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Read the dialogue and tick the things in Peter's bag(√).What did heforget?Put a cross(×).读下面的对话,在图中标出Peter已经带的东西(√)和忘记带的东西(×)。P=Peter M=MumM:Look at the time(时间)! It's eleven o'clock(11点钟) and we must go at twelve.Are your brown shoes in your bag?P:Yes,Mum.M:And your black ones?P:Oh no!Where are they?M:Here they are,under the bed.Are your shirts in your bag?Three white ones and two red ones?  相似文献   

教学要求:1.掌握句型:Is this a…? No, it isn't. It's a…2.学说句型:I like it very much.3.教学句型:Look, the window is dirty. Let'sclean it.教学重点和难点:1.教学重点:句型 I like it very much. Look, thewindow is dirty. Let's clean it.2.教学难点:句型 I like it very much.教学过程:一、日常会话:1. T:Hello, ×××. How are you? P: Fine,  相似文献   

Socializing 社交 Anna:Beautiful day,isn't it? Jay:Oh,yes.It's really warln.And it's supposed(应该)to get even Warmer. Anna:Yes,that's true.You know,though,I'm always a little sorry to see winter go.  相似文献   

PASTIMES 娱乐 Roger:What do you do in your spare time? Barry:Oh,nothing speeral I read...watch TV...goto the movies Roger:Don't you haveany hobbies (爱好),like stamp collecting or things like that? Barry:No,I don't have any hobbies.How about you? Roger:I have just one—photography (摄影).It's expensive but it's a lot of fun.  相似文献   

案例一:The hare and the w olf导入片段:多媒体出示一幅幅动物在水中的倒影的画面。教学单词:hareT:Look atthe picture.W hat's this?S1:It's a cat.T:A cat?Let's have a look.(出示岸上的动物)Oh,yes.It's a cat.T:W hat's this?S2:It's a rabbit.T:A rabbit?S3:No,it's a hare.T:W hy?S3:Itsarm sand legsare longerthan the rabbit.T:You're very clever.It's a hare.(出示动物图片)教学单词:wolfT:W hat's this?Is ita dog?S4:No,it's a wolf.T:Let's have a look.(出示动物图片)Yes,it'sa wolf.复习巩固片段:1.T:Let…  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)ASchoolGardenOfEnglish21.Panda is grass-eating anim althatlives in centralChina.A.a;×B.the;the C.×;×D.a;the22.—I took saltforsugar this m orning while m aking coffee.—.A.D oesn tittaste good?B.W onderful!C.Oh,m y goodness!D.W hata sham e!23.A ctually you can be you want to be,a scientist,a doctor,anastronautor a m anager so long as you setyour m ind t…  相似文献   

[案例说明:本片段为单词教学新授环节。]Learn the words:eat,drink.1.(1)T:Look,boys and girls.W hat's this in English?S:It's a box.T:W hat's in the box?There're som e food.W hatare they?Guess,please.S:…(2)T:Let'sopen it.Oh,som e apples,som e oranges,som e br  相似文献   

一A:Hello,John. Come here quickly.B:Oh,I'm coming.A:Where's Peter?B:Look,he's there.He's with Wang Fang.A:Peter,huppy up.It's time for school.  相似文献   

李士芗 《当代电大》2001,(11):33-34
1 听对话,并圈出对话中出现的词汇(斜体为录音内容)(1)A. Where is my kite, mummy?B: I don' t know exactly.a. bikeb. kitec. ride(2)A: Now, let's have a test.B: It's a good idea.a. testb. restc. west(3) A: Where does your grandfather live now?B: Oh, he lives in Shanghai now.a. leavesb. lovesc. lives(4) A: What date is your birthday?B: Well, this year it's on Monday,the 7th of July.a. dateb. wayc. day  相似文献   

一、复习铺垫 1.背出1——4的乘法口诀。 2.口算练习:4×2 4×3…… 3.摆图、列式、说意: ①○○○○ ○○○○ □×□ (横着看)写出乘法算式,表示什么意思? ②▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ □×□ (竖着看)写出乘法算式,表示什么意思? 二、探求新知 (一)教学课本P18例4。 出示例4的“手表图”教具。数一数,共有几块手表?  相似文献   

1IntroductionandmainassumptionsLetT>0and?beanopenboundedsetofRnwithboundary??.Considerthefollowinginitialboundaryvalueproblem??tuε??divA(x,x,?uε)?g(x,uε)=f(x)in?×(0,T),(Pε)??uε=0εεon??×(0,T),?uε??(x,0)=u0in?,whereA(x,,?uε)xεandg(x,uε)εaresubjecttoappropriateassumptions.Twoaspectsoftheproblem(Pε)havebeenstudiedbymanyscholars.Oneistheexistenceoftheglobalattractorfor(Pε),whichisanimportantobjecttodescribethelongtimedynamicsofthecorrespondinginfinitedimensionalsystem.Theotheris…  相似文献   

