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曾任美国哈佛大学校长的科南特曾这样说过:“大学的荣誉不在它的校舍与人数,而在于它的一代一代的教师质量,一所学校要站得住脚,教师一定要有特色。”由此可见,高校教师是培养高水平人才的关键因素。但在当前,时代呼唤什么样的师资队伍呢?一、高校科研型师资队伍建...  相似文献   

曾任美国哈佛大学校长的科南特曾经这样说过:“大学的荣誉不在于它的校舍和人数,而在于它的一代一代教师的质量。一所学校要站得住脚,教师一定要有特色。”由此可见,  相似文献   

师资队伍的素质是衡量一所大学整体水平的重要标志之一,师资队伍的整体水平在很大程度上代表着学校的水平,哈佛大学第二十三任校长科南特(J.B.Conant)说:“大学的荣誉不在于它的校舍和人数,而在于它一代一代教师的质量。一个学校要站得住,教师一定要出色。”所以对高校的师资队伍建设再怎么强调也不过份。湖南省现有23所公办省属本科院校,  相似文献   

师资队伍的素质是衡量一所大学整体水平的重要标志之一,师资队伍的整体水平在很大程度上代表着学校的水平,哈佛大学第二十三任校长科南特(J.B.Conant)说: "大学的荣誉不在于它的校舍和人数,而在于它一代一代教师的质量.一个学校要站得住,教师一定要出色."所以对高校的师资队伍建设再怎么强调也不过份.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的快速增长和综合国力的不断提升,我国高等教育的发展开始成为人们关注的焦点,因为在这里,学生各种优质的教育资源能得到更好的发展。但是,高等教育能否真正有利于学生的发展,关键在于这所高校教师队伍的整体素质水平,哈佛大学前校长科南特曾经说过这样一句话“大学的荣誉不在于它的校舍和人数,而在于它一代又一代教师的质量,一个学校要想站得住,教师一定要出色。”因此,加强高校教师职业道德建设,提高高校教师队伍的整体素质势在必行。  相似文献   

浅议高校人才引进的基本思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪是知识经济的时代,人才资源是第一资源。高校的发展离不开人才,知识的创新更离不开人才。高校作为人才集聚的重要基地,人才工作对高校长远发展起着关键性作用。美国著名高等教育家科南特曾经说过":大学的荣誉不在于它的校舍和人数,而在于它一代一代的教师和学生的质量。一个学校要站得稳,教师一定要出色。"因此,认真做好  相似文献   

“有一个好校长,就有一所好学校。”这句在中国教育界耳熟能详的格言,虽然过于简单地将“好校长”和“好学校”划了等号,但我们能从中体会到校长在学校发展中的重要性。“学校的荣誉不在于它的校舍和人数,而在于它的一代又一代的教师质量。一个学校要站得住脚,教师一定要出名。”  相似文献   

本文以高校辅导员系列专业技术职务评聘的实践经验为基础,通过总结实践操作中的经验、问题,论述了高校辅导员系列专业技术职务单列的必要性在于为辅导员提供良好的发展空间,吸纳更多人才,留住人才,推出优秀人才,形成良好的、动态稳定的人才流动效应。此外,还提出了高校辅导员系列评聘标准的要求和操作程序。  相似文献   

高校教师队伍建设的新思路许质武(北京理工大学)市场经济和改革开放形势下人才流动的冲击,使高等学校的教师队伍建设面临新的挑战,搞好教师队伍建设成为人们关注的焦点。搞好教师队伍建设实质上要求高校要有足够的实力、凝聚力和活力,吸引优秀人才在学校工作,稳定骨...  相似文献   

