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随着知识观从传统知识观到批判知识观的转型,教师培训也应随之变革,即培训者不再控制着权威型话语,扮演"立法者"和"仲裁者"的角色,教师也不再是培训的被动接受者与消费者,而是作为知识的生产者和创造者。从而,教师作为培训主体的价值和意义得到彰显和关照。基于此,对教师培训也进行了重新定位。  相似文献   

一直以来,对教师角色与成长定位的描述、隐喻比比皆是。随着新课程的实施与推进,对教师角色与定位又有了新发展、新内涵,像反思型教师、研究型教师、学者型教师等提法更是成为主流,期待让反思、研究成为教师专业生活的新方式,寄望教师把角色期待融化为自身个性与风格的一部分。  相似文献   

论教师的人性观和教师教育观念的相互关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邰鹭明 《教育探索》2004,(5):102-104
积极的人性观是现代教师角色观和教师学生观的有效预测变量。当前教师在人性观上的取向是积极的,因而教师在角色现和学生观上也都呈现出积极的态度。同时,教师的角色观和学生观是相对稳定且互相影响的。教师的角色观和学生观不会随着教龄的增加或职称的改变而发生变化,且这种稳定性主要体现在教龄五年以上的教师身上。回归分析表明,教师对自我角色在新时期的重新定位,即现代教师角色观是影响他们对学生定位的一个关键因素。此外,当前还存在两个值得注意的问题:一是校长的人性观比一般教师的人性观消极;二是职业中学教师的角色观和学生观比普通中小学教师的消极。  相似文献   

主体间性理论克服了二元对立的主客体关系,强调教师主体和学生主体的交互作用,是主体性研究的深化,已经成为教育理论的一个重要指导思想。主体间性视角下的师生关系应该是平等尊重、协商合作、共同发展的新型关系,突出强调了区别于传统“教师中心论”与“学生中心论”的教师主体地位,认为民主型教师、反思型教师和研究型教师应该是这种新型师生关系下所有教师追求的目标定位。  相似文献   

教师角色的总体性观照及其检讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前对教师角色及其变迁的研究主要存在四种视角和背景:教学观变迁及其实践、新课程改革与实践、知识社会与知识经济等时代要求、知识状况的变化。这些看似不同的研究视角和背景之间存在着一种共同的属性和本质的联系,那就是知识观及其转型。随着西方学术中传统的"超个人取向的并缺乏个性和主体性的"角色概念转向"个人取向的并以主动性和能动性为行为动力的"角色概念,本文将教师角色界定为"基于对知识观的理解和解释基础上教师的自我行动"。探讨当前的教师角色变迁最重要的是转变定位教师角色的方法论立场,即由集体主义方法论向个体主义方法论转变。因为只有站在教师个体的立场上认识教师,文中所提出的诸多教师角色变迁的取向才能真正实现。  相似文献   

多尔等后现代主义代表人物将教师定位为"平等者的首席"的后现代教师观,对于重新解读教师问题、进行教师职能定位、塑造新型教师角色提供了理论视角。在世界多元化发展的时代趋势面前,必须清醒地直面这一思潮,借鉴后现代教师观提供的新视角反思教师面临的现代性挑战,揭示教师存在的现代性弊端,使教师角色由外烁的、强制的、灌输的,转变为理解的、唤醒的、激活和发现的教师角色。  相似文献   

刘丁萁 《考试周刊》2012,(67):10-10
基于中职学生的特点,中职教师所扮演的角色与传统定位的教师角色有很大的不同。本文将从职业角色、职业能力、职业价值观三方面对中职教师的职业角色进行了分析。  相似文献   

