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This paper reviews literature on dictionary-based cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) and presents CLIR research done at the University of Tampere (UTA). The main problems associated with dictionary-based CLIR, as well as appropriate methods to deal with the problems are discussed. We will present the structured query model by Pirkola and report findings for four different language pairs concerning the effectiveness of query structuring. The architecture of our automatic query translation and construction system is presented.  相似文献   

文章对成果评价工作质量控制有关问题进行了探讨,对评价业务各参与方的职责进行了界定,对参与方 的主要工作进行了分析,特别是对评价机构工作质量控制管理体系、评价委托方所提供的评价材料质量控制等问题进 行了重点探讨,对所涉影响因素进行了分析,合理地提出了成果评价工作质量控制的有效措施。  相似文献   

通过美国情报学家加菲尔德《引索引法的理论及应用》一书的译后记,回顾了上世纪60年代以来我国引进和使用《科学引索引》,以及自主开发中引索引的过程,分析了前几年《科学引索引》在科研绩效评价中被炒得“过热”的种种表现。引用了加菲尔德在其30年前撰写的该书中的有关论述。阐明应当如何正确地看待SCI和使用SCI。  相似文献   

In this study the basic framework and performance analysis results are presented for the three year long development process of the dictionary-based UTACLIR system. The tests expand from bilingual CLIR for three language pairs Swedish, Finnish and German to English, to six language pairs, from English to French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Finnish, and from bilingual to multilingual. In addition, transitive translation tests are reported. The development process of the UTACLIR query translation system will be regarded from the point of view of a learning process. The contribution of the individual components, the effectiveness of compound handling, proper name matching and structuring of queries are analyzed. The results and the fault analysis have been valuable in the development process. Overall the results indicate that the process is robust and can be extended to other languages. The individual effects of the different components are in general positive. However, performance also depends on the topic set and the number of compounds and proper names in the topic, and to some extent on the source and target language. The dictionaries used affect the performance significantly.  相似文献   

The paper studies concept-based cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). The document collection was a subset of the TREC collection. The test requests were formed from TREC's health related topics. As translation dictionaries the study used a general dictionary and a domain-specific (=medical) dictionary. The effects of translation method, conjunction, and facet order on the effectiveness of concept-based cross-language queries were studied, and concept-based structuring of cross-language queries was compared to mechanical structuring based on the output of dictionaries. The performance of translated Finnish queries against English documents was compared to the performance of original English queries against the English documents, and the performance of different CLIR query types was compared with one another. No major difference was found between concept-based and mechanical structuring. The best translation method was a simultaneous look-up in the medical dictionary and the general dictionary, in which case cross-language queries performed as well as the original English queries. The results showed that especially at high exhaustivity (the number of mutually restrictive concepts in a request) levels cross-language queries perform well in relation to monolingual queries. This suggests that conjunction disambiguates cross-language queries. An extensive study was made of the relative importance of the concepts of requests. On the basis of the classification data of request concepts it was shown how the order of facets in a query affects cross-language as well as monolingual queries.  相似文献   

运用SCI有效评价科研成果的方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
指出将SCI作为科研成果评价工具时应注意的一些问题:运用比例数据进行纵向比较;合理编制检索式,保证数据准确性;在短时间内确定被引频次区域节点的阈值并完成统计;为避免学科差异,需要分学科领域进行评价工作;以大样本量抽样统计保障评价结论准确度;明确评价的引导作用不会导致SCI论文的快速增加,防止SCI的适用范围扩大化、评价结果简单化问题的出现。  相似文献   

佛山市邻里图书馆项目以家庭为单位,以公共藏书资源为支撑,以邻里关系为纽带输送阅读服务,是“图书馆+社会力量”阅读推广的新模式。文章采用案例分析法、访谈法等对邻里图书馆项目的缘起、发展历程、实施路径进行探讨,总结项目运作的特点和成效。  相似文献   

创新性学术成果是指与已有研究成果有显著差异的科学发现,具有差异性、排他性和承继性特征,蕴含科学的学术价值和社会价值.及时发现并评鉴创新性学术成果,是学术编辑的主体职责和基本功.从论文的题目、摘要、结构、结论、参考文献等文本形式上,可基本判断其选题意义、逻辑架构、结论自洽、论证丰厚度等方面情况;从论文的主题价值、研究方法、立场倾向、思辨理性、资料应用等文本内容上,可评鉴学术成果的思想观点、范式方法、材料证据等方面的创新程度.  相似文献   

