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关于中小企业资本运作的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王进  赖晓东 《软科学》2002,16(1):78-81,95
本文研究了企业从资本原始积累、规模经济到借助资本市场之力成为大型成功现代企业的一般过程。探讨了企业如何在产品运作的基础上,实现无形资产有形化、有形资产证券化、证券资产货币化的基本途径。  相似文献   

左廷亮  赵立力 《预测》2007,26(6):76-80
BOT项目公司的股东结构将影响到项目的收益,本文将BOT项目公司的股东结构划分为两类,一类包括纯投资者和专业公司;另一类全是纯投资者。利用委托—代理理论对两种不同股东结构下的项目公司收益和股东收益进行了比较分析,结果表明,项目公司的股东包括专业公司的情形优于全是纯投资者的情形。在前一类的股东结构下,专业公司在建设或运营项目时会有更高的努力水平,且项目公司及其股东都可以获得更高的收益,社会效益也得到提高。最后,给出了项目发起人让专业公司参股的最优比例。  相似文献   

The design of a quality website, as part of e-business strategy, has become a key element for success in the online market. This article analyzes the main factors that must be taken into account when designing a commercial website, concentrating on the Aceros de Hispania company and its business model. We have studied the features which determine website quality: accessibility, speed, navigability, content, and we have calculated the Web Assessment Index (WAI) proposed by Miranda and Bañegil [Miranda, F. J., & Bañegil, T. M. (2004). Quantitative evaluation of commercial websites: An empirical study of Spanish firms. International Journal of Information Management, 24(4), 313–328]. The results obtained provide several lessons which should be borne in mind when designing a commercial e-strategy. Firstly, it can be observed that Internet popularity and search engine positioning facilitate entry to practically inaccessible markets. Secondly, the navigability makes users feel comfortable and secure when browsing it, which increases the probability of a transaction being completed. Finally, the information provided on the website must be accurate, informative, updated and relevant to customers’ requirements. Like Aceros de Hispania, any company, thanks to the Internet, will be able to overcome the barriers which would impede its successful worldwide development in the offline market.  相似文献   

因为银行自身的操作失误而引发银行经济严重的损失,商业银行的操作风险越来越成为相关领域关注的焦点。面对突出的操作风险问题,本文重点分析运用数据挖掘技术来预测商业银行操作风险强度水平的研究的优势性。通过运用模糊逻辑的神经网络方法来预测商业银行操作风险水平等级。  相似文献   

持续改进作为一种公司层级创新能力的持续递增过程,无可争议地成为了企业保持制造竞争力的一项重要战略.但是要真正做到持续改进不是一件很容易的事情.文化、技术、资源等因素为持续改进工作带来了困难.在持续改进国际调查的基础上,对企业持续改进的阻因展开研究,包括持续改进阻因的类别、频率及其对持续改进绩效的影响.针对中国企业的关键阻因,给出了相应的规避策略,可以为企业持续改进工作的开展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

姜星明 《科技广场》2012,(2):143-145
当前财险公司在展业和理赔过程中存在一定的商业贿赂行为,这与保险业发展阶段以及保险公司的经营理念和经营方式密切相联,治理商业贿赂工作应与推进公司廉政文化建设、健全公司自律机制、落实经营管理工作、促进经营方式转变以及加大案件查处力度相结合。  相似文献   

The absorptive capacity of an organization is its ability to translate the knowledge sourced from outside into commercial benefits. Having gained a certain academic interest, the mechanism of the absorptive capacity phenomenon is still puzzling. This paper provides some limited confirmation of earlier frameworks; however, absorptive capacity is demonstrated to be a set of interrelated success factors rather than a sequential process of knowledge articulation in a company. The new model of absorptive capacity proposed encompasses four dimensions: continuing development, bottom-up innovation, trust-based internal cooperation, and deferred knowledge use. The continuing development facet entails a strong positive impact on organizational performance, while the bottom-up innovation dimension deteriorates it. Trust-based internal cooperation and deferred knowledge use report mixed results.  相似文献   

