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一、填空题1.“民以食为天”,人类生命活动所需的各种营养素主要来自于食物。主食米饭、馒头副食烧鸡块、咸鸭蛋、红烧肉、花生米饮料牛奶你的补充(1)上表是小明制定的食谱单,在食谱中,含有营养素主要有____、____等;你认为小明制定的食谱中还缺乏的一种营养素是____(请你填写获取该营养素的一种食物名称)。(2)为了增加营养在食品中添加一种或几种营养素,可以预防一些群体性疾病的发生。如在食盐中加碘可以有效地预  相似文献   

提供膳食的幼儿园,每周要制定幼儿带量食谱,其目的是为了满足幼儿平衡膳食的需要,使幼儿从食物中摄取的营养素和热量既不会过多,也不会过少,从而保证幼儿正常生长发育,避免营养性疾病的发生,提高身心健康水平。所谓带量食谱是指根据我国居民每日膳食中各种营养素和热量供给量标准,推算出提供给幼儿各种食物的用量,标记在食谱上,并落实于幼儿膳食中。这种先“算了吃”是从根本上解决目前幼儿营养过剩或营养缺乏的重要举措。为了解幼儿园带量食谱制定情况,我们运用自制的《幼儿膳食营养计算和评价系统》软件,对长沙市中华英才幼儿…  相似文献   

平衡膳食与儿童的营养需要中国预防医学科学院营养与食品卫生研究所研究员刘冬生食物的种类很多,各种食物所含的营养素各不相同。根据食物所含营养素适当搭配膳食,以满足人体对营养的需求,就是我们常说的平衡膳食。选择哪些食物才能组成合适的膳食呢?从营养学的角度讲...  相似文献   

一、《幼儿膳食营养计算与评价系统》的内容和特点  《幼儿膳食营养计算与评价系统》是根据学前儿童健康教育课程中幼儿营养教育的教学内容幼儿膳食营养计算和评价 ,结合幼儿园实际工作需要 ,采用Acess数据库系统和VisualBasic语言设计编制的一套软件。它的主要内容是对个体和群体幼儿膳食营养进行计算和评价。计算和评价指标有 :平均每人每日各种食物净食比重、平均每人每日营养素供给量、平均每人每日各种营养素和热量摄入量、平均摄入量与平均供给量的比较、平均每人每日进食各类食物的比例、蛋白质来源分布、热量食物…  相似文献   

幼儿膳食科学管理的重要内容,是保证幼儿取得合理营养。特别是幼儿正处于生长发育阶段,营养状况如何将直接影响到孩子的成长。幼儿园食谱的最大特点是讲究营养平衡。广义的营养平衡是指食物量的平衡和营养物质平衡两个方面。食物量平衡即每天要按不同比重安排好八大类食物;营养平衡即每天的膳食中六种营养素的含量比例搭配要恰当,才能满足幼儿生长发育的需要。满足这两方面要求的食谱,才是保证营养平衡的食谱。 通过科学管理膳食,促进幼儿取得合理营养,应该着重处理好如下几个问题。  相似文献   

为了儿童的健康成长,家长必须为孩子提供合理的食物营养。合理营养的关键在于全面、平衡、适量。全面,就是摄取的食物品种要多样,应包括从本所需的各种营养素;平衡,是指各种营养素质之间保持着适合人体需要的合适比例;适量,就是各种营养素的数量不过多也不过少。  相似文献   

“一日之计在于晨”。一顿营养丰富的早餐,可为处于生长发育期的儿童提供整个上午学习、娱乐所需的能量和各种营养素。不吃早餐或早餐质量不佳不仅影响儿童的营养素摄入,而且影响学习成绩,乃至健康状况。然而,在实际生活中,却有很多人常常忽略早餐的重要性。调查发现,没有足够的时间,不饿或不想吃,以及其他如节食减肥、无人准备或得不到早餐、不喜欢早餐中的食物等,依次是儿童不吃早餐的主要原因。要改变这种状况,就要对传统的早餐观念、早餐习惯和早餐食谱进行变革。1 早餐观念的革命不少家长认为,早餐营养不够可用中餐或晚餐来弥补。果真…  相似文献   

幼儿园膳食营养数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据某幼儿园提供的一周食谱,分析出幼儿在园两餐一点的营养素摄入总量,建立矩阵方程模型,利用 matlab 算出幼儿一周内平均每日每千克体重摄入的各种营养素总量,与实际需要量进行比较,发现该幼儿园提供的饮食中蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的重量比值为1︰0.9︰4.2.早餐过于简单是导致营养素缺乏的主要原因,建议幼儿园重点改善幼儿的早餐,多提供补充钙质的食物,而含磷的食物要相对减少.对于幼儿园食谱的经济性,则采用随机概率模型,求得该幼儿园每日从每个幼儿的伙食费中赚取4.1781元.  相似文献   

注:食谱中的用量是一位幼儿在园的量 营养分析结果,这份食谱每个幼儿实得营养素均达到标准,并具有以下特点: 1.豆浆与牛奶交替饮用,保证蛋白供给量。 2.因地制宜,利用地方特产,搞出本园特色。我园充分利用地方海产品资源丰富的优势,在食物中加入紫菜、海米、虾皮、海带等,保证幼儿微量元素的供给。在  相似文献   

正值生长发育时期的幼儿,身体的新陈代谢比成年人旺盛,全身各生理系统正在发育成长,但还未成熟,这不仅要靠食物维持生命和补充消耗,而且还要靠食物提供促进生长发育、增强机体抵抗力及智力发展的营养。因此,制订符合幼儿营养摄取量的食谱,使幼儿获得合理的必要的营养素是十分重要的。我们认为在制订幼儿园的食谱时,要遵循以下几项原则:  相似文献   

