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俱乐部里真热闹, 个个都在显身手。 风琴accordion曲欢快, 吉他guitar奏得欢。 小提琴violin真优雅, 唱歌piano来伴奏。  相似文献   

Do you know?     
众所周知,在第27届悉尼奥运会上共设有28个比赛项目,而热血的中国体育健儿获得了28金、16银和15铜的好成绩,奖牌总数排名世界第三。更加令人高兴的是中国申办第29届奥运会成功,中国人百年梦寐以求的愿望实现了,让我们高呼“Warmly celebrate the success of Beijing in bidding for 2008  相似文献   

Do you know?     
Ⅰ.What will the weather be like? What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds.When they see birds fly high out to the sea,they know it is a nice day,because birds don't like to fly out when it will rain.When the weather will be bad,the birds come back to the beach.A big wind may come with a rain.Birds do not like to fly in a big wind.They may sit in a tree when rain is coming.Other animals can also tell the weather.If it's a cloudy day and the rain is coming,chickens aren't quiet,and they are running here and there.Frogs(青蛙) are making big noise in the pool.If it is a nice day,the frogs will come out of the water.  相似文献   

Do you know?     
在一些英文报纸的报道中.常用各亩政府机构所在地或其建筑物的名称来代替相应的办事机构。你知道以下建筑物代替什么吗?1.whlte封ouse白宫(美国政府)2.Bue火一ngham palaee白金汉宫(英国政府)3.Downing street唐宁街(英国首相官邸)4. Flee七Stree七舰队街(伦狄新闻界)5.eaPlto一美国国会大厦6.七he pentogon五角大楼(美国国防部)7.WOlls七reet华尔街(美国金融界)8.Elysee爱丽舍宫(法国政府) (颜萍辑).Do you know?@颜萍…  相似文献   

尚晋 《教学考试》2024,(21):63-66
<正>在现代社会,我们一天24小时在线,时刻感觉自己被工作需要,被家人需要,被朋友需要,好像只要手机一关机就与全世界失去了联系。我们害怕孤独,害怕失去。但你是否真的反思过这样匆忙地生活确实是自己想要的吗?你真的了解自己吗?你上次独处是什么时候?你有多久没有关掉手机和电脑,与自己的心灵开启一场真正的对话了?  相似文献   

"ARE you hungry?"还是"DO you hungry?",在课堂上我无数次看到同学们为此而凌乱. 首先要告诉大家正确的是:Are you hungry?!(强烈建议感觉凌乱的同学大声读该句3~5遍."以正压邪"永远都是改正错误的最佳方法.)接着是个令大家更凌乱的问题: "为什么用'Are'?"  相似文献   

世界上不少国家除了有自己的国名外,还有另外的美称。下面这些国家的美称都是以植物命名的,你能准确无误地辨别出来吗?1.Whichisthecountryofmapleleaves,CanadaorTurkey?2.Whichisthecountryofcactuses(仙人掌),MexicoorColombia?3.Whichisthecountryofcherries,SwedenorJapan?4.Whichisthecountryofcocoa,NewZealandorGhana?5.Whichisthecountryofsugarcane,HungaryorCuba?6.Whichistherosecountry,BulgariaorBelgium(比利时)?7.Whichistherubbercountry,NorwayorMalaysia?8.Whichisthefr…  相似文献   

Do you like me?     
I'm a girl of thirteen years old. I'm tall and thin with short hair. People say I look like my father. I am good at math and I like English very much. I can play the guitar very well. I want to be a guitar player when I grow up. I have a lot of pen friends. They are very friendly to me. We learn from each other. Of course, I'm getting on well with my classmates. I can help them with their English and math. Next week, our school will have an English contest. I think I will be the winner,…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.看图完成下列广告。Advertisement(广告)Can you1?Can you2?Welcome to our school3and4club.Do you like5?Do you like6?Then welcome to our78.If you like9,you can10our1112.And our school bandneeds students who can play1314and1516.If you17tolearn to18,youcan19our school20club.Ⅱ.选择填空。()1.you have a long ruler?A.Can B.Do C.Are D./()2.—Are you a musician?—No,I.A.can B.am C.can’t D.am not()3.Can Mary?A.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sings…  相似文献   

1.付账(cash):右手的拇指、食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付账的手势。2.动脑筋(using your brain),机敏点(being clever):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。3.傻瓜(fool):用拇指按住鼻尖摇动其它四指,或十指分开。也可食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,则表示所谈到的人是个"痴呆""傻瓜"。  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm up1.Play the flash and singthe song"We study and play".2.Free talkT:Look,what’s this?(PPT呈现一只篮子)Ss:It’ s a basket.T:What’s in my basketnow,guess?Ss guess.T:It’s a basketball.I playbasketball.(师拍篮球)T:Do you play basketball?(PPT:Do you play…? )We’ll learn Unit 10 Do you  相似文献   

Perinatal nurse makes an effort to blend in with the high-tech world of business travel.  相似文献   

“‘井和、吕触甲宜f八,吕曰心加。纽J攀认I·林句宜和句子后面助臀柱能空。J蔚水粤‘My叻er—’。matoes.。向’飞·冬M娜and Alice—‘ce cream.万议、反一Do you likep邸?一—·。~熟一Do they like baskethall?一_.场子记ad.之少4 .They__broccoli. Q 6.一DoeS 8 .The cat  相似文献   

Do you know     
A dragonfly(蜻蜓)has a life span(跨度)of 24 hours.蜻蜓的生命跨度是24小时。A duck's quack doesn't echo(回声),and no one knows why.鸭子的嘎嘎声没有回声,没人知道是为什么。A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.金鱼的记忆跨度是3秒钟。A shark(鲨鱼)is the only fish that can blink(眨眼)with both eyes.鲨鱼是可以用两只眼睛同时眨眼的唯一的一种鱼。Do you know…  相似文献   

Do you know     

据说美国方言学会曾经于2001年1月 举行过一次有趣的“世纪之词”评选活动,获 得提名的“世纪之词”有 freedom(自由), justice(正义),science(科学),government(政府), nature(自然),OK,book(书),she(她)等,而进入 决赛的只有“science”和“she”两个词。最后 “she”以35对27的选票战胜了“science”,  相似文献   

I am a fish. When I was born, I was very small, and my father andmother both loved me very much. My home was in a river, and I had alot of friends.They were all beautiful and healthy fish. We often playedgames together happily. We found that our home——the river was very cleanand beautiful.We all loved her.  相似文献   

Do you want?     
杨敏 《重庆教育》2002,(F05):239-239

教学过程:Step1.W arm ing up1.Listen to the song“W e studyand play”.(CAI出示动画及歌词)(设计意图:多媒体的声形并茂,往往在吸引孩子眼球的同时,也牢牢抓住了孩子的思绪。那跳跃的音符、生动的画面,让孩子在不知不觉中进入英语学习的状态。同时,这首歌恰到好处地点明了今天的学习主题——“边学边玩”。)2.Free talk3.T:Do you like balls?Do you like sports?Ilikesportsvery m uch.Today,we’llm eetsom e sportsstarsand som e balls.(设计意图:轻松的谈话使教师自然地由Freetalk转入Presentation,比起那些虚假的游戏、儿歌…  相似文献   

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