论蔡元培的研究型教师观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡元培是中国近代著名的高等教育家。他在整顿、改造和建设北京大学的过程中,形成了独特的研究型教师观。研究和借鉴他的研究型教师观,对于加速研究型大学的形成和发展,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在教学实践中,我深深地感受到,要在师范教育中实现素质教育,必须在教育观念上先行创新,把教学主体定位在学生身上,启动学生自我教育的潜在功能;在教师角色上调整角度,把教学侧重点定位在引导上,使学生自身能力不断提高。为此,我在中师语文教学中尝试了教师角色的‘五个转变”,以全新的教学观、教师观、学生观和媒体观,探索素质教育的新途径,取得了初步成效。下面以教学《寓言三则》为例.谈谈我在阅读教学中是怎样进行教师角色转化的。 一、变“传授者”为“导学者”,启发学生积极自觉 教师角色由原来处于中心地位的知识‘讲解…  相似文献   

教师的角色问题是幼儿教育领域一个基本而又重要的问题,对教师角色的认识与理解在相当程度上影响着幼儿教育改革。在人类社会进入信息时代之际,重新认识、正确理解教师的角色对于促进幼儿教育的发展具有重要意义。我们认为,信息时代幼儿园教师的基本角色既是教育者又是研究者。作为教育者,幼儿园教师应该是引导型、方法型、因材施教型和创造型教师;作为研究者,幼儿园教师应该是学习型和研究型教师。  相似文献   

印度著名思想家克里希那穆提对教师的认识立足于人的心灵世界的改造和完善.他认为教师是建造新社会秩序的奠基者,强调教育者必须先受教育,并具备正确教育者的素养:了解自我、真正爱学生、拒绝成为权威、以教育为天职、心灵完整自由等.梳理和解读他独特的教师观旨在为教师教育的理论和实践提供新的视角和思想资源.  相似文献   

Although primary teachers in the Republic of Ireland are generalist teachers, language teaching of both Irish and English, as well as the development of literacy skills across the curriculum is an integral part of their daily professional practice. This paper presents an analysis of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) with a view to considering its potential as a reflective tool in the initial primary teacher education (IPTE) in the Republic of Ireland. The creation and structure of the EPOSTL within a European language policy landscape is delineated, and thematic analysis is presented, focusing on three of the EPOSTL’s main theoretical and conceptual underpinnings: (a) teacher autonomy, (b) reflective practice and, (c) self-assessment. The role of primary teachers as language teachers within a new framework of plurilingualism is highlighted. In order to consider the suitability of the EPOSTL as a reflective tool in teacher education, IPTE educational policy documents are examined to uncover converging discourses with the underlying themes of the EPOSTL. The EPOSTL emerges as a good conceptual fit with IPTE policy. It presents as a reflective tool with the potential to promote a transformative and integrated approach to language teacher education in and across Institutes of Education at a time of sociolinguistic and curriculum change in Irish primary schools.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of teacher and principal attitudes to newly mandated teacher standards in Australia. The qualitative study of 36 teachers and principals was conducted over 12 months as the new educators in five schools completed a mandatory teacher probation process framed by the teacher standards. The study found positive attitudes to teacher standards from both teachers and principals. Contextual reasons, including teacher ownership over the standards and their implementation, are discussed as possible reasons for the positive manner in which the participants in the study received these new standards for teachers.  相似文献   

This article discusses theoretical assumptions either explicitly stated or implied in research on teachers’ beliefs. Such research often assumes teachers can easily articulate their beliefs and that there is a one-to-one correspondence between what teachers state and what researchers think those statements mean. Research conducted under this paradigm often reports inconsistencies between teachers’ beliefs and their actions. This article describes an alternative framework for conceptualizing teachers’ beliefs that views teachers as inherently sensible rather than inconsistent beings. Instead of viewing teachers’ beliefs as inconsistent, teachers’ abilities to articulate their beliefs as well as researchers’ interpretations of those beliefs are seen as problematic. Implications of such a view for research on teacher beliefs as well as for the practice of mathematics teacher education are discussed. This article is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation completed at the University of Georgia under the direction of Thomas J. Cooney. Parts of this article were presented at the 2004 meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Toronto, Canada).  相似文献   

