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在地理学习中,劣构问题更具复杂性,具有一定的挑战,能激发学生的探究欲,将其作为学习任务有助于学生在真实的情境中探究问题、在学习合作中解决问题、在总结评估中发展高阶思维能力。在高中地理教学中,可将劣构问题作为“导火线”,通过情境创设、知识建构、问题解决和反思评价4个环节完成劣构问题的解决,促进批判性思维、反思性思维和创新性思维等高阶思维的发展,最终实现深度学习,落实地理学科核心素养的培育。  相似文献   

劣构问题在学业水平测试中有独特价值。学科认知情境劣构问题触及学科本质问题,生活情境劣构问题体现情境化命题理念。劣构问题关注情境,突出思维表现性考查。教学中应重视劣构问题的设计与运用,要重构文本阅读教学的内容,转变教学方式,重视读写一体化活动与跨学科学习探索,并以创设融合情境做保障。  相似文献   

劣构数学问题不论是在教学中还是在实际生活中都是很重要的,但解决起来却非常困难。结合劣构问题的特点,从情境认知理论的角度提出网络环境下劣构数学问题求解的教学情景设计,为此类问题的解决提供一个全新的思路。  相似文献   

教学中关注劣构问题的解决,对学生能力的发展有一定的意义,也符合当前新课改理念。比较良构问题和劣构问题的异同,然后以教学中遇到的问题为例,讨论了劣构问题的解决过程,最后探讨了劣构问题对教学的意义。  相似文献   

相较良构问题,劣构问题可更大程度地激发学生的学习热情及探究欲望,促使其在寻找最佳解决办法的过程中发展高阶思维。在初中科学教学中,教师要分析劣构问题在培养学生高阶思维方面的教学价值,培养学生的求解能力、决策能力、批判性思维能力和创新能力。教师可优化教材中的问题设计、创设生活情境、利用错误资源、捕捉课堂生成,巧妙设计劣构问题,引导学生达成深度学习。  相似文献   

劣构问题的求解根植于情境认知理论.网络学习环境下,并非每一个劣构问题求解者都是专家和能手,对于新手求解者而言,如何探索有效的求解方法和途径,是众多学者一直在研究的课题之一.本文对劣构问题求解的实质,以及情境认知理论的核心概念即"合法的边缘性参与"进行剖析,认为劣构问题新手求解者通过与构建的虚拟实践共同体的文化和情境之间联系和互动,从合法的边缘性参与者逐步到虚拟实践共同体中的核心成员,从新手逐步到专家,从而能寻找到有效地解决劣构问题的策略.为此.本文在此基础上提出了网络学习环境下新手求解劣构问题的策略,即运用技术中介听取专家的"口授教学";参与同类案例实践;形成共同的价值规范等三部分.研究表明,在虚拟实践共同体中"合法的边缘性参与",能帮助新手求解者高效率表征劣构问题,生成更优的解决方案,并能对其进行持续地监控和评估.本文验证了"学习是实践共同体中合法的边缘性参与"这一著名论断,也为劣构问题在情境认知方面的求解探索提供了一个新的视角.  相似文献   

劣构问题是开放式的问题,其解决方式具有多样性,劣构问题的解决能促进深度学习的发生,可有效培养学生的地理学科核心素养,提升学生的地理思维品质.文章在对劣构问题特征解读的基础上,以"中东"一节教学为例,进行基于劣构问题的教学实践,以期为中学地理教学提供参考.  相似文献   

思维能力是语文核心素养的重要内容。思辨性阅读教学中的劣构问题情境探索,是对思维能力培养的积极建构。从劣构问题的多元选择性、矛盾冲突性、批判性、创造性等情境探索,助力思维生长,提升思维品质。劣构问题情境应成为学生思维发展的依托与载体,促进高阶思维与深度学习。  相似文献   

劣构问题广泛存在于生活实践中,具有结构形式灵活、与具体情境联系紧密、涉及因素与条件多样、存在多种解决方案和评价标准等特点,探究求解劣构问题的有效途径具有现实意义。具有发散性结构的思维导图在劣构问题求解过程中,有助于帮助问题求解者在搜寻、选择信息时理清思路,正确、全面地表征问题;在比较解决方案时,展开联想,吸取各方立场和建议,形成一个综合完善的问题解决方案;在求解过程中,制定计划,监控与评估解决过程。  相似文献   

基于良构和劣构问题求解的教学设计模式(上)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
虽然大多数教育家认为问题求解能力是最重要的学习结果 ,但在教学设计研究中却甚少涉及问题求解的教学设计问题 ,本文的探究力图弥补这一不足。我们认为 ,问题可以分为良构问题 (well- structured prob-lem)和劣构问题 (ill- structured)两大类型。良构问题是指限定性条件的问题 ,它具有明确的已知条件 ,并在已知条件范围内运用若干规则和原理来获得同一性的解决方法。劣构问题的特点是具有多种解决方法、解决途径和少量确定性的条件。这些条件不仅不易操作 ,而且包括某些不确定性因素 ,如哪些概念、规则和原理对求解方法是必要的 ,如何将它们组织起来 ,哪种解决方法最为合适等等。对于这两大类型问题 ,本文分别讨论了学习者问题求解的模式 ,讨论了相应的教学设计模式 ,以支持学习者问题求解技能的发展。良构问题的求解模式是以信息加工学习理论为基础的 ,而劣构问题的求解模式则是基于一种新兴的劣构问题求解理论、建构主义和情境认知学习理论  相似文献   

