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Moodle环境下的Web型课堂应答系统的实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
课堂应答系统属于教学管理系统的一个重要组成部分,而单一的课堂应答系统不能很好地与教学系统的其他部分整合,用系统化的方法把课堂应答系统集成于CMS是课程管理的需要.Moodle是目前最流行的CMS之一,本文将结合实例讨论如何在Moodle平台实现系统集成的课堂应答系统.  相似文献   

Classroom Response Systems: A Review of the Literature   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
As the frequency with which Classroom Response Systems (CRSs) are used is increasing, it becomes more and more important to define the affordances and limitations of these tools. Currently existing literature is largely either anecdotal or focuses on comparing CRS and non-CRS environments that are unequal in other aspects as well. In addition, the literature primarily describes situations in which the CRS is used to provide an individual as opposed to a group response. This article points to the need for a concerted research effort, one that rigorously explores conditions of use across diverse settings and pedagogies.  相似文献   

柯西不等式(a21 a22 … a2n)(b21 b22 … b2n)≥(a1b1 a2b2 … anbn)2及其变式(a21/b1) (a22/b2) … (a2n/bn)≥((a1 a2 … an)2/b1 b2 … bn)(a1,a2,…an;b1,b2,…,bn∈R ),在证(解)不等式中有重要应用,这是众所周知的.然而在使用柯西不等式时:(1)怎样更直接、更有效地使用它,使证(解)过程更简洁;(2)如何在证(解)那些形式上与柯西不等式相差甚远的不等式时使用它.这些却是常被忽视的问题.以下通过几例具体说明.  相似文献   

多媒体教学与传统教学有很大的不同,合理利用多媒体技术,在多媒体课件设计上多下功夫,是多媒体教学中提高教学效果和提高教学质量的重要环节.同时,强化教学设计意识、注意师生间的情感交流和提高教师自身综合素质也是多媒体教学应该注意的问题.  相似文献   

课堂提问四"问"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创建有意义的课堂必须重视提问。教师和学生的提问都是重要的,教学的职责决定学生的提问更根本和更重要,而在当下应特别强调教师提问对促进学生学习的价值。提问并非都是有价值的,有意义的课堂需要提有意义的问题。学生的提问原则上是没有限制的,而教师的提问则应是有明确目的的,需要精心设计。  相似文献   

This paper was presented as the Ruth Wong Memorial Lecture at the National University of Singapore on 5th March 1991.  相似文献   

The articles in this special issue were analyzed in terms of their stance on the nature of knowledge (i.e., its source and location) and the perspective on conceptual change addressed. The analysis supported the argument that efforts to bridge the cognitive and sociocultural orientations toward conceptual change are either unnecessary or unachievable. Specifically, there are those theorists and researchers who do not give credence to the existence of concepts for the one or the collective, and those who do not see sociocultural influences as needed for concept formation or reformation. Attempts to bridge these two positions seem doomed to failure. Conversely, it is argued that the frameworks and models espoused by many researchers, including those contributing to this issue, cannot exist without recognition of the thoughts and reflection of the mind or without consideration of the sociocultural influences that exist in the world outside the mind.  相似文献   

基于录像分析背景下的初中统计课堂教学提问研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在课堂教学中,教师的提问是最重要的活动.对两节初中统计课的课堂录像进行实录和量化分析,结合教师课堂提问的类型与学生回答之间的联系,得出:在统计课堂教学中(1)教师提问的数量相对比较少,提示类和理解类的提问类型所占比例较高;(2)学生无答的情况较少,但在问题回答中,学生机械性回答占了较大的比例,教师创新性问题较少;(3)教师提问难度与学生回答水平有直接的关系;(4)教师应围绕统计的特点进行提问,使学生经历统计的全过程,有助于提高课堂教学的有效性.  相似文献   

Classroom voting can be an effective way to stimulate student discussions. In this pedagogy, the instructor poses a multiple-choice question to the class, and then allows a few minutes for consideration and small-group discussion before students vote, either with clickers, cell phones, or a non-electronic method. After the vote the instructor guides a class-wide discussion. Here we report on a study of precalculus voting questions that includes data from 25 classes taught by eight instructors at five institutions over the course of 7 years. The goal of this study is to explore ways of identifying the questions most likely to provoke good student discussions. We recorded the percentage of each class voting for each option on each question posed, a total of 851 votes. We have 60 questions on which we recorded the results from at least five classes. We identified the five questions with the most widely dispersed votes, a method that has a history of being helpful in identifying good discussion questions. We present these five questions here, four of which we found to be examples of questions which are particularly good at stimulating student discussions. We include notes about how we used the questions in class.  相似文献   

