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A computerized cost‐simulation model designed to compare the cost of expanding a campus using distance instruction to that of classroom instruction is discussed. The rationale for the cost comparison is the working hypothesis that the benefits of distance instruction are at least as good as those of classroom instruction. Cost comparison examples from classroom, television/broadcast, and asynchronous network courses are discussed. The model also demonstrates the cost‐saving potential of sharing courses and programs among campuses.  相似文献   

The overall appeal of ICT in education in China is promoting deep integration of ICT technology with teaching. From a regional point of view, intelligent terminals, such as laptop and tablet, were integrated into classroom, in Beijing, Shanghai and other developed cities. Interactive media equipment (whiteboards, interactive TVs and iPad etc.) have been applied in classroom teaching with deeper and broader ways. However, regarding the pedagogy, it is still a challenge to apply ICT technology for the revolution and further development of classroom instruction properly. In order to evaluate the quality of classroom teaching in an ICT environment and support teachers teaching with ICT technology in daily life practices, this study explored, measured and analyzed the features of classroom instruction in ICT environment, according to the sample lessons from a district in Beijing. Based on our prior research findings on Pad-enhanced teaching pedagogy, the “TPOCME Deep Classroom model” was proposed. 66 sample lessons that applying the TPOCME model was analyzed. The study found that student’s Higher-order Thinking, Classroom Participation and Meaningful learning all have qualitative improvement compared with the traditional classes. The progress concerning the integration of ICT in education and teaching changes the relations between teaching and learning in traditional classes. This study also proved the effectiveness of the proposed model and provided a basis for further development. It was an exploration of promoting ICT-enabled classroom teaching pedagogy in China.  相似文献   

现行课堂教学评价模式评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现行课堂教学评价模式追求客观化、数量化、意在使课堂教学评坐更趋 科学。而深入研究课堂教学评价实践,却发现现行课堂教学评价模式在评价观、评价内容、评价过程等方面存在许多非客观的及不确定因素,影响了课堂教学评价的科学性。因此,有必要改进现行课堂教学评价模式,突破现行模式的一元化状态,向多元化模式发展。  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the reading practices in a public and high-achieving 6th grade English classroom in the Philippines. By utilizing a four resources model, we discuss the different roles that students assume in this classroom. Students in this class are mainly code breakers and text users and have limited opportunities to assume the other two roles of the four resources model. This case study provides a different view of reading, specifically a view of a culture of reading wherein higher status is given to oral reading performance rather than comprehension. We describe the way a high-achieving 6th grade Philippine classroom perceives reading. Through this article, we would like to contribute to the research literature on Philippine education and increase our knowledge of reading practices as they are conceived and practised in this particular classroom.  相似文献   

According to self-determination theory (SDT), the extent to which students’ motivation is self-determined is critical for academic performance. SDT also proposes that self-determined academic motivation is facilitated when the learning environment supports the basic psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. This model of social support → needs satisfaction → motivation → learning outcomes is termed the general SDT model. Current evidence regarding this general SDT model is limited, in that, to date, no study has examined it in full using within-individual methods, which are critical for understanding inner psychological processes and mechanisms. Using a large and comprehensive college student dataset (total N of responses = 30,765), the current study aims to apply a within-individual analytical approach to the general SDT model. Specifically, we apply a cross-classified path model to account for both the between-student level and between-classroom level nesting structure. This model enables us to explain the relationships between the variables in the general SDT model on three levels: situational (within-student and within-classroom), between-student, and between-classroom.The results generally support the predictions on all three levels. For a student, a classroom, or a student’s specific experience within a classroom, the general SDT model received support. Most importantly, when the same student in the same classroom experiences higher levels of autonomy support, she or he is more likely to have her or his psychological needs satisfied and to study for self-determined reasons, which are associated with higher perceived learning performance. Various unexpected results, such as the direct effects of learning climate and the predominance of the competence need, are also reported. Overall, the current research provides a comprehensive and multilevel understanding of the role of self-determination in college classrooms.  相似文献   

This experimental study compared an interactive computer/videodisc learning approach to the conventional laboratory approach for learning biology concepts and science process skills. Students at a large midwestern university were randomly assigned to instruction on respiration and biogeography by interactive videodisc or a traditional laboratory investigation teaching the same concepts. The videodisc delivery system consisted of a TRS-80 Model III microcomputer interfaced to a Pioneer laser disc player and a color TV monitor. Results show no statistically significant differences between the two approaches for student grades on laboratory quizzes, laboratory reports, and the laboratory final exam. However, the interactive videodisc group required approximately one-half the classroom time used by the conventional laboratory group. The two approaches appear equivalent when evaluated by traditional learning outcomes, but the interactive videodisc strategy was significantly more time efficient than a traditional laboratory approach.  相似文献   

支架式教学模式在英语翻译课中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
支架式教学是近二三十年来国外流行的教学模式.它在处理“教”与“学”二者之间的关系方面提出了富有创造性的见解。本文旨在探讨支架式教学在英语翻译课教学中的应用,优化教学过程,提高教学效果和学生的翻译能力,更好地为国家和社会培养高水平高素质的翻译人才。  相似文献   

