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Librarians who teach one-shot library instruction classes (one-time, one- to three-hour classes to students who are assumed to be novice researchers) are often torn between two pedagogic approaches: a “critical mass” pedagogy emphasizing a minimum amount of databases that must be introduced with little time for student searching, and a “use-oriented” pedagogy emphasizing the introduction of one or two databases, with the instructor providing adequate time for the student to hone their search skills through in class work time that provides for interaction with the librarian. Drawing from the learning theory of Brian Cambourne, we compare the two pedagogic approaches and argue that a use-oriented approach is a better match to Cambourne's Conditions of Learning, but that without certain preparations of and expectations from the student, librarians will struggle with both approaches in these one-shot library instruction sessions.  相似文献   

Librarians are increasingly placed in the role of instructor and are required to design and deliver effective instruction. This article highlights ADDIE, an instructional design model that librarians at Weill Cornell Medical College used to redesign an evidence-based medicine course taken by first-year medical students. The ADDIE model incorporates the five phases of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. It was found that the application of ADDIE can result in instruction that focuses on learning outcomes relevant to students, meets students' needs, and facilitates active learning.  相似文献   

What is the value of library services and resources in the college classroom? How do library instruction and collections contribute to academic teaching and learning outcomes? A chemistry instructor, instruction librarian, and technical services librarian collaborated to answer these questions by combining chemistry education and information literacy pedagogy to assess student learning. The authors developed curriculum units that teach information literacy skills and scientific literature research in a General Chemistry Laboratory course for Honors students. Their study extends beyond examining library instruction and collections assessment in isolation. Rather, their research protocol intends to contribute to student learning outcomes assessment research. The authors propose that an embedded, mixed-methodology, and longitudinal approach can be used to collect data and assess outcomes in terms that describe and measure the value of library services and resources.  相似文献   

Librarians are using learning styles as a tool to engage students and enhance their teaching. However, a review of the literature reveals that learning styles theory is complex and problematic. It is important to base our practice on sound pedagogy. This critical examination of learning styles explores the issues surrounding them and what they can offer to information literacy.  相似文献   

Academic libraries have long been trying to gain access to users through their favorite online spaces, such as social networking sites. In this article a project of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's University Libraries, which integrated library resources with the campus course management system, Blackboard, is detailed. The main objective was to push the best resources to students based on their actual needs. For years, static HTML Web pages were created, but the proliferation of these pages required tremendous maintenance. In addition it is not certain that students are able to access the most relevant resources buried deep in the Web site. Because of these challenges, the Course Resources Tool and the Library Resources Portal were created to provide high levels of customization based on information that was gathered from users as they log into Blackboard. The tools have been customized so that subject specialist liaisons can integrate library resources at the major, department, course, and course section levels. Despite some difficulties in launching and promoting these projects, there has been positive feedback. There was also an increase in usage statistics that rivals the use of the library's main Web site. This article describes the tools, documents the difficulties with each phase of the project, and discusses the lessons learned. Also, a brief overview of possible expansions of the Blackboard Course Resources Tool and the Library Resources Portal is provided.  相似文献   

In the flipped classroom model, the pedagogical paradigm is reversed and the students learn the class lesson at home and do homework in class. Although much of the focus of the flipped model has been on the secondary education level, this model could be a viable way to teach library instruction sessions to college-level students as well as a way to preserve scarce class time. This article examines a project that was done at LIU Post, where an instructor of the Library Competency Workshop course flipped the classroom and compared test results to sections where the class was run in a traditional lecture classroom model as well as the experiences on how the instructor flipped the classroom.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the Library and Office of Institutional Research at a public college measured the relationship of an online information literacy module in the learning management system with student success metrics in a first-year experience course. Specifically, the authors examine the relationships of an online instruction module, online module completion status, library use sessions, and student success metrics, such as semester grade point average (GPA), one-year retention, and academic standing. The results suggest that students who participated in the online information literacy module had better student outcomes than those that did not participate in the module. Research assignment grade and library use sessions are found as significant predictors of student semester GPA and one-year retention, controlling for high school GPA, student characteristics, and utilization of student support services. Practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article introduces Universal Design for Learning (UDL), an emerging paradigm to “design course instruction, materials, and content to benefit people of all learning styles without adaption or retrofitting.” The study explores multiple UDL principles that could be applied to library instruction by providing a lesson plan in general and one focusing on teaching Boolean Logic. The article presents data and analyzes surveys to evaluate the impact these have on teaching effectiveness. The results of the survey suggest that a simple adoption of UDL can help students master search skills effectively.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):287-298

