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Pigeons were trained on a variant of the autoshaping procedure in which a keylight stimulus of increasing brightness was used to signal the passing of a 30-sec interfood interval (IFI). Key-pecking developed in all subjects within the first session (65 trials). Within trials, pecking began midway through the IFI, increased throughout the remainder, and decreased just before food delivery. Other behavioral stereotypies were also recorded: Low light levels were associated with a retreat to the rear of the test chamber, and medium light levels (during the midportion of the IFI) were associated with high rates of pacing toward and away from the food source. Probe trials revealed that pecking, pacing, and retreat were all under strong stimulus control; that is, when the light was held constant at its lowest or highest brightness, or when the brightness ramp was presented in reverse order, the behavior pattern almost invariably remained tied to stimulus brightness. Results are discussed in terms of associative and nonassociative sources of the form and sequential characteristics of the behavior.  相似文献   

Superordinate categorization via association with a common response was studied in pigeons. Original training paired disparate classes (e.g., people + chairs and cars + flowers) with a common response (Responses 1 and 2, respectively). Reassignment training taught new responses (Responses 3 and 4, respectively) to one component class from each pair (e.g., people and cars). Superordinate categorization was documented in testing when the pigeons made the same responses to the stimuli that were withheld in reassignment training (e.g., chairs and flowers) as they did to the reassigned stimuli themselves (e.g., people and cars) and when the birds transferred these discriminative responses to novel stimuli from all four component classes. Reassignment training with novel stimuli produced effects that were similar to those of reassignment training with familiar stimuli. Superordinate categorization via association with a common response is thus a robust effect that generalizes to novel stimuli from each of the component classes.  相似文献   

Match-to-sample and oddity-from-sample problems with four colors were acquired by two pigeons under the supraordinate control of a line tilt superimposed on samples, Since the supraordinate stimulus terminated before the comparison stimuli were presented, accurate matching and oddity performance indicated trace stimulus control as well, The temporal extent of trace control was assessed in one subject by presenting probes—trials without a line tilt on the sample—in which the basis of correct responding was the supraordinate stimulus presented on the previous trial, Trace supraordinate control did not extend between trials, Subsequently, the delay between the termination of the supraordinate stimulus and the presentation of the comparison stimuli was gradually increased within a trial, Both subjects were able to perform matching and oddity over longer delays, and eventually on probe trials, although accuracy decreased, Results were discussed in terms of instructional stimulus control and memory.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to investigate the relationship between excitatory stimulus control (number of responses to a training stimulus) and dimensional stimulus control (generalization gradient slope). In experiment 1, after being trained to peck a green key, pigeons received either 20, 40, or 80 brief (.5, 2, 4, or 8 sec) presentations of a 45-deg line followed by reinforcement (12 groups) or 20, 40, or 80 reinforcements for pecking a continuously presented 45-deg line (3 groups). Number of reinforcements determined the slope (percent of total responses to 45 deg) of a subsequent line-angle generalization gradient, but number of responses to the 45-deg line in the test was controlled by total experience with 45 deg as measured by either total exposure time or total responses to 45 deg in training. In a second experiment, it was shown that increasing the number of days of pretraining to green decreased the slope of the gradient (in subjects given 2-sec presentations), but had no effect on number of responses to 45 deg in the test. Furthermore, continuous presentation yielded flatter gradients but more responding to the 45-deg line in the test than did 2-sec presentations. It was concluded that the measures of dimensional stimulus control and excitatory stimulus control reflect different processes because they vary differentially (sometimes in different directions) in response to the same independent variable manipulations.  相似文献   

A duration matching-to-sample procedure was used to examine the influence of signal properties on temporal estimation and working memory. The results indicated that pigeons responded to durations of a light as if they were longer than equal durations of the absence of the same light, but delay performances did not differ between the two sample types. Similarly, pigeons responded to durations of a bright white light as if they were longer than equal durations of a dim red light, but again, delay performances did not differ between the two sample types. These results are discussed in terms of theoretical issues pertinent to timing, attention, and working memory.  相似文献   

Selective attention in processing of visual information by pigeons, trained on alternating sessions with two colors (red and green) and two forms (a diamond and an X shape) differentially associated with a left—right key choice task, was examined. A color and a form were presented together on probe trials during sessions in which, on other trials, only one of the dimensions, color or form, was shown. The dimension in effect on the surrounding trials had no influence on choice when the information provided by the two dimensions on probe trials was in conflict—color correct for one choice and form for the other. When both color and form redundantly cued the correct choice, there was no increase in accuracy in comparison with that associated with one dimension. Following separate training on the color and form discriminations, pigeons appeared to base their choices on color on some trials, on form on other trials, but not on both simultaneously. These findings are discussed in terms of an exemplar model of information processing.  相似文献   