文章首先分析了学术期刊评价的四种目的,然后归纳了期刊评价的三种方法与过程体系.在此基础上,分析了二者的关系.  相似文献   

以上海交通大学的Academic Ranking of World University(ARWU)人文社会科学领域排名前50位的研究机构为研究对象,以Web of Science 为统计数据来源,应用统计学原理和方法分析h-index与ARWU排名中的各项评价指标以及与传统的文献计量指标之间的关联性,结果表明:h-index与ARWU的 核心指标、与论文发表总数和被引频次都有着很强的关联性,总被引频次和单篇引用频次分别符合Hirsch和Glanzel-Shubert模型,并实际计算出两个模型中的参数α和c,为其在人文社会科学领域的适用性研究提供进一步的实证。  相似文献   

梁继文  杨建林  王伟  王飞 《情报学报》2022,41(2):155-166
科技项目后评估对项目的完成质量与效益进行评判,是科技管理全流程中的核心环节。现有科技项目后评估研究更多的是关注如何构建评估体系和量化评价指标,鲜有基于内容来探讨项目与成果的相关性。本文使用科技报告作为科技项目的补充信息,构建基于BERT (bidirectional encoder representations from transformers)架构的相似度计算模型,通过文本语义匹配程度对科技项目-成果文献的相关性评估进行探索。研究结果表明,构建的融合模型可以有效地评估科技项目-成果文献的相关性。此外,本文对项目-成果相关性较低的情况以及科技报告监管过程中存在的问题进行了分析,旨在建设优质科技资源,完善科技项目后评估体系,综合提升科技情报服务效率。  相似文献   

�ɹ�������ȼ������ڿ�ѡ��   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
探讨了当前我国学术界关于机构评估、人才评价、激励奖励、资助项目评审、评定职称、学科发展预测中有关成果评价与核心期刊的关系,并研究了这类基于成果评价的核心期刊—等级核心期刊选择中的导向原则、学科原则、权威原则、适用原则、分级原则、比例原则和动态原则  相似文献   

公共图书馆绩效评价中应关注的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了公共图书馆绩效评价产生的背景,论述了在公共图书馆进行有效绩效评价应关注的三个方面,即前提环境、指标设计和绩效沟通  相似文献   

科技查新中的问题与发展对策研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
陈迎春 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(1):113-115
在阐述科技查新工作所发挥的作用的基础上,分析了科技查新工作中存在的问题,并提出了一些解决这些问题的措施。  相似文献   

科研成果创新力指标S指数的设计与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]探讨成果创新力指标设计原则、原理,提出相应指数并进行实证研究,为科研评价体系中创新力评价维度的确立提供理论与指标参考。[方法/过程]首先,结合经典指标的设计经验、科研评价领域的最新进展以及库恩范式转换理论,明确成果创新力指标的设计原则。其次,通过对科学发展过程、科研创新产生与扩散机制等的研究,说明成果创新力指标的设计原理。在此基础上,提出S指数及累加S指数的计算公式。最后,进行指数计算、与影响力指数的对比分析、不同扩散阶段的精细评价及成果创新力分区等实证分析。[结果/结论]讨论S指数可靠性,总结指数特性、用途和使用注意事项,并对其在创新扩散现象与规律研究、促进学术规范、确立科研评价体系创新维度中能够起到的作用做出展望。  相似文献   

Although there has been concern about sex and violence on television since the 1950s, little is known about the determinants of public opinion concerning the regulatory response to “inappropriate” television content. Here the Annenberg National Health Communication Survey (ANHCS) is used to predict support for fining television stations for violent and sexual content from a set of precursor demographic, attitudinal, political affiliation, and television exposure variables. The results show that support for fining television stations is primarily a result of the beliefs that sex and violence on television causes sex and violence in teenagers.  相似文献   

数字学术成果评价机制的不完善使人文学者面临学术贡献不被承认的风险,阻碍创新活力的激发和人文学科发展。文章依托网络调查搜集20世纪末以来美国学院艺术协会等6个人文协会制定的6份数字学术评价指南,梳理文本内容,从评价内容与范围、相关部门/机构职责、对人文学者的要求等3方面归纳评价的要素与关键。研究发现:多种非传统的学术成果形态和研究过程均可纳入评价范围,同行评议是重要评价形式;相关部门/机构应明确传达有关数字人文的招聘和评价要求,聘请数字专家、人文学者和数字学术研究经验丰富人员开展评价,在评价中尊重数字人文的媒介多样性,考虑跨学科团队合作带来的额外工作量;人文学者需要了解部门/机构对数字人文工作的支持,清楚阐述自身数字工作的价值和复杂性,制定并说明其数字学术成果的可持续发展计划。  相似文献   

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