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While basic research in the natural sciences can generate discoveries with great promise to improve human health, advancing these discoveries from bench to bedside through clinical trials is a major challenge requiring individuals to possess a specific set of skills and prior experience. The ability to translate—especially between basic and applied research—and to bridge these two areas is likely to be key. We call skills that encompass both basic and applied research horizontal skills; experience in diverse fields, such as both cancer and diabetes, is termed vertical experience. We develop a framework to define and differentiate between horizontal skills and vertical experience and discuss how they separately and jointly impact the success of turning discoveries into products. Drawing on data from 3,889 clinical trials, we find that both qualities matter for publicly funded and industry-funded trials but with nuanced differences. Our results suggest that the likelihood of success increases when the investigators who lead trials have a balanced set of skills in both basic and applied science independent of the funding source. In both types of trials, investigators who possess vertical experience were found to reduce the success probability of clinical trials. However, investigators in industry-funded trials are able to alleviate this effect if they possess basic research skills or horizontal skills. Our paper uncovers context specificities in terms of how horizontal skills and experience in multiple fields, as well as their interplay, relate to translational success.  相似文献   

赵旭梅 《科研管理》2014,35(9):44-49
实用性标准主要限制累积创新过程中阶段性成果的专利可获性。建立两阶段创新博弈模型进行一般均衡分析,结果表明:放宽实用性标准,企业更倾向于以专利形式、而非商业秘密形式持有先期创新成果。宽标准下,后续创新企业让渡的专利使用费将增加先期创新企业的预期利润,这虽然有助于增加先期创新投资,却不利于后续投资,由此专利转让费必须在合理范围之内,才能保证企业参与创新活动。在这一前提下,专利授权带来的创新分工和竞争性市场结构,将提高企业预期利润总和与消费者剩余,即放宽实用性标准,获得的社会福利更高。当先期创新成果难度偏高或溢出效应较大时,采取宽标准尤为有利。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the reliability of published research. In particular, this study focuses on the selective reporting of research findings in clinical trials, defined as the publication of only part of the findings originally recorded during a research study, on the basis of the results. Selective reporting can lead to concerns ranging from publishing flawed scientific knowledge, to skewing medical evidence, to wasting time and resources invested in the conduct of research. Drawing upon a unique hand-collected dataset, this study investigates the contextual factors associated with selective reporting. Using ‘risk of bias’ ratings assessed based on expert judgment and presented in systematic reviews of clinical literature, this study explores whether selective reporting is associated with: (1) the source of institutional support; and, (2) the type of innovation evaluated. The results indicate that the odds of selective reporting are higher for industry-funded studies than for publicly-funded studies; however, this effect is restricted to studies where at least one author is industry-affiliated. In addition, the results suggest that selective reporting is more likely in projects exploring radical innovation, compared to those investigating incremental innovation.  相似文献   

21世纪随着互联网、移动通信、物联网、云计算和大数据等高科技发展,以及知识经济、消费主义和众包模式的兴起,传统以技术创新为主导的创新模式,已经难以适应互联网智能时代复杂多变的市场环境和快速迭代的消费需求。不仅传统大型科技企业陷入了“创新者的窘境”,而且广大中小新兴科技企业也迫切需要更为有效的创新模式来指导和引领。基于这一目的,本文从分析互联网智能时代的创新难点和核心问题入手,通过对现有整合创新等理论的梳理与对比基础上,提出并构建了一种以价值创新为导向、能有效整合多元创新维度、符合互联网智能时代需求的TDBMC整合创新模式,论文最后总结了这种新模式的优势,并给出了结论和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

史亚雅  杨德明 《科研管理》2021,42(4):170-179
本文探究了数字经济时代企业商业模式创新能否以及如何影响盈余管理。研究发现,商业模式创新显著提高了企业盈余管理程度,这主要与商业模式创新提高了企业的融资需求有关。同时,不同商业模式创新类型对不同盈余管理的影响存在差异:定位创新、盈利模式创新和现金流结构创新会显著影响应计盈余管理;而业务系统创新则会显著影响真实盈余管理。从治理视角进一步分析发现,相较而言,商业模式创新对盈余管理的影响在分析师跟踪少和媒体关注度低的样本中更为显著。上述研究在一定程度上揭示了商业模式创新对盈余管理影响的内在机制,从信息披露治理角度为推动商业模式创新实践提供了重要的经验证据。  相似文献   

杜漪  宋晓颖  游毅 《科技管理研究》2007,27(5):144-146,170
通过借鉴第六代创新模型特征,对原有的产品创新流程的缺陷进行分析,并对其进行相关的改造。在进行产品创新流程再造的过程中应该对以下若干问题进行关注:组织结构、内部激励、创新文化、人力资源的结构、信息技术的应用、企业知识流失管理。  相似文献   