教师是课程改革的关键因素。传统教师文化中的个人主义特质不符合新课程的要求,制约着课程改革的推行,也制约着教师的专业成长和进步。反思并积极寻求重建教师文化是解放教师和激发课程活力之关键所在。教师文化是教师在教育教学活动中形成和发展起来的一系列知识技能、价值取向、思维方式以及行为规范的总和。孤立的教师文化之成因可以从教师个人和教学实际情境两个角度分析,而合作的教师文化可从营造适宜的组织气氛,建构教师间的相互对话,善用教学观摩进行专业交流,运用民主参与的合作成长模式和建构教师间相互支持的协同合作网络等方面重建合作的教师文化。  相似文献   

新课程改革使教师教学发生巨大变化。为了解新课程实施以来数学教师的发展情形,结合课堂观察和访谈,对数学教师进行调查分析,主要分析新课程实施后教师哪些变化最明显、什么特征的教师发展最好和遇到哪些主要阻碍等,研究表明,教师的新课程教育理念、新课程教学实践、数学素养均得到发展,教学开放性进一步凸显,教师创生教材的能力得到加强,教师教学观、教育观和学生观得到改进,教学评价更趋科学、教育研究能力有所提高等,但不同教师呈现不同的发展水平。  相似文献   

This collaborative self-study details the experiences of an Australian teacher educator and a Canadian teacher educator, who led teacher candidates on international practicum placements to the Cook Islands and Kenya respectively. Focusing on critical incidents, they collaboratively analyzed dilemmas that occurred when providing professional development sessions for local teachers during these placements. These dilemmas required the teacher educators to think deeply about their beliefs and practices in these contexts. Findings from the study included the teacher educator’s tendency to make assumptions about good teaching and learning practices that were reflective of their personal pedagogical values and beliefs; their discomfort with their perceptions of some neo‐colonial practices within these international practicum sites and uncertainty about how to navigate the resultant tensions; and, the need to view the work of teacher educators though a new cultural lens when working in transnational contexts. Implications for teacher educators working with local hosting teachers during international placements include the need to understand and acknowledge the complexity of this dimension of teacher educators’ work, and for teacher educators to engage in parallel learning journeys with the teacher candidates they accompany. This involves critically reflecting on the experiences, assumptions, and beliefs that they bring to their new contexts, as well as adopting a global perspective and a deep consciousness of how one is perceived by others who are culturally, racially, or linguistically different.  相似文献   

班主任工作是小学新教师经常要承担的一项任务。由于小学生特殊的心理特点,小学班主任工作在整个教育工作中所占的比例也相对较重。因此如何作好班主任工作是一个值得所有小学新教师思考的问题。本文拟通过对学校思想政治工作主管领导、老教师、老班主任及新教师、新班主任等进行访谈及问卷调查,找出小学新教师在班主任工作中所普遍会遇到的困难,同时思考解决问题的对策,以期给在校师范生提供一个整体感知自己即将面临的困难的平台,使他们提前进入一个对困难的心理预备状态。  相似文献   

This paper reports on research that suggests a new view of assessment of the practicum in teacher education. By transcending the stereotypes of “failing” student teachers who do not achieve traditional benchmarks, this new lens highlights the complexity, diversity and inequality of experiences through listening to the voices of the student teachers and their mentors. By valuing context and focusing on progress and development rather than absolute attainment, teacher educators are challenged to reflect on their own role as mentors and educators through guiding principles of practicum learning. These guiding principles of practicum learning are the result of significant observation in the practicum classroom followed by critical analysis of data provided as narrative. A more humane, trusting and respectful attitude towards assessment is suggested.  相似文献   

发展性教师评价是以发展为导向的形成性评价,其根本目标在于提高教师的职业道德修养,促进教师创新素质提高,促进教师发展需要与学校发展需要的统一和融合。从发展性教师评价视域下观之,目前高校青年教师在成长过程中存在着专业化发展断层和评价指向偏差等问题。构建科学、有效的发展性教师评价机制,有利于高校青年教师的成长与发展。  相似文献   

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