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家校合作理念源于美国,我国对家校合作的研究在上个世纪80年逐步走上正轨,并日益受到重视,为我国教育的整体发展起到了巨大的促进作用.在新的教育背景下,家校合作实践也面临着新的挑战.文章剖析了家校合作的内涵,明晰了"双减"政策赋予家校合作新的使命,提出了"双减"背景下家校合作中存在的问题及解决策略.  相似文献   

张丽梅 《时代教育》2009,(10):264-264
现代多元社会的发展,教育需求的多样化,催生了在家教育现象的兴起.自其开始出现,在家教育就伴随着巨大的争议,无论是在美国、加拿大、新加坡、日本还是中国的台湾等国家和地区.以美国为例,在1975年几乎所有的州都认为在家教育是违法的,甚至被视为犯罪行为而遭受罚金甚或牢狱之灾.但令人称奇的却是,到1993年美国各州都认可了在家教育,给予了其合法的地位.这样的做法不仅在美国存在,在家教育在澳大利亚、中国台湾的历程同样如此,这从一个侧面昭示了在家教育所具有的强大生命力.本文从美国在家教育被家长接受的原因入手,探讨了美国在家教育的发展现状,以期为中国在家教育取得新的飞跃提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

美国是世界上公认的最早开展创业教育的国家,也是到目前为止创业教育体系和模式最为成熟的国家.但是,即使在美国,关于创业教育的发展现状、阶段定位与发展趋势仍然存在争论.论争的双方以美国学者库拉特科与卡茨为代表,主要围绕美国高校创业教育"成熟性"、"合法性"以及"发展趋势"三个问题展开.  相似文献   

美国中小学家校合作有效地促进了美国中小学教育的发展,家长参与教育已经列入法律法规,各级组织机构和学校等也为家校合作创造了众多的条件,促进家长在家校合作中扮演了多样的角色并促进了家长作用的发挥。美国家长在中小学家校合作中具体扮演了什么样的角色呢?本文将对其进行阐述并进行原因分析,以期对我国的中小学家校合作有所借鉴。  相似文献   

为了提高大学教育机会及学位获得率,美国高中和中等后教育机构制定了"基于学分的过渡计划".这些计划通过促进学生由高中到中等后教育的过渡衔接了高中与中等后教育.本文介绍了美国"基于学分的过渡计划",并分析了其发展的原因及实施对美国教育产生的影响,以期对我国的教育有所借鉴.  相似文献   

上世纪末,课外教育运动在美国全面兴起,研究证明这是帮助农村教育发展的有效途径之一。虽然在现实中,农村实施“课外教育计划”面临着不少困难,但美国社会各界对此所采取的一系列促进措施对我国发展农村社区学校课外教育具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

有关美国教育财政充足的讨论起源于20世纪80年代末出现的财政充足诉讼案,在法院、政策制定者和学者中间引起了广泛的关注。从此,教育财政的焦点由公平开始转向充足。美国有关教育财政充足的研究已经走过了近20年的发展历程,本文对教育财政充足的兴起原因、定义以及测算方法进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

在全世界,对教育抱有最大热忱的,大概可说是日本和法国了。美国的教育存在的缺陷是显而易见的,但教育又是最大的潜在产业。论中小学的学习,美国落后于日本和法国,但到高等教育,美国教育的优势显现出来,尤其在视听教育的设备方面,美国的水平至今处于领先地位。  相似文献   

家庭是孩子的第一所学校,家长是孩子的第一任老师。家长的一言一行、对待事物的态度、教育子女的方法,对孩子的成长产生着巨大的影响。因此,从教育子女这个角度讲,家长同学校一样肩负着重大的责任。单纯依靠学校或单纯依靠家长,是培养不出全面发展的人才的。因此,只有开展家校合作,发挥家庭与学校教育的合力作用,才能培养出适应社会发展需要的新型人才。为此,我们在"家校合作教育"中进行了如下尝试:  相似文献   

