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选D。一般将来时用在there be句型中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,而不能用have,也就是说要用there is(are)going to be…/there will be…而不用there is(are)going to have…/there will have….  相似文献   

[原句1] I think there will be more pollution. (P.3) [考点] There_______a football match tomorrow. (2004四川眉山) A.has B.is going to have C.are going to be D.is going to be [解析]选D。一般将来时用在there be句型中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,而不能用have,也就是说要用there is (are)going to be…/there will be…而不用there is(are)going to have…/there will have…[原句2]It seems that everyone loves to bow!(P.8)  相似文献   

一、句子改错(单句辨错)要求:下列各句有A、B、C、D四个划线部分,其有一处是错误的,将其相应的字母标号填人句后的括号内,并在横线上加以改正。例1There is going to have a volleyball match inA B C Dthe gymnasium this evening.答案:C;be解析本句考查的是同学们十分熟悉的表达形式there is going to be...表示将要有一场排球比赛;很明显应该将have改正为be;have拥有、占有,表示所属关系;there be表示客观存在;there is going tobe表示将要进行、将会有。例2—Where is your daughter?—She has been toA B CCanada.答案C;gone解…  相似文献   

一、be going to的用法be going to是一个固定结构,相当于一个助动词,尤其在口语中可用来表示一般将来时。be going to结构中的助动词be随主语的人称和数的变化有三种形式,即:am,is,are。当主语是I时用am;当主语是第三人称单数时用is;当主语是其他人称时用are。例如:  相似文献   

考点一:动词be的形式动词be常用的形式有以下几种:1.动词be在各种时态中的形式:现在时am熏is熏are鸦过去时was熏e鸦将来时will/shall be熏would/should be或am/is/are going to be熏/were going to be鸦完成时have/has/had been;2.与情态动词连用,构成“there+情态动词+be”的形式;3.与seem,appear,used to等表示状态的词语连用,构成“therem(s)/appear(s)/used to be...”;4.“There be...”句式中的be有时用com e,enter,follow,arrive熏m熏happen等动词代替,但不能用have代替。例如:There happened to be nobody in the room.碰巧那时房…  相似文献   

综观近年来的英语中考试卷,我们可以看出:对于动词的考查主要是在时态上。初中英语要求同学们掌握一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时、一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时六种时态。而考查过去完成时和过去将来时的内容则较少。解动词时态题,经常按照三个步骤进行思考,下面我们就和同学们一起探讨解题的“三步曲”。一、看“时间状语”例如:1.There a football match on TV this evening.A.will have B.is going to be C.has D.is going to have(2004年陕西省)2.My mother never knew what in ten years.(happen)(2003年泰州市)3.you…  相似文献   

1.—Tomorrow——my birthday.I’d like you and JanetO come. —I’m not sure if she____free. A.will be;is B.is going to;is C.is;is D.is;will be 错解选C,认为应该用一般现在时表示一般将来时。  相似文献   

英语选择题是考查同学们基础知识的常见题型,主要考查、词汇、短语、句型、惯用法、交际等,近几年来,对句型的考查经常出现以下几种:一、There be句型的考查①就近原则。如:There is a book and two pens on thedesk.There are two pens and a book on the desk.②不可数名词、谓语一律单数。There is some water in the bottle.③There be 句型的反意问句,仍用(be there)。④时态变化:一般现在时为There is /are……一般过去时为There was/were……一般将来时为 There will be……或 There is going tobe.⑤固定词组:There used to …  相似文献   

电大《英语》第二册的教学重点是语法、词汇及听力;教学难点是听说训练。1 语法1.1 七种时态:现在完成时(have/has+过去分词)、现在完成进行时(have/has+been+现在分词)、将来进行时(will/shall be+现在分词)、过去进行时(was/were+现在分词)、过去将来时(would/should+动词原形,口语中常用“was/were going to+动词原形”表示过去将来时)、过去完成时(had+过去分词)。1.2 七种被动语态形式:一般现在时的被动语态(am/are/is+过去分词)、一般过去时的被动语态(was/were+过去分词)、现在进行时的被动语态(am/are/is+being+过去分词)、现在完成时的被动语态(has/have+been+过去分词)、一般将来时的被动语态(will/shall+be+过去分词)、带情态动词的被动语态(情态动词+be+过去分词)、动词不定式的被动式(to be+过去分词)。  相似文献   

