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赵志荣 《体育学刊》2011,18(4):60-62
对当前体育旅游认识上存在的诸多现象及其原因进行分析。我国对体育旅游的定位过"杂",对体育旅游的分类过"乱",对体育旅游项目的归属过"泛"现象较为突出。产生以上现象的主要原因是认识上的感性化明显及缺乏探究精神。  相似文献   

通过查阅文献资料,以世界杯比赛中运动员的假摔为例,对其进行各种角度的分析,进而引申到体育领域中所存在的各类不良行为和现象,希望通过社会心理分析,更好地预防存在于体育界的不良行为和现象,还体育公平竞争的本来面目.  相似文献   

体育本质与作用的辩证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文主要内容是就体育界存在的"多本质"与"单本质"的奇怪现象,通过对本质这个概念的认识,运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法对体育的本质与作用的关系进行辩证的分析,来阐述体育本质与作用之间的关系,以此论证了体育的本质是强身健体.  相似文献   

立足马克思主义哲学,对体育调查统计的哲学本质及存在的辩证关系进行了探讨,认为体育调查统计是对体育现象进行系统地收集资料,并对资料进行分析来认识体育现象本质及规律的活动;体育调查统计蕴含着丰富的哲学辩证关系:质量互变、可能性与现实性、偶然性与必然性、相对性与决对性等等。  相似文献   

浅析普通高校大学生体育意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘小玲 《体育世界》2008,(11):58-60
本文通过文献资料法等研究方法对普通高校大学生体育意识进行分析探究,发现普通高校大学生体育意识不够强,认识不足鲞这种现象影响了高校大学生参加体育锻炼的积极性。为改变这一现象可采用增强学生的体质观念;注重培养学生的体育价值观念;深化学校体育教学改革等措施来加强高校大学生的体育意识。  相似文献   

中国城市女性体育参与分层现象的质性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
熊欢 《体育科学》2012,(2):28-38
改革开放以来,城市女性对体育以及休闲运动的参与出现了分层现象,如何进行体育运动成为衡量其社会地位和身份的标准之一。本研究以社会分层理论和体育女性主义理论为指导,以质性研究的范式为基础,采用深度访问的研究方法讨论了白领阶层、蓝领阶层和失业群体三个不同群体女性的体育行为及观念。通过比较研究,分析了不同阶层的中国女性的体育经验是如何与她们的经济地位、教育背景、家庭环境以及社会文化意识相互作用、相互牵制并导致体育参与分层现象的。通过研究认为,不同群体妇女参与体育运动的机会和制约不同,她们并不能完全地、平等地获取城市体育发展的成果。一方面,女性参与体育的障碍已经减弱;另一方面,女性参与体育在制度上和文化意识上仍存在一定的限制因素,影响了女性体育参与的深度与广度以及她们对体育参与真正意义和价值的认识。  相似文献   

通过比较分析小学生开展家庭体育活动一年来对体育的认识和身体素质的变化,认为家庭体育活动作为学校体育教学的补充.有其存在的现实意义和发展的必要性。总结实践经验,分析了选择家庭体育活动内容的依据、特点及成效等,为如何组织开展小学生家庭体育活动提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对大学二年级学生选择项目的和对终身体育认识的调查,分析了目前高校体育专项课在终身体育方面存在的问题,提出了高校体育专项课应与终身体育教育相结合。  相似文献   

体育社会现象有其自身的生存、变动和发展规律.在探索这些规律性问题时,研究者的基本认识能力是重要的支持性因素.基于对目前体育社会科学研究存在的基本认识问题的判断,从认识"基石"出发并结合研究案例,讨论概念、通则和理论等在体育社会科学认识活动中的若干价值;继而基于认识结构的要素,分别陈述在体育社会科学研究中感性与思维、经验与理论、概念与衍生概念、前提与结论以及命题与论证等关系;同时以认识活动的基本时空结构,讨论体育社会科学认识阶段的功能、时序关系.  相似文献   

前言 现如今,在我国对学校体育的认识虽然有所提高,但从整体上来看,忽视体育的现象还十分严重。分析这种现象存在的原因,众说纷云。但我认为,最根本的原因是,没有把体育摆在整个教育中一个更正确位置上。因此,我试图从教育史的角度重新来谈谈体育在整个人才培养过程中的价值问题。  相似文献   

Twenty-one years ago, Ericsson, Krampe and Tesch-Romer published their seminal work expounding the notion of deliberate practice in explaining the development of expertise. This concept has since become extremely influential in the fields of sport psychology and motor learning. This review evaluates current understanding of deliberate practice in sport skill acquisition with an emphasis on the role of deliberate practice in distinguishing expert athletes from non-experts. In particular, we re-examine the original tenets of Ericsson et al.'s framework to (a) evaluate the sport-related research supporting their claims and (b) identify remaining research questions in this area. The review highlights the overall importance of deliberate practice in the development of expert sport performers; however, our understanding is far from complete. Several directions for future research are highlighted, including the need for more rigorous research designs and statistical models that can evaluate changes in developmental and contextual factors across development. Finally, we advocate for a more thorough understanding of the implications of a ‘deliberate practice approach’ for coaching science.  相似文献   

