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论城市社区服务体系的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展社区服务是我国全面建设小康社会的必然要求.我国城市社区服务从上世纪80年代肇始,已有20多年的发展历史,现已初具规模,为"和谐社会"的建设作出了积极贡献.但从目前我国城市社区服务发展的现状看,我国城市社区服务主要存在以下几个方面需要解决的突出问题:城市社区组织职能有待明确,服务意识有待增强;社区服务的从业人员整体素质不理想,专业化水平偏低;社区服务不能满足居民对社区服务的需求;社区居民对社区服务的参与热情不高.我们应从以下四个方面着手,完善城市社区服务体系,使城市社区服务得到持续健康的发展,为社区居民提供广泛满意的服务.第一,明确社区组织在社区服务供给中的职能,重视自身建设;第二,努力提高社区服务从业人员素质及专业化水平;第三,努力解决社区服务供需矛盾,扩大社区服务项目;第四,培养社区意识,广泛动员社区居民参与社区服务.  相似文献   

社区服务是以社区为单位,以社区成员为服务对象,在政府、群众自治组织和专门人员的倡导和帮助下,主要由社区成员所进行的,以解决本社区的社会问题,满足社区成员的物质与精神生活需要为目的,以就地和自助互助为特征的福利服务和便民利民服务。三年前“社区服务”一词还鲜为人知,如今它已成为我国许多城市中蓬勃兴起、迅速发展的一项重要事业。社区服务正以它投资少,见效快、小型、灵活、多样、服务面广等优点显示出勃勃生机和强大的生命力,发挥出越来越大的社会作用,受到各方面的普遍关注与欢迎。我国社区服务事业兴起的时间短、起步快。为了使其能健康地发展,很有必要加强对它的理论研究。例如,关于社区服务社会功能的认识通常集中在以下四个方面:①论证其对国家、家庭服务功能的补充作用;②强调它在福利服务方面的作用;③注重它的社会稳定机制作用;④从社区自身发展的角度论述社区服务的作用。以上四方面无疑都是社区服务社会功能的体现,但笔者认为,对社区服务社会功能的认识不能仅停留在这种水平上,应有新的认识高度,有必要从社区服务与社会发展关系的高度进行研究。  相似文献   

社区工作者是社区管理的主要组织者、社区服务的直接提供者、社区建设的直接参与者,其发展状况对城市基层社会治理具有重要影响。近年来,河南省把社区工作者队伍建设摆在突出位置,不断加大财政投入、完善规章制度、细化工作措施,取得了一些经验和成效。但河南省城市社区工作者队伍建设水平整体较低,基本上刚刚起步,存在着任务负担繁重、人员配备不足、薪酬待遇偏低、晋升渠道不畅、专业化水平低、队伍稳定性差等突出问题。对此,努力打造一支高素质专业化的社区工作者队伍,为城市基层治理提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

社区服务是社区建设的核心及关键。在武汉D村社区服务创新实践的基础上分析社会资本影响下的农村社区服务创新工作,认为优化社会资本影响下的农村社区服务需要从增加法制与规范的有效供给、加强对村民的美德教育以及健全村民参与机制三个方面进行。  相似文献   

社区服务以满足社区居民需求为根本目标,服务需求决定了社区服务的立足点。发展社区服务,能增强社区人的归属感、认同感,是社会稳定、发展的"安全阀"。立足社区服务的规范性与应然性,建构起当前我国社区服务体系的合理架构,提出着力解决社区服务资金来源、专业化发展程度等问题,积极推进社区服务的发展,政府应履行规划者、主导者的职责,同时需要市场因素的介入,实现社区服务福利性和经营性的统一。  相似文献   

随着社区教育事业的深入发展,社区教育专职工作者专业化问题被提上了日程.有关社区教育工作者专业化发展的研究也得到理论研究者的重视,并产出了一批有价值的学术研究成果.然而,社区教育专职工作者专业化发展尚未得到实践层面的足够重视,在许多方面还存在诸多阻碍社区教育专职工作者专业化发展的症结.这些症结有理念上的,也有政策制度上的,更有实践上的.针对这些症结,须内外结合、双管齐下.一方面,制定法律、建立和完善政策制度保障体系,优化社区教育专职工作者专业化发展的外部环境;另一方面,注重培养培训、加强自我学习,增强社区教育专职工作者专业化发展的队伍基础.  相似文献   

