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Educational Studies in Mathematics - One typical challenge in algebra education is that many students justify the equivalence of expressions only by referring to transformation rules that they...  相似文献   

This study explores Estonian novice teachers' perspectives on relationships with mentors and experiences of mentoring and mentors' tasks during their first year of teaching. The induction year with mentoring as one of the support structures was introduced into Estonian teacher education a few years ago. Experiences indicate that this is a valuable support, but there are areas of mentoring that need to be developed. The data are based on thematic interviews with sixteen novice teachers in the second half of their first year of teaching, i.e. the induction year. A content analysis revealed that the novice teachers experienced support for personal development and professional knowledge development, feedback, collegiality, reciprocity of the relationship, mentor availability and mutual trust as components of the mentor–mentee relationship. The study identified undeveloped potential in mentoring related to three main areas: 1) facilitation of reflection, 2) mentor training, and 3) integration of mentoring into the school community as a whole. The last area also includes matters pertaining to socialization and school leadership.  相似文献   

Associated with the economic adjustments of recent years, there is a trend in many countries for governments to devolve responsibility for logistical support to schools. This paper is a study of factors that can influence the local management necessary for the provision of this support. Drawing from two, largely rural, studies in Papua New Guinea (a national survey and a detailed analysis of community management of 13 schools in a single area), the paper describes the school, its Board of Management and the community as a trio of organisations with theoretically complementary objectives. It points to the inadequacy of general cultural explanations for Board inability to sustain operations over time. It claims that Board members, people in the communities they represent and teachers all have private expectations of their association with schools, which if not met, will undermine commitment. Ensuring these are met, with secondary regulatory action, can reduce the frequency of organisational troughs of apathy. As it is, in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, the prospect of expectation fulfilment associated with socio-economic advantage means that those with least to gain may refuse to become involved with education systems.  相似文献   

从歌唱的角度,阐述了歌唱中咬字吐字和发声器官的配合,分析了中国语音和意大利语音在训练中的不同之处和相同之处,以及如何解决中国作品的吐字咬字问题。  相似文献   

Using on information gathered from five female feminist physical education teachers in Brisbane, Australia, this paper examines the relationship between theoretical debates in feminism and feminist practice in secondary schools. Specifically, this paper is concerned with the ongoing debate in feminism over the notion of equality. It is problematic that calls for equality for women are currently understood as calls for sameness to men, leaving men and their life experience as the only standard of analysis. In this paper, how this theoretical struggle between feminists is dealt with in sport and physical education is explored. The teachers articulated various feminist perspectives, but placed their feminism on the physical education agenda piecemeal. Moreover, they failed to challenge the notion of an equality for women based on their sameness to men. Given the duress under which these women articulate their feminism, notions of sameness may be all that is achievable in the current physical education curriculum.  相似文献   

This ethnographic case study examines perceptions of literacy and identity for a Korean-American student in a third-grade classroom. The researchers examine how teachers can misinterpret Asian identity in the classroom due to perceptions related to the Model Minority Myth and other stereotypical representations of Asian culture. By focusing solely on academic success, teachers miss opportunities to gain insight for nurturing other areas of student success and adjustment in the classroom environment. Implications for identity formation and authentic integration of language and literacy practices are discussed. Educators interested in culturally-relevant instruction for immigrant students should find this study informative.  相似文献   

Spanish-speaking learners of French, aged 9 to 11 years old, were tested after approximately 7months of French instruction to explore the contribution of phonological and syntactic awareness in L2 in 4 components of L2 reading, taking oral competence in L2 andreading in L1 into account. Phonological tasksin L2 better explain decoding. Word recognitionthrough the visual route is best explained bythe corresponding ability in L1. Sentencecomprehension is best explained by oralcompetence in L2, although it is stronglycorrelated with syntactic awareness. Finally,text comprehension is explained by thecorresponding ability in L1, althoughcorrelations with syntactic awareness and oralcompetence are strong. Theoretical implicationsare derived from these findings, and questionsrelative to the subjects' age and level ofbilingualism as well as methodological issuesare discussed.  相似文献   

