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美国课堂管理中的有效奖励与无效奖励   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奖励是美国课堂管理中用得最多的技能之一.各种课堂管理理论流派及其模式在管理中都会自觉或不自觉地使用奖励.本文旨在探讨奖励的有效性,提高课堂管理的效能.本文在接受布罗菲关于有效表扬的12条建议的基础上,扩大了表扬的研究范围,提出了有效奖励的30条建议.  相似文献   

悬赏广告是人们日常生活中经常发生的一种民事行为。由于没有法律的规定,对此问题的认识也是仁者见仁,智者见智,没有形成完整的系统理论,笔者试从悬赏广告的含义,悬赏广告的构成要件,悬赏广告的法律效力及存在价值等四个悬赏广告所涉及的基本方面进行粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

我国法律对悬赏广告没有明确规定,但实践中此类纠纷时有发生.就其性质而言,悬赏广告是将一定行为的完成作为承担债务的停止条件的单独行为,其成立须具备一定之成立要件.  相似文献   

论我国高校兼职教师的创新性激励   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兼职教师在我国高校中发挥着不可忽视的作用,然而高校对兼职教师的激励作用缺乏有效的认识,对其采取的激励措施有限,从而影响了他们的工作积极性的发挥。对高校兼职教师的创新性激励应基于以下原则:即薪酬激励与精神激励相结合、内在激励与外在激励相结合、目标结合、共性与个性兼顾、正强化与负强化相结合、竞争与和谐并重、客观公正等原则。薪酬激励、精神激励、学术权力激励是充分发挥兼职教师的工作积极性、主动性和创造性的激励方法。  相似文献   

A Special Crab     
A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. "Wow," she thought, "this crab is really special. I can't let him get away." So they married immediately.The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs,and got upset.“What happened?”she asked.“You used to walk straight before we were married.” “Oh,honey,”he replied,“I can't drink that much every day.”A Special Crab!山东@刘晓丹…  相似文献   

A Special Gift     
原文More than ten years ago,I fell in love just as many other girls in the same blossom age.But loveness itself wasn't as sweet as described in novels. He was a nice boy—in some sense,smart, humour,most important diligent that I think would guarantee him a bright future.But I couldn't endur—no girl could his mean.No roses—he would say it's wasty.No romance—if it would not be free.  相似文献   

常用网络用语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It was mining hard that day. I was sitting in front of the window and looking outside. I was very excited because it was my sixteenth birthday. I cherished it very much for it was my best time, Besides, my parents had promised that they would celebrate it for me.  相似文献   

Around 1950 the widespread raising of the school-leaving age in the developed countries gave an enormous boost to secondary and technical education. As the developing nations strove for mass literacy the demand for language training proliferated. These pressures gave rise to a much increased market for the teaching of written native tongues, official national languages, and the languages of international communication.  相似文献   

A m ale crab m et a fem ale crab and asked her to m arry him.Shenoticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways.W ow,shethought,this crab is really special.I can’t let him get away.So theym arried im m ediately.The next day she noticed her new h…  相似文献   

On Children‘s Day in 1994. Hong Kong held a special activity(别开生面的活动). In this activity, children and their parents acted as(充当)the rich and poor.In the dinner, the rich could have delicious food while the poor could only have bread with porridge.  相似文献   

迪士尼电影《圆梦巨人》(The BFG)讲述的是一个孤儿院的孤女与一个不吃人的巨人的故事。
  这个名叫苏菲(Sophie)的小女孩在夜里经常睡不着觉。有一天,她在“巫师出没的时刻”看到一个像楼房一样高的巨人沿街走过来。巨人发现苏菲看见了他,便把她拎回了巨人国。这个巨人被苏菲称为BFG,即“友好的巨人”(Big Friendly Giant)。他专门搜集好梦,把梦分门别类地装在玻璃瓶子里,再挨家挨户地把好梦吹到人们的睡梦中。他与巨人国中的其他巨人不一样:其他巨人都吃人,他只吃自己种植的食物。为了阻止其他巨人继续吃人,聪明的苏菲想出一个好办法:她让BFG调制出一个关于巨人吃小孩的噩梦,并把这个梦吹到英国女王的睡梦里。  相似文献   

回归人性的视角探析作为生命存在的人对于奖励具有哪些内在诉求,是正确认识奖励教育价值与功能的必要前提。教育中奖励的运用应当着眼于学生的发展并始终不渝地坚持公正的原则。对学生成长最具价值的奖励应当能够唤醒他们内在自我完善的力量,让他们沉浸在自主学习的无限乐趣之中,帮助他们掌握更多学习策略,从而获得一种健全的人格和普遍适应的能力。  相似文献   

在知识经济年代,对人的管理与工业经济年代截然不同,知识经济年代应进行化管理,而工业经济年代则进行的是泰罗的科学管理。所以,在知识经济年代,应拿什么奖励员工,成为人力资源管理的重要课题。业绩工资多为企业所用,但它有很多缺点,所以,仅依靠业绩工资是远远不能起到调动员工积极性的作用,更重要的是其他方式的奖励。管理需要根据心理学、管理学等理论,来开发很多形式的奖励学并学会有效的运用这些奖励,比如内在奖励、外在奖励(包括非经济性奖励),用各种形式的奖励来调动员工的积极性。  相似文献   

This article examined the specific differences in the salary reward structures of eight clusters of academic disciplines included in Biglan's three-dimensional model of the academic profession. The sample consisted of 1.320 faculty at a large research university who responded to the Faculty Activity Analysis questionnaire requesting information on the amount of time they devoted each week to eleven categories of professional responsibility. These measures were used to predict faculty salaries in the eight discipline clusters. The results demonstrated wide variation in the reward structures of these discipline clusters.  相似文献   

奖励与鼓励都是促进学生努力学习的外在动力。奖励是对学习结果的肯定,它对学生的学习既有积极的促进作用,同时也具有难以克服的消极影响。鼓励则是对学习行为的激励以及对未来的期待,一般是在学习之前或学习过程中采用,它是调动学生学习积极性的最重要的方式。  相似文献   

杨俪群  方青青 《小学生时代》2020,(1):F0002-F0002
“小眼看世界”“大嘴训练营”“娱乐无极限”……这些可都是同学们耳熟能详的了。若要问我为什么?因为我们和《小学生时代•大嘴英语》杂志是老朋友了!不过,大家做梦也没有想到,每月在杂志上看到的名字,今天居然可以见到真人!猜猜是谁来了呢?  相似文献   

We celebrate the Spring Festival at home each year.However,this Spring Festival is a bit of~① special for me.We didn’t stay at home but took a trip to Yunnan.We visited a lot of interesting places in Dali likes~② the Stone Forest,Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake.On Spring Festival Eve,we had a big dinner in a restaurant.  相似文献   

大干世界,无奇不有,一起来看看发生在一位山村老人身上的奇异故事吧![第一段]  相似文献   

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