Research over the last four decades has shown that the classroom learning environment impacts on students' cognitive and affective outcomes. Different approaches have been taken to measure students' perceptions of their learning environment, and this has led to the development of a large number of survey instruments. One such instrument is the College and University Classroom Environment Inventory (CUCEI) which was developed in 1987. The CUCEI was recently modified and both the original and modified versions were validated in a number of studies. This article reports the use of the modified CUCEI in two independent studies in computing classrooms in secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Wellington, New Zealand. The statistical performance of the CUCEI was not completely satisfactory in either study and revealed a number of problems common to these two studies. The difficulties are discussed and recommendations made to increase the validity and reliability of this instrument.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the interactive whiteboard (IWB) has become a relatively common educational tool in Western schools. The IWB is essentially a large touch screen, that enables the user to interact with digital content in ways that are not possible with an ordinary computer-projector-canvas setup. However, the unique possibilities of IWBs are rarely leveraged to enhance teaching and learning beyond the primary school level. This is particularly noticeable in high school physics. We describe how a high school physics teacher learned to use an IWB in a new way, how she planned and implemented a lesson on the topic of orbital motion of planets, and what tensions arose in the process. We used an ethnographic approach to account for the teacher’s and involved students’ perspectives throughout the process of teacher preparation, lesson planning, and the implementation of the lesson. To interpret the data, we used the conceptual framework of activity theory. We found that an entrenched culture of traditional white/blackboard use in physics instruction interferes with more technologically innovative and more student-centered instructional approaches that leverage the IWB’s unique instructional potential. Furthermore, we found that the teacher’s confidence in the mastery of the IWB plays a crucial role in the teacher’s willingness to transfer agency within the lesson to the students.  相似文献   

回望技术在课堂中的应用变迁,尽管研究者与实践者不断尝试在"技术增强教学"方面做出努力,但技术介入始终在教育的边缘徘徊,未能解决课堂教学的本质问题。AIoT作为人工智能与物联网相结合的技术产物,在万物智联时代为改变课堂生态带来新的可能。AIoT支持的智能课堂在实践层面表现为IoT感应设备与智能系统的实时通信,可通过协作、游戏化、创客、实训四种典型课堂场景加以诠释。由于教师的课堂教学表现是精准评估与诊断课堂教学效果、干预课堂教学过程、调整课堂教学模式、提高课堂教学能力的主要依据,因此构建教师的教学表现模型是利用AIoT解决真实课堂问题的方向之一。该模型通过智能设备构建数据驱动的智能体系,实时捕获师生语言、动作等多模态课堂行为数据,围绕教学问题进行特征抽取、数据融合、个性化建模以及动态干预等,为有效监测课堂教学过程、改善教与学的行为模式提供了新的思路。但是,AIoT在教育领域中的应用尚存在诸如过多关注认知维度而忽视其他维度、学习特征有效表征缺乏统一的数据标准、数据安全性等问题,未来仍需在教学实践中不断探索AIoT支持的最佳教学组织和教学策略。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - In biological research, generic questions that are derived from perspectives (ways of looking at and thinking about life processes) help in generating specific...  相似文献   

该文从理论和实践两个角度探讨了智能主体作为认知工具对人类学习的影响。从理论的角度,智能主体可以扩展人们的最近发展区、培养学生的认知策略,它是一种认知工具;从实践的角度,智能主体的教育功能包括处理信息过载、作为教育专家和为学生创设编程环境等,智能主体的设计决定了它的有效性和功能的发挥。  相似文献   

Rapid advances in technology and increased access to technology tools have created new instructional demands and expectations on teachers. Due to the ubiquitous presence of technology in K-12 schools, teachers are being observed on both their pedagogical and technology integration practices. Applying the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPCK) framework, the purpose of this study was to determine, through the Delphi research method, a consensus among experts of what should be contained in a classroom observation tool that simultaneously facilitates evaluating pedagogy and technology integration. The study resulted in a list of 30 indicators.  相似文献   

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