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Psychologists working in schools are often the first contacts for children experiencing a potentially traumatizing event or change in status. This article reviews basic concepts in crisis counseling and describes the components of psychological first aid. This form of counseling must be developmentally and culturally appropriate as well as individualized. Effective intervention can prevent post‐traumatic stress syndrome and facilitate normal mourning processes associated with any losses experienced. These prevention activities are also discussed. Some children may need resources beyond those that the school can provide, and appropriate referrals can link children and adults to a variety of treatments such as psychotherapy and medication, also briefly outlined. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

随着大量农村劳动力转移到城镇,农民工的健康越来越多的受到社会的关注。从今年起,卫生部将在29个省(区、市)的65个县(市、区)开展农民工健康关爱工程项目试点,切实保障广大农民工的身体健康。  相似文献   

金融危机的背后是经济危机,金融市场上资金的聚集与流动意味着实体经济中资源的整合与配置。经济危机的实质是资源配置失衡,周期性经济危机是经济运行机制在一定技术与资源限制条件下,使经济增长规模、速度、结构与其限制条件相适应的一种自我调节。市场失灵或政府失灵导致资源配置失衡产生与积累。资源合理配置的重要性是由于生态系统资源供给能力的有限性。经济危机总是在经济繁荣的顶峰时期爆发,说明了生态阈不可逾越的严酷事实。人类无限欲望与生态系统有限资源的冲突,使经济繁荣与危机总是并存。生态系统的供给能力限制着经济发展的规模与速度。生态危机的爆发将是毁灭性的,经济危机的真正根源还在于人类不合理经济行为导致地球所无法重负的过度消费。  相似文献   

Summary This paper has had two purposes: (1) to assess the answer to Does Counseling Work? and (2) to assess the effectiveness of counselor education. Neither question has been nor can be answered clearly or unequivocably. In both instances, the weight of evidence is positive but with many qualifications as regards either the effectiveness of counseling or of counselor education. What is less apparent but clearly implicit in the research literature is that improvements are being made in counseling and in counselor education but these are less than generally incorporated into practitioners skills, repetoires, or training sites. We have learned much and can be useful to many people but we still have much to be humble about, at least as reflected in our research literature.This article contains a summary of the presentation by Dr. Herr at the Seventh International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Wurzburg, Germany, April, 1976.  相似文献   

IT风险及其风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险存在于企业管理之中。随着IT的发展及其在企业管理中应用,无论是IT产业还是企业的IT应用,都面临着前所未有的风险,因此IT产业及其应用都呼唤着提升和加强IT风险管理。IT风险管理既具有风险管理的一般特征和要求,也有其自身的特殊性。论文依据风险管理的一般原理,研究IT产业发展中的软件风险、网络风险和IT应用风险,并提出有针对性的风险管理方法与管理策略。  相似文献   

自人类诞生起,危机就时刻与人相伴。在面对危机时,我们是惊慌失措,还是淡定从容?在解决危机时,是孤军作战,还是携手合作?在危机过后,我们是淡忘危机,还是吸取经验教训以防范下  相似文献   

危机干预与大学生自杀危机干预   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现代社会竞争日益加剧,心理压力、紧张、焦虑情绪日趋增长,大学生自杀以高出一般人50%的比例在上升,尽快普及危机干预的技术已成为一项刻不容缓的工作。文章在对危机、危机干预模式分析的基础上,对如何正确实施危机干预提出了建议。  相似文献   

经济危机是市场经济运行因其内在矛盾激化而出现的恶化状态,是所有经济因素和经济行为共同作用及经济矛盾长期积累的结果。它不仅是资本主义基本矛盾尖锐化的表现,而且是自由主义道德观念推波助澜的恶果。导致经济危机发生的道德,虽然有如受到人们斥责的贪婪、失信、欺诈等,但更为主要的是由自由主义所提倡和经其论证而被合理化了的、且被经济活动主体普遍地奉行甚至被法律、经济政策等所制度化了的个体本位、自由至上和为己取向等道德观念。由于经济危机既是经济矛盾的呈现,又是道德观念危机的表征,因此,人们就应该从道德方面来思考如何防控经济危机。  相似文献   

次贷危机是美国霸权危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从分析美国维护全球霸权的四大支柱入手,阐述了次贷危机不仅重创美国的金融服务业,而且必然严重损伤实体经济,严重挫伤投资者与消费者的信心以及投资与消费能力,必然伤害美国的经济活力的道理。推断因此必然导致美国的硬实力与软实力均遭受重挫,最后提出,次贷危机是美国霸权的危机,并认为面对历史上惯于过河拆桥、落井下石的美国,明智之举是保持距离。  相似文献   

This article explores the mono-cultural milieu of counseling. There are four primary contributors to the cultural domination of counseling by the Western culture. They are as follows: (1) the deep historical and philosophical roots of counseling in Western culture; (2) the dominant theories, practices and approaches of counseling make the assumption that counseling will take place within a Western culture; (3) the bulk of research and literature pertaining to counseling concentrates on counseling within the West; (4) the emulation by non-Western nations of Western models of counseling. The concept of cultural dissonance is given to help in the understanding of the relation of culture to a counseling relationship at a given time between counselor and client.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen tremendous international growth and expanded dialogue in the field of guidance and counseling. American ideas and techniques have been exported extensively, though often modified to adhere to diverse cultures. The present article examines the emergence of guidance and counseling in the rapidly changing and tumultuous country of Iran and briefly look at the cultural and educational system and their counselor training model.William J. Weikel is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at Morehead State University in Kentucky. Effat Mortazavi recently received her Master's degree in School Counseling at Morehead State University and has returned to Iran.  相似文献   

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