Modern human migration is characterized by a large number of elderly immigrants, who are coming to the United States from developing countries as refugees. The emigration from the Soviet Union during the last 20 years presents a unique phenomenon in modern human migration because of (1) the high percentage of the elderly, about 17%; (2) origination from urban areas and rather high level of education; (3) beliefs and attitudes developed under the Soviet political, economic and cultural system; (4) non-minority status in the United States; and (5) strong support from the American Jewish community. The greatest problem in adjustment of the elderly is English fluency, because language determines the utilization of health services and social support which they need and which are available from the agencies. Special education programs for these elderly with bilingual/bicultural instructors must be identified as one of the most important intervention approaches. There is another educational strategy for the immigrant population which must be promoted: training/retraining of bilingual/bicultural professionals in geriatrics. American professionals who deal with the elderly Soviets must also be educated about Soviet culture, system of social welfare, health practices and social behavior.
Zusammenfassung Moderne Völkerwanderungen sind von einer großen Anzahl älterer Immigranten geprägt, die als Flüchtlinge aus Entwicklungsländern in die Vereinigten Staaten kommen. Die Auswanderung aus der Sowjetunion in den letzten 20 Jahren stellt ein einzigartiges Phänomen in der modernen Völkerwanderung dar. Gründe dafür sind (1) der hohe Prozentsatz an älterer Bevölkerung, ungefähr 17%, (2) Herkunft aus Stadtgebieten und ein ziemlich hoher Bildungsstand, (3) unter dem sowjetischen politischen, ökonomischen und kulturellen System entwickelte Geisteshaltung und Glauben, (4) Nicht-Zugehörigkeit zu Minoritäten in den Vereinigten Staaten, (5) starke Unterstützung durch die amerikanische jüdische Gemeinde. Das größte Anpassungsproblem der Älteren ist die Beherrschung der englischen Sprache, da dies die Inanspruchname der Gesundheitsleistungen und sozialer Unterstützung bestimmt, die benötigt und von den Ämtern angeboten werden. Besondere Bildungsprogramme für Ältere mit zweisprachigen/bi-kulturellen Lehrern müssen als wichtigste Hilfsmaßnahme betrachtet werden. Es gibt eine andere förderungswürdige Komponente der Bildungsstragie für Immigranten: Fortbildungen/Umschulungen von zweisprachigen/bi-kulturellen Betreuern für ältere Menschen. Amerikanische Betreuer, die sich mit den älteren Sowjets befassen, müssen auch über die sowjetische Kultur, das Wohlfahrtssystem, Gesundheitspraktiken und soziales Verhalten unterrichtet sein.

Résumé La migration humaine se caractérise de nos jours par un grand nombre d'immigrants âgés, qui arrivent de pays en développement aux Etats-Unis en tant que réfugiés. Le mouvement d'émigration venant de l'Union soviétique durant les vingt dernières années présente un phénomène unique dans la migration humaine moderne en raison (1) du pourcentage élevé de personnes âgées, d'environ 17%, (2) de leur origine urbaine et de leur niveau d'instruction élevé, (3) des croyances et attitudes qu'elles ont acquises dans le système politique, économique et culturel soviétique, (4) de leur statut non minoritaire aux Etats-Unis et (5) du soutien puissant qui leur est apporté par la communauté juive américaine. Le plus grand problème d'adaptation de ces personnes âgées est la maîtrise de l'anglais, du fait que la langue détermine l'utilisation des services de santé et sociaux dont elles ont besoin et qui sont offerts par les agences. Les programmes d'éducation spéciaux destinés à ces personnes âgées, avec des instructeurs bilingues et biculturels, doivent être définis comme l'une des approches d'intervention les plus importantes. Il convient également de promouvoir une autre stratégie éducative pour la population immigrante, à savoir la formation et le recyclage des professionnels bilingues et biculturels en gériatrie. Les experts américains qui travaillent avec les émigrés soviétiques âgés doivent aussi s'informer au sujet de la culture, du système de sécurité sociale, des pratiques sanitaires et du comportement social qui étaient en vigueur dans leur pays.

