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A wolf and a fox were good friends.One day the wolf caught a chicken,and said to the fox,"Go and kill it,cook it well.I’ll invite the bear to share it with us."The fox agreed and boiled the chicken.Soon it was ready.The chicken was so delicious that he couldn’t stand it.He ate up a chicken wing,then a chicken leg...Soon all the chicken was eaten up by him!After a while,the wolf returned home.He asked,"Is the chicken ready?""More or less!"answered the fox guiltily~1.  相似文献   

Mr Cook had a big shop in the centre of the city. Hewas 1____ at managing (管理) it. He made 2_____money and was one of the richest men there. Bad 3_____!One day a truck hit his car on a bridge and it fell into theriver. He lost his life in the accident. He left a lot of mon-ey to his 4____. The old woman lived in the beautifulhouse and had many valuable (值钱的) things. She 5______did any housework and 6____ an easy life.Several years later Mrs Cook died. And there was abig funeral(葬礼). All her relatives(亲戚) and 7____were told about it. They 8____ from far and near to the  相似文献   

The shepherd is worried. His sheep has lost its way again. He has to find it before it gets dark. Can you help him find it before it runs into something bad? Be sure to keep it away from the wolf, the cliff and the wool cut.  相似文献   

A New Key     
People worry about the fact they often losetheir keys.NOW if you forget where your key iS.you can find it quickly.Let’s read the follow-ing.Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?”he said to himself.He didn’tknow what to do.He thought hard and then had anloea.“Hello!”he said in a loud voice.“Hello!”a  相似文献   

A kid walks into a lunchroom at school and sees a fly on the table. He swats it and leaves there. Another kid walks in, sees the dead fly and says, "Hey, cool, wings." So he pulls the wings and walks away. A third kid comes in, sees the dead fly, and says, "Hey look! Legs!" So he pulls the legs and leaves there. A fourth kid comes in and he also sees the dead fly. He leans over to look at it and pulls off its head. Then, the first kid comes back, sees it and says, "Hey, look, a raisin," and he eats it.  相似文献   

Understanding is a bridge between teachers and students.Once I copied my desk mate’s paper during an exam and handed it in.The next day,my teacher told the whole class about it.I lost face and I hated the teacher.A few days later,the teacher had a heart-to-heart talk with me.He said he could  相似文献   

张保 《英语辅导》2002,(3):27-27
People worry about the fact they often lose their keys. Now if you forget where your key is, you can find it quickly. Let‘s read the following. Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?” he said to himself. He didn‘t know what to do. He thought hard and then had an idea. “Hello!” he said m a loud voice.  相似文献   

(A) Nasreddin had a shed (棚屋) behind his house. It had no lights in it. One night he went out to the shed to get his ladder, and lost his ring there. He left the ladder, went out into the street and began to look around.  相似文献   

On Shooting     
Peter joined the army when he was eighteen. And for several months his officer taught him how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practising their shooting and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the target nine times and had not hit it once, the officer was very angry and said, "You're quite hopeless, Peter! Don't waste your last bullet(子弹) too! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with i…  相似文献   

Mark Twain was a famousAmerican writer of novels andshort stories.He liked to tellfunny__1____ and he also liked toplay jokes on (开玩笑)his friends.One day afriend of his lost his ___2___ and asked MarkTwain to buy the train ticket for him. Mark Twain said, "I'm sorry, but it hap-  相似文献   

A woman was worried whether or not her dead husband made it to heaven, so she prays earnstly for Godto allow him to speak to her, "Hello Margaret, this is Fred." "Fred!" she exclaimed. "I just have to know if you're happy there in the afterlife. What's it likethere?" "Ooooooh, it's much more beautiful here than I ever imagined," Fred answered. "The sky is bluer, theair is cleaner, and the pastures are much more lush and green than I ever expected. I lack for nothing, the on-ly things we do, all day long, are eat and sleep, eat and sleep, over and over." "Thank God, you made it to heaven, " his wife cried. "Heaven?" He answered. "I'm a buffalo in Montana.  相似文献   

