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邱友益 《网球》2011,(8):124-125
李娜是这个夏天唯一的主题。在中网级别联赛华北赛区第二季比赛现场,李娜法网夺魁带来的滚滚热潮。连同烈日炎炎下的高温,将赛事点燃到了极点。而与北京相隔500公里的泉城济南,华北赛区的首个二级赛激情打响,同样呈现出业余网球如火如荼的繁华景象。  相似文献   

本期“寻找总决赛”应读者点播,选择了1988年湖人与活塞,1994年尼克斯与火箭的比赛。四支球队风格迥异,两场总决赛均打满七场,完全配得起“收官之战”的美誉.湖人队在赢得1988年总决赛后,此后十年。再未染指过总冠军:而尼克斯则在1994年失去了最有可能捧杯的机会。[编者按]  相似文献   

天津网球中心坐落于海河之滨,在院子里抬头就能够看到著名的“天津眼”。这个硕大的摩天轮很像英国的“伦敦眼”,这座城市也像伦敦一样,着力于把自己打造成“网球之都”,  相似文献   

2010年11月21日.2010年金地网球大师赛在金地网球中心香蜜山球馆圆满结束。来自广州、珠海、云浮、茂名、香港和深圳的百余名网球爱好者参加了此次比赛。  相似文献   

我们曾经勾画了最初的自我评估过程。我要再次强调在评价自己的强项和弱点上,真实和坦诚是一切的基础。有了对自我的诚实,你才能准确地找到需要改进和提高的地方。  相似文献   

在比赛中,常常见到能把穿越球打得出神入化的高手,这让我羡慕无比。而我又常常是那个被穿越者。很郁闷。请问专家,怎样能打出高质量的穿越,又如何防止被穿越。  相似文献   

桑普拉斯  摩卡 《网球》2008,(9):60-66
2001年美网桑普拉斯与阿加西在半决赛相遇,这场比赛耗时3个半小时,共打了4盘,竟然全是抢七,而且没人能破掉对手的发球局,最后的比分为:6-7(7),7-6(2),7-6(2)7-6(5),桑普拉斯获胜。  相似文献   

今天的网球比赛早已不同以往,在最近的印象里,似乎没有哪一周我们不会听到选手受伤,或者旧伤复发的消息。相反,在冠军巡回赛(即元老赛)中,那些退役的名将们周游世界,在友谊赛和表演赛中奋力拼搏,使观众开心。  相似文献   

认真说起来,网球圈子在过去几十年间都处于波澜不惊的平静阶段,每到年底,那些大牌球星们坐下来,翻翻钱包,算算自己在即将过去的一年中究竟有多少奖金入账,  相似文献   

孙文涛   《网球天地》2010,(8):116-118
他在台湾地区拥有了属于自己的网球排名,大学时拿到全台湾的大学组网球冠军,最辉煌的战绩则是代表台湾地区远赴日本参加大专网球比赛,并且勇夺桂冠,“那个时候,我真的企图成为一名职业网球运动员。”  相似文献   

胡勇图   《体育博览》2010,(9):88-89
当“中国金花”逐渐在世界网坛赢得一席之地时,中国的业余网球运动也在蓬勃发展,为了网球、享受网球、热爱网球,北京中网泰尼斯体育发展中心以多年的推广与服务为中国业务网球开启了别样的精彩。  相似文献   

既然大型运动会都喜欢每四年举办一次,那么热爱运动的人也喜欢用四年来计算自己的寿命,世界杯总提醒你去回忆四年前的事情,而不是去年,你会记清啤酒的颜色,和周围朋友红肿的双眼。虽然网球是如此不同,它总是在年复一年,但幸运的是,总有其他运动来给它设置一个大的周期,  相似文献   

In Venice between the middle ages and the modern era, a number of cultural entertainments as well as sporting contests and popular games were performed to celebrate the carnival and other important religious and civil events; these might include state visits of important people from abroad. Under control of the government, the organizers and participants of these events were of both noble and modest origins. Among them were the rival Castellani and Nicolotti groups who were common people living in the two main districts of Venice, and the well off young members of the Venetian aristocracy enrolled in numerous Compagnie della Calza (Companies of the Hosiery). The Castellani and Nicolotti regularly competed in popular games, such as the Gioco del Ponte, the Forze d'Ercole, the Moresca dance and in different kinds of boat races; the aristocrats enjoyed to personally practice sports such as hunting, fishing, horse riding and ball games. In addition, the latter collaborated in important state events leading to feasts and theatrical performances, and organized popular games, mock naval battles and regattas together with those in power. Among the regattas, the female rowing contests that started to take place in the middle ages was a unique, as, in general, the Venetian women were only allowed to be the gracious spectators in the numerous festivities organized for important visitors celebrating the glory of Venice. Drawing on both ancient and modern sources the paper will mainly focus on the less familiar Companies of the Hosiery and their contribute in the organization of mock naval battles and regattas till 1797, when Venice definitively lost its independency under Napoleon the First. Special stress will be given to the humble female rowers who were able to overcome the usual gender barriers training and racing for their own pleasure and amusement; they gave birth to an early model of female emancipation.  相似文献   

