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基于儿童的语文教学就是立足于儿童,尊重儿童的天性,又将孩子的天性作为促进教学有效性的一种借力、一种资源,同时最终的教育目标又是为了儿童的成长和发展。  相似文献   

儿童天性,是课标修订的一个亮点。北京大学中文系教授、《语文课程标准》修订专家组组长温儒敏指出:“这次修订有个理念得到共识,也写进去了,就是尊重孩子们的天性。”“尊重天性,培养素质,提高能力,激发学生的好奇心、求知欲、想象力,这始终是课改关注的重点。”  相似文献   

教育应当以人的天性为前提,顺应儿童的天性。尊崇天性、尊重儿童、解放儿童,这是儿童教育的灵魂。但是,在现实的儿童教育中却存在着诸多违背儿童天性的现象,如教育内容超前,教育方法机械,教育评价标准单一,这种教育严重地阻碍着儿童的健康发展。其产生的原因主要是教育资源的缺乏以及人们不正确的观念。尊重幼儿的天性,按照其成长的自然节奏实施的教育才是真正的教育。  相似文献   

玩是儿童的天性。文章从“玩”—“儿童”—“玩童”的逻辑阐释“玩童”的哲学意蕴,认为“玩”是儿童的自然感性需要的表现,是儿童的基本生活方式,是儿童自我实现的主要方式。然而在实践过程中“玩童”却面临困境,表现为萎缩的时间和空间、失落的自主与自决、变相的工作和学习。省思其原因,主要是传统学习思想、现实教育竞争和传统儿童观的影响。“玩童”的实现,需要尊重儿童是其所是——“儿童就是儿童”,尊重儿童的天性——“爱玩”“好玩”;给予儿童玩的支持,保证儿童玩的时间和空间,尊重儿童玩的自主和自决权利,减少对儿童玩的直接功利诉求。  相似文献   

儿童的天性与生俱来,它规定着儿童的发展方向,影响着儿童的发展进程,是促进儿童发展的内在本源.儿童的天性本应受到父母的尊重和保护,但儿童这种内在的力量与父母对儿童的要求逐渐产生冲突.为了让儿童自由快乐地成长,父母应树立科学正确的育儿观念,了解儿童,发现儿童,尊重儿童的天性,顺应儿童的自然成长.  相似文献   

儿童的天性是爱智慧或是对智慧的热爱和追求,然而,受传统人伦关系影响下的家庭教育方式使儿童的这种天性慢慢减弱甚至消失。为保持儿童这种爱智慧的天性,应尊重儿童学习哲学的权利、地位和能力,尽可能地满足儿童的好奇心和求知欲。儿童千奇百怪的提问,这是儿童爱智慧的一种表现。  相似文献   

儿童发展中的天性和教养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天性与教养在儿童发展中应有的关系 :教养应适应儿童天性发展的进程 ;教养应遵循儿童的语言 ;教养应尊重儿童天性发展的背景 ;教养的本质在发现天性并指导其成长 ,并不是赋予能力 ;天性与教养的发展是互动的  相似文献   

儿童观是人们对儿童的看法、观念和态度的总和。纪录片《幼儿园》反映出在幼儿园教育中,"听话的儿童"才是好儿童、儿童是知识的容器、儿童是幼稚无知的等不科学的儿童观还普遍存在,可见尊重儿童天性的儿童观需要回归。而拯救与回归的起点就是充分了解儿童,蹲下身子耐心倾听儿童,而不是想当然的以自身固有的观念去看待儿童。  相似文献   

人是宝贵的社会财富,无论过去还是现在,不尊重人、不提高人的价值的教育,是真正落后的教育,是不人道的教育。在为了儿童发展的前提下,教师有最大的自由。正如杜威在《民主主义与教育》中引用比埃默森的说法:教师"尊重儿童,尊重他到底,但是也要尊重你自己……关于儿童的训练,有两点要注意:保存儿童的天性,除了儿童的天性以外,别的都要通过锻炼搞掉;保存儿童的  相似文献   