“岭西五大家”是清代嘉庆、道光年间广西桐城派的作家群体,他们的成长和兴盛,离不开早期在当时广西省城书院学习切磋的经历。而“岭西五大家”也不同程度地对广西书院的发展做出了自己的贡献。本文即从“岭西五大家”与广西书院的关系,探寻清代中期广西书院发展的情况,认为教育水平的提高有助于促进当地的文化事业的发展,并形成文化繁荣局面。而本乡大批才学之士的出现,也有可能反过来推动当地教育的发展,成为延续本乡学术、文化传统关键所在。  相似文献   

英国义务教育学龄儿童"在家上学"现象述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对英国义务教育学龄儿童“在家上学”现象产生的背景、法律依据、现状和问题进行了介绍和分析,并提出了其对今后义务教育发展可能的影响。  相似文献   

Conclusions In education literature, there is often confusion between compulsory provision of education and compulsory schooling, falsely giving the impression that schooling is compulsory. This is not the case. Home education is permitted in some form or other in all the European countries studied except Germany.Where the alternative of home education is denied to children who are in difficulty, such as very young children of itinerant workers, or children who are school phobic, one has to question whether the good of the individual child is being considered, rather than the ideals or convenience of education administrators. Home education is a welcome alternative to those children who need it and benefit from it and there is no evidence in academic literature or general writing on education to suggest that home education does not usually offer a good alternative to the children involved, both academically and socially.Much research has been undertaken into home education in the US, there have been a few studies within the UK and a study in Switzerland of the laws which apply to home educators within each canton and an assessment of the numbers of home educated children in both Austria and Switzerland. In other European countries, there has been little or no research into the numbers of home educated children, the ways in which home educated children learn, efficient methods of monitoring home education, or whether home education is effective. Perhaps it is by looking more closely at these families that the effectiveness of schooling can be better assessed: fundamental questions can be asked about the added value of schooling.My preliminary investigations indicate that, with the exception of Denmark, where it is easy for parents to set up small schools with financial help from government, there are instances of home education in all the countries studied.  相似文献   

Whither the Common Good? A Critique of Home Schooling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This analysis shows home schooling to be part of a general trend of elevating private goods over public goods. The discourse around home schooling centers on issues of individual rights and private benefits, rather than the public good. Yet, the public has an interest in education because there are unavoidable aspects of education that make it a public good. However, home schooling denies this public interest. It undermines the common good in two ways. First, it withdraws not only children but also social capital from public schools, to the detriment of the students remaining behind. Second, as an exit strategy, home schooling undermines the ability of public education to improve and become more responsive as a democratic institution. Thus, home schooling is not only a reaction to, but also a cause of, declining public schools. Therefore, it diminishes the potential of public education to serve the common good in a vibrant democracy.  相似文献   

杨萍 《外国教育研究》2003,30(10):24-26
近十多年来,美国家庭学校迅速增加,甚至在一些州家庭学校学生已经超过公立学校学生。这不容忽视的现象无疑对公立教育是一种挑战。文章对美国家庭学校的特点、兴起原因、优势及其对公立学校的威胁进行了述评。  相似文献   

Public educator resistance to home education is not a definitive or deliberate offense but part of the culture of teaching, schooling, and the grand culture in which schooling functions. Such resistance, especially at higher bureaucratic levels, stems from a faith stance that might very well be misinformed, misguided, and perhaps even blindly biased. A reading of the roles of teachers and resistance to change from a systems thinking framework informs this work. The main purpose of this article is to present findings from a review of the literature in an effort to expose the critical factors that might inhibit home education growth, acceptance—especially by educators—and greater inclusion as a mainstream education practice. Systemic thinking application in combination with the topic of home education offers multiple strands of understanding home education, systems thinking, and resistance. This article furthers the discussion on home education and prompts educators and researchers alike to reconsider home education and educator roles for the 21st century not as utilitarian functions for local and global economies but as coworkers toward a perceived common goal for children.  相似文献   