中国工程院副院长杜祥琬院士在欧美同学会北京论坛暨第三届中国留学人员回国创业发展与交流大会上致辞时语重心长地讲:新时代中国留学人员回国创业一定把继承与创新放在同等重要的位置。关于继承。我想跟大家说一个比我更老的一代海归的故事。新中国成立之初,一批学有成就的留美学生决定回新中国效力,他们中有一位叫郭永怀,他回国后,和钱学森共同创建了中国科学院力学所,不久奉调核武器研究院,负责原子弹和氢弹的力学问题研究,是我国“两弹一星”的功勋科学家。1968年从实验基地回京,专机在降落时起火,飞机上的人全部遇难。在处理现场时,大…  相似文献   

“众创空间”是创新2.0时代创新创业服务机构的集合式概念,是由创客空间、孵化器、加速器等组成的创新新创业服务生态系统。创新2.0时代,欧美国家正积极探索众创空间生态模式,逐渐建立起“创客空间+孵化器+智能化创新(Living Lab)”的垂直、多元化众创空间生态主体结构。相比之下,我国众创空间生态体系尚不健全,“孵化器”一元主导的结构模式明显,在众创空间发展模式、经营主体、功能绩效等方面与国外众创空间存在较大差距。创新2.0时代,我国应积极借鉴国外众创空间发展经验,布局社区化创客空间,建立创新创业智能化升级机制,延长创新创业服务链条,完善众创空间生态体系;积极推进创新创业服务机构市场化改革,发展创新创业服务中介组织,提升众创空间专业化水平,形成市场为主、政府为辅的多元化众创空间新形态,建立起中国特色的众创空间生态体系。  相似文献   

Given that biomedical innovation involves intense collaboration across disciplines, occupations and organizations, a nation's integrative capabilities (the ability to move between basic science and clinical development) and relational capabilities (the ability to collaborate with diverse organizations) have been identified as crucial. This paper deploys qualitative analysis of biomedical innovation in the UK and US to identify mechanisms influencing innovation at the project level through which these macro level capabilities may have effects. From this a propositional framework is developed that helps explain the likely impact of such capabilities for characteristically different kinds of innovation projects at the micro level.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展使企业从多个源头捕获海量数据成为可能,大数据作为新型资产是企业获得竞争优势的重要元素。目前学术界对于大数据如何影响现有的创新管理理论和企业的创新管理实践并未做系统性论述。本文通过文献回顾和案例分析,结合大数据的特征,从大数据对企业创新模式、创新参与主体、创新战略以及创新组织四个方面分别进行探讨,认为大数据背景下企业创新管理将呈现迭代创新、平台战略、海量用户参与的趋势。文章提出了大数据对创新管理范式影响的概念框架,为大数据时代的企业创新实践提供思路与借鉴。  相似文献   

移动互联网时代学术期刊的微信公众号服务模式创新   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
[目的]探讨微信公众号服务模式,加深学术期刊对微信公众号服务的了解,引起学术期刊对微信公众号应用的重视.[方法]针对学术期刊在微信公众号服务的具体应用上缺乏研究,以致其服务模式尚未成熟的问题,分析了学术期刊微信公众号服务现状以及其不足.[结果]提出了一系列创新理念和改进措施,包括功能建设、编辑加工、信息服务和出版、读者互动服务、移动宣传、网络编辑人才的培养等创新模式,尝试建立一种适合学术期刊的微信公众号服务模式,推动微信公众平台在学术期刊中的应用,达到最大化发挥微信的公众服务功能.[结论]随着学术期刊移动数字化建设的深入,微信公众号服务将在学术期刊中得到推广普及.  相似文献   