Adults are capable of cognitive development beyond formal operations. The concept of the global village and its attendant social complexity will challenge individuals with anomalous events and issues that do not conform to our current systems thinking structures. Because such events and problems exist outside our traditional and familiar models of problem structuring, they appear ill-defined. Advanced modes of thought will be required to solve these types of ill-structured problems that real life will present. Failure to facilitate the development of postformal reasoning skills in organizations may manifest itself in an unacceptable difference in problem-solving behavior between those with postformal cognition and those reasoning at less cognitively dynamic levels.  相似文献   

基于问题的学习是指学生利用知识和技能解决一系列实际问题,从而达到建构知识的目的。在幼儿园教师教育中运用基于问题的学习模式,可以借鉴香港大学教育学院的经验,重点是借助网络平台授课,为学前教育专业学生提供丰富的网络资源及网络学习工具;为学生创设劣构问题,促使其持续思考;坚持以学生为中心,组织学生小组协作;注重评价与反思。  相似文献   

Solving real-world problems is an effective learning activity that promotes meaningful learning in formal educational settings. Problems can be classified as being either well structured or ill structured. Internet information search approaches have an influential role to play in the successful performance of problem solving. A better understanding of how students differentially model information search strategies and movements in tackling well- and ill-structured problems is essential for creating engaging problem-solving environments for students. Static measures, such as the number of accessed nodes or links, or the number of times particular web browser function buttons are clicked, are limited in their ability to analyze attributes of information search patterns. A more dynamic and spatial representation of web movements and navigational patterns can be realized through the use of navigational paths as data. The two path-specific structural metrics that can be used to assess network-based navigational paths in relation to the structuredness of the problem-solving task are compactness and stratum. These metrics are, respectively, the indicators of the connectedness and linearity of network-based structures defining students’ online navigational visitations during the problem-solving sessions. This study explored the relevance and utility of these two metrics in analyzing the navigational movements of learners in seeking out electronic information to accomplish successful problem solving. The outcome findings of this study show that well- and ill-structured problems demand different cognitive and information seeking navigational approaches. The differing values of the two path metrics in analyzing the search movements organized by students in attending to well- and ill-structured problems were a direct result of the contrasting patterns of navigational path movements. The search patterns associated with well-structured problem solving tended to be more linear and less connected, whereas those related to ill-structured problem solving were more distributed and inter-connected.  相似文献   

物理问题解决的认知模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问题解决过程是一种能力和智慧的生成过程。从教育心理学的视角出发,文章分析了较为典型的问题解决过程模式。依据现代认知心理学理论并考虑协同学原理,构建了能够体现个体思维特征的,适合于物理问题解决的认知模式。该认知模式具有非线性特征,更加注重各阶段的动态联系,真实地描述了人类解决问题的动态过程,揭示出不同个体在同一问题解决中存在的认知差异,并且应用认知模式对一个著名的科学案例进行了诠释。  相似文献   

Due to its strong focus on reasoning and argumentation, critical thinking lacks the breadth required of a comprehensive account of higher order thinking. In particular, critical thinking does not promote reflection on the underlying problems or situations that people think about. This paper reviews various proposed additions to and reorientations of the critical thinking paradigm. It presents a conceptual framework that encompasses the most promising extensions as topics in a broadened account of higher order thinking. This account can be understood as an elaboration of problem solving along two dimensions: Problem types, which are generic thinking situations; and problem solving functions, which are generic thinking tasks. The proposed topic-level account of higher order thinking offers a greatly enlarged view of what should be taught in general thinking skills programs.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - In his 1973 article The Structure of ill structured problems, Herbert Simon proposed that solving ill-structured problems could be modeled within the same...  相似文献   

许明明 《天津教育》2021,(11):142-143
提高学生的解题能力是初中数学教学的重点。初中数学习题灵活多变,解题方法多种多样,为促进学生解题能力更好地提升,教师会为学生讲解相关的解题思维。其中侧向思维是一种迂回思维,既能帮助学生更好地破题,又能简化解题步骤,提高解题效率,因此,教学中应结合具体例题,为学生讲解侧向思维的具体应用,给其以后的解题带来良好的指引。  相似文献   

“基于问题的学习”在教师培训中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建构主义学习理论所倡导的"基于问题的学习"日益受到关注。该模式中,学生围绕问题解决展开知识的主动建构,并藉此过程掌握灵活的知识基础,发展高层次的思维技能和自主学习的能力。其过程包括组织小组、启动问题、持续探讨问题、成果展示及反思和评价等环节。该模式对教师培训方式的变革颇具启迪和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

解决良构问题与非良构问题的研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
学校情境下的问题大部分是良构问题,而现实生活中面临的问题大多是非良构问题。解决良构问题的程序是激活图式表征问题,搜寻解决方案和执行解决方案。结构性知识与具体领域的知识是解决良构问题的主要成分。解决非良构问题的过程包括了解问题的陈述,确定问题是否存在,确定问题的本质,澄清问题产生的原因,识别与澄清不同的看法,生成与选择可能的解决方案,评估与实施解决方案。认知的调节、认知观和情感态度等非认知因素均是解决非良构问题的关键因素。总之,在问题本质、问题解决过程和问题解决成分三个方面,良构问题与非良构问题存在看较大的差异。  相似文献   

Spatial thinking, which is taught and practiced in many of the social sciences, is a skill that is often overlooked in the social work curriculum. Spatial thought increases perception, logic, and organized cognition of goals and therefore holds promise for social work practice. Developing skills in spatial thought offers social workers additional tools for problem solving at all practice levels. Finally, thinking spatially raises awareness of problem-solving techniques in relation to environmental resources, a key aspect of systems theory. Fortunately, spatial thinking can be easily integrated into a variety of social work classes helping students master the skill and understand its importance. This article defines and describes spatial thinking, explores its fit in various areas of the social work curriculum, and discusses ways its use can be encouraged.  相似文献   

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