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Product data management (PDM) is a unique technique that integrates and manages all applications, information and processes defining a product from design to manufacture, and to end-user support. However, exploration of valuable information and knowledge from the PDM system has become a key in improvement of efficiency and implementation of knowledge management in an enterprise. This paper introduces a data mining prototype system model based on PDM, and emphasizes some important techniques such as design of the prototype system framework, methods of data selection and integration of data mining prototype system and PDM. The model basically solves the problem of functional losses in mining and analyzing data in PDM. Application of data mining to PDM is meaningful to the ideas and techniques of PDM, and to the rapid development of data mining application itself. Also, it is useful in improving development and usage of enterprise databases.  相似文献   

In this paper,a dynamic model on a rigid rotor-sliding bearing system with a SFD is established.The stability and bifurcation behaviors of the system are studied,on The basis of the differential equations of fluid momentum and mass continuity,the distribution pressure function is derived by taking oil film inertia force into consideration.Damping force, clearance excitation force,interference force of different frequencies and static load are also considered in the model,Finally,the governing equations of the stability and bifurcation behaviors of the system are solved by Floquet theory,Simulation of dynamic model shows that the rigid rotor-sliding bearing system can maintain stability and exhibit a Hopt bifurcation phenomenon in a certain range.  相似文献   

产品数据模型是产品数据管理中信息集成的基础,本提出了基于产品对象的数据管理方式,在此基础上描述了PDM中的面向对象的产品数据模型。根据产品数据模型提出了基于产品对象的通用数据、设计数据、制造数据3棵树组织产品数据的方法,为现在并行产品设计方式提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

1 Introduction IntheimplementationofCIMSinenterprises,thedevelopmentoftheCAD/CAMtechnologyandtheap pearanceofmatureCAD/CAMsoftwareprovidereliableandefficientdesigntoolsfortheexploitationanddevel opmentofproducts.UGII (aCAD/CAMsoftwareofEDScorporation)hasb…  相似文献   

1. Introduction Product data management (PDM) is a technology helping workgroup, department, division, or enterprise manage product data and development process throughout the product life cycle, from inception, through development and production to dispatch and beyond. As an integration tool connecting many different areas, PDM manages product data throughout the enterprise, ensuring that right information is available to the right person at the right time and in the right form. Web-based …  相似文献   

PDM是一种管理与产品相关的信息和过程的技术,它的应用能缩短产品设计周期,减少工程设计修改,加快产品投入市场进度,削减总成本。阐述了PDM的产生、发展历程及其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于RFID的智能仓储管理系统的研发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了RFID技术的基本概念、特点及应用,讨论了基于RFID的智能仓储管理系统的典型框架结构、主要特点及功能模块,与传统的识别方式相比,具有无需直接接触、无需光学可视、无需人工干预即可完成信号输入和处理、操作快捷方便等优点,初步实验表明了本设计方案的合理性和实用性。  相似文献   

1 Introduction An agent is an autonomous entity that runs in a dy-namic environment . Generally, it describes mentalstates such as knowledge , belief , promise , ability,etc. A multi-agent system ( MAS) consists of severalcomputational agents .It ai ms to transformlarge andcomplicated tasks to small ones that can communicateand cooperate with each other[1-3].Therefore ,cooper-ationis essential in MAS. The rough set theory (RST) was proposed by thePolish Mathematician Pawlak in 1982 .It w…  相似文献   

网络管理在迅速发展的网络环境中是一个关键,传统的集中式管理方法在可扩展性、可靠性、灵活性方面存在一定的不足。网管站派遣移动代理到各被管节点上去收集数据和执行网管操作,这样可以减少网络上不必要的中间数据传输,从而可以明显地节省网络带宽并减小网络延迟。通过移动代理将管理智能分布到网元,降低了网管平台的开销和网络负荷,可改善网管系统的可扩展性。探讨了采用移动代理解决网络管理中存在服务器性能瓶颈和负载平衡问题的方法。  相似文献   

结合当前分布式人工智能领域的研究热点——Agent理论技术,设计开发了一个智能化分布式的图书馆管理系统.将Agent的自主性、智能性等特点引入到图书管理系统中,使系统初步具有了自治性、自动反应性、交互性及适应环境性等特点,也为分布式管理系统的开发提供了新的模式.  相似文献   

An integrated intelligent management is presented to help organizations manage many heterogeneous resources in their information system. A general architecture of management for information system reliability is proposed, and the architecture from two aspects, process model and hierarchical model, described. Data mining techniques are used in data analysis. A data analysis system applicable to real-time data analysis is developed by improved data mining on the critical processes. The framework of the integrated management for information system reliability based on real-time data mining is illustrated, and the development of integrated and intelligent management of information system discussed.  相似文献   

在讨论供应链管理结构与实现过程的前提下,针对供应链管理模式的动态性,引入移动代理技术,对分布的制造企业资源进行了集成,并提出了一个完整的供应链管理系统.  相似文献   

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