冯飞龙 《收藏》2007,(2):115-115
2006年6月5日,中国嘉德举办马定祥收藏中国历代钱币拍卖专场,其中有一枚宜统已西中心“汴”一文英铜试铸样币(见图),以68.2万元人民币成交,创下了目前中国近代机制铜币单位价格的最高纪录。  相似文献   

serra 《网球》2011,(1):126-127
记者一定要老田给张名片,他却掏出一张小纸条来,上面写着"湖南箱军",他的正式身份是做金属箱子的厂长,那张纸条的左边,却印着他的三个头像:左边一个是两手各拿一只羽毛球拍的,右边一个是两手各拿一只乒乓球拍的,中间那个最大的,却是两手各挥舞着一只网球拍。他把这个双手各拿一只网球拍的打法,命名为田氏网球。  相似文献   

2009年11月25日,巴黎东部的“凤凰马戏场”(CIRQUEPHENIX)在蒙蒙的细雨中迎来了熙熙攘攘的人流,云南省杂技团将从这里开始把一台具有浓郁云南民族风情的杂技晚会奉献给法国乃至欧洲的广大观众。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、对比分析法和逻辑分析等方法,对网球、短式网球和软式网球的场地、器材、比赛规则和方法及发展现状做出详细的分析。短式网球和软式网球是从网球运动中衍生出来的运动项目,这三种不同的运动项目具有颇多的相似之处,但富有不同的内涵。网球的发展相当完善,网球人口众多。短式网球比较特殊,主要针对青少年儿童,软式网球发展不乐观。  相似文献   

The study investigated differences in the one‐ (SH) and two‐handed (DH) backhands when hit flat, across‐court (AC) and down‐the‐line (DL), and with heavy topspin DL (TDL). The ability to disguise each of these backhands when hitting the above strokes was also assessed. Eighteen college‐level male tennis players, identified as having a high performance topspin SH (n = 6) or DH (n = 12) backhand drive, participated in the study. Players were required to hit three AC, DL and TDL backhands from the baseline with their preferred technique, while being filmed with two high‐speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. The highest horizontal velocity backhand for each stroke was analysed. Results indicated that the sequential coordination of five body segments (hips, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand/racquet rotations) was required for the execution of the SH stroke. The same number of segments were generally coordinated in the DH stroke (hips, shoulders, and varying degrees of upper arm and forearm rotations followed by hand/racquet movement). Mature players produced comparable racquet horizontal velocities 0.005 s prior to impact using either the SH or DH backhand technique. The SH backhand was characterised by a more rotated shoulder alignment than the DH stroke (SH: 119.1°; DH: 83.4°) at the completion of the backswing. At impact the ball was impacted further in front (SH: 0.59 m; DH: 0.40 m) and a similar distance to the side of the body (SH: 0.75 m; DH: 0.70 m). Players using the DH backhand technique delayed the horizontal acceleration of the racquet towards the ball (SH: 0.13 s; DH: 0.08 s prior to impact) and thus were capable of displaying a similar hitting motion closer to impact than players with a SH technique.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the larger diameter (Type 3) tennis ball on performance and muscle activation in the serve. Sixteen male advanced tennis players performed serves using regular size and Type 3 tennis balls. Ball speed, surface electromyography, and serve accuracy were measured. There were no significant differences in mean initial serve speeds between balls, but accuracy was significantly greater (19.3%) with the Type 3 ball than with the regular ball. A consistent temporal sequence of muscle activation and significant differences in mean activation of different muscles were observed. However, ball type had no effect on mean arm muscle activation. These data, combined with a previous study, suggest that play with the larger ball is not likely to increase the risk of overuse injury, but serving accuracy may increase compared to play with the regular ball.  相似文献   

草地球场是历史最悠久的场地类型。草地的特点是球落地后与地面的摩擦小,球的弹跳低,反弹速度快,因此被称为发球上网型选手的天堂。草地球场对草的特质、气候要求极高,维护费用昂贵,之后逐渐被硬地所取代。在大满贯创办初期,四大满贯都属于草地球场,法网在1928年改为红土,美网和澳网之后都改为硬地,目前,知名的草地比赛几乎全部集中在英国。土场的特点是球落地  相似文献   

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