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要使儿童能运用已经获得的算术知识、技能去解答日常生活和生产中的简单的计算问题,算术教学必须与生产实际联系起来。我们是怎样联系生产实际进行算术教学的呢?算术课本中的应用题,很多取材于实际生产的事例,我们注意根据课本中有关生产的题目把算术知识(?)清楚、讲透彻,切实地传授给儿童,使他们能掌握运用。例如,教高小算术第二册中用倍比法解答的应用题,先通过准备题和例题把这种典型应用的特征和解答方法讲清楚,然后通过习题计算,使儿童掌握解答这类题目的方法并会在实际中应用。学生计算了第132题  相似文献   

梅红 《广西教育》2013,(25):83-84
应用题教学一直是小学数学教学的难点所在。在教学实践中,笔者发现很多学生解答应用题的能力较差。究其原因,对应用题题干所给出的条件的理解不到位和解题思路不够清晰是关键。因此在教学中,笔者通过利用实物操作法、同题类比法、逆向思维法以及分类列表等教学策略来帮助学生理清解题思路,拓展思维能力。  相似文献   

小学一年级简单应用题教学中,必须使儿童掌握应用题的基本结构,培养分析应用题数量关系的能力,克服儿童根据字眼等选择算法的错误解题方法。我试用如下教法,收效较好。 一、算式→图示→文字题→应用题 刚入学儿童抽象思维能力差,教学简单应用题须突出其直观性,使应用题的条件和问题明朗化和具体化,促进儿童由直观思维向抽象思维发展。应用题教学时,可由算式画成图示,图示经过构思成文字题,文字题经过充实日常生活的实际内容,编成  相似文献   

在算术中培养学生解答应用题的能力有很重要的意义。学生学习算术,不仅是掌握计算,还要能够用以解决实际计算问题。而要使学生获得运用所学算术知识解决一些实际问题的能力,需要通过解答应用题来培养。其次,对于年青一代,不仅是传授给他们知识和技能,还要培养他们具有清楚的、灵活的头  相似文献   

应用题教学在算术教学中有很大的教育及教养意义,因为通过解答应用题,可以发展儿童的思维和语言,发展他们的机智,以及培养他们确定数量间的相依关系和作出正确判断的能力。通过解答应用题还可使儿童掌握四则运算的法则,熟练地解决日常生活中的实际计算问题。所以,在小学里应当用算术课和算术课外作业总时间的一半左右来教学应用题。  相似文献   

在小学阶段,用算术方法解答整数应用题的最后阶段,要求学生能比较系统地归纳整理解答应用题的一般步骤和方法,并能运用已总结出的解题步骤和方法,列综合算式解答三步计算的稍复杂的应用题。  相似文献   

<正>应用题是我们开展数学知识应用的一个难点,在解答数学应用题时,我们往往不能准确树立解题思路,进而不能得出正确的答案。为此,我们应该在平时的学习中就培养正确的应用题解题思路,以便在阅读应用题内容之后,就可以形成正确的解题思路,合理运用解题方法进行解答。一、培养应用题解题能力的重要性数学是一门具有极强概念性和抽象性的学科,同学们在学习数学知识时会遇到各种困难,影响最终的学习质量。高中数学涵盖  相似文献   

一、一般应用题 1.复习要点及要求使学生理解并熟练掌握常见的数量关系,掌握一般复合应用题的结构特点和解题思路、解答步骤;能独立、正确、灵活地解答稍复杂的应用题。进一步培养学生的分折能力和逻辑思维能力。 2.复习中应注意的问题与复习建议 (1)一般应用题的复习重点是:弄清数量关系和解题思路,突破找“中间问题”这个难点。 (2)对简单应用题的复习,必须让学生掌握常见的“部分数与总数”、“两效相差”、“份总”、“倍数”等数量关系。 (3)着重指导学生掌握分析应用题常用的分析法和综合法,此外,还应指导学生用线段法、图示法,列表法等基本方法来分析数量关系。  相似文献   