正当众多发展中国家竭尽全力使每一个孩子都能走进学校课堂之时,美国却有越来越多K1-12阶段的孩子从学校回到家庭,在家中上学,家长充任教学之责,美国人称之为”在家上学”(Hom e school-ing)。那么,究竟是什么原因促使人们选择“在家上学”呢?相对于学校教育,“在家上学”利弊何在?在文章中,作者简述了“在家上学”的历史和现状,概括阐述了这首独特的教育形式可能具有的优点和局限之处,以期对我们的学校教育有启示。  相似文献   

“家庭学校”是当今美国一种重要的教育选择形式。文章介绍了美国“家庭学校”教育的许多有益经验,期望能对我国家庭教育与学校发展有所启示。这些经验包括:学习美国家庭学校运动快速发展进程中的务实与包容精神,促进中国教育的多元化发展;借鉴美国家庭学校进程中法律冲突的权力认定方式,对我们当前类似教育矛盾进行合理的法理分析;美国家庭学校教育主张自主、自由和超前的学习模式,启发我们教育要真正满足每个学生的特殊需要,促进孩子的多元化智力发展;美国家庭学校教育中家长对儿童教育的全权负责态度,撼动我国家长对教育“卸责”应有的反思;美国家庭学校重视重塑宗教信仰及伦理道德教育,启发我们教育应该重视弘扬中华民族的传统美德,提升学生的民族传统文化素养;借鉴美国家庭学校解决孩子社会化问题,提高家庭学校教学效果的模式,有效整合家庭与学校、家庭与社会教育的资源,增强当前教育的有效性。  相似文献   

This article explores the co‐existence of, and relationship between, alternative education in the form of home education and mainstream schooling. Home education is conceptually subordinate to schooling, relying on schooling for its status as alternative, but also being tied to schooling through the dominant discourse that forms our understandings of education. Practitioners and other defenders frequently justify home education by running an implicit or explicit comparison with school; a comparison which expresses the desire to do ‘better’ than school whilst simultaneously encompassing the desire to do things differently. These twin aims, however, are not easy to reconcile, meaning that the challenge to schooling and the submission to norms and beliefs that underlie schooling are frequently inseparable. This article explores the trajectories of ‘better than’ and ‘different from’ school as representing ideas of utopia and heterotopia respectively. In particular I consider Foucault's notion of the heterotopia as a means of approaching the relationship between school and other forms of education. Whilst it will be argued that, according to Derrida's ideas of discursive deconstruction, alternative education has to be expressed through (and is therefore limited by) the dominant educational discourse, it will also be suggested that employing the idea of the heterotopia is a strategy which can help us explore the alternative in education.  相似文献   

<正>As the developing of the world education standard,a growing number of people begin to focus on how to cultivate children in the best way.Under that circumstance,a new type of education becomes one of the most current topics for the educators.That is called home-schooling.Petrie(1993)defined that home schooling or home education means study at home teaching by their parents instead of going  相似文献   

This study investigates gender differences in the determinants of several schooling indicators in Conakry, Guinea, using ordered and binary probit models incorporating household-level random effects. Such indicators include grade attainment, current enrollment, and withdrawal from school. The survey, which was conducted on 1725 households, contains detailed information on a wide range of socioeconomic factors such as education, labor force activity and earnings, assets and health. Results indicate that increases in household income lead to greater investments in the schooling of girls than in the schooling of boys. Meanwhile, improvements in the education of fathers raise the schooling of both sons and daughters, while the education of mothers only has a significant impact on the schooling of daughters. These estimates show differences in maternal and paternal preferences for schooling daughters relative to sons. Therefore, the importance of gender, parental education, and household income and composition affect the education of children. However, findings also show that education for girls is unnecessary since they only need to work at home. Moreover, policies that raise household incomes will increase gender equity in schooling, which will also depend on whether and how these policies change the opportunity costs of girls and boys and the labor market returns to female and male schooling.  相似文献   

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