朱丰慧 《科技广场》2004,(8):116-118
有限责任合伙是近几十年来兴起于美英的一种新型企业组织形式。它打破了公司与合伙的传统界限,融合了合伙的灵活性与公司的有限责任性。在我国引入有限责任合伙制度的过程中,注册会计师起到了很大的推动作用。无论从西方国家发展的过程来看,还是从我国当前的状况来说,引入有限责任合伙制度是十分必要的。但是,要真正引入这项制度,却还需克服诸多障碍。因此,本文拟从会计师事务所为视角来探讨有限责任合伙引入我国的相关问题。  相似文献   

吕琼芳 《现代情报》2011,31(9):129-131
在科技发展日新月异,市场竞争日趋激烈的现代社会,信息已成为企业竞争的重要资源。加强面向企业技术创新的竞争情报服务是现代企业的强烈要求,也是信息工作者的时代重任。本文浅论了竞争情报的内涵和作用及其在技术创新中的作用、竞争情报的获取途径和方法,并通过企业竞争情报服务实践工作总结探索了面向技术创新的竞争情报服务工作方法。  相似文献   

杨萌 《科教文汇》2011,(12):23-24
随着我军士官制度改革的深入发展,士官的地位与作用逐渐凸显出来。只有扎实做好士官的培养工作,全方位塑造士官的能力,才可能使其在新军事变革中发挥重要作用,切实提高我军战斗力。本文从俄军事改革的重要举措着眼,提出我军士官院校教育培养的侧重点应从四个方面有所转变,即从培养"带领训练的能力"到培养"组织训练的能力"的转变、从培养"技师"到培养"掌握技术的老师"的转变、从培养"兵头"到培养"将尾"的转变以及从培养"骨干"到培养"灵魂"的转变。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了可视化数据挖掘和关联规则的涵义,然后提出了关联规则挖掘的Apriori算法,最后根据此算法并结合一个保险公司的CRM实例设计编写了一个可视化数据挖掘系统,以实现挖掘结果的图形化显示,从而完成可视化数据挖掘技术在保险业客户关系管理中的应用。  相似文献   

Drawing on 18 years of panel data for the 89 most research-intensive US universities, this paper examines changing relationships between commercial and academic systems for the dissemination and use of new scientific findings. Increased patenting and commercial engagement on US campuses, I argue, has dramatically altered the rules that govern inter-university competition. From once separate systems with distinct stratification orders, commercial and academic standards for success have become integrated into a hybrid regime where achievement in one realm is dependent upon success in the other. Using observed variable structural equation models, I establish that the integration of public and private science occurred in progressive stages between 1981 and 1998. The implications of that periodization for organizational mobility in a hybrid academic/commercial stratification system are discussed.  相似文献   

于海燕 《科教文汇》2012,(2):201-202
小额贷款业务是一种以低收入阶层为服务对象的小额度、持续化的信贷服务方式,现已成为各家商业银行业务拓展的必争之地。针对小额贷款业务授信、审批、额度确定等问题,本文以宁波银行推出的新型小额贷款产品——"白领通"为例,对其产品特色及弊端进行了相关探讨。  相似文献   

基于顾客情感和谐的情感营销驱动模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巩天雷  赵领娣 《预测》2007,26(2):25-29
顾客情感逐步成为企业获取持续竞争优势的主导。企业只有以顾客情感为主体,满足顾客情感和谐才能保证顾客忠诚。本文基于顾客情感驱动因素分析,运用和谐理论与系统论对营销中顾客情感状态进行研究,构建情感营销机制,并通过建立情感营销驱动模式来促进顾客情感和谐。同时,提出情感和谐度作为情感营销驱动效应的评价指标。最后,针对企业如何促进顾客情感和谐提出相应建议。  相似文献   