通过算术教学大纲的学习,使我初步明确了算术教学的内容和方向。现就大纲“对于各年级的儿童解答应用题的要求”,谈谈我的初步体会。大纲的说明中指出:“在小学里,应当用算术课和算术课外作业总时间的一半左右来学习解答应用题”。“通过解答应用题,可以发展儿童的思维和语言,发展他们的机智,以及培养他们确定数量间的相依关系和作出正确判断的能力。”这就充分说明了应用题在整个算术教学中的重要地位和在教育上的重要意义。大纲对各年级的儿童解答应用题并提出了具体要求。我们学习大纲时,要很好地体会这些要求的精神,并把它贯彻到教学中去。  相似文献   

小学阶段是学生们各种能力培养的启蒙阶段,小学数学中的应用题就是锻炼小学生解决实际问题能力的重要途径。如果想要培养小学生解答数学应用题的能力,一定要培养小学生运用相关的策略性知识、程序性知识以及陈述性知识的能力。因此,为了可以使小学生的解答应用题能力有所提升,教师应该将变式练习引入到数学应用题教学中。变式练习的引入,有助于帮助小学生解答不同应用情境下的应用题。本文主要阐述了变式练习的内容以及如何在培养小学生数学应用题解题能力时运用变式练习。  相似文献   

基于问题的学习(PBL)模式是一种通过解决真实的复杂问题获取知识、经验和技能的学习模式。研究者基于学前儿童的心理发展特点,对适用于成人和高年级学生的PBL模式进行修正,使其适用于4~6岁学前儿童。研究发现,接受PBL模式教学的实验组幼儿在知识获得能力、主动学习能力、问题解决能力、合作能力方面的得分均优于对照组幼儿,表明在幼儿园应用PBL模式是可行的,也是有效果的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the role of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory (WM) and language skills (vocabulary, listening comprehension) in predicting preschool and kindergarten-aged children’s ability to solve mathematical word problems presented orally. The participants were 116 Finnish-speaking children aged 4–7?years. The results showed that verbal WM (VWM) did not have a direct effect on word problems in young children but was indirectly related to word problems through vocabulary and listening comprehension. These results suggest that in young children, VWM resources support language skills which, furthermore, contribute to variation in solving orally presented word problems. The results also showed that visuo-spatial WM had a direct effect on performance in word problems, suggesting that it plays an important role in word problem solving among this age group.  相似文献   

The achievement of 1,075 school children was followed to the end of grade 7 or 8. Retrospective details of birth, medical history, and infant adaptive behavior, as well as current information about preschool behavior, were provided by parents before kindergarten entry when their children were ages four to five. At that time, each child was given language, preacademic, and visual-motor tests, and a short-form verbal IQ was obtained. For grades 1 to 8, a mean 6.9 percent qualified as low in arithmetic (including 3.9 percent low only in arithmetic) and 9 percent as low in reading (including 6 percent low only in reading). Groups of children with persistent disability in arithmetic only (2.3 percent), reading only (6.6 percent), and arithmetic plus reading (3.4 percent) were compared on all variables, and gender differences were examined. The specific arithmetic group was superior to the other two groups in preschool verbal IQ and language, and had suffered more birth problems and illness. As found by Rourke and his colleagues (e.g., Rourke and Finlayson 1978) for older children, boys with a specific arithmetic disability showed a preschool profile with high verbal scores and low nonverbal scores. Many gender differences were found for the total sample, but few for the learning disability subgroups.  相似文献   

Young Filipino children are expected to solve mathematical word problems in English, which is not their mother tongue. Because of this, it is often assumed that Filipino children have difficulties in solving problems because they cannot read or comprehend what they have read. This study tested this assumption by determining whether presenting word problems in Filipino or reading them aloud to children in either language facilitated solution accuracy. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, reading word problems aloud did not seem to improve student performance (p > 0.10). In contrast, presenting word problems in Filipino significantly improved solution accuracy (p < 0.0001) and led to differences in error patterns – children were less likely to use an inappropriate arithmetic operation when problems were presented in Filipino. However, the language of the problem had minimal effects on the more difficult Compare problem type. Finally, the benefits of using Filipino were more pronounced for low‐achieving students who may have lower proficiency in English than their high‐achieving peers (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

良好的职业口语能力是幼儿园教师必备的专业素养之一。学前教育专业学生特别需要掌握良好的运用口语解决问题的能力,包括口语运用基础能力、儿童文学作品的口头表现能力、教育活动的口语运用能力和口语运用的反思能力。职业口语运用技能的培养依赖于贯通教与学的《幼儿园教师口语》课程以及幼儿园教育实践。为此,我们需要更新课程目标定位与内容、调整课程结构以及变革学习方式。  相似文献   

