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本研究以自动评分系统反馈和范文反馈为例,探讨纠错反馈与非纠错反馈对大学生英语作文语言复杂度的影响。借助LCA、L2SCA和Coh-Metrix 3.0等在线分析器,对词汇复杂度和句法复杂度共10个代表性指标进行测量和分析。发现系统反馈能提高词汇复杂度但降低句法复杂度,而范文反馈对学生作文的词汇和句法复杂度均有显著的提升作用。由此可见,不同反馈方式对语言复杂度产生错综复杂的影响,相比而言范文反馈能促进文本质量在更多维度上的提升。  相似文献   

Rebekah Willett 《Literacy》2005,39(3):142-148
When teachers allow students to write stories that include elements of popular media, we must ask what to do with these media elements once they have entered the classroom. This article relates findings from a classroom study focusing on children's media‐based story writing. The study looks at children as producers of new media texts and describes their activities as a form of ‘media education’. The data show that through their production of media‐based stories, the children are reflecting on their consumption of media. Furthermore, the children's media‐based stories make explicit some of their implicit knowledge of new media forms. Lastly, the children's stories provide ample opportunities for teachers to engage in important discussions about media within the framework of existing writing programmes.  相似文献   

母语迁移在外语教学中是长期存有争议的问题。本文尝试从认知的角度探讨了英语写作中的母语迁移现象,并阐述了其认知因素,包括语言的典型性和心理类型,并认为英语写作中的母语迁移具有促进作用。由此,在写作教学中我们可以得到一些启示。  相似文献   

语文写作教学通常以显性知识为主,直接面向应试,偏重于偏颇的理性分析,人文精神失落,中学生写作情感荒芜,文过虚饰,语言低俗无物。本文以内隐认知理论分析写作教学问题,提出四点总建议:尊重自主写作,提高感悟能力;重视情景体验,建立真情实感;进行环境熏陶,培养高尚情操;阅读名著经典,建立刺激阈限。  相似文献   

文章通过对历年来大学四,六级写作测试命题的观察,对写作命题意图,写作的题材来源和分类以及如何评分进行了分析,从理论和历年来大学英语四、六级写作题目实例两方面共同阐述了写作测试的发展动态,并通过对作文设立最低分的命题特点进行了探讨,使考生在应考前对如何认识和面对全国大学英语四、六级考试中的短文写作有一定的了解和思想准备,指出作文者必须有计划、有步骤、有针对性地进行英语短文写作强化能力的训练。已达到在短期内使学生比较全面地和提高英语写作技巧。  相似文献   

Håvard Skaar 《Literacy》2009,43(1):36-42
From a learning perspective, social semiotics researchers tend to focus on the liberation latent in the multimedia options available through the new media. It is true that digital media democratise the possibilities open to the general public of a more varied and comprehensive text production than ever before, both in and outside school. Participating in this text production naturally implies a richer potential for learning. But digital technology also allows us to opt out of, and thus avoid, semiotic work. With this as the starting point, the present article sets out to highlight the pedagogical benefits associated with the written mode, precisely in an age when the digital media are making multimodal forms of expression increasingly available to us all.  相似文献   

在文学作品和日常生活中人们常常会用到反语来表达自己的责备,抱怨,幽默等。学术界对于反语也有很多研究,但在反语的认知过程上还具有争论,本文认为应该以连续体的形态来对反语的认知过程进行表述,而反语所造成的反差效应也会强于现实语境和同化效应。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relation between student population characteristics and average test scores per school in the final grade of primary education from a dynamic perspective. Aggregated data of over 5,000 Dutch primary schools covering a 6-year period were used to study the relation between changes in school populations and shifts in mean test scores. Path analysis findings indicate that changes in student populations bring about instant changes in school averages. However, the impact of these changes is strongly mitigated by the effects of school results in the past. This reveals long-lasting effects of student population characteristics via past performance and explains the relative stability in raw output measures over time to a considerable extent.  相似文献   


A good command of written English is essential for tertiary students in Malawi. Notably, their academic success is largely dependent on their mastery of the written language but, in addition, recent years have seen more employers in Malawi emphasising the need for excellent communication skills in both the national language (Chichewa) and English. This article analyses Malawian first-year undergraduate perceptions of the essay writing process. A study in which 200 students from the faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences were surveyed was carried out at the University of Malawi's Chancellor College in 2006. The results indicate that students find it very challenging to obtain sufficient and relevant source text information, paraphrase or summarise information, and use an appropriate academic writing style. It appears that essay writing is challenging for first-year undergraduates — partly due to lack of thorough and timely training in essay writing.  相似文献   

在对2000-2009十年间刊载在国内九种外语类核心期刊上有关英语写作的文章进行统计分析的基础上,从研究内容和研究方法的角度,对国内英语写作研究的特点作以简要述评,结果表明:研究内容向更深更广的方向发展,主要表现在关于检验写作教学模式有效性的实验研究已趋成熟,基于语料库的文本特征分析研究已成规模,关于写作过程的研究缓慢...  相似文献   

英语写作中修改对学习者注意影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过二语习得理论来分析修改与注意这两个基本概念的辩证关系;并在实证研究层面针对英语写作中修改对学生注意产生的影响进行分析,旨在揭示当前有待解决的问题,为今后的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

