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2014年新高考制度改革率先在浙江、上海试点.2017年高中毕业生的高考志愿首次采用"专业+学校"模式.浙江考生如何面对"7选3"的选课和高考专业的选择?近年来,衢州二中作为首批全国中小学心理健康教育特色学校、衢州市创新人才培养基地,在高中生涯规划教育方面做了有益的实践,也取得了一定的成效.但是,在构建学校生涯规划教育体系上,还需要管理机制方面的突破.  相似文献   

该文用定量研究的方法,调查了212名非英语专业学生英语学习过程中性别与自我调整策略间的关系。发现在不同情境学习中,女性学习者在自我调整策略使用上明显多于男性学习者。结果能间接解释为何女性在语言学习上较男性学习者更成功。  相似文献   

该文用定量研究的方法,调查了212名非英语专业学生英语学习过程中性别与自我调整策略问的关系.发现在不同情境学习中,女性学习者在自我调整策略使用上明显多于男性学习者.结果能间接解释为何女性在语言学习上较男性学习者更成功.  相似文献   

学会学习不是工具性的,而是活动性、体验性的,也就是说,只有在学习中才能学会学习.学会学习就是要求学生学会主动参与,学会学习就是要学会感受体验,学会学习就是要学会自我创造,学会学习就是要学会虚心涵咏.  相似文献   

段丁 《海外英语》2011,(9):40-41
有人认为,笑是一个很严肃的话题。从“世界爱笑日”到爱笑瑜伽运动再到小丑医生,来看看笑声有哪些好处。  相似文献   

人们常说"玩物丧志",我看其实未必。十年前开始沉迷于网络游戏中,十年后开始学会摆脱游戏。  相似文献   

胡敏 《课外阅读》2009,(22):18-20
少年时,我非常幸运地遇到了一个老师。他对我说的一句话成了我以后的座右铭。少年时期,是一个人开始认识自我、发现自我的时期。就是在那时,我非常幸运地遇到了一个人,他从真正意义上改变了我的人生轨迹,帮助我发现了自己的潜力,并给了我一个努力的方向。  相似文献   

<正>人物档案:张晓光:北京邮电大学信息光子学与光通信研究院—光信息基础理论研究中心主任,教授、博导,IEEE(美国电气电子工程师学会)高级会员,OSA(美国光学学会)会员,中国通信学会高级会员,中国电子学会高级会员,北京光学学会理事。两次作为首席专家主持国家863计划项目,一次主持国家自然科学基金项目;作为骨干参  相似文献   

李峰 《陕西教育》2009,(10):25-26
“自主学习”,是指学生在教师的科学指导主动参与、主动获取、自主构建、自我发展、自主完善。充分调动学生的自觉学习、主动学习、学生学习的积极性,培养学生主动学习、学会学习意识、习惯、能力和方法,实现课堂自主学习,体现代课堂教学改革的必然趋势,是素质教育活动灵魂。  相似文献   

帮助和指导学生养成英语学习的良好习惯并逐步培养其对英语自我学习的能力是小学阶段英语教学的重要任务之一。但是良好的英语自学能力不是一朝一夕就能培养起来的,它不仅需要学生对英语主动学习的热情与实践,也离不开老师的积极指导,那么如何才能有效培养学生的自学能力,结合自己的教学经验,笔者提出了以下观点。  相似文献   

周迅  小秦 《高中生》2012,(4):56-57
18岁之前,我是个不知道自己想要什么的人,那时我每天就在浙江艺术学校里跟着同学们唱唱歌,跳跳舞。偶尔有导演来找我拍戏,我就会很兴奋地去拍,无论多小的角色。如果没有老师跟我的那次谈话,那么也许直到今天,仍然没有人知道周迅是谁。那是1993年4月的一天,教我专业课的赵老师  相似文献   

Before the Open University opened in 1971, an ambitious multi‐media pilot course was mounted by the BBC in collaboration with the National Extension College, including a preparatory course in social sciences, Man in Society. A group of students who enrolled for this course in 1970 were contacted by their tutor ten years later and asked to complete a questionnaire about their lives since 1970 and their views on the course. This article outlines their responses and discusses their relatively high level of educational qualifications, their ambitions in 1970 and the extent to which these have been realised, and their views of the various elements of the course. Radio and television were found to be the least useful components of the package and reasons are suggested for this. NEC's 1981 course, Preparing for Social Science, is discussed and differences from its predecessor described.  相似文献   

在过去的十年中笔者亲身参与了课堂教学改革的十年,感受到改革没有达到预期的目标,关键的问题没有得到解决,无法落实素质教育;文章提出了加大教育投入,实施均衡发展的改革建议,以期达到破解教改难题,落实国家中长期教育改革和发展纲要的目的。  相似文献   

This article reviews the Tenth Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of The Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA), covering the 1986-1987 school year. In addition to reporting the current status of services (i.e., numbers of students served, their placement, resources allocated and needed for their support), the report also discusses and cites data pertinent to (a) transition from secondary education; (b) state and federal efforts anticipating full implementation of preschool special education services under Public Law 99-457; and (c) the classification of students with learning disabilities. Some directions for research on special education at a national level are suggested.  相似文献   