Automatic web image annotation is a practical and effective way for both web image retrieval and image understanding. However, current annotation techniques make no further investigation of the statement-level syntactic correlation among the annotated words, therefore making it very difficult to render natural language interpretation for images such as "pandas eat bamboo". In this paper, we propose an approach to interpret image semantics through mining the visible and textual information hidden in images. This approach mainly consists of two parts: first the annotated words of target images are ranked according to two factors, namely the visual correlation and the pairwise co-occurrence; then the statement-level syntactic correlation among annotated words is explored and natural language interpretation for the target image is obtained. Experiments conducted on real-world web images show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

It is sometimes claimed that primary education in England and Wales is uniquely open to ‘progressive’ techniques and innovations. Much of the writing about this relies heavily on the impact of ideas and strong personalities to effect and disseminate change. Drawing upon historical analyses of England and Wales and upon primary education in France, Germany and Scotland as counter examples, this article attempts to move away from this model of change to identify a range of contextual or structural features of the English and Welsh system which have facilitated the spread of progressive ideas and the influence of individual pioneers on the state sector of education. These include historical continuity, devolution of decision making to middle‐sized local units, substantial school autonomy, a high level of urbanisation, loose central control over curriculum and certain features of the structure of schooling.  相似文献   

教育机会均等刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育是实现人的全面发展、社会流动的潜在通道,由于教育的这种特殊回报使全社会对教育的公平性予以更多的关注。本文力求通过对教育机会均等的起源、阶段及寻找教育机会均等的途径等几方面加以论述,以便对教育机会均等的问题有一个较为全面的把握。  相似文献   

We present a case study of the language and literacy development of a deaf child, Marcy, from preschool through sixth grade. The purpose of the project was to examine the connection between language and reading and to provide insight into the relationships between them. To compile the case study, we analyzed data from nine years of follow-up, including listening, speech articulation, semantic, syntactic, reading, and writing information drawn from a number of informal and formal assessments. Annual evaluation of language and literacy skills was used to select educational placements, as well as instructional methods, strategies, and materials. Given that Marcy began school at 4 years of age, mute and without expressive language of any form (oral or sign), it may at first appear remarkable that she read narrative and expository text as did her hearing peers by sixth grade, because a substantial body of research shows that most deaf students read at the fourth-grade level by high school graduation (review by Paul, 1998). However, those responsible for Marcy's education prevented reading failure by carefully planning, instituting, and monitoring elements of language and literacy instruction. We present Marcy's progress and instruction by grade level and discuss it within the framework of phases/stages of reading development. We hope that the resulting case study may serve as an example of the language-reading connection, an awareness important not only for the literacy instruction of deaf and language-challenged children but for hearing students as well.  相似文献   

This article combines a global, national and local perspective to study the effects if educational changes over the last 20 years on the relationship between head teachers, teachers and parents in France. Five kinds of transformations - decentralization, marketization, accountability, managerialism and professionalization - are examined in terms of their impact on definitions of the social and professional identities of educational agents and on the redistribution of power among them. The first section of the paper examines main shifts in policy and practice that these transformations were designed to produce from the perspective of policy-makers. The second section analyses the interaction between these global discourses and transformations of French educational models and realities at the level of the nation state. The third section shows how reform projects interact in very different ways with school realities in two contrasting local settings.  相似文献   

肯定否定对举句式具有很强的包容性,非常规的搭配进入这一句式中均能成立。这些非常规搭配在高频使用下则有可能趋于稳定而进入现代汉语系统中。探究该类句式的包容性及其对句法组配萌芽的滋生作用能为这类句式的研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

本拟主要依据美国翻译理论家Eugene A.Nida“意思优先”,“动态/灵活对等”理论,探讨英互译本中内容与形式统一或基本对等的问题。通过对比英汉两种语言的差异,指出:在英汉语互译中原语与译入语境对完全一致的情况是很少有的。要达到内容与形式的统一,必须充分考虑原语与译放语在诸如句子结构、词性、语序、表达习惯,以及思维方式等方面的差异,按“动态/灵活对等”、“内容优先于形式”的原则,结合运用各种翻译技巧,尽可能译在内容与形式上与原语保持一致或基本对等。  相似文献   

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