十一届全运会体育场馆建设及赛后管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴以往全运会场馆建设的成功经验,建议2009年山东省全运会场馆的建设,应着眼于山东省的实际情况,充分利用现有场馆,适当修建新场馆,尤其要考虑全运场馆的会后利用问题,避免使这些巨资修建的场馆成为“庞然的废物”,导致“后奥运现象”。此次全运会场馆的建设应同商务开发和运作紧密结合起来,从而更快地促进济南的发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine mental imagery within the context of the deliberate practice framework. Altogether, 159 athletes from one of three different competitive standards (recreational, provincial and national) completed the Deliberate Imagery Practice Questionnaire, which was designed for the present study to assess the athletes' perceptions of the importance of imagery along the three deliberate practice dimensions of relevancy, concentration and enjoyment. The results indicated that national athletes perceived imagery to be more relevant to performing than recreational athletes. In addition, athletes of a higher standard (i.e. provincial and national) reported using more imagery in a recent typical week and they had accumulated significantly more hours of imagery practice across their athletic career than recreational athletes. Finally, the relationships among the dimensions of deliberate practice did not lend conclusive support to either the original conception of deliberate practice or a sports-specific framework of deliberate practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine mental imagery within the context of the deliberate practice framework. Altogether, 159 athletes from one of three different competitive standards (recreational, provincial and national) completed the Deliberate Imagery Practice Questionnaire, which was designed for the present study to assess the athletes' perceptions of the importance of imagery along the three deliberate practice dimensions of relevancy, concentration and enjoyment. The results indicated that national athletes perceived imagery to be more relevant to performing than recreational athletes. In addition, athletes of a higher standard (i.e. provincial and national) reported using more imagery in a recent typical week and they had accumulated significantly more hours of imagery practice across their athletic career than recreational athletes. Finally, the relationships among the dimensions of deliberate practice did not lend conclusive support to either the original conception of deliberate practice or a sports-specific framework of deliberate practice.  相似文献   

This study examined the reliability of a retrospective recall methodology for providing evidence of deliberate imagery practice. A secondary purpose was to determine which imagery activities constituted the sport-specific definition of deliberate practice (Starkes, Deakin, Allard, Hodges, & Hayes, 1996). Ninety-three Canadian athletes from one of three different competitive levels (regional, provincial, and national) completed the Deliberate Imagery Practice Recall Questionnaire, which was specifically designed for the present study. The athletes also completed a 1-week imagery diary to assess their use of 14 different imagery activities. The results of the study indicated that the athletes were able to reliably estimate their use of imagery over a short recall interval. Four imagery activities were also determined to fulfill the sport specific definition of deliberate practice.  相似文献   

本文对1985、1995年山西省与全国7-22岁城乡男女学生体质水平的纵、横向进行了比较,结果表明,山西省7-22岁城乡男女生长发育平均水平高于全国平均水平。但身体素质发展不平衡,力量、耐力素质低于全国平均水平,尤其大学段。由此可见,山西省学生身体素质的发展落后于身体形态、机能的发育。建议有关部门应加强学校体育,逐步扭转学生身体形态、机能、素质非同步发展的现象。  相似文献   


This study examined the reliability of a retrospective recall methodology for providing evidence of deliberate imagery practice. A secondary purpose was to determine which imagery activities constituted the sport-specific definition of deliberate practice (Starkes, Deakin, Allard, Hodges, & Hayes, 1996). Ninety-three Canadian athletes from one of three different competitive levels (regional, provincial, and national) completed the Deliberate Imagery Practice Recall Questionnaire, which was specifically designed for the present study. The athletes also completed a 1-week imagery diary to assess their use of 14 different imagery activities. The results of the study indicated that the athletes were able to reliably estimate their use of imagery over a short recall interval. Four imagery activities were also determined to fulfill the sport specific definition of deliberate practice.  相似文献   

2010年广州亚运会体育场馆建设的建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借鉴以往奥运会、亚运会场馆建设的成功经验,建议2010年广州亚运会场馆建设时,应着眼于广州市的实际情况,充分利用旧场馆,适当修建新场馆,尤其要考虑亚运场馆的会后利用问题,避免“后奥运现象”。同时,将亚运场馆建设与广州市的发展紧密结合起来,形成一种联动发展的模式。  相似文献   

以史为鉴,可知兴替。马拉松成为现象级事件并非偶然,是多因素共同作用的必然结果,具有重要的理论与现实意义。马拉松现象蕴含唯物辩证法所总结的发展普遍性与统一性原理、量变质变辩证关系原理和内因外因辩证关系原理等事物发展规律,沿着产生、发展与未来的逻辑主线,在漫长且充满文化底蕴的发展史中孕育、发展、演变。该文运用了唯物辩证法原理分析现实问题,以马拉松开端之思为起点探讨马拉松现象产生的必然,通过对马拉松现象的发展方向、发展状态和发展动力的全面阐释与解读,进一步厘清马拉松事件发展的历程。研究以国际化前瞻性视角重新审视我国现已出现的政策加码、场景革命、跨界融合、资本投入等全新市场环境后,对即将到来的服务型市场、互联网4.0时代、文化全融入时代以及资本回冷时期等新市场、新形势、新常态进行充分展望,以期有效应对我国马拉松运动的未来发展,为我国马拉松运动的可持续发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

以史为鉴,可知兴替。马拉松成为现象级事件并非偶然,是多因素共同作用的必然结果,具有重要的理论与现实意义。马拉松现象蕴含唯物辩证法所总结的发展普遍性与统一性原理、量变质变辩证关系原理和内因外因辩证关系原理等事物发展规律,沿着产生、发展与未来的逻辑主线,在漫长且充满文化底蕴的发展史中孕育、发展、演变。该文运用了唯物辩证法原理分析现实问题,以马拉松开端之思为起点探讨马拉松现象产生的必然,通过对马拉松现象的发展方向、发展状态和发展动力的全面阐释与解读,进一步厘清马拉松事件发展的历程。研究以国际化前瞻性视角重新审视我国现已出现的政策加码、场景革命、跨界融合、资本投入等全新市场环境后,对即将到来的服务型市场、互联网4.0时代、文化全融入时代以及资本回冷时期等新市场、新形势、新常态进行充分展望,以期有效应对我国马拉松运动的未来发展,为我国马拉松运动的可持续发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

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