<正>苏慧丽,于伟在《教育学报》2019年第4期中撰文指出:批判性思维的培养有利于儿童探索、理解、改造世界。儿童具有强烈的好奇心、探究的精神、不断挑战的欲望、积极地参与社会实践的天性,这些天性都源于"否"或"非"的基础意识,促使儿童以否定性为动力不断地探索外部的世界,并通过自身的力量加以改造。培养批判性思维的过程就是在尊重儿童否定性天性的基础上,引导儿童实现从单纯否定  相似文献   

童年对儿童的成长具有重要的意义.作为一种客观的时间经历,童年是不可能消逝的,童年的消逝在本质上是童年体验的消逝.对童年体验的追忆表明,童心、童真和童趣是童年体验的基础,童年在本质上是一种以童心、童真和童趣为基础的童年体验.保卫儿童的童年就意味着保卫儿童的童心、童真和童趣.  相似文献   

对西方自然主义教育思想的研究集中在天性、自然、自然教育、自然适应性原则、教育与儿童等核心问题上.自然主义教育家认为,儿童的天性源于自然,有其发展的自然规律;天性是教育的前提,教育要适应自然规律、遵从儿童的天性;儿童具有发展的主动性,在教育活动中居于中心地位.自然主义教育思想对当代教育改革依然具有启迪意义和指导价值.国内近十年的相关研究呈现"三多三少"的特点.  相似文献   

There is great controversy regarding the impact of openness in adoption, especially the impact of such an arrangement on adopted children. Three indicators of the level of child participation in the openness arrangement were examined: ( a ) level of openness reported by adoptive parents, ( b ) level of information adopted children reported having about their birthparents, and ( c ) whether adoptive parents have withheld any pertinent information gained through communication with the birthmother from the adopted child. 171 children (90 males, 81 females; mean age = 7.99) were studied to assess how that participation influenced their conceptual understanding of what adoption means, general self-worth, satisfaction with level of openness, and curiosity about birthparents. Overall it does not appear that providing information about a child's birthparents will confuse the child about the meaning of adoption or lower the child's self-esteem, but neither will it move them to levels of understanding that are beyond their cognitive capabilities to reach.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to attempt to understand some of the reasons for the high academic achievement of Chinese and Japanese children compared to American children. The study was conducted with first and fifth graders attending elementary schools in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, Taipei (Taiwan), and Sendai (Japan). 1,440 children (240 first graders and 240 fifth graders in each city) were selected as target subjects in the study. The children were selected from 20 classrooms at each grade in each city and constituted a representative sample of children from these classrooms. In a follow-up study, first graders were studied again when they were in the fifth grade. The children were tested with achievement tests in reading and mathematics constructed specifically for this study, the children and their mothers were interviewed, the children's teachers filled out a questionnaire, and interviews were held with the principals of the schools attended by the children. In the follow-up study, achievement tests were administered, and the children and their mothers were interviewed. Background information about the children's everyday lives revealed much greater attention to academic activities among Chinese and Japanese than among American children. Members of the three cultures differed significantly in terms of parents' interest in their child's academic achievement, involvement of the family in the child's education, standards and expectations of parents concerning their child's academic achievement, and parents' and children's beliefs about the relative influence of effort and ability on academic achievement. Whereas children's academic achievement did not appear to be a central concern of American mothers, Chinese and Japanese mothers viewed this as their child's most important pursuit. Once the child entered elementary school, Chinese and Japanese families mobilized themselves to assist the child and to provide an environment conducive to achievement. American mothers appeared to be less interested in their child's academic achievement than in the child's general cognitive development; they attempted to provide experiences that fostered cognitive growth rather than academic excellence. Chinese and Japanese mothers held higher standards for their children's achievement than American mothers and gave more realistic evaluations of their child's academic, cognitive, and personality characteristics. American mothers overestimated their child's abilities and expressed greater satisfaction with their child's accomplishments than the Chinese and Japanese mothers. In describing bases of children's academic achievement, Chinese and Japanese mothers stressed the importance of hard work to a greater degree than American mothers, and American mothers gave greater emphasis to innate ability than did Chinese and Japanese mothers.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new way to integrate history of science in science education to promote conceptual change by introducing the notion of historical microworld, which is a computer-based interactive learning environment respecting historic conceptions. In this definition, “interactive” means that the user can act upon the virtual environment by changing some parameters to see what ensues. “Environment respecting historic conceptions” means that the “world” has been programmed to respect the conceptions of past scientists or philosophers. Three historical microworlds in the field of mechanics are presented in this article: an Aristotelian microworld respecting Aristotle’s conceptions about movement, a Buridanian microworld respecting the theory of impetus and, finally, a Newtonian microworld respecting Galileo’s conceptions and Newton’s laws of movement.  相似文献   

