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Academic Labor Markets and Assistant Professors’ Employment Outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using data for 638 assistant professors who joined graduate sociology departments between 1975 and 1992, I examine the claim that when the labor market for new doctorates is weak, assistant professors experience less favorable employment outcomes than when that labor market is strong. Surprisingly, I find that those hired during the weak sociological labor market during the early to late 1980s had more favorable employment outcomes than those hired before or after that period. I also find that those hired during the weak labor market years had higher average journal publication rates than those hired before or after. I interpret these patterns as showing that those hired during a weak labor market are likely to turn in better academic performances during their probationary periods than those hired during stronger labor markets. These results imply that it is difficult to test the labor market model of employment outcomes, and can explain why earlier studies have generally found little support for it.  相似文献   

大学生就业指导目前已是高等学校工作的一部分,而法律指导是就业指导中的薄弱环节,急需加强。大学生就业过程中的法律指导分为签订就业协议和劳动合同前后两个相互衔接的不同阶段,那种认为签订就业协议就代表就业的观点是错误的,劳动合同才是真正就业的法律体现。明确就业协议为预约合同,劳动合同为本合同的法律属性,才能处理好二者的衔接。针对就业过程遇到的法律疑难问题,学校应有针对性地加强研究与指导,并采取一系列相应措施将法律指导工作卓有成效的开展起来。  相似文献   

学术劳动力市场的特性与研究型大学的教师聘用制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与非学术劳动力市场相比,学术劳动力市场受到更多社会制度和规范的约束,表现在学术人员的工作具有更大的保障和稳定性、学术人员工资的变动弹性较小。在学术劳动力市场机制的作用下,研究型大学形成了特殊的教师聘用制度。以终身教授制为代表的教师聘用制度,既具有保护学术自由的制度含义,也具有提高效率和激励作用的经济含义,是制度和效率有机作用的结果。在借鉴大学管理的国际经验、建立中国现代大学治理结构时,设计一个兼顾社会制度与效率因素的教师聘用制度是关键所在,而我国目前缺少办学自主权是制约大学学术自由和效率提高的瓶颈。  相似文献   

劳务市场,是以提供劳务满足他人的某种需要而进行贸易活动的场所,宋代已经出现了现代意义的劳务市场。在城市中形成各种形式的劳务市场,有以牙人为中心的劳务市场;桥、街、市、巷口形成的劳务市场;有人情茶肆中的劳务市场;还出现了专门提供某种服务的劳务机构,各种类型的劳务市场能满足不同层次人群多样化的需求。镇市和农村的雇佣关系已非常普遍,所提供的劳务种类繁多。分工细密。随着劳务市场规模的发展,水平也不断提高。  相似文献   

强弱社会关系对大学生求职影响的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究把劳动力市场划分为体制内劳动力市场与体制外劳动力市场,同时把求职过程划分为求职信息收集与求职进行两个阶段,在这个二元、动态的分析框架内,采用Lo-gistic回归就强弱社会关系对大学生求职的影响进行实证分析。研究发现,在体制外劳动力市场的求职信息收集阶段,弱社会关系更有助于就业机会获得,弱社会关系比强社会关系更"强";在体制内劳动力市场的求职信息收集阶段,强社会关系更有助于就业机会获得,强社会关系比弱社会关系更"强";在体制内劳动力市场和体制外劳动力市场的求职进行阶段,强社会关系更有助于就业机会获得,强社会关系比弱社会关系更"强"。  相似文献   

我国劳动力市场分割与高校毕业生就业流向研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以即将离校的大学生作为研究对象,分析我国劳动力市场分割背景下高校毕业生的就业状况、就业流向及择业观念。研究发现:高校毕业生的就业流向在劳动力市场分割的影响下,存在就业部门、职业与工作起薪等相互隔离的现象,那些未能及时就业的毕业生宁愿暂时失业也希望挤进主要劳动力市场。要解决高校毕业生的就业难问题,一方面要打破劳动力市场的分割障碍,为毕业生的自由流动创造宽松的外部环境;另一方面也要引导毕业生适当降低就业预期。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the labor market outcomes of graduates of post-secondary technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the Philippines. Using household data for 2015–2016, the results show significantly higher wages for TVET graduates relative to those who entered the job market with a secondary school education or below. However, individuals who both trained in TVET and pursued tertiary (university) education tend to have a lower wage than those with secondary school education or below. This counterintuitive result may be partly explained by the tendency for such dual-level individuals to complete the lowest level of TVET. Graduates of TVET are found more likely to be employed compared to individuals who only studied at secondary school or below as well as those who studied at the tertiary level.  相似文献   