阐述了学龄前儿童的营养需求特点.分析了我国学龄前儿童的营养现状及存在的问题,探讨了学龄前儿童营养食品的研究与开发.  相似文献   

Norway recently adopted a National Framework Plan for Preschools. In this study, the central questions are: what does a Framework Plan for one to five year olds mean to the preschool teachers and their educational work with children? What are preschool teachers' understandings of the concept of learning in their educational planning and practice, and how is this related to the Framework Plan? How do preschool teachers understand the central content and strategies in the Framework Plan and in their own practical work? The results are based on empirical data from in‐depth interviews with eight Norwegian preschool teachers.  相似文献   

由于隔绝于城市和艰难的生活状态,外来务工人员家庭尚未意识到其子女的学前教育需求。外来务工人员在城市居住多呈聚落状态,能不能以非正规形式为这些儿童提供一定的学前教育呢?本文以在北京四环市场创办一个非正规的游戏小组的实践及体验,探讨非正规形式学前教育的可能与意义。  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals. Of specific interest is how teachers in a Swedish and a Finnish context describe goals for children’s learning and how they describe them implementing these goals into their practice. The research question is thus: How are pedagogical goals perceived and enacted, in the thematic-oriented and play-based pedagogical practice of preschool? In-depth interviews were conducted with six preschool teachers, of which three expressed learning goals guiding their pedagogical work. The Variation Theory of learning is the guiding principle throughout the analysis, and reveals indirect and direct objects of learning and content for learning described by the three teachers. A deeper analysis of the features of these provides a comprehensive picture of pedagogical goals that are intertwined and move between activity goals, working goals and transdisciplinary goals. These results contribute to our understanding of the characteristics of preschool pedagogy and the complex pedagogical practice preschool entails.  相似文献   

This project highlights preschool teachers’ views of toddlers’ learning in mathematics. The Swedish national curriculum covers even the youngest children who are 1–3?years old. Interesting questions are thus: what should mathematics be for this age group and how should preschool teachers work with maths to achieve the curriculum objectives? Data were collected through interviews with six preschool teachers working in four different preschools. The data show that the teachers emphasize the body as very important for the learning process, which means that for these children, it is not a matter of simply talking about mathematical concepts, but experiencing them bodily. The teachers also report that they now pay more attention than previously to what material the children use and how they interact with it. They are more aware of how they organize and offer the various materials in the preschool and how this influences the way children use them and, consequently, their learning processes.  相似文献   

心理健康问题已成为近年来困扰高校学生的常见问题,对学前教育专业学生而言,心理健康不仅制约自身综合素质的发展,从业后还直接影响学前儿童群体心理健康。通过培养学前教育专业学生心理自助能力,能够有效帮助其避免或克服可能出现的心理健康问题。在剖析当前学前教育专业学生常见心理健康问题及其表现的基础上,分别从学校、教师、家长及学生自身提出了学前教育专业学生心理自助能力的培养策略。  相似文献   

This empirical study aims to find if and how preschool teachers communicate values they consider important for children to learn in preschool. The study is a part of a Nordic research project on values education in Nordic preschools. Values are understood as desirable principles that guide human actions. Theoretically, the study draws on a sociocultural perspective and Habermas’ theory of communicative action. The data consists of approximately 17?h of video observations of communication between preschool teachers and children. Two episodes were chosen for further analysis and in-depth discussion. Care, respect, and discipline had been agreed on as important values to communicate to preschool children. The preschool teachers used different approaches to communicate these values, depending on their professional and personal backgrounds. The values were communicated implicitly rather than explicitly. The study contributes to research on values education in the ECE and gives reasons for reflection on the practices of preschool teachers.  相似文献   

小班幼儿正处于绘画涂鸦期的圆形期和命名期,该阶段幼儿的绘画特点与其生理、心理的发展密切相关。文章针对目前小班幼儿绘画教学存在的低效性问题,剖析其原因,并提出促进小班幼儿绘画教学有效性的五项策略:准确定位小班幼儿绘画教学的目标、研究并了解小班幼儿的绘画特点、实施多样性的绘画组织形式和手段、科学评价幼儿的绘画、持续的教学反思和改进。  相似文献   

In this forum paper, I respond to issues raised by Kristina Andersson and Annica Gullberg in their article titled What is science in preschool and what do teachers have to know to empower children? (2012). I seek to continue the discussion begun with Andersson and Gullberg’s paper, by further exploring the questions they introduce to guide their paper: “What is science in preschool?” and “What do teachers have to know to empower children?” In particular, I elaborate on the value of drawing on multiple perspectives and different epistemological frameworks, and I argue for the need for a reconceptualized notion of science as a school discipline; one that acknowledges the multifaceted ways in which young children engage in science.  相似文献   

Predictors of 5-year-old kindergartners' insights into their friends, and their accounts of liking and conflict with their friends were investigated, with a focus on both the children's and their friends' social understanding during the preschool period, and the quality of their preschool friendships. Seventy children initially studied at 4 years utilizing social cognition tasks and observations of dyadic play with their friends were followed over the transition to school; at school they were interviewed about their friendships and their social understanding was assessed. One group had remained close to their preschool friends, whereas a second group had formed new friendships. Social understanding, language abilities, and prosocial characteristics of both the children and preschool friends, their successful communication and shared pretend play experiences during the preschool period, and their mothers' educational level were related to their perspectives on their current school friends. Liking of current friends was linked to relationship history and maternal educational level for both those with old and with new friends, whereas insight was related to assessments of social cognition.  相似文献   

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