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王锐 《体育世界》2013,(5):66-67
跆拳道以其腾空、旋踢脚法而闻名,普通高校的学生在接受跆拳道教学的过程中多次出现受伤的情况。我们通过对一些普通高校的损伤情况统计分析后得出结论,专业知识没有掌握、准备活动不充分、自身素质低等是造成学生在教学过程中出现损伤的重要因素。那么我们应如何避免此类事件的发生?学生在训练中容易出现损伤的部位有哪些呢?遇到学生运动中出现的各种损伤,我们应采取哪些有效措施呢?对此本文提出并总结了几种常见运动损伤及其预防对策。  相似文献   

跆拳道运动员膝关节损伤的运动生物力学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重点对跆拳道运动中的膝关节运动进行了生物力学分析,目的在于从生物力学角度揭示跆拳道运动员膝关节损伤的内在机制,为跆拳道训练、教学、比赛中运动损伤的治疗与康复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

跆拳道是一个新兴的现代竞技项目。该项目对抗性强,竞争激烈,运动强度大,动作变化多端,加上对抗时是以击中对方为主要目的,故损伤的发生率很高,尤其以膝关节损伤为主,以致影响跆拳道运动员的正常训练及身体健康。为了使跆拳道运动员在训练和比赛中减少损伤,本文运用文献资料法、调查访问法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等综合研究方法,对跆拳...  相似文献   

杨爱胜 《精武》2014,(36):19-20
在运动之中,运动员往往会出现损伤的情况,这是在所难免的。尤其是在进行一些比较激烈的运动的时候,比如说,跆拳道运动,出现运动损伤的几率相比较其他运动而言,显得更加的高。在此,笔者根据所了解的知识,结合自身的实际经验,主要谈一下自己对于预防在跆拳道运动中出现运动损伤的看法。希望可以给有关方面提供一些可可供参考的建议。  相似文献   

女跆拳道运动员膝关节运动损伤情况调查与剖析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对集大体育学院35名跆拳道女运动员膝关节运动损伤进行调查,膝关节运动损伤发生率很高,人均1.31次,多数发生在对抗性训练和比赛中,局部负荷过重和训练水平低是致伤的主要因素。据女子膝关节的解剖生理特点,合理安排训练;正确掌握技术动作;加强膝关节周围肌肉、韧带特别是腘绳肌力量和伸展性锻炼;增强运动员自我保护意识。是避免损伤的有效手段。  相似文献   

跆拳道是一项对抗性极强的运动项目,随着比赛规则不断优化与发展,技战术水平也在不断提高,体能训练对跆拳道运动员的运动成绩起着至关重要的作用.本文将分析跆拳道体能训练的意义并调查各大学跆拳道专修训练队105名队员在训练和实战中常见的伤病,为预防损伤提出相应的对策.  相似文献   

膝关节是人体最大、结构最为复杂的关节,不论是在站立或是运动时,它都会受到不同方向的力的作用,运动时它的负荷也是最大的。对于举重运动员来说,膝关节的负荷更加是重中又重,一名举重运动员每节训练课需要承近十吨的负荷重量进行训练,而且有80%以上  相似文献   

随着我国足球运动的普及和深入开展,与此同时日益增多的运动损伤也越来越引起人们的担忧。轻伤不能按计划进行正常的上课,重伤可能会对学生的身心产生危害。因此如何防止和减少运动损伤的发生,就显得至关重要。本文试图通过对膝关节的研究,让人们更深刻地认识膝关节损伤的重要性,以取得更深刻的启示。  相似文献   

运动训练中膝关节半月板损伤的症状与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动训练中半月板损伤,是膝关节中最常见的运动损伤,外侧损伤较内侧损伤常见。 [损伤机理]内侧半月板呈"C"形,外侧半月板近似"O"形,板的周部厚而中央部薄,具有保护关节面、缓冲震荡和维持关节稳定功能。正常在膝关节伸屈及旋转时,半月板随之前后及内外侧滑动,如果因某种运动引起两者活动不同步,股骨踝就会  相似文献   

笔者在2017年跆拳道全国中学生总决赛中右膝的十字韧带断裂,导致这一损伤的主要原因是热身不足和由于控体重造成了身体机能各部位的营养不足.所以想发表这篇论文让各位运动员引起相应的重视.在训练中非常容易出现身体损伤,因为学生身体素质不一,再加上不注重热身活动和护具等,身体非常容易出现损伤,而且在专项训练中,出现身体损伤的概...  相似文献   