This paper delineates the special characteristics of the adult learner, emphasizing their high level of motivation and their diverse learning styles. It introduces the 4MATR System, an instructional model developed by Bernice McCarthy, PhD which provides a systematic approach to delivering instruction that especially addresses the learning styles of adults. As a learner-focused model for adapting curriculum and instruction to the diverse needs of students, 4 MAT gives teachers/librarians a framework in which to design learning activities in a systematic cycle. The system encourages librarians to use multiple methods of instruction so as to reach students more effectively, regardless of the individual's learning style. The paper concludes with a library instruction unit designed by using the 4MATR System.  相似文献   


This study examines the variety of instructional practices employed in distance learning librarianship from the end of the 20th Century through the early beginnings of the 21st Century. The authors provide a thorough review of the literature on distance learning library instruction, and the study highlights the instructional services provided at two academic institutions with distinctly different clienteles and missions-one a large American university and the other a large Caribbean university.  相似文献   

Teaching patrons to use library resources unaided has long been recognized as highly desirable, yet the education of reference librarians to do this important instruction has been scattered and haphazard. Slow to develop and emerge as a separate course in library school curricula, this article reports that the situation has now changed, due primarily to the organized efforts and perseverance of practitioners and library and information science educators.  相似文献   


This institution is in the process of establishing a graphical interface, Web-based MOO [Multi-User Dungeon, Object-Oriented], both to create a forum for synchronous library instruction and to serve as an online meeting place for off-campus students, who are otherwise without a learning community. This paper describes the development of that service and outlines its strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

Two librarians analyzed nursing students’ performance on an information literacy assignment to determine how they could change their instruction to better assist the students in comprehending the material. After identifying major areas of difficulty, including the use of search techniques, they revised both the instruction and the assignment, closing the loop by utilizing their assessment data. Next, they analyzed those results to evaluate the effectiveness of their changes and to make further improvements, thus demonstrating the iterative nature of instruction and assessment. The evidence-based instruction cycle of teaching, assessing, and revising should be repeated frequently to keep the assignment fresh and relevant.  相似文献   

图书馆资源服务与Blackboard平台的整合未能得到足够关注.可供整合的图书馆资源与服务内容上包括电子保存本、信息素质教育、电子数据库、学科指南、学科馆员等;方法上受购入Blackboard产品种类及功能的制约,总体上看,可从宏观层次与微观层次开展整合,在此过程中,链接方法简单实用.整合中应注意资源、版权、技术、合作、推广几方面的问题.参考文献20.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(10):149-157
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study details a trial in which three undergraduate library instruction sessions were conducted on a class set of iPads in a SCALE-UP classroom. The iPads suggested strong potential as replacements for desktop computers and demonstrated support for key active learning approaches: instant polling, content sharing, and navigation of Webpages and databases. The SCALE-UP classroom has made notable contributions in promoting undergraduate learning, and its advantages were found to be applicable to library instruction. The pedagogy that the space is designed to reinforce, collaborative learning segments interspersed with lecture components, seemed to promote student engagement in library instruction sessions.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(10):205-213
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):53-71
This study reviews the literature on the evaluation of bibliographic instruction in academic libraries from 1980 to 1993. Four main issues are discussed: (1) the reasons why librarians are evaluating, (2) to what degree they are evaluating, (3) what specific aspects they are evaluating, and (4) which methodologies are being used. Results indicate that, despite a growing interest in the evaluation of bibliographic instruction, the same pattern of limited systematic evaluation identified in 1980 continues to exist. Barriers to the successful implementation of evaluation, as well as possible directions for the future, are also presented.  相似文献   


Updating her 2003 article in Reference Services Review (“The Future of Reference: Get Real!” Reference Services Review 3(1), 2003, 39–42, DOI: 10.1108/00907320310460898), the author emphasizes the need to get a good sense of what one's users’ priorities are, concentrating efforts on successful tools researchers will actually use; responding to changes that have taken place in research and scholarship; devising instruction for use in actual environments, spaces, and timeframes; focusing on local user needs; and working to influence user-centered design of library online systems.

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 51, Issue 3, pages 301–308, 2011. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2011.556948.  相似文献   

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