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How we imagine records affects what we acquire and how we manage it. I take up the call from Arjun Appadurai to view archives as deliberate creations, and from Hugh Taylor to use imagination as a means of creative engagement with archival theory. I explore how we can reimagine archival work, mandates, and records by eschewing divisions of content and metadata, acknowledging items and aggregations to be interchangeable concepts, and integrating data about use into archival data management.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):428-447
In this essay I use an updated approach to Richard Hofstadter's paranoid style to analyze the contemporary birther movement. While the paranoid style provides a set of characteristics that describes paranoid narratives, it does not account for why some narratives ring true for certain audiences. Thus, in order to explain how and why the birther narrative resonates with a substantial portion of Americans, I argue that the resonance of the birther narrative can be explained through Kenneth Burke's scapegoating process, which activates the conspiratorial story for the birther audience. I use an analysis of a popular birther film, materials on the birthers' website, and media commentary on the group to illustrate this position.  相似文献   

构建刑事审判案例推理模型,研究基于历史案例本体知识库对判决结果进行推理的算法。在已构建的刑事审判本体知识库基础上,基于案例特征将决策树、神经网络等算法相结合训练推理模型,预测目标案例的判决结果。实验结果表明:本研究构建的案例推理模型可以较好地对判决类型和刑期进行预测,对审判人员的工作产生积极的数据支撑作用,提升刑事判决领域处理信息的效能。  相似文献   

Abstract In aviation museums throughout the United States, World War II aircraft have become crucial objects in shaping a narrative of memorial for millions of people. The museums' warehousing function allows them to be both the long‐term home of these wondrous and resonant airplanes, and the collective “hangar” of our commemorations. These museums offer reasons for serious study, since in many respects our mental images of World War II are constructed within aviation museums. This article explores the narrative of memorial through illustrations from four representative institutions, and examines one of the anomalies, the case of the Enola Gay.  相似文献   

档案安全行政执法与刑事司法衔接的问题,制约着我国档案事业的顺利发展,档案法与刑法之间的科学衔接是法律有效实施的重要前提。对于档案违法犯罪的规制,档案法是刑法的前置基础,刑法是档案法的有力保障,二者的有效衔接至关重要。但是,当前的主要问题是档案安全行刑衔接制度在立法衔接、案件移送、证据转换、监督机制等方面存在一定的漏洞,导致档案执法部门与公安司法机关在处理档案违法犯罪的具体实施过程中遭遇堵塞。为实现档案安全领域行刑衔接制度的公正、高效运行,加强对档案违法犯罪行为的规制,应进一步建立健全档案安全行刑衔接立法以及完善案件移送机制、健全证据转换规则、构建行刑衔接的信息共享平台、完善监督机制等制度规范,保障档案安全,促进档案事业发展。  相似文献   

Web-available information resources continue to diversify and proliferate; new segments of the population join the Internet; and technological capabilities of the Web expand. One arena in which these changes are being manifested is in federal statistical information dissemination. Statistical abstracts, a dominant form of information dissemination, are being reshaped in the face of these changes. In this study, a panel of experts from criminal justice and cognate fields participated in a four-round Delphi study to develop a mission statement for the next five years for one statistical abstract, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics [Pastore, A. L., & Maguire, K. (Eds.). (2001). Sourcebook of criminal justice statistics. Retrieved January 28, 2004, from http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/]1, and a list of associated requirements for attaining that mission. Participants see the role of statistical abstracts as continuing to be important in demonstrating the range of available statistical information and providing easy access to the most commonly used statistics. Their utility can be enhanced by technological advances. The findings have implications for the role of statistical abstracts in general.  相似文献   

由中国国家博物馆主办的纪念抗日战争胜利展览先后在香港、澳门和马来西亚几大城市展出,在各地均引起轰动。本文阐述了该展览的主要设计思路:恰当把握中国抗日战争与世界反法西斯战争的关系、国民党领导的正面战场与共产党领导的敌后战场的关系,全面、客观地再现历史;深入挖掘藏品资源,打造展览亮点;利用简洁的形式设计,突出展览主题,烘托喜庆气氛。  相似文献   

文件生命周期理论在本世纪80年代传入我国,90年代初"在中国则比较鲜为人知,更没有在档案界引起必要的重视"①,直到近几年在我国档案学界的影响才有所增大,应当说何嘉荪先生是有很大贡献的.  相似文献   

张其锽(1877-1927)是原上海道台聂缉架的长女婿,是我祖母聂其璞的姐夫,我称他为五姨公。他博学多才,能文能武,前清进士出身,曾任湖南省政府军事厅厅长、广西省长及十四省讨贼联军司令部秘书长等职,是民国初年的一位奇才。张其锂祖籍广西桂林,出生于广州,民国后安家在上海。他常年在外奔波,夫人聂其德及几个子女多年生活在上海。  相似文献   

公正是新闻的生命和灵魂,社会历史公正和记者形象公正尤为重要.注重社会历史公正,提升媒体公正,反之会损害新闻形象;记者形象公正是记者职业道德的应有之义,要实现和维护它,关键是形成正常的教育和保障机制.  相似文献   

Scholars in Criminal Justice have argued that students should have a stand-alone course that focuses on fostering library literacy skills for Criminal Justice students in order to improve their writing, research, and presentation skills. In 2011, a required information literacy course was implemented in one Criminal Justice program to meet this need. Building on the existing literature, the current study is the first to explore student perceptions of a required information literacy course. The results offer valuable information on how to strengthen the course moving forward and can provide useful suggestions to other Criminal Justice programs thinking about instituting a library literacy course in their curriculum.  相似文献   

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