Inclusive education in Australia ten years after Salamanca   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While many states and territories in Australia were initially a little slow to develop a strong momentum towards inclusive educational practices, this has been addressed quite dramatically in the past ten years. Acknowledging that each jurisdiction in Australia has its own department of education and determines its own educational directions this paper will focus on broad developments across all jurisdictions in order to provide an overall analysis of how inclusive education has evolved. This discussion paper will focus on systemic changes since the Salamanca Statement (UNESCO, 1994), involving the education of students with diverse learning needs. A review of Australian research identifies the implications for specialist peripatetic support staff, the personal beliefs and values of teachers and the need for more structured pre- and in-service training for teachers to enable them to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of all children engaged in inclusive experiences.  相似文献   

Background This paper compares the findings from a recent, large-scale UK-wide survey of primary teachers' confidence in teaching science with the results of a seminal report carried out 10 years ago by Wynne Harlen in Scotland. Recent reports from across the UK have indicated there are still serious concerns relating to primary teachers' confidence and ability to teach science effectively.

Purpose The main research aims were to provide a clear, evidence-based analysis of the current issues facing primary science in the UK; explore primary teachers' confidence in science teaching and to evaluate the impact of science initiatives taking place in UK primary schools.

Sample The sample for the study comprised: telephone interviews with 300 primary teachers from all UK regions; seven focus groups of primary teachers held in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to further explore the issues raised in the telephone interviews; and workshops from a two-day conference of 75 stakeholders in primary science from all UK regions (approximately half the delegates were teachers; also represented were teacher educators (initial and continuing professional development), curriculum developers and policy-makers). In addition, 100 teacher education institutions were surveyed in relation to their participation in primary science initiatives.

Design and methods The methodology for both studies comprised qualitative and quantitative elements (see sample details, above). All data were collected between June and September 2004.

Results The findings indicated that there are improvements in some areas of primary teachers' confidence in teaching science. However, the study showed that half of the teachers surveyed cited lack of teacher confidence and ability to teach science as the current issue of major concern in primary science. This paper also reports on some of the professional development initiatives carried out by higher education institutions in primary science.

Conclusions The paper concludes that there has been some progress in developing teacher confidence in primary science over the past 10 years. However, the situation is still critical for all stakeholders. Half of the teachers surveyed in the UK for the present study identified lack of teacher confidence and ability to teach science as the major issue of concern in primary science. Higher education institutions need to enhance the preparation of new primary teachers to ensure that they are all confident and effective teachers of science. They could also increase their partnership work with schools and other continuing professional development (CPD) providers in relation to primary science. The evidence demonstrates clearly that there is a need for substantially increasing science professional development for primary teachers. It also shows that such professional development could be more effectively targeted at specific aspects of science teaching that are more challenging for teachers. Further, the study shows that professional development in science works, in that teachers who have experienced science continuing professional development (CPD) are much more confident to teach science than those who have not.  相似文献   

How to Study Effectively was probably the first distance learning course in the UK to help students to acquire learning skills. It has consistently attracted large numbers of students. Sam Rouse has tutored the course for the whole of its life and this paper reports the result of an evaluation he recently carried out. Samples of three student groups, all enrolled in 1972, were asked for their views on the course after a ten year gap. A group of'normal'enrollers is compared with two more special groups, one of TUC sponsored students and one of intending ordinands in the Church of England. Why did they enrol? How many assignments did they complete? What did they think of the course? What differences if any has it made to their lives? The paper concludes with three case studies of students, one from each group. The full report, And Having Studied Effectively , is published by the National Extension College.  相似文献   

In this article, Garry Hornby and Roger Kidd provide a follow-up to their own investigation of the outcomes of an inclusion project in Yorkshire ten years ago. Twenty-nine students were transferred from their special school for pupils with moderate learning difficulties into mainstream schools. Hornby and Kidd now report high levels of unemployment amongst these young people and indications that the quality of their adult lives is less than satisfactory. The results of this small-scale survey will raise important questions for all those concerned with current trends in the education of pupils with learning difficulties and their transition into adulthood.  相似文献   

文章对开放教育十年以来,商务英语专业实践教学的实践和理论进行梳理,提出了"3+3多元整合互动"的教学模式。该教学模式对商务英语专业培养目标人才包括语言、商务和综合三大能力的解构,诠释了专业实践教学的内涵;而多年来的实践探索证明了课堂、校内和校外三大平台作为其外在条件保障。在教学一体化设计下,通过阶段性循序渐进的培养,充分发挥远程开放教育在教育技术、网络和系统管理方面的优势以及学校身在开放改革前沿阵地的得天独厚,单个与综合技能、语言与商务知识、分散与集中环节等多元教学因素整合互动,实现教学目标,培养既会英语又懂商务的复合型应用型人才。  相似文献   

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