Three matching-to-sample experiments examined whether spatial or configural factors determined how the element arrangement of compound sample stimuli influenced matching accuracy in pigeons. Seven types of compound stimuli were tested. The arrangement of color and line-orientation elements in these compounds varied in terms of the spatial separation between the elements, the degree of consistency in element spatial location, and the number of bounded areas containing the elements. Matching accuracy was examined upon initial exposure to the compounds, during asymptotic conditions of shared attention, and with variation of sample durations ranging from .04 to 5.935 sec. In all three experiments, when spatial proximity, locational certainty, and the number of lines were precisely controlled or equated, no evidence for the proposed configural processing of “unified” compounds was found (Lamb & Riley, 1981). Element spatial separation, and to a lesser degree perceptual limitations, determined compound performance. These results question our lab’s previous evidence for configural compound processing by pigeons (Lamb, 1988; Lamb & Riley, 1981). They suggest instead that pigeons independently and separately process the individual elements of color/line-orientation compounds, with element separation determining the distribution of processing between the elements.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were given repeated reversal training and testing with photographs of human faces constituting two categories structured by family resemblances, each consisting of a prototype, good exemplars, and poor exemplars. Each of the good exemplars (AM, BM, and CM) was created by 50% morphing of the prototype (M) and one of the poor exemplars (A, B, and C, respectively) and thus was physically similar to the prototype and to the corresponding poor exemplar. The pigeons were first trained and tested for the formation of two (AM, BM, and CM) classes. Then, the stimulus sets were extended to include (1) M and the poor exemplars that were not physically similar to one another and (2) 50% morphs of the poor exemplars (AB, BC, and CA). In the sequentially introduced training and test phases, we successfully tracked expansion of the functional equivalence classes consisting of exemplars that had little similarity but could be linked together through other members of the class. nt]This research was supported by Grant 16530465 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to the first author. A portion of this work was presented as an invited talk at the International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, August 2004.  相似文献   

A go/no-go procedure was used to train pigeons to discriminate pictures of human faces differing only in shape, with either static images or movies of human faces dynamically rotating in depth. On the basis of experimental findings in humans and some earlier studies on three-dimensional object perception in pigeons, we expected dynamic stimulus presentation to support the pigeon’s perception of the complex morphology of a human face. However, the performance of the subjects presented with movies was either worse than (AVI format movies) or did not differ from (uncompressed dynamic presentation) that of the subjects trained with a single or with multiple static images of the faces. Furthermore, generalization tests to other presentation conditions and to novel static views revealed no promoting effect of dynamic training. Except for the subjects trained on multiple static views, performance dropped to chance level with views outside the training range. These results are in contrast to some prior reports from the literature, since they suggest that pigeons, unlike humans, have difficulty using the additional structural information provided by the dynamic presentation and integrating the multiple views into a three-dimensional object.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the more valued stimulus will maintain observing responses but the less valued stimulus will not. In the first part of this experiment, it was shown that the removal of the stimulus associated with the fixed-ratio component of a multiple schedule (mult FI 2 min, FR 35) abolished observing responses. In the next part, the ratio stimulus was phased out by making it available during some ratios but not during others. Observing responses were maintained following the phasing procedure even when all ratio stimuli were unavailable. In the third part, all stimuli, both ratio and interval, were unavailable. Observing responses declined under this condition and increased again when the stimulus associated with the interval was again made available. It is hypothesized that observing responses will be maintained as long as they permit the maintenance of a discrimination.  相似文献   

Instrumental response variation is inversely related to reward probability. Gharib, Derby, and Roberts (2001) theorized that individuals behave more variably when their expectation of reward is low. They postulate that this behavioral rule assists the discovery of alternative actions when a target response is unlikely to be reinforced. This suggests that response variability may be unaffected in a situation in which an animal’s behavior is inconsequential to outcome delivery. We trained 6 pigeons in a within-subjects Pavlovian autoshaping procedure. On any given trial, the pigeons were presented with one of six colored discs on a touchscreen; each stimulus was associated with a particular probability of food, ranging from 100% to 0.6%. Pecking was more variable with low probabilities of food delivery, thus extending the rule relating variability and expectation to a Pavlovian situation.  相似文献   

On the completion by pigeons of four equal fixed intervals on one key, a light on a second key signaled that one peck on that key would be followed by food. In condition A, a brief stimulus of a further color was produced on the first key by the pecks that ended the first three (but not the fourth) fixed intervals. In condition B, no brief stimuli occurred at the end of the first three fixed intervals (tandem schedule). In condition C, the unpaired brief stimulus was presented on the second key after the pecks on the first key that ended the first three fixed intervals. An ABACA reversal design was used. Postreinforcement pauses were longer in condition B (tandem) than in condition A, an effect similar to that reported in similar conventional one-key second-order schedules. Postreinforcement pauses in condition C, with the brief stimulus on the second key, were also longer than in condition A, with the brief stimulus on the first key, although similar pauses were observed after the brief stimuli in both conditions. The locus of the brief stimulus appears to affect the control it exerts over behavior in a second-order schedule.  相似文献   