双元型组织已成为动态环境下战略管理研究的热点。当前学者对双元组织模式及其对绩效的影响进行了大量研究,并将双元组织的模式区分为平衡型双元和组合型双元。但是现有研究对影响双元模式选择的关键要素仍然缺乏深入分析。从资源角度出发,从领导个体、组织以及组织网络三个层面探索影响双元模式选择的关键要素。研究认为,领导者的网络扩展能力,组织的资源柔性以及网络中心度是影响组织双元模式选择的重要因素,这些要素通过影响组织双元模式的选择从而影响企业绩效。  相似文献   

商业模式实质上是关于企业价值创造过程的表达方式。随着经济的一体化,企业面临的竞争环境越来越体现出多维特性,从企业内部结构以及外部关联两个方面入手,从企业的经营界面、消费者需求满足程度以及企业纵横向关系三个维度进行企业商业模式的设计,并举例说明了最佳产品、解决方案、产品锁定和价值网络等四种商业模式在企业管理中的应用。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104697
Climate change represents a significant problem to the planet which raises concerns from stakeholder groups about corporate commitment to climate change issues. In this paper, we explore the effect of eco-innovation and climate governance on corporate commitment to climate change. We develop a unique measure for climate change commitment by considering four components, viz. whether a company supports the Sustainable Development Goal 13 on climate action, whether a company is aware that climate change can represent commercial risks or opportunities, whether a company reports Scope 3 CO2 emissions and whether a company sets a target for emission reduction. We measure eco-innovation by using a score collected from the Eikon database that reflects a company's capacity to reduce environmental costs, eco-innovation intensity measured as environmental expenditures over revenues. We also create an index computed as a composite score by totalling five eco-innovation proxies collected from the Eikon database that reflect companies' efforts to reduce environmental impact. Concerning climate governance, we focus on three proxies, namely the existence of an environmental committee, climate incentives and the existence of sustainability reports. Based on a sample of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange for the period of 2014–2020, we find that corporate eco-innovation is positively associated with climate change commitment. We argue that firms that adopt innovative approaches to efficiently control pollution and resource use and reduce their environmental impact are more committed to climate change. We also find that climate governance is positively associated with climate change commitment. We claim that companies that integrate climate change issues in governance can help address climate change risks and opportunities. Our empirical evidence provides recommendations for managers and policymakers to promote the adoption of eco-innovative technologies and integrate climate change issues in governance, which can contribute to corporate commitment to climate change.  相似文献   

It has become commonplace to hold the view that virtual surrogates for the things that are good in life are inferior to their actual, authentic counterparts, including virtual education, virtual skill-demanding activities and virtual acts of creativity. Virtual friendship has also been argued to be inferior to traditional, embodied forms of friendship. Coupled with the view that virtual friendships threaten to replace actual ones, the conclusion is often made that we ought to concentrate our efforts on actual friendships rather than settle for virtual replacements. The purpose of this paper is to offer a balanced and empirically grounded analysis of the relative prudential value of actual and virtual friendship. That is, do actual and virtual friendships differ when it comes to enhancing our subjective well-being? In doing so, I will discuss a number of presuppositions that lie behind common criticisms of virtual friendship. This will include, among other considerations, their potential for replacing actual friendship, as well as the possibility for self-disclosure, trust, sharing and dynamic spread of happiness in virtual worlds. The purpose is not to arrive at a firm, normative conclusion, but rather to introduce a number of considerations that we should take into account in our individual deliberations over which role virtual friendships ought to have in our unique life situations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the supply chain (SC) management and innovation strategies with the purpose to identify: 1) which commercial contracts are suitable to coordinate SC innovation projects; 2) which motivations push SC members to adopt contracts to pursue innovation projects; and 3) how contractual clauses differ in different stages of the innovation process. A comparative case study among five High Tech (HT) companies in the Netherlands uncovers the motivations for adopting certain contracts over others. The findings illustrate that contracts discussed in the literature (sales-rebate, buy back, revenue sharing, etc.) successfully work for commercial agreements but not at all for coordinating joint innovation projects. Motivations for adopting these contracts do not limit to general company characteristics but also stretch from historical reasons to future strategies. The findings help HT companies to setting up the basis of a contract to coordinate joint innovation projects within SCs.  相似文献   

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