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中小学生的心理性别差异教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育的一条基本原则就是从学生的实际情况出发。学生的实际情况不仅仅包括他们的年龄特征,还包括他们的性别特征和个体差异。在实施教育措施和教学方法上应做到男女有别,因性施教。因性施教的基本策略就是扬长补短,促使男女生的心理都得到完善而良好的发展,从而最大限度地发挥各自的心理潜力。  相似文献   

中职生由于以往在学习上的不算成功的经历,对于学习普遍带有缺乏信心、厌学等不良情绪。本文试图从分析中职生的心理特点入手,针对这些特点改革课堂教学方法,以期达到提升教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

Despite a large amount of research focusing on bullying and exclusion in secondary schools, there is far less research focusing on cross‐gender bullying and ‘popular’ students who experience bullying. This research provides an analysis of interactions between male and female students (aged 13–14) in a school in England. The data provides multiple examples, both in the form of observations and group interviews, of girls teasing, intimidating and bullying boys and other popular girls. The analysis also considers teachers’ reactions to this behaviour, highlighting that it is often unnoticed. This paper raises this as an area for concern and suggests that future research should explore this further, both gaining more in‐depth knowledge of female bullying and intimidation of boys and popular girls, and exploring ways of working with teachers and schools to support students.  相似文献   

Inclusion of vaginal inspection in all physical examinations resulted in doubling identification of cases of child sexual abuse. Forty-five of 247 girls under 13 years of age were admitted because sexual abuse had been reported. Of the 202 girls not suspected, 45 additional cases of sexual abuse were discovered by suspicious findings on vaginal inspection. The horizontal diameter of the vaginal opening exceeding 4 mm correlated in three of four instances with a confirming history for past sexual abuse. It is recommended that physical examination of young girls routinely include inspection of the vaginal opening. Pediatric caregivers need to teach themselves the parameters of the normal to protect those children who are suffering sexual abuse in their environment.  相似文献   

谈中等职业学校心理健康教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、中等职业学校学生心理发展特点 中职生的心理特点可分为一般心理特点和特殊职业心理特点.  相似文献   

The socialization of girls in secondary schools in England and the two Germanies points to the eventual role conflicts that face women in each of these countries. Girls theoretically have the same options as boys although in practice they may have less science or vocational education in England and West Germany. East German girls are made aware that they can expect to work while married and, like boys, they are asked to prepare for an occupation. Males predominate in decision-making roles in government, industry, and schools. This article is based on a research study conducted in the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the German Democratic Republic 1972/73; presented at the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies 1974.
Zusammenfassung Die Sozialisierung der Schülerinnen in Sekundärschulen in England, der Bundesrepublik und der DDR lässt erkennen, inwieweit die Frauen in jedem dieser Länder einem Rollenkonflikt gegenüberstehen. Theoretisch haben zwar die Mädchen dieselben Wahlmöglichkeiten wie die Jungen, in der Praxis erhalten sie aber in England und Westdeutschland oft weniger naturwissenschaftlichen und beruflichen Unterricht. In der DDR werden die Schülerinnen darauf hingewiesen, dass sie auch nach der Heirat einen Beruf ausüben können und sich ebenso wie die Knaben darauf vorbereiten sollen. Die führenden Rollen in Regierung, Industrie und Schulen sind vorwiegend mit Männern besetzt. Dieser Artikel beruht auf einer Forschungsstudie, die 1972/73 in Grossbritannnien, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik durchgeführt und 1974 dem Weltkongress für Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft vorgelegt wurde.

Résumé La socialisation des filles dans les écoles secondaires en Angleterre et dans les deux Allemagnes fait ressortir l'éventuel conflit de rôle que les femmes rencontrent dans chacun de ces pays. Les filles ont, en théorie, les mêmes choix que les garçons, bien qu'en pratique, il se peut qu'elles reçoivent moins d'éducation scientifique ou professionnelle en Angleterre et en Allemagne occidentale. Les filles d'Allemagne orientale, par contre, sont conscientes due fait qu'elles peuvent espérer travailler une fois mariées et, de même que les garçons, on leur demande de se préparer en vue d'un emploi. Les hommes prédominent dans les rôles où des décisions doivent être prises, au gouvernement, dans l'industrie, dans les écoles. Cet article se base sur une recherche faite en 1972/73 au Royaume Uni, dans la République fédérale d'Allemagne et dans la République démocratique allemande; il fut présenté en 1974 lors du Congrès mondial des Sociétés d'Education comparée.

