,促进学前教育专业人才培养目标的多元化、精准化和系统化,有利于深化学前教育教学的改革,提升学前教育质量。  相似文献   

学前教育中介评估组织具有相对独立性、专业权威性、社会服务性和客观公正性的特点。国外学前教育中介评估组织有效促进了学前教育质量的提升,我国部分地区也开始出现教育中介评估组织参与学前教育评估的案例,为学前教育中介评估组织的发展提供了实践经验。保障学前教育中介评估组织的正常运行,需要政府对学前教育中介评估组织的支持和监督,需要学前教育机构的理解和配合,需要学前教育中介评估组织的自身建设。  相似文献   

家长作为学前教育的利益相关者,其对学前教育质量的评价可以作为提升幼儿园办学质量的重要参考指标。本研究以发放问卷的形式对太原市6个市辖区中255位家长进行满意度调查,并对结果进行实证分析。研究发现,家长对学前教育质量的满意度整体较高,其均值达到4.47(5分为满分);机构质量、教学和师资质量、保育质量、家园沟通状况四个维度中满意度最高的是家园沟通状况,满意度最低的是机构质量。最后,为当地学前教育更好的发展提供可行性建议。  相似文献   

The present study tests two complementary developmental theories regarding the fit between children’s skills and their environments within the context of a state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Specifically, we examine whether high-quality prekindergarten disproportionately benefits children based on their entering ability levels. The sample includes 684 children (48% female; M age = 57.56 months) residing in a midwestern state who were eligible to receive child care subsidies and participated in an evaluation of state-funded prekindergarten during the 2015-2016 school year (cohort 1), 2016-2017 school year (cohort 2), or 2018-2019 school year (cohort 3). We implemented multilevel regression models with children nested in their respective classrooms and schools to investigate whether children in higher-rated prekindergarten programs on the QRIS experienced greater growth in math, literacy, and vocabulary from fall to spring if they entered with stronger executive function skills (i.e., foundational skills hypothesis), or if they entered with weaker skills in the same respective domain as the outcome (i.e., compensatory skills hypothesis) relative to children who attended programs that were lower-rated or unrated on the QRIS. Contrary to both hypotheses, only one significant interaction emerged indicating that children who attended prekindergarten programs rated as low-quality on the QRIS were more likely to have higher spring literacy performance if they began the year with stronger executive function skills. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   


Research Findings. The current study is a mixed-methods investigation of family child care provider participation in voluntary Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) in 2 states. Study 1 is an analysis of matched QRIS and child care licensing administrative data extracted from both states in May, 2014. Poverty and population density variables were added to the dataset by aligning U.S. Census data and Rural Urban Commuting Area codes (RUCA) to the matched state child care data. Participation patterns differed in the 2 states relative to provider characteristics (subsidy receipt, years licensed, and location). Study 2 consists of focus groups with participating (n = 22) and non-participating (n = 19) providers. Professionalism and financial incentives emerged as significant in attracting family child care providers to QRIS. Although family child care providers identified several clear benefits to QRIS, many more challenges emerged that negatively impact their participation. Practice or Policy. As most states are employing a QRIS framework to integrate quality improvement efforts, perspectives from this sector of early care and education are often overlooked. Study findings suggest that QRIS can be more responsive and effective with family child care providers if more consideration of their unique features are considered in systems design and implementation.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The current study looks at the validity of a voluntary self-report Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) and the characteristics of participating childcare centers. The self-reported quality indicators are compared to external ratings of quality Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised ([ECERS-R]) and correlated with variables such as size of center and number of state subsidy clients. ECERS-R scores were unrelated to capacity but significantly lower for centers with a large percentage of state-supported clients. Regarding self-reported quality, centers frequently under-reported their quality and what was claimed was not always externally validated, suggesting a self-report QRIS may not be an accurate assessment of quality. Additionally, no significant differences in quality were found between centers participating and those not participating in the self-report QRIS. Practice or Policy: Self-reported childcare quality was not accurate in this study. Although providers over-reported some quality, they frequently under-reported quality, by claiming fewer indicators than external validators found. When centers are unmotivated to participate in a voluntary, self-report QRIS, when items reported are the easiest to report, and when existing quality indicators are unreported, a self-reported QRIS cannot validly reflect quality. Because providers over-reported and under-reported quality criteria, it is doubtful the system truly incentivizes desired quality changes.  相似文献   

郭力平  谢萌 《幼儿教育》2012,(15):46-50
本文回顾了美国早期教育质量评定与推进系统(QRIS)的发展历程,介绍了质量评定与推进系统的基本构成要素及运作模型,并分析了其建设过程中面临的问题及未来走向。借鉴美国的经验,我们有必要夯实基础,协调发展,重视科学研究,加强各方协作,以进一步提升学前教育质量。  相似文献   


Research Findings: In this non-experimental study, the research team analyzed data from a randomly selected sample of child care programs in Maryland and Vermont to understand what characteristics contribute to collaboration success. The team also examined the relationship between collaboration success and measures of child care program quality. We found positive correlations between collaboration success – defined as programs’ use of collaborative strategies, structural indicators of quality, and QRIS ratings – and programs’ collaboration administration and collaboration relationships. In addition, programs that used more collaboration strategies had higher ratings on the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Policy or Practice: Policies designed to encourage early childhood collaborations should support strong administrative processes among collaborators and provide specific guidance on building strong relationships among child care and early education administrators. Future research is needed to determine the causes of the associations. Research should focus on how policies can broaden the reach of federal and state programs that promote collaboration to include programs that have lower QRIS ratings or programs that opt out of these state systems.  相似文献   

按值论价和按质论价是属于马克思价格理论体系的重要内容,两者之间既有联系又有区别。在都遵循价值规律的前提下,按值论价是按质论价的基础,但两者在定价主体和侧重点等方面又各有不同,两者之间的关系对于我们的经济理论和实践都有重要的启示。  相似文献   

语既是一种交际工具,又是一种化载体,语学科不仅具有工具性,更具有人性,语教材中许多课都涉及到人格,意志,情绪等问题,结合作品,分析人物心理,不但可以加深学生对作品的认识,也可以培养学生良好的心理素质;同时,不断改进语教学方式,调动学生的学习积极性,充分展示语学习的魅力,对学生的心理健康大有裨益。  相似文献   

The successful of total quality management(TQM) apply in industry have prompted people to think about the usage of total quality management in education.This is a challenge for education system to accept a new system in able to improve themselves,and also it is a new stage for them going to a new education quality control era.In education system,the productivity of teacher could be enhanced,teachers and students may find enjoyable in academic life,and leaving students positive contribution in society gain reputation for education institutions.  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育需要从改革评价机制入手,实现全面衡量、有效评价,切实调动教育对象的主观能动性和勇于竞争的积极性,并确立起自主选择、兴趣导向、全面发展、主动学习、终身学习的良好习惯。  相似文献   

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