通过对大学语文课堂教育程式的种类和心理要素的分析,文章探讨了在大学语文课堂教育中建立课堂教育程式的意义,以及在大学语文课堂教育中,利用学生的心理因素提高教育互动效果的方法。并结合实际情况提出了高校教师课堂教育的可行性操作策略。  相似文献   

This study was designed to learn if students perceived an interactive computer/videodisc learning system to represent a viable alternative to (or extension of) the conventional laboratory for learning biology skills and concepts normally taught under classroom laboratory conditions. Data were collected by questionnaire for introductory biology classes at a large midwestern university where students were randomly assigned to two interactive videodisc/computer lessons titled Respiration and Climate and Life or traditional laboratory investigation with the same titles and concepts. The interactive videodisc system consisted of a TRS-80 Model III microcomputer interfaced to a Pioneer laser-disc player and a color TV monitor. Students indicated an overall level satisfaction with this strategy very similar to that of conventional laboratory instruction. Students frequently remarked that videodisc instruction gave them more experimental and procedural options and more efficient use of instructional time than did the conventional laboratory mode. These two results are consistent with past CAI research. Students also had a strong perception that the images on the videodisc “were not real” and this factor was perceived as having both advantages and disadvantages. Students found the two approaches to be equivalent to conventional laboratory instruction in the areas of general interest, understanding of basic principles, help on examinations, and attitude toward science. The student-opinion data in this study do not suggest that interactive videodisc technology serve as a substitute to the “wet” laboratory experience, but that this medium may enrich the spectrum of educational experiences usually not possible in typical classroom settings.  相似文献   

课堂教学设计要突出科学性和艺术性 教学课堂设计的科学性和艺术性,主要体现在结构布局合理,构思科学巧妙,主线中心明晰,环节安排恰当,层次分明,重点难点处理到位,如每次课  相似文献   

Conclusions In this brief study, all reasonable efforts were made to gain control over extraneous variables while gathering limited but valid information concerning the relative effectiveness of televised and conventional instruction in laboratory skills. There are unanswered questions concerning the methods, the effects, and the meanings which still out-number the few questions which may have been answered but these should not obscure what was attempted and found. In brief, the results indicate that one of the two criteria employed in the study was little more than worth-less. The other criterion measure gave evidence that, although the instruction produced measureable effects, it apparently made no difference whether groups were taught by conventional means or by means of television. Statistically, these instructed groups performed equally when executing their laboratory tasks. This evidence is not contradicted by related information from the earlier and more extended trials of televised laboratory instruction. Perhaps, at best, the inclusion of “delayed measurement” groups has added some small amount of respectability to this study. Their inclusion certainly has not guaranteed that unequivocal answers can be given to those questions which deal with the “long-term” effects of the two forms of instruction. Since these “long-term” effects are extremely important, it is hoped that they will receive increasing attention in the future. This article is a condensed and modified version of a February 1959 mimeographed report by the authors. The mimeographed original includes copies of measuring devices used in gathering data for the study which can be had by writing the senior author at the Audio-Visual Center at Purdue University. Dr. Seibert, who was recently on leave to the U. S. Office of Education as research coordinator for the Educational Media (Title VII) Program, returns to Purdue July 1 as TV Program Research Consultant. Dr. Honig is currently with the Lincoln Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The writers thank Frederick Vratney, Post-Doctoral Fellow in Chemistry; D. F. Kasten, graduate student in Psychology; the staff of the Purdue TV Production Unit; and the several graduate students who served as performance evaluators. All made contributions to the study on which this report is based. It goes without saying that the student subjects were essential and their cooperation appreciated.  相似文献   

创新教育要求教师具有较高的创新素质,这是教育改革发展的需要,是培养创新精神和实践能力的需要,也是教师自身不断完善和提高的需要。教师的创新素质具有整体性、综合性、独特性和可开发性等特征。创新教育要求教师进行课堂教学改革,开发学生的潜能,调动学生的积极性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

提高高等学校本科教学的质量,首先要从课堂教学开始。课堂教学改革要处理好经典与现代的关系;要合理设计教学内容和教学方法;要让学生参与到教学的过程中,成为一个局内人,而不是局外人;还要适当增加学生自主学习的时间和空间,真正提升学生的人文素养、创新精神和综合能力。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个国际化的高科技时代,人类在交流中竞争,在竞争中交流.  相似文献   

课堂教学"先讲后练"的传统模式已不适应时代的发展与要求,要改变这种模式,教师就应该视学生为主体,积极引导他们学会学习,热爱学习,这样,课堂才会活起来,学生也才全动起来.  相似文献   

Regional campus college students participated in traditionally or nontraditionally taught sections of undergraduate introductory educational psychology. The nontraditional sections were student centered, involving personal goal setting and monitoring conferences, and informal group discussion tests. The traditional sections were teacher centered, involving a lecture format, formal tests and assignments, and comparative grades. An event sampling behavioral assessment procedure was used to record student and teacher behaviors according to the following verbal interaction response categories: positive, negative, questions, answers, presents, solicits, shares, generates, impedes. The course sections were analyzed and found to be comparable with regard to teachers' positive responses and information presented, as well as content acquisition and final grades. However, students in the nontraditional course section asked significantly more questions, shared more information, and generated more ideas than students in the more traditional teacher-centered course. Replication analyses supported the initial findings regarding learning and attitudinal differences favoring student centered course sections over teacher centered sections.  相似文献   

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