This study examines university students’ pre-university exposure to extra-curricular English instruction in tutorial or other private supplementary institutions in Korea and abroad. A questionnaire and an in-depth interview were administered to forty-three freshman students enrolled in a foreign language program at a comprehensive university in Korea. This study reports on the key findings in the questionnaire and on the personal language-learning experiences of seven interviewees chosen from the larger sample. The findings reveal that these students had undertaken widely different language instruction outside of school. Some had access to supplemental programs, while others relied completely on language training available in primary and secondary schools in Korea. Those with opportunities for study in venues outside the standard language sequence in Korean schools had significantly higher English proficiency and may affect their performance in their subsequent university-level English program. The paper concludes with the proposals for addressing discrepant English-learning backgrounds in order to remediate the significant differences in English language proficiency that characterize post-secondary programs at Korean universities.  相似文献   

欠发达地区劳动力市场的发展水平处于一个较低的层次,因为劳动力市场建设步伐缓慢, 投入严重不足,劳动力素质低下,非公经济发展缓慢,就业现念落后,就业压力极大。欠发 达地区应该建设“选择自主,竞争公平,运行有序,调控有力,服务完善,城乡一体化”的现代 劳动力市场。所以应该加快各类市场的发育和成长;进一步加大劳务输出;千方百计创造 就业岗位;大力发展各类经济;积极发展小型企业,优先发展第三产业;加强就业服务体系 建设,实行促进就业政策;完善和规范劳动力市场建设的制度,强化劳动力市场制度建设; 营造新的健康的、积极向上的观念氛围;应该加大建设和运行的投入,完善劳动力市场的法 律体系。  相似文献   

钟云华 《复旦教育论坛》2012,10(2):34-37,54
论文将劳动力市场划分为体制内劳动力市场与体制外劳动力市场,将大学毕业生的求职过程划分为信息收集与求职进行两个阶段,在一个二元、动态的分析框架内,就强弱社会关系对大学生就业机会获得及起薪水平的影响进行了实证研究。研究发现,强弱社会关系对大学生求职的影响与空间相关:在体制外劳动力市场,弱关系更有助于获得就业信息,弱关系比强关系更"强";但在体制内劳动力市场,强关系比弱关系更"强"。强弱关系对大学生求职的影响也与时间相关:在求职进行阶段,强关系更有助于就业机会获得,强关系比弱关系更"强"。但不管是强关系,还是弱关系,对大学生起薪水平均没有"强"影响,强弱关系对大学生起薪水平的影响与空间及时间都无关。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, for-profit colleges (FPCs) have substantially increased their share of the higher education market. One potential explanation is that FPC sector may be more responsive to labor market changes than public competitors. Using panel datasets of Associate's degree students, we examine the effects of changes in labor market conditions across various employment fields on enrollment and degree completion in related majors. The results indicate that enrollment and degree completion in the FPC sector is positively related to employment growth and wages in related occupations, while public institutions remain largely unresponsive. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that these relationships are similar across groups of students by gender and ethnicity. Furthermore, the results also indicate that students in public institutions are non-responsive to changes in labor markets associated with requiring an Associate's or Bachelor's degree.  相似文献   

Lecturers arriving on tenured or probationary appointments at one of Australia's oldest and largest universities in 1981 through 1984 were studied to identify the extent to which demographic characteristics, educational characteristics and professional/work variables affected their initial status, speed of tenure, resignation, and speed of promotion. Multiple regression, multiple discriminant, and binary probit analyses revealed that teaching experience, previous employment in higher status positions in the university, and publication record had significant influence on initial status. Time to tenure was determined mainly by market force ratings. Resignation before promotion was associated mainly with possession of a doctorate and previous employment in the university. Speed of promotion was affected mainly by possession of a doctorate, age, gender and publication record. Implications are stated for the university, for further research, and for staff development.  相似文献   