<正>[英语原文]Once upon a time,there was a curious man.He liked to gossip about other peoples'privacy.He knew too many secrets and found it hard to keep them all.One day he drank several cups of wine,and while drunk spilled all the secrets.To his surprise,the man next  相似文献   

静之 《初中生必读》2014,(12):37-38
A teacher began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He heht it up for all to see, and asked the students,“How much do you think this glass weighs?” “50 grams! ” “I really don' question is what ”100 grams!“ 125 grams! ” the students answered. “I really don't know unless I weigh it,” said the teacher, “but my question is what wouht happen if I heht it up like this for a few nunules? ”“Nothing! ” the students said.  相似文献   

Christmas was coming. Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children. His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine. And the harvest was bad and all his family were going to be hungry the next spring. He was quite worried about it."We had only a cock,"said Mrs Smith one day. "You'd better take it to the town. Sell it there and buy some cakes and sweets for our children."  相似文献   

We have all been waiting for Beyonce's new album and it has finally come out. It was worth the wait. This album is great for dancing or just a night out. She has changed from when she was with Destiny's Child, and it's all for the better! The album includes songs with Sean Paul, Missy Elliott and even Luther Vandross. It also shows that she can sing and make it solo! Songs like "Be With You" and "Yes" show how great her voice really is.  相似文献   

米海燕 《海外英语》2012,(5):149-150,183
Yulinling is a famous piece of Ci by Liu Yong of the Song Dynasty.It is one long-cherished classical in lamenting the sorrow of departure.The author pictures a gloomy scene of separation:the cold autumn,the long corridor,the misty sea and the lonely boat,all the scenes depicting the sorrow and unwillingness of the separation between the two who are in deep love.The translator translated it into Eng lish in order to express his depressive feelings but he did not convey the depressive meaning of the original Ci in full extend.He lost some of the intentional feelings of the original in his translation.Through the comparison between Yulingling and its translation,the paper dis cusses the missing of emotional feelings in the translation of Ci works.  相似文献   

Where is China? Mike has a new toy bus. He wants to playwith it in school, but it's time for class and he hasto go to the classroom. It's ten twenty now. MrClark comes into the classroom of Class Four. Heputs up a map on the blackboard in his geographyclass. He wants to tell his students about China."China is one of the most famous countries,"theteacher says, "Look! It's here. The Chinese aregood people and they're our friends." Now Mr Clarksees that all his students are looking at the map, butMike is looking in his desk.  相似文献   

Six 《同学》2002,(5)
财迷藏金The Miser Burying his Gold A rich man once sold all his estates,melted all the Gold with whichhe was paid into a large piece,and buried it in the earth.He went to seeit every day,and these visits attracted the attention of a thief,who wentto the place one night,found the Gold,and stole it.The Miser wasnearly mad with grief when he discovered his loss,but a neighbor saidto him.  相似文献   

The whole village soon learned a lot of money hadbeen stolen.Sam had lost his wallet(钱包)while takinghis money to the post office.Sam was sure that the walletmust have been found by one of the villagers,but it wasnot returned to him.Three months passed,and then onemorning,Sam found his wallet outside his front door,in itwas half the Money he had lost,together with a note,which said,"A thief,yes,but only 50% a thief!"Twomonths later,some more money was sent to Sam with an-other note,"Only 25% a thief now."In no time all Sam'smoney was paid back in this way.The last note said,"I'm100% honest(诚实的)now!"  相似文献   

At one time Einstein traveled all over the United States giving lectures. He traveled by car, and soon became quite friendly with the driver.The driver always listened to Einstein's lecture, which the great scientist gave again and again. One day, he told Einstein that he knew the lecture so well that he was sure he could give it himself. Einstein smiled and said, "Why  相似文献   

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