王丹 《教育科学》2020,36(1):91-96
学前儿童语言教育是家庭教育的重要组成部分,也是幼小衔接的重要内容。在幼小衔接期间,语言教育关系儿童综合素养的培养,影响儿童入学准备的成效。因此,应构建学前儿童语言教育的家庭生态系统,发挥家庭在儿童语言教育方面的优势,承担起家庭在儿童语言教育中应有的责任。在家庭语言教育中,应着眼于:帮助儿童建立课题意识,在语言学习和探求知识的过程中培养其解决问题的能力;在语言学习中渗透科技信息,利用高科技手段辅助家庭语言教育;注重语言学习的引导和情景创设,帮助儿童形成创造性思维;不局限于家庭小课堂,深入到大自然中锻炼儿童感知能力。  相似文献   

This study examined linguistic recasts provided by 16 early childhood educators to preschool children learning English as a second language (EL2). Recasts are semantic and syntactic revisions of children’s utterances. The educator–child interactions were filmed during book reading and play dough activities with small groups of four children, one of whom was EL2. The EL2 children were rated by their educators as having less well-developed expressive language skills than their unilingual peers. However, despite this finding, educators provided similar rates of recasts to both groups of children. Eight EL2 children with the lowest expressive language skills demonstrated fewer uptakes of their educator’s recasts in comparison to EL2 children with higher expressive language skills. The implications of this study include increasing the rate of recasts and reducing their complexity to provide language-learning opportunities for all preschool children, especially for those learning English as a second language.  相似文献   

从幼儿长远的发展来看,交往能力的培养是非常重要的一个方面,也是我国幼儿园教育的目标之一。幼儿交往主动性相对较差是我们这个日托、寄宿混合幼儿园普遍存在的一个问题,而在黄昏时段幼儿的情绪波动最大,在交往方面存在的问题尤为突出。本课题采用行动研究法,通过改善黄昏时段幼儿园的活动和环境,来改善幼儿的在园情绪和交往的主动性,从而提高幼儿在日常生活中的交往主动性。研究结果显示:幼儿在与客人、教师、同伴等不同群体交往方面的主动性都有了显著的提高,在矛盾冲突的主动解决等方面也有了一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

Stability of arithmetic disability subtypes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cross-sectional research has identified subtypes of children with learning disabilities who may have distinctive cognitive ability patterns. This study examined the stability over 19 months of academic subtyping classifications for 80 children ages 9 to 13 representing four subtypes of arithmetic disabilities (AD), using three criteria for learning disability identification. Approximately half of the sample retained AD regardless of identification method. Children with pervasive deficits in arithmetic, reading, and spelling displayed the greatest subtype stability. Only one third of the children with the other subtypes, including those with isolated arithmetic deficits, retained their original subtypes. Thus, drawing conclusions and making recommendations based on academic subtyping at a single point in time may be unwise.  相似文献   

This 3-year longitudinal study examined how motivational tendencies, that is, task orientation and social dependence orientation, as well as cognitive-linguistic prerequisites of reading and math skills (i.e., phonological awareness, rapid naming, oral language comprehension skills, number sequence and basic arithmetic skills) measured in kindergarten (5–6 years), in preschool (6–7 years), and in grade 1, predict decoding, reading comprehension and arithmetic achievement in grade 2. Moreover, the motivational-developmental profiles of children with prospective learning difficulties were compared to the profiles of averagely achieving children. The participants were 139 Finnish-speaking children. Results from regression analyses showed that rapid naming was a unique longitudinal predictor of later decoding skills. Oral comprehension skills accounted for a unique variance in reading comprehension at every time point examined. Motivational orientations started to make unique contributions to subsequent decoding accuracy, reading comprehension and arithmetic from preschool onwards, over and above the effects of prior linguistic and math skills. High task orientation was beneficial for beginning reading, whereas high social dependence orientation was detrimental for reading comprehension and arithmetic. Students who fell behind of others both in reading comprehension and arithmetic experienced the most unfavourable development of motivation already during the first term in grade 1. Implications for instructional practices are discussed.  相似文献   

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