从社会结构和社区环境两个层面来推动各民族相互嵌入,其目标在于从根本上形成一个民族互嵌型社会。民族互嵌型社会是一种与西方平行社会相对立的多民族社会形态,它具有构建有机民族团结的基本功能。在新形势下巩固民族团结的大局,既要注重在宏观层面建立各民族相互嵌入型社会结构,也要注重在微观层面建立各民族相互嵌入型社区环境。  相似文献   

教育矫正是中国社区矫正的三大任务之一.通过从教育理念、教育原则、教育内容、教育方法等方面系统比较中英社区矫正教育发现,中国社区矫正教育以“改造人”为目标,注重思想矫正,坚持“因人施教、因时制宜、因地制宜”的教育原则;而英国则注重社区矫正教育的个别化,并突出问题导向性.英国更加充分地利用社区力量,提出“综合罪犯管理模式”和“社区安全合伙人”等理念;注重科学完善的罪犯评估系统以及专业化的矫正教育队伍建设.  相似文献   

中职学校社区服务是中职社会化服务的重要内容,具有实现和发展的双重意义。本文从认识层面、实践层面、保障层面、发展层面四个角度全面分析了我校社区服务,重点探索"服务驱动发展"理念的制度化安排,形成学校与社区可持续的互利双赢的合作局面,在履行服务社区职能的过程中,整合利用校内、校外两种学习情境、两种学习资源、两个学习场所、两种学习方式,发展学生的职业能力和社会能力。  相似文献   

社区教育现代化的主要任务是扩大供给,提升质量。研究以上海为例,对照国家和上海教育现代化的各项要求,重点探讨四个关键问题。一是多元化问题,要促进更多的社会力量参与社区教育供给;二是均衡化问题,要重视参与的均衡,注重内容的均衡,促进城乡的均衡;三是专业化问题,要重视解决教师角色定位、教学能力提升、队伍结构优化等问题;四是信息化问题,从资源与需求的匹配、支持学习体验的技术、大数据管理等方面进行了探讨。通过关键问题的研究,提出了应对现代化发展的策略,包括要着力加强社区教育治理体系建设,建构社区教育制度体系,提升社区教育的服务能力和教育功能,创新社区教育的信息化服务模式。  相似文献   

社区养老是重要的养老模式之一,顺德社区养老服务体系建设处在起步阶段。通过对率先进入老龄化社会的香港社区养老服务进行分析,总结其特点,认为顺德目前应当建立社区服务中心间的联系和转介机制、推动慈善组织发展、增强服务专业性、推动长者义工计划,以改善社区养老服务的质量。  相似文献   


Previous research on school experiences has often focused on lesbian and gay students. Far fewer studies have examined trans* students’ experiences, especially with respect to community support. And none of this work has addressed relevant issues in an East Asian Chinese cultural context, where transgender equality has been a hotly debated issue in recent years, and prejudice towards members of this ‘invisible’ population still persists. This paper highlights the school experiences of trans* students based on a literature review of international, regional and Hong Kong publications. A case study analysis of one Hong Kong community support programme is used as an example to highlight the important role that this kind of work can play in filling a gap left by the formal education sector. Findings suggest that, given the influence of genderism and deficiencies of in school environments, community support services provided by non-government organisations can play a significant role not only in raising public awareness, but also in filling education and service gaps for sexual and gender minority students.  相似文献   

Background:?Hong Kong is currently a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. It has autonomy over many policy areas, including finance and education. It is a community of seven million people, which has changed its focus and identity significantly over the last 25 years, from predominantly manufacturing to a service and knowledge economy with particular strengths in financial services.

Purpose:?This paper will consider the market for teacher education places and the market for teachers, and explore the career intention and commitment implications of high numbers of well qualified applicants applying for teaching in the context of reduced work opportunities elsewhere, an increasing higher education focus on intake scores and the challenge, for the teaching profession and the education system, of teaching becoming less secure work.

Sources of evidence:?Governmental and institutional publications and data, along with research and survey findings, together with comparative literature underpin the reactions to past, present and possible future effects on teacher education in Hong Kong.

Main argument:?Given its financial focus, Hong Kong would be expected to suffer significantly during the recent financial crisis and that this would impact across all its sectors including Education and Teacher Education. In addition to the financial crisis, other changes have affected teacher education in Hong Kong, including major reforms in curriculum and school and higher education structure and a significantly diminished birth rate reducing posts in teaching, and raising concerns about job security.