The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship of childhood sexual abuse with later psychological and sexual adjustment. Subjects were 383 female college students recruited from undergraduate psychology classes. Each was asked to complete a packet which contained a victimization questionnaire as well as measures of adjustment. A number of small, but significant, relationships were found between a history of childhood sexual abuse and measures of later psychological and sexual adjustment. In light of the relationship between family background and sexual abuse, however, it was questioned whether these associations were due to the sexual abuse per se, or were due to the confounding of sexual abuse with family background. Indeed, once parental supportiveness was controlled, very few significant relationships emerged. There was a trend, however, for the significant correlations to involve the sexual measures rather than the more general adjustment measures. The implications of the current findings, particularly for future research, were discussed.  相似文献   

Although social play is common to many species, humans are unique in their ability to extract some of the benefits of social play through imagination. For example, in play with imaginary companions (ICs), children often practice skills that might be useful for later adaptive social, relational, and emotional functioning. While play with ICs does not provide the same immediate feedback that play with real others affords, this imagined, quasisocial context allows children to experiment with or rehearse events that might occur in real relationships. This symbolic enactment of social relationships might afford opportunities to experience not just social situations but all manner of positive and negative emotions in a risk-free way. In addition, children’s interactions with real others around their ICs allow for negotiation of social roles in real relationships. ICs also provide a forum for psychological distance that might help young children manage their real relationships and engage in processes such as negotiation and cooperation, which are needed for successful social adaptation. Although play with ICs is clearly not of adaptive value in an evolutionary sense, for the children who create them, ICs might hold psychological significance for adaptive social development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationships between psychological symptoms and thyroid hormone levels in adolescent girls who had experienced the traumatic stress of sexual abuse. METHOD: The study design was cross-sectional/correlational. Subjects (N=22; age range=12-18 years) had their blood drawn, and they completed 2 psychological tests (depression and general distress/posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD]). A pediatrician completed a sexual abuse questionnaire after reviewing law enforcement and Child Protective Services reports and conducting forensic interviews and medical examinations. RESULTS: Girls' average free T4, total T4, free T3, total T3, and TSH levels were within age-specific laboratory reference range limits, as were most individual concentrations. The strongest correlations (p<.05) were between free T3 and PTSD total score (-.50), PTSD-avoidance/numbing (-.49), and general distress (-.48); and between total T3 and depression (-.46), general distress (-.45), and PTSD-arousal (-.44). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support one of the two contemporary models of the relationships between thyroid hormones (i.e., free and total T3) and psychological symptoms (i.e., depression, general distress, and PTSD)--one of "shutting down" (vs. "activation") in the face of trauma.  相似文献   

Youth that are victims of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) have a host of clinical problems and often run away from home, residential care, and treatment, which complicates and limits treatment effectiveness. No research to date has attempted to predict running away in CSEC victims. The present study aimed to 1) characterize a clinically referred sample of girls who were victims of CSEC and compare them to other high-risk girls (i.e., girls who also have a history of trauma and running away, but deny CSEC); and 2) examine the utility of using the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) to predict future running away. Data were collected from de-identified charts of 80 girls (mean age = 15.38, SD = 1.3, 37.9% White, 52.5% CSEC victims) who were referred for psychological assessment by the Department of Child Services. Girls in the CSEC group were more likely to have experienced sexual abuse (χ2 = 6.85, p = .009), an STI (χ2 = 6.45, p = .01), a post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis (χ2 = 11.84, p = .001), and a substance use disorder diagnosis (χ2 = 11.32, p = .001) than high-risk girls. Moderated regression results indicated that YLS/CMI scores significantly predicted future running away among the CSEC group (β = 0.23, SE = .06, p = .02), but not the high-risk group (β = −.008, SE = .11, p =.90). The YLS/CMI shows initial promise for predicting future running away in girls who are CSEC victims. Predicting running away can help identify those at risk for and prevent running away and improve treatment outcomes. We hope current findings stimulate future work in this area.  相似文献   