对作为第二语言的英语的写作教学来说,新近出现的"以过程为中心"的方法较诸以往"以产品为中心"的方法似乎更为有效,因为"过程法"允许学习者自主探索并培育自己的写作方法.然而,无论如何也不能将写作教学降低为一种程式或一套公式,或者将"过程法"变成一种具有规定技巧和惯例的"办法".优秀的写作教师并不是为写作教学培育出了某种"方法"的人,而是创造出一种有效学习环境的人.在这种环境中,学习者不仅对写作感到轻松愉快,而且还能对写作的本质进行探索,从而发现自己的长处与弱点.在这个过程中,必须不断地就教师的角色和学习者的角色及二者之间的互动模式进行探讨,而教师对书面话语的本质和有效写作的特点以及成功的写手所用策略的理解,则更是提高写作教学尤其是ESL写作教学效率的制胜法宝.  相似文献   

在分析成果教学法、过程教学法和体裁教学法等写作教学法优缺点的基础上,指出过程体裁教学法是一种集三者优点于一体的综合教学模式,能有效地培养和提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

文章从档案袋及外语写作测评的发展历程出发,引出借助电子档案袋测评外语写作的特点与优势。鉴于元认知的培养在电子档案袋写作教学中的特殊地位,文章继而提出了旨在促进元认知发展的电子档案袋设计框架。测评方式对教学的反拨作用要求外语教师在教学中作必要的心理调适以服务于新的写作教学及测评理念。  相似文献   

In language learning contexts, writing tasks that involve reading of source texts are often used to elicit more authentic integrative language use. Thus, interests in researching these read-to-write tasks in general and as assessment tasks keep growing. This study examined and modeled the process of summary writing as a read-to-write integrated task. Data of test-taking process were collected from 94 Chinese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners who completed two summarization tasks. Seven students first completed the tasks while thinking aloud their mental process. The researcher observed their test-taking process and conducted post-test interviews to learn more about how they completed the tasks. Participants’ verbal reports were coded into mental moves, which were then grouped according to their purposes. These formed the basis for identifying the processes and sub-stages participants followed while completing the tasks. Based on the analysis of the think-aloud, observation, and interview data, a questionnaire was developed containing items specifying the processes task takers went through. The questionnaire was completed by the remaining 87 participants to test the generalizability of the findings. A process model of summarization was constructed subsequently. The implications of the study are discussed with reference to construct validity of summarization tasks, EFL writing instruction and assessment.  相似文献   

写作思维中存在着“仿模块”、“仿模块”与影子、“反模块”现象。“仿模”有两类:原创性的和模拟性的。“仿模”若形成影子,就成了虚幻无价值的东西。“反模块”具有极强的创新思维品质。写作是思维的创造性艺术,思维是写作的关键,创造性是思维的灵魂。  相似文献   

在中国大学英语教学中,写作教学一直是教学的难点。学生在写作中主要存在两方面的困难:一方面是构思困难,另一方面是表达困难。按照文章的不同体裁,采用过程写作教学法,通过阶段教学实验,把认知语言学理论研究成果运用于多媒体写作教学过程,能够消除不利于学生对知识消化理解的弊端,激发学生英语写作的兴趣,提高学生构思、写提纲、选择语言结构、组织篇章和运用语言的能力。  相似文献   

The study provides an insight into how technology may affect teachers’ facilitating of the writing process which was examined and compared when Norwegian upper secondary school students wrote essays about English as a global language through multiple drafts with feedback received from the computer-based essay-critiquing system (EssayCritic) (target class) and from collaborating peers (comparison class). Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the teachers’ assistance drew on Galperin’s conceptualisation of learning. Findings reveal patterns in the teachers’ guidance in both conditions and outline the differences arising from the use of EssayCritic: by interacting with EssayCritic the teacher assisted the learners in completing the specific task, although little attention was paid to the development of their assessment for learning (AfL) skills. However, in the comparison class the teacher paid attention to the development of students’ AfL skills by emphasising the general approach to the analysis and the essential requirements of the essays. The study, therefore, raises questions about the need for practitioners’ awareness of whether the technology supports the development of, for example, AfL skills required in English writing classes.  相似文献   


This study introduced an instructional pattern that integrated the framework of the International Critical Thinking Reading and Writing Test (ICTRWT), designed by Paul and Elder, into a tertiary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) argumentative writing course. To measure the effects of the instructional pattern, a mixed methods approach was adopted. Two groups of students were involved in the experiment, with the treatment group receiving the instructional intervention and the control group receiving regular instruction in a tertiary argumentative writing course. A critical thinking test and a writing test were used to investigate the effects of the treatment, and questionnaires and interviews were also employed to examine students’ attitudes toward the instructional pattern. The quantitative statistic data reveals that students who received the instructional treatment outperformed the students in the control group in terms of overall critical thinking skills and skills of identifying and evaluating the elements of thoughts. Meanwhile, the treatment group also performed better with regard to overall writing ability, organization and coherence. Additionally, the data gained from the questionnaires and interviews suggest students’ general positive attitudes toward the instructional pattern.  相似文献   

毕业论文的写作在整个电大开放教育实践教学过程中有着十分重要的地位。但从目前我校开放教育学生完成毕业论文的总体情况来看,存在较多问题。在实践中,如何加强毕业论文的指导过程,减少学生过多的抄袭、剽窃现象,提高毕业论文的写作质量,笔者结合十多年来指导开放教育学生毕业论文工作的实践,对如何保证学生毕业论文的写作质量问题进行了认真的思考和探索,提出了指导学生完成毕业论文应把握的五个环节。  相似文献   

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