电大《英语》第二册的教学重点是语法、词汇及听力;教学难点是听说训练。1 语法1.1 七种时态:现在完成时(have/has+过去分词)、现在完成进行时(have/has+been+现在分词)、将来进行时(will/shall be+现在分词)、过去进行时(was/were+现在分词)、过去将来时(would/should+动词原形,口语中常用“was/were going to+动词原形”表示过去将来时)、过去完成时(had+过去分词)。1.2 七种被动语态形式:一般现在时的被动语态(am/are/is+过去分词)、一般过去时的被动语态(was/were+过去分词)、现在进行时的被动语态(am/are/is+being+过去分词)、现在完成时的被动语态(has/have+been+过去分词)、一般将来时的被动语态(will/shall+be+过去分词)、带情态动词的被动语态(情态动词+be+过去分词)、动词不定式的被动式(to be+过去分词)。  相似文献   

(A) Lin Tao is going to his hometown with his parents.He is very glad.He is five years old.This is the first time to go to his hometown.He is going to be there for fifteen days.  相似文献   

Have you found yourself staring at the ceiling at 2:00 a.m. wondering how some problem is going to be resolved?Is there a time when your neck tightens at the prospect of going somewhere or confronting something that you would rather completely ignore? We ALL have experienced the tummy clenching of worry.  相似文献   

1.Let him have a bite David刚到美国医院实习,他被分配到外科手术室。一天,护士长要他进2号手术室,说:“Let Dr.Bernard have a bite,he has been there whole morning.Hemust be hungry.”他大吃一惊,说:“but I don’t wanthim to bit me!”护士长笑着说:“Don’t worry.Nobody is going to bite you.What I mean isthat Dr.Bernard has to eat something.”  相似文献   

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God,"They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow,but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God replied,"Among the many angels,I have chosen one for you.She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."  相似文献   

"be going to"是用于表示将来时的一种结构,你会灵活运用"be going to"吗?让我们一起来总结它的用法吧!1".be going to"为固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,多用于口语,其中助动词be的  相似文献   

“be going to+动词原形”表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做某事。它常与tom orrow,next week/m onth/year,in a few days,fromnow on等表示将来时间的状语连用。例如:W e're going to visitthe m useum nextw eek.下星期我们将去参观博物馆。I'm going to swim this afternoon.今天下午我打算去游泳。M y father is going to have a m eeting tom orrow m orning.明天上午我父亲要开会。“be going to+动词原形”的否定式是在be后面加not熏即“be notgoing to+动词原形”。例如:M y sister is not going to see the film with m e…  相似文献   

“be going to”是用于表示将来时的一种结构,你会灵活运用“be going to”吗?让我们一起来总结它的用法吧![第一段]  相似文献   

It is Sunday. Mike and his father are going to the Worker's Stadium. They are going to learn skating, There are many children there. They are skating. They fly here and there like birds. Mike thinks skating must be very easy and interesting.  相似文献   

be going to结构表示主观上打算做某事,或即将发生某事。学习这种结构须注意以下几点:1.be going to之后既可接动词原形,也可接名词。例如:I am going to have a m eeting tom orrow.明天我有个会议要开。W e’re going to Beijing next m onth.下个月我们将去北京。2.be going to结构中的be动词有人称和数的变化,否定式是在be后加not;疑问式是把be提到主语前面。例如:①The children are going to see a filmtonight.→The children aren’t going to see a filmtonight.(否定句)→A re the children going to see a filmtonight?(一般…  相似文献   

My Holiday     
June 1st is Children's Day. It's going to be fine. Josh, Peter and I are going to the amusement park. We will go there by bicycle. We are going to wear T-shirts and shorts. We will play merry-go-round and roller coaster.  相似文献   

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