The increasing dominance of educational markets means that quality of higher education has the character of open signifiers of periodic occurrence, embedded institutionally as ways of consensual communication on how to go on as smoothly as possible. This promotes the growth of context dependent and local interpretations of how to meet in agreement regarding quality in everyday practices. All interpretations are contextualised and as a result are nullified outside the context in which they occur. Discourses on quality promote flexibility and create periodic legitimacy through discursive nullification processes. On the other hand, institutions have to adopt standards in education as a measure of outcome indicators for benchmarking. When quality is replaced by standards and if standards are equivalent to labour market relevance this might signal the beginning of overall external control over higher education. In the long run it will hardly benefit educational programmes if institutions of higher educations fail to ‘stand for’ quality that, in the very least, can supplement the fulfilment of politically determined targets and standards. In this way the market will have not only graduates who are going into employment but also engaged citizens who can transform and challenge the market.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国新增劳动力的不断增加,青年就业问题将成为我国劳动力市场的主要矛盾。大学生是我国青年中最有活力的一部分,他们也面临"就业难"的问题。结合相关理论,首先对大学生就业问题进行了概述,之后从大学生的视角出发,分三个方面阐述了他们应如何实现就业的问题。  相似文献   

美国现行的高校教师聘任制度是历史传统、市场逻辑和政治诉求等多重力量博弈的产物,其突出特点是适应学术职业的特殊要求,强调以终身教职制度维护学术自由,同时重视聘任程序的法制化。面对日益增强的外部压力,多数高校不得不适度弱化对教师的终身聘任并推行终身教职聘后评议制度,但即使是这些以保留终身教职制度为前提的改革依然引发了广泛争议。  相似文献   

从战略角度对我国劳动就业中长期形势进行了分析,提出必须按照市场机制解决劳动就业问题,必须要把解决就业问题纳入到国家的总体发展之中,从而充分发挥国家总体发展战略的综合社会效应。为此,可采取如启国土整治工程,为现已定型的两代低素质农村劳动力寻求就业出路;组建“绿色军队”,把解决就业问题与可持续发展紧密联系起来,加强劳动力的市场管理,全面实施劳动力的市场准入制度等对策。  相似文献   

随着中国进入特色社会主义新时代和市场经济的深化,在劳动用工领域出现了一些用工灵活、从属性降低的非典型用工关系。这类用工关系法律关系性质模糊,法律规制缺乏。从非典型用工关系的内涵以及与劳务关系的区别看,其性质还是应该界定为劳动关系。为解决其规制问题,立法者需要在了解我国国情的基础上,借鉴域外规制的做法和经验。首先,采取将非典型用工关系纳入劳动法域调整的规制路径。其次,用劳动基本法规制涉及特殊用工方式、特殊用工主体的非典型用工关系,对涉及不同行业、领域的非典型用工关系则通过制定单行法规进行调整,从而最终形成中国特色的社会主义法治体系。  相似文献   

事业单位推行全员聘用制,是事业单位用人制度的重大改革,也是高校用人机制的根本转变。改革必将破除终身制,必将触动人事管理工作中长期存在的弊端,触动教职工的切身利益,因此,必须坚持改革中的思想政治工作,确保改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

高职法律英语专业社会需求调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国入世以来,对外贸易活动越来越频繁,这催生了对法律英语人才的迫切需求。然而,高职法律英语专业学生就业与社会需求却存在很大的差距。结合社会需求,高职法律英语专业应从课程设置、教学内容和手段、法律英语翻译技能强化训练等方面进行改革,提高法律英语专业学生的就业率。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立及纵深发展,山村农民开始了社会化就业过程。它以行业的非农村化、地点的全国化、分布的经济格局化为主要特征。在这一过程中,山村农民由一个传统的农业生产者向具有理性的市场经济人转变,农民从家庭分工走向社会化分工,并直接导致农村内部劳动力的市场化配置。相应地,农民收入多样化,收入结构根本改变。  相似文献   

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