School transition is a critical life event for many children. However, the effects of school transition on children's stress experiences reported in the literature have been inconsistent. The present study with 564 third- to sixth-graders compared the changes in experienced stress level and in somatic and psychological symptoms during the transition from elementary to secondary schools (from grade 4 to grade 5) to the changes of two control groups (experiencing changes from grades 3 to 4 and from grades 5 to 6, but without school transition). The results show decreases in experienced stress levels and somatic and psychological symptoms after school transition. However, these decreases reflect mainly recovery effects after the school summer break, as comparisons with the control groups indicate.  相似文献   

抓好中专毕业班学生的心理素质教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中专毕业生在寻求职业中是一个弱势群体。良好的心理素质,是适应社会生活的发展需要。作为教师,抓好毕业生的心理素质教育尤为关健。  相似文献   

一、中等职业学校开展心理咨询与辅导工作的必要性 中职生入学年龄大致在15~17岁,心理年龄不成熟.为详细了解我校学生的心理状况,深入细致地做好思想教育工作,笔者对8个班386位学生进行了一次问卷调查,调查结果如下:  相似文献   


Much research has been done into the relationship between students’ motivation to learn and their basic psychological needs as defined by the self-determination theory (autonomy, competence, relatedness). However, few studies have explored how these psychological needs relate to different types of maladaptive behavior in the classroom. To prevent or remedy such behavior, more insight into its relationships is required. The present study attempted to determine the relationship between maladaptive behavior of secondary school students (grades 8 and 9) and the degree to which both teachers and peers address their needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Results show significant, negative correlations between maladaptive student behavior in the classroom and the extent to which students’ basic psychological needs are met by teachers and fellow students. Both teachers and fellow students play a role in students’ maladaptive behavior toward school and withdrawn behavior. When it comes to unfriendly behavior, the perceived support of teachers appears to be particularly relevant, while the role of peers is an important factor in delinquent behavior.


成人在儿童的语言习得中扮演着更为积极的角色,而非仅仅是提供语言模型。成人总是以儿童能够接受的程度来使用语言,而且会根据儿童对语言的敏感度的进步而加大话语的难度。因此对于简单、形式完美、内容详实的母亲语言(mothers’speech)研究是儿童最初语言输入研究的重点,母亲语言特征对于婴儿的社会交际发展具有重要意义。本文根据母亲语言的三个特征:简约化、表达性鉴别化、澄清化来展示母亲语言对儿童语言习得的重要性。  相似文献   

For most females, crude language and other forms of sexually harassing behaviour are part of the fabric of our daily lives. To date, however, our focus on sexual harassment has been limited primarily to the experiences of adult women in academic and work place settings. What has not been explored is the prevalence of sexual harassment in schools and the way it interferes with young women's education. Equal opportunity programmes are of limited use if, for example, we urge female students into traditional male courses but we neglect to consider the hostile climate they encounter there. In this study I explored young women's experiences of sexual harassment in the setting lauded as their gateway to opportunity: school. Based on their testimonies I make recommendations for educators who are committed to making high school a more equitable place for female students.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse during childhood is a public health and human rights concern throughout the world, including Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2011, Zimbabwe initiated national prevalence data collection on violence against children to inform government policy and programs. We interviewed 567 females and 589 males, aged 18–24 years following standardized and previously tested survey methods from the region. Of females 32.5%, and of males 8.9%, reported experiencing sexual violence before age 18. Most female (62.7%) and male (47.9%) victims of sexual violence experienced more than one incident of sexual violence prior to age 18 years. Three in four females (77.7%) and one in four males (26.7%) of those who experienced sexual violence reported that the first incident was perpetrated by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Few victims received professional help (2.7% of females and 2.4% of males who had reported experiencing sexual violence). Violence against girls is at epidemic levels in Zimbabwe. Most sexual violence against girls occurs within the context of peer relationships. Child victims who seek potentially life-saving support tend not to receive it. This study is evidence of a national public health and child rights emergency in the country and a case for increased, longer-term investment by the government and its development partners in policy reform for enhancing adolescent girls’ empowerment and protection.  相似文献   

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