Conclusions:?Hong Kong is a very prudently managed economy with substantial reserves and a commitment to ‘small government’ and the impact has been different from many other systems. Places on teacher education programmes remained unchanged. Applications for teacher education programmes however increased significantly during the crisis.  相似文献   

香港职业教育事象及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港职业训练局的发展愿景、品牌标语、课程体系、行动载体、专业教育,以及香港理工大学工业中心"培养首选的毕业生"的人才培养定位等教育事象,真实地解释了香港职业教育的发展轨迹、个性特色。这些先进经验可以为中国职业教育改革提供基本理念、关键要素、发展路径、结构设计、动力来源、机制措施等方面的启示。  相似文献   

专业设置是高等教育发展的核心问题,它不仅影响到高等教育的规模、质量、结构和效益,也影响到高等教育培养专门人才的类型、规格、质量和水平。本文通过对台港澳私立高等院校专业设置现状的实地调研,在分析比较台港澳私立高等院校专业设置的一般特点和不同趋向的基础上,探索了影响台港澳私立高等院校专业设置的相关要素,提出了一些大陆民办高等院校专业设置值得借鉴的经验与建议。  相似文献   

当代香港基督教社会福利事业述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴办社会福利事业是香港基督教发展一个重要特色,对香港教会发展和社会和谐稳定有重要影响。香港教会在社会福利事业的地位和影响是历史形成的,既有深厚的神学背景,又有迫切的现实需要。香港教会社会福利事业的模式和经验值得人们借鉴,其面对的挑战亦应引发人们进一步思考。  相似文献   

香港与四川客家均源出于客家大本营的闽粤赣地区,是客家民系扩散外迁的产物。二者在迁出时间上大体相当(清前期),只是在流向上略有不同。客家人进入四川后,随着自身人口和经济实力的增长,到了清中期,开始逐渐向城市发展。自那以后的150年间,四川社会不断发生变化,特别是到了20世纪50年代以后,随着城市化、工业化进程的到来,这些客家人的生活方式和文化因受到巨大的冲击,逐渐消融于城市之中。客家人进入香港后,陆续建立起自己的村庄;经过数百年的变迁,特别是自上个世纪60年代以来,随着市区的高速发展,这些客家村庄已逐渐融入现代化的城市之中。目前,四川客家,尤其是四川最大的客家聚居区——成都东山客家方言区,正沿着当年香港客家演变的轨迹飞速发展,客家文化和语言正面临着丧失的危险。本文以成都近郊的沙河客家小区和香港新界客家村落作对比,考察两地客家人所迁居城市的背景、迁居后的环境适应,以及迁居后各自所发生的巨变;具体剖析川、港两地客家文化的异同,考察不同地域背景下都市化进程的差异,及其对两地客家所产生的影响。在此基础上,提出剧烈社会变动下都市客家文化走向的命题,对客家文化在不同地区、不同社会历史背景下发展演变的轨迹异同进行比较,以寻求在全球经济一体化环境下保护客家文化传统的应对之策。  相似文献   

Shibao Guo 《Interchange》2008,39(2):259-275
This study reports that SUCCESS was founded in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1973 as a result of the failure of government agencies and mainstream organizations to provide accessible social services for newly-arrived Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong. During its initial stage, the organization provided mainly basic settlement services. But SUCCESS has become a well-established multi-level service agency, providing a wide range of programs and services to both Chinese and non-Chinese. More importantly, it has created a home and a community to which immigrants feel they belong. It demonstrates that SUCCESS has played a significant role in promoting immigrant integration. Furthermore, it has built a bridge between the immigrant community and Canadian society at large. In addition, the study challenges the view of liberal universalism and provides an alternative model to interpret minority group rights, citizenship, and democracy.  相似文献   

The study examines the relative importance of the various organizational effectiveness dimensions in higher education institutions by positing organizational effectiveness as a second-order construct. Based on the findings of a survey administered to university academics in Hong Kong universities, the second-order structure of organizational effectiveness was supported. The findings reflected that the student-related dimensions were not considered as important as the dimensions related to faculty employment and satisfaction and suggested the disproportionate influence of the governing body on universities in Hong Kong.  相似文献   


In alignment with the New Academic Structure, the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) was launched in 2012 to replace the former Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) as certification for completion of secondary education, and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) as the main credentials for university admission in Hong Kong. Standards-referenced reporting is adopted for the HKDSE with the objective of reporting candidates’ results against a set of prescribed levels of achievement based on typical performances at those levels. Clearly defined standards facilitate learning and teaching as well as enable users of the qualification, including tertiary institutions and employers, to set appropriate entrance/job requirements. The standards are set and maintained by expert judgement supported by psychometric data to ensure fairness and consistency of standards across subjects and across cohorts. Systemic and implementation issues and their resolutions are discussed in the context of the education reform in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

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