Erich S  Leung P 《Child abuse & neglect》2002,26(10):1045-1058
OBJECTIVE: The paper addresses the impacts of the type of abuse and sibling adoption upon family functioning. The specific objectives are to test the relationships: (1). between an adopted child's previous type of abuse and postadoptive family functioning; (2). between an adopted child's previous type of abuse and the child's postadoptive externalized behavior status; (3). between sibling adoption status and postadoptive family functioning; and (4). between sibling adoption status and the child's postadoptive externalized behavior status. METHOD: Data were collected from parents with adopted children, between the ages of 2 and 16, who have special needs status. The convenience sample was drawn primarily from one southern state. RESULTS: The results suggest that the child's type of abuse does predict different outcomes in terms of a parent's report of postadoptive family functioning but not the adopted child's postadoptive externalized behavior. Sibling adoptions resulted in lower perceptions of family functioning but slightly improved perceptions of the child's postadoptive externalized behavior. CONCLUSION: Parents with adopted children who have histories of physical and sexual abuse reported lower family functioning than those parents with adopted children who only have histories of neglect. Parents who adopted sibling groups reported fewer externalized child behavior problems but lower family functioning than those parents who adopted a single child. These results suggest the need for a variety of family supports targeted to family needs as well as to promoting behavioral changes in the children.  相似文献   

For a report on the stress experiences of parents with hearing-impaired children in Germany, 317 parents completed a survey on how their families communicate and socialize, among other issues. The report focuses on how contacts with other parents and with hearing-impaired adults affect stress experiences, in the context of the child's hearing status and the means of communication. Parents who frequently meet with other parents show evidence of a warm, accepting, trusting relationship with their child. Parents who have many contacts with hearing-impaired adults show evidence of a strong sense of competence in regard to their child's upbringing. The findings confirm the implication found in most reports describing empirical studies. Social support is to be regarded as a cornerstone of psychosocial intervention and has to play as great a role as possible in institutional programs.  相似文献   

Psychosocial factors that could be used as predictive indicators for adjustment of 4-year-old children whose mothers had used amphetamine during pregnancy were studied by means of simple and multivariate correlation analyses. The following statistically significant correlations were found: Length of maternal alcohol and drug abuse during pregnancy was correlated negatively with the child's adjustment as were numbers of paternal criminal convictions, number of stress factors of the mother, and number of earlier children born to the mother. Paternal criminality was associated with the outcome, regardless of amount of contact between father and child.  相似文献   

Joint attention and early language   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
This paper reports 2 studies that explore the role of joint attentional processes in the child's acquisition of language. In the first study, 24 children were videotaped at 15 and 21 months of age in naturalistic interaction with their mothers. Episodes of joint attentional focus between mother and child--for example, joint play with an object--were identified. Inside, as opposed to outside, these episodes both mothers and children produced more utterances, mothers used shorter sentences and more comments, and dyads engaged in longer conversations. Inside joint episodes maternal references to objects that were already the child's focus of attention were positively correlated with the child's vocabulary at 21 months, while object references that attempted to redirect the child's attention were negatively correlated. No measures from outside these episodes related to child language. In an experimental study, an adult attempted to teach novel words to 10 17-month-old children. Words referring to objects on which the child's attention was already focused were learned better than words presented in an attempt to redirect the child's attentional focus.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on social class and language study in schools argues that for middle-class parents and their children, languages are chosen for their capacity to offer forms of distinction that provide an edge in the global labour market. In this paper, we draw on data collected from interviews with parents and children in middle-class schools in Australia to demonstrate how a complex amalgam of elite, cultural identity and/or trade language discourses came into play to explain the choice (or not) to study a language and the choice of specific languages. For many of the parents languages provided a limited form of ‘civic multiculturalism’, as a means of better understanding and respecting the ‘other’. We argue that the value attributed to high status languages via this discourse, means their continued presence in schools hoping to attract middle-class parents, but their relative absence in schools with largely working-class populations, where more ‘practical’ concerns dominate.  相似文献   

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