吴胜华 《考试周刊》2011,(89):185-186
人才流动是人才成长和社会发展的客观需要.高校作为大量优秀人才的聚集地,其流动性必然存在。从人性的角度出发,有助于更好地了解人才流动的原因,了解人才流动的内在诉求,从而采取有效措施,促进人才的合理流动和人力资源的合理分配,进而提高高校的竞争力。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the study is to assess the degree to which SAT scores, high-school GPA (HSGPA) and class rank predict success in college. Data collected from students enrolled in several sections of Principles of Economics at the University of South Carolina in 2000 and 2001 are used to study the relation between college GPA (the dependent variable) and high-school rank, HSGPA, and SAT scores (the key independent variables). We also investigate whether there are race–sex differences in the likelihood of success in college. Further, we study the degree to which students with varying backgrounds are likely to be eligible for statewide scholarships and to retain them after enrollment.  相似文献   

手机短信挑战高校德育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
非理性因素是中学政治课教学中不可忽视的重要因素,是自主学习的内在含义之一。本文从为何要重视中学生的非理性因素,如何发挥非理性因素在自主学习中的作用,以及在实际教学过程中可能出现的误区这三方面,进行了初步论述。  相似文献   

Demographic, locational, family background, economic, attitudinal and school-related variables are studied to determine factors which lead high-school seniors to go directly on to college. The data come from the 1979 and 1980 National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experience, and probit analysis is used. Some factors found to be significant imply possible changes in college enrollment patterns: delayed plans for marriage by females, population growth in the South and increasing education among the youths' fathers could portend higher rates of enrollment. While minority and poor youth were less likely to go directly from high school to college, it appears that factors associated with these variables, such as father's education and lower scores on the proxy ability measure, are causal. Finally, school characteristics appear to have a very limited influence on the probability of going directly from high school to college.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the wage consequences of leaving high school prior to graduation. The dropout process is modeled as interdependent events involving the dropout decision itself and expected wage offers. Since selectivity biases may occur in such models, our empirical analysis permits adjustment for any such biases. Our empirical results provide support for the existence of a self-selection bias in the initial work experiences following high school. We also find that wages for dropouts progressively decline in subsequent years relative to high-school graduates.  相似文献   

近年来,在全球经济紧缩,国内高校扩招后毕业生大幅增长的形势下,大学生就业难成为社会关注的热点问题。即将走出“象牙塔”的2005年大学毕业生将面临怎样的就业形势,他们又该如何迎接挑战?  相似文献   

Understanding scientific phenomena requires comprehension and application of the underlying causal relationships that describe those phenomena (Carey 2002). The current study examined the roles of self-explanation and meta-level feedback for understanding causal relationships described in a causal diagram. In this study, 63 Korean high-school students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: instructional explanation, self-explanation, and meta-level feedback. Results showed that self-explaining a causal diagram was as effective as studying instructional explanations. Furthermore, the effectiveness of self-explaining a causal diagram was enhanced by meta-level feedback that prompted students to reflect on their own explanations by comparing them with instructional explanations. We identified three main difficulties that high-school students experienced when explaining a causal diagram to themselves: one-sided explanation, erroneous explanation, and the lack of inference. Implications of the study were discussed in regard to the improvement of self-explanation and the design of causal diagrams in science education.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - In the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom, small classes are generally perceived as desirable, but the benefits associated with particular...  相似文献   

音乐是听觉的艺术,是美的展现,而音乐课堂教学就是实施美育的重要途径,它不仅需要科学的教学方法与合理的课堂结构安排,更需要不断更新现代化的教学手段来辅助和提高教学水平。利用计算机的交互科学性、界面友好性、反馈及时性的特点,在教学中集图文声像多形态信息为一体,使虚幻的音乐形象具体化、使复杂知识简单化、使零乱知识条理化、弥补了课堂教学不足,给音乐教学增添了无穷的魅力。用多媒体创设教学情境,让学生体验情境,培养学生的观察、思维能力,提高课堂教学效果;在师生互动教学中,激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,使学生音乐素质得到全面提高。  相似文献   

高三物理复习教学中应注意培养学生会运用特殊的解题方法使自己的知识结构形成一个较为完整的有机的整体,从而提高学生解决物理实际问题的能力。物理解题方法有:求异思维法、假设法、类似模型法、变换参照系法、情景图象法和对称法等。  相似文献   

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