“大数据”时代下开放式创新发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在提出开放式创新十年之际,本文从大数据视角来解析其发展趋势。本文先从动态角度剖析大数据的特征,并归纳提出4C特征,并以此为基础分析其在知识、市场、管理和用户方面给开方式创新带来的挑战,然后从开放式创新的构成、创新空间、商业模式三个视角剖析大数据产生的影响,进而从五个方面归纳出开放式创新的发展趋势,最终得出五点结论:(1)企业在行为动机上开始注重战略获益;(2)在开放对象上逐渐扩散到非相关者;(3)在能力塑造上逐步强调数据性能力;(4)在组织形式上慢慢演变成耦合模式;(5)在适用范围上已经趋于普及。最后从研究方法、过程、层次三方面总结出未来的研究建议,旨在为深入探索"大数据"下的开放式创新提供指导。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104704
In recent years, innovation policy has increasingly embraced “situated” perspectives to better account for both how culture matters for innovation in diverse settings and how to deal with growing socio-economic inequalities and conflicts in the global innovation landscape. In this paper, we develop the framework of “regional innovation cultures” to put these perspectives on more solid theoretical footing. Regional innovation cultures refer to unique ways in which regional innovation initiatives and technology developments (their goals, meanings, material organization, and actor constellations) are being brought into alignment with local identities, socio-economic legacies, and unique political cultures. Our framework foregrounds five analytic dimensions: imagined social orders, representations, political cultures, relationship to national and global initiatives, and local controversies. We apply this framework to one in-depth regional case study of the German state of Bavaria, focusing on innovation policy in three sectors: space, agriculture, and automotive. We show how Bavaria enacts what we call a “conservative innovation culture”, where innovation is framed as a way to preserve socio-economic orders rather than disrupt them, and where political and economic incumbents forcefully shape and absorb emerging niche activities. Innovation in Bavaria is performed through a political culture of small state-like corporatism that emphasizes strong coordination of all major actors, grants state bureaucracies a key role in defining directions for innovation in the form of a quasi-technonationalism, and tends to sideline alternative visions and voices for innovation. Across all three sectors, culture serves as a framing device to legitimize innovation primarily as an extension of existing social orders; conversely, innovation serves as a vehicle to reinforce dominant ideas of the public good. Through the lens of culture, innovation ceases to be primarily a source of social change and disruption, but can be understood as a mode of socio-cultural reproduction subject to tentative, constrained experimentation. Innovation initiatives cannot break too radically with existing social norms and orders without risking public support or legitimacy, thus creating a trade-off between proposing novelty and ensuring continuity. Our analysis lends further support for constructivist approaches to innovation studies, emphasizing plural and socially grounded perspectives on the rationalization, implementation, and evaluation of innovation.  相似文献   

Syngnathids (seahorses, pipefishes and seadragons) exhibit an array of morphological innovations including loss of pelvic fins, a toothless tubular mouth and male pregnancy. They comprise two subfamilies: Syngnathinae and Nerophinae. Genomes of three Syngnathinae members have been analyzed previously. In this study, we have sequenced the genome of a Nerophinae member, the Manado pipefish (Microphis manadensis), which has a semi-enclosed brood pouch. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that the molecular evolutionary rate of the four syngnathids is higher than that of other teleosts. The loss of all but one P/Q-rich SCPP gene in the syngnathids suggests a role for the lost genes in dentin and enameloid formation in teleosts. Genome-wide comparison identified a set of 118 genes with parallel identical amino acid substitutions in syngnathids and placental mammals. Association of some of these genes with placental and embryonic development in mammals suggests a role for them in syngnathid pregnancy.  相似文献   

According to the life cycle model of technological evolution, after the emergence of a dominant design, technological product industries undergo an “era of incremental change.” This era of incremental change is not well understood in the existing literature. Although the period is typically characterized in terms of stability and minimal innovation, we find that the era of incremental change can be actually quite dynamic. Through our research into the period of time following the emergence of a dominant design in automotive emission control systems, we find that the overall product innovation in the industry did not decline immediately following the dominant design, and increased throughout the era of incremental change. Further, we find that firms maintain their attention on the same core components that they innovated upon before the dominant design, but that these components make up less of the overall proportion of total innovation throughout the era of incremental change. Finally, we found that the concentration of innovating firms in the industry increases immediately following the dominant design, and this concentration decreases over time throughout the era of incremental change. Findings imply a pattern of contraction and expansion in the era of incremental change that extends previous work on the technological product life cycles and helps to characterize the era of incremental change in a novel way.  相似文献   

基于长三角地区316家中小型制造业企业的问卷调查数据,运用多元回归方法探讨了协同网络在协同创新机制、协同创新氛围与企业创新绩效关系中的中介作用。研究结果表明:协同网络对企业创新绩效具有显著的正向影响;协同创新机制和协同创新氛围对企业创新绩效均具有显著的正向影响;协同网络在协同创新机制、协同创新氛围与企业创新绩效之间分别存在着完全的中介效应和不完全的中介效应。  相似文献   

Even when innovators know they are working with a potential breakthrough innovation, they face formidable difficulties in assessing the exact ways it will be innovative as well as deviant in regard to extant systems, business and practices. This finding emerges from our case study that spans the 40-year history of an ongoing and by now potentially radical innovation in automated and miniaturized liquid processing. We analyze the changes in the system-to-be and its relationship to its future contexts throughout this period and show how the developers were able to reliably predict technical compatibility, the outcome, the interface points and effects towards the intended environment only some distance ahead. This ‘fog of innovation’ presents a management challenge not duly met by instruments available in innovation literature.  相似文献   

This paper considers the scope for beneficial scientific co-operation and technology transfer among ASEAN countries, Australia and New Zealand in the light of differences in the development status of these countries, their proximity to one another, their resource endowments and other factors. Australian official science and technology aid in the ASEAN region (which of necessity involves some co-operation between the donor and aid recipients) is considered as well as recent initiatives of the Australian Department of Science to promote fully co-operative (‘non-aided’) R&;D in the region. Two examples of regional co-operation in R &; D are considered briefly, namely the development of a malaria vaccine and giant clam farming.  相似文献   

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