文章从多角度论证了教育不是产业,更不能产业化的观点;并从理论与实践的角度阐明了教育产业化的危害。  相似文献   

通过实验促使学生进行交流与合作,培养健全的人格,培养合作精神,增强合作意识,增强责任感,达到善于与人合作,相互信任,群策群力,提高合作学习兴趣的目的。  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the effects of food deprivation on discounting in pigeons. An adjusting-amount procedure was used to estimate the subjective value of food at delays ranging from 1 to 24 s. Experiment 1 compared pigeons’ discounting of delayed food reinforcers at 75 %–80 % and 90 %–95 % of free-feeding weight. Experiment 2 compared discounting under 1- and 23-h food deprivation. In both experiments at both deprivation levels, discounting was well described by the hyperboloid discounting function. No systematic effect of level of deprivation on degree of discounting was observed in either experiment. This finding is consistent with the view that pigeons’ choices are controlled by the relative, rather than the absolute, value of reinforcers.  相似文献   

Transfer-of-control tests typically show the development of acquired equivalence between samples occasioning the same comparison choice in pigeons’ many-to-one matching-to-sample. Specifically, when some of those samples are later explicitly trained to occasion new comparison choices, the remaining samples immediately exert control over the new choices as well. In the present experiments, we examined whether or not this transfer effect depends on the order in which the various sample-comparison relations in training are learned. One group of pigeons initially acquired 0-delay many-to-one matching with four samples and two comparisons, followed by 0-delay matching with two of those samples and two new comparisons. Another group of pigeons learned the two-sample matching task first, followed by many-to-one matching. When subsequently tested for their ability to match the remaining samples from many-to-one matching to the comparisons used in the two-sample task, both groups showed comparable levels of transfer. These findings challenge the view that common anticipatory processes ostensibly arising from the samples in many-to-one matching are necessary mediators for the subsequent transfer effects indicative of acquired sample equivalence.  相似文献   

The distribution of behavior between concurrently available schedules of reinforcement approximates the distribution of reinforcements between the schedules. This equality, called matching, has been explained as an instance of the principle that organisms maximize reinforcement rate. However, a precise account of the relationship between the distribution of behavior and reinforcement rate on the standard concurrent schedule shows that matching and maximizing are different.  相似文献   

Animals perform two-choice conditional discriminations at a higher level if each of the two correct responses to the comparison stimuli is reinforced with a different outcome. According to the two-process view, this differential outcomes effect (DOE) results from the response-cuing function of expectancies generated by the conditional stimuli (i.e., samples). According to the shared-outcomes view, differential response-outcome associations contribute to the effect. In the present research, pigeons that were trained with differential outcomes associated with the samples, butnot with the comparisons, revealed a DOE during delay testing that was comparable to that obtained in a “true” differential-outcomes group. Thus, a two-process interpretation of the DOE was supported. In the second experiment, transfer testing with sample replacement confirmed these findings and, in addition, provided evidence that differential sample behaviors exerted some control over zero-delayed choice.  相似文献   

Critical media literacy is not an option   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores the theoretical underpinnings of critical media literacy and analyzes four different approaches to teaching it. Combining cultural studies with critical pedagogy, we argue that critical media literacy aims to expand the notion of literacy to include different forms of media culture, information and communication technologies and new media, as well as deepen the potential of literacy education to critically analyze relationships between media and audiences, information and power. A multiperspectival approach addressing issues of gender, race, class and power is used to explore the interconnections of media literacy, cultural studies and critical pedagogy. In the interest of a vibrant participatory democracy, educators need to move the discourse beyond the stage of debating whether or not critical media literacy should be taught, and instead focus energy and resources on exploring the best ways for implementing it.
Douglas KellnerEmail: URL: http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/kellner.html

Adult pigeons with one eye covered were trained to peck a response key using grain as a reinforcer. In subsequent tests, with the trained eye covered and the control eye open, the birds failed to peck the key. The subjects were then divided into two groups for a second experiment. The first group was trained on a single-key, peck/no-peck color discrimination task with the original control eye covered. When tested for interocular transfer of discrimination performance, these birds failed to respond at all. They were then trained to peck a blank response key with the training eye covered and the control eye open. Control-eye tests after this motor response training resulted in excellent transfer of color discrimination performance. The second group of subjects was trained to peck a blank key with first one eye covered and then the other, before monocular discrimination training was begun. These birds showed excellent transfer of discrimination performance during control-eye tests. These results show that, at least in the operant paradigm, motor response training does not transfer interocularly and this lack of transfer may interfere with transfer of discrimination performance.  相似文献   

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