Knee joint coordination during jump landing in different directions is an important consideration for injury prevention. The aim of the current study was to investigate knee and hip kinematics on the non-dominant and dominant limbs during landing. A total of 19 female volleyball athletes performed single-leg jump-landing tests in four directions; forward (0°), diagonal (30° and 60°) and lateral (90°) directions. Kinematic and ground reaction force data were collected using a 10-camera Vicon system and an AMTI force plate. Knee and hip joint angles, and knee angular velocities were calculated using a lower extremity model in Visual3D. A two factor repeated measures ANOVA was performed to explore limb dominance and jump direction. Significant differences were seen between the jump directions for; angular velocity at initial contact (p < 0.001), angular velocity at peak vertical ground reaction force (p < 0.001), and knee flexion excursion (p = 0.016). Knee coordination was observed to be poorer in the early phase of velocity-angle plot during landing in lateral direction compared to forward and diagonal directions. The non-dominant limb seemed to have better coordination than the dominant limb during multi-direction jump landing. Therefore, dominant limbs appear to be at a higher injury risk than non-dominant limbs.  相似文献   

民族地区高职高专学生运动损伤特点及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查发现,民族高职高专学生运动损伤的特点是:男生损伤率高于女生;民族学生的比例大于汉族学生;课外损伤高于课内;造成损伤的因素是多方面的;在受伤的项目上男生在足球、篮球中居多,女生在田径中居多;损伤部位以下肢为主.但只要加以重视,可以大幅度减少运动损伤的发生.  相似文献   

Knee joint forces during downhill walking with hiking poles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to determine external and internal loads on the knee joint during downhill walking with and without hiking poles. Kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic data were collected from eight males during downhill walking on a ramp declined at 25 degrees. Planar knee joint moments and forces were calculated using a quasi-static knee model. The results were analysed for an entire pole-cycle as well as differentiated between single and double support phases and between each step of a pole-cycle. Significant differences between downhill walking with and without hiking poles were observed for peak and average magnitudes of ground reaction force, knee joint moment, and tibiofemoral compressive and shear forces (12-25%). Similar reductions were found in patellofemoral compressive force, the quadriceps tendon force and the activity of the vastus lateralis; however, because of a high variability, these differences were not significant. The reductions seen during downhill walking with hiking poles compared with unsupported downhill walking were caused primarily by the forces applied to the hiking poles and by a change in posture to a more forward leaning position of the upper body, with the effect of reducing the knee moment arm.  相似文献   

This study examined the concurrent effects of exercise-induced muscle damage and superimposed acute fatigue on the neuromuscular activation performance of the knee flexors of nine males (age: 26.7 ± 6.1 years; height 1.81 ± 0.05 m; body mass 81.2 ± 11.7 kg [mean±s]). Measures were obtained during three experimental conditions: (i) 'fatigue-muscle damage', involving acute fatiguing exercise performed on each assessment occasion plus a single episode of eccentric exercise performed on the first occasion and after the fatigue trial; (ii) 'fatigue', involving the fatiguing exercise only; and (iii) 'control' consisting of no exercise. Assessments were performed prior to (pre) and at 1 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 168 h relative to the muscle damaging eccentric exercise. Repeated-measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs) showed that muscle damage elicited reductions of up to 38%, 24% and 65% in volitional peak force, electromechanical delay and rate of force development compared to baseline and controls, respectively (F ([10, 80]) = 2.3 to 4.6; P < 0.05) with further impairments (6.2% to 30.7%) following acute fatigue (F ([2, 16]) = 4.3 to 9.1; P < 0.05). By contrast, magnetically-evoked electromechanical delay was not influenced by muscle damage and was improved during the superimposed acute fatigue (~14%; F ([2, 16]) = 3.9; P < 0.05). The safeguarding of evoked muscle activation capability despite compromised volitional performance might reveal aspects of capabilities for emergency and protective responses during episodes of fatigue and antecedent muscle damaging exercise.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the impact attenuation performance of boxing and taekwondo headgear in terms of peak linear and rotational acceleration. To measure the impact attenuation of headgear, a standardized (American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F-2397) martial arts headgear striker was used to impart impacts to a 50th Percentile Male Hybrid III Crash Test Dummy head and neck complex. Two boxing (Adidas and Greenhill) and two taekwondo (Adidas and Nike) headgear, approved by the Association Internationale de Boxe Amateur and the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), were selected. Each of the selected headgear was fitted to the Hybrid III head and subsequently subjected to five impacts at the front and side with a maximum impact interim time of 60 seconds by the rotating striker at 8?±?0.3?m/s. Linear and rotational acceleration were recorded at 10,000?Hz. There were significant interactions of the impact location and brand on the rotational acceleration, F(3,40)?=?6.7, p?F(1,40)?=?9.07, p?F(3,40)?=?9.9, p?相似文献   