教学过程课前热身:表演唱“They singhappily.”。Step1.GreetingsT:O K,boys andgirls.Today is M arch24,2004.N ow closeyour eyes.Let's waita m inute.Open youreyes.Please look atthe screen.Oh,It's2024now.Twentyyears later.(屏幕上时间飞速变化,伴随着神秘的音乐,学生戴上头饰,师也戴上头饰,时间定格在2024年。)T:H ello,every-body.I'm M issZhou.I'm48years old.I'm stillan English teacherhere.Ilove m y job.(问全体)H ow are you?(问个别)H owold are you?(指着该同学问其他的同学)H ow old ishe/she?W hat's …  相似文献   

UnitOneOurSchool一、判断下面对话是否正确,正确的打√,错误的打×。①A:Whereisthecanteen?B:Thisway,please.()②A:IsthisaTVroom?B:Oh。TheTvroomiscool。()③A:Welcometoourschool。B:Oh.yourschoolisbeantiful.()④A:Look。Thisisourplayground.B:It'sfine.()二、知道要做下面的事情该去哪儿吗?请选择。①Readastory-book.A.gardenB.libraryC.canteen②Eatsomenoodles.A.canteenB.TVroomC.musicroom③Handinthehomework.A.washroomB.gymC.teacher'soffice④Playfootball.A.gymB.playgroundC.garden⑤Playcomputerga…  相似文献   

Unit 15What's the time,please?知识点解析1.Give it to Mr.Hu.把它交给胡先生。“把某物给某人”有两种表达方式 :give sth.tosb;  give sb sth.此句也可说成 Give Mr.Hu thewatch.2 .What's the time,please?请问几点了 ?询问时间的另一种说法是 :What time is it?3.It's about four thirty.现在大约四点半。句中 about意为“大约”,它的另外一种含义是“关于、对于”,与 what/ how连用 ,意为“……怎么样 ?……好不好 ?”如 :— What about my coat?—Oh,it's nice.4 .It's time to get up.该起床了。句型“It's time……”常用…  相似文献   

[案例1]这是译林版《牛津小学英语》3A教材中的一课,内容是用下列句子作简单的自我介绍:M y nam e is….I'm an E ng-lish/a Chinese boy/girl.I'mfrom…I'm nine/…M y hair islong/short.M y eyes are big/sm all.I'm thin/fat.I'm tall/nottall.在巩固阶段,有位老师是这样进行操练的:T:H ello.M y nam g is×××.W hat's your nam e?(对着一位学生)S:M y nam e is×××.T:I'm a Chinese m an.S:I'm a Chinese girl.T:I'm from×××.S:I'm from×××.T:I'm tall.(同时把手举过头顶)S:I'm nottall.(也很机灵地把手举过头…  相似文献   

十一月份(66—94句) 66.“这是水(shuǐ),我们可以用水洗手,洗脸。”(家长或老师可以先问:“这是什么?我们可以用水干什么?”) 67.“看(kàn),×阿姨把地扫(shǎo)得真(zhēn)干净。谢谢×阿姨!”  相似文献   

可能需要的数据: 1.原子量:H1 C12 O16 Na23 Mg24 Al27 S32 P31 Cl35.5 Ba137 2.电离常数;氨水:K=1.75×10~(-5) 碳酸:K_1=4.3×10~(-7), K_2=5.6×10~(-11)  相似文献   

一、复习旧知,做好铺垫 教学开始,教师让学生口算6×4、5×3、6×5、3×6、6×6、4×4、4×6、5×5,说说各用哪句口诀想。之后,学生口头填空:(1)6×5读作( ).表示( )个( )连加;(2)把6个5写成乘法算式是( ),积是( ),口诀是( );(3)6×5和5×6都可以用口诀( )算,为什么?  相似文献   

电学问题,何谓最佳?本文提出四个标准: 1.方法科学合理例1 一只汽车用的灯泡上标有“12V××W”(××未印清),为了确定该灯泡的额定功率.下述方法中最佳方案是( ) (A)接入12V电源,使之正常发光,再与有标记的灯泡比亮度进行判断. (B)在实验室用干电池,电流表和电压表等  相似文献   

1 Introduction a Let T > 0 and Ω be a bounded open set of R n with Lipschitz boundary ? Ω and let ? Ω = Γ 1 ∪ Γ2 with 1 H n? ( Γ1) > 0, we consider the homogenization of the mixed boundary value problem of the following equation set: 1 2 0 ( ) div ( , , , ) ( , ) ( , ) in (0, ), ( , , , ) 0 on (0, ), on (0, ), ( ,0) in , t b u a x t u u g xu f x t T a x tu u v T u h T u x u ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε Ω ε εΓ Γ Ω ??? ? ? ? = ?? × ??? ? = × ? ??? = =× ?? (1) where v is the…  相似文献   

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