The purpose was to compare rotational and linear head accelerations as a result of taekwondo kicks and punches. Taekwondo athletes executed five repetitions of the turning kick, spinning hook kick, hook punch, straight punch, and jab punch to a Hybrid III Crash Test Dummy head-neck complex. A tri-axial accelerometer and an angular rate sensor were mounted inside the Hybrid III head to measure resultant linear (RLA) and rotational accelerations. The Hybrid III was fixed to a height-adjustable frame and fitted with protective taekwondo headgear. Dummy head height was positioned to each participant’s standing height. Acceleration data were processed in accordance with SAE J211-1.There was no significant multivariate difference in RLA but the effect was not clear. Univariate follow-up analysis showed a significant difference in RLA but the effect was also not clear. There was no difference in rotational acceleration. The highest RLA and rotational acceleration were produced, in order, by the turning kick, hook kick, hook punch, straight punch, and jab. These data are clinically important as they provide a better understanding of the biomechanical injury measures and support for improved headgear testing methodology.  相似文献   


In taekwondo, the stance position can potentially affect kick performance. The aim of this study was to analyse mechanical variables in the roundhouse kick in taekwondo according to three stance positions (0°, 45°, 90°). Nine experienced taekwondo athletes performed consecutive kicking trials in a random order according to these three relative positions of the feet on the ground. Measurements for the mechanical analysis were performed using two 3D force plates and an eight-camera motion capture system. The taekwondo athletes’ reaction and execution times were shorter when starting from the 0° and 45° stance positions than from the 90° position (P < 0.05). Moreover, the ground reaction force was negatively correlated with execution time and positively with velocity of thigh and shank. Our results suggest that the stance position affects the execution technique of taekwondo athletes’ kicks. It is suggested that athletes should not adopt the 90° stance position because it will not enable them to achieve the best performance in the roundhouse kick.  相似文献   

随着"体教结合"这一政策的不断推进与实施,使高等学校参与到竞技体育运动中成为可能;同时为竞技体育走进高校校门提供了宽广的平台。纵观我国高等学校高水平跆拳道运动队的开展现状,发现存在的问题,并积极寻求符合我国国情、适应现代竞技体育发展规律和跆拳道运动项目特点的高校人才培养体制,是目前亟待解决的关键问题。本文采用文献资料、数理统计、专家访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,从高校组建高水平跆拳道队意义、办队模式、运动队现状、存在问题及对策研究等方面进行论述。重点从生源结构、教练员现状、运动员学籍管理、运动队训练竞赛现状、资金来源等方面对我国高校高水平跆拳道运动队的现状展开调查研究和论述。  相似文献   

世界跆拳道竞技格局与发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石雷  胡文凤  高平 《辽宁体育科技》2021,(3):118-123,128
基于近五届奥运会跆拳道项目奖牌分布以及东京奥运周期跆拳道项目奥运积分排名,分析当前世界跆拳道竞技格局与发展趋势,旨在为我国跆拳道项目可持续发展提供参考。结果表明:当今世界跆拳道竞技格局亚洲仍占据主导位置,欧洲和美洲紧随其后,非洲发展较快,大洋洲跆拳道水平落后;韩国男子项目实力有所提升,女子项目却受到明显挑战,但整体实力仍处于世界领先水平;中国男子实力有所上升,女子已跻身世界前列;英国女子实力突飞猛进,为韩国和中国的重要对手。备战东京奥运会,中国跆拳道项目拿满女子项目四个级别以及男子-68kg级参赛资格,创造了奥运备战历史的最好局面,但也面临多人卫冕之战、COVID-19疫情影响及奥运会延期的挑战。  相似文献   

通过对我国第十一届运动会跆拳道决赛的得分情况、技战术使用情况的调查,对比2008年奥运会和2009年世界杯跆拳道比赛的统计数据,分析我国跆拳道项目首次使用电子护具的应用情况和效果.结果显示:电子护具的应用,有效提升了比赛的客观性,较大程度保证了比赛的公正性;电子护具的介入促使比赛技战术发生了较大变化,使得比赛更加激烈和精彩,有效提升了比赛的可观赏性和比赛结果的不确定性;同时也暴露出我国运动员在电子护具条件下比赛,得分能力和技战术储备能力与应变能力的差距,以及电子护具实践应用中需要不断改进和完善的内容.  相似文献   

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