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The Defense Documentation Center (DDC), a field activity of the Defense Supply Agency, implemented an automated indexing procedure in October 1973. This Machine-Aided Indexing (MAI) System [1] had been under development since 1969. The following is a report of several comparisons designed to measure the retrieval effectiveness of MAI and manual indexing procedures under normal operational conditions.Several definitions are required in order to clarify the MAI process as it pertains to these investigations. The MAI routines scan unedited text in the form of titles and abstracts. The output of these routines is called Candidate Index Terms. These word strings are matched by computer against an internal file of manually screened and cross-referenced terms called a Natural Language Data Base (NLDB). The NLDB differs from a standard thesaurus in that there is no related term category. Word strings which match the NLDB are accepted as valid MAI output. The mismatches are manually screened for suitability. Those accepted are added to the NLDB. If now, the original set of Candidate Index Terms is matched against the updated NLDB, the matched output is unedited MAI. If both the unedited matches and mismatches are further structured in accession order and sent to technical analysts for review, the output of that process is called edited MAI.The tests were designed to (a) compare unedited MAI with manual indexing, holding the indexing language and the retrieval technique constant; (b) compare edited MAI with unedited MAI, holding both the indexing and the retrieval technique constant; and (c) compare two different retrieval techniques, called simple and complex, while holding the indexing constant.  相似文献   

This article presents the human evaluation of ILIAD, a program for machine-aided indexing (MAI). It consists of two language engineering modules and is designed to assist expert librarians in computer-aided indexing and document analysis. Our aim is the expert evaluation of automatic multi-word term indexing. Evaluation is performed by documentary engineers. Cataloging and indexing are their principal tasks. They also have a good scientific knowledge of the domain to which the indexed documents belong.We first present the ILIAD program and the two systems submitted to this evaluation, the methodology (protocol) adopted, the differences between the protocol and the implementation, and the results of these evaluations. Human evaluation is divided into three parts: firstly the evaluation of controlled indexing, then free indexing and finally term variant extraction performed during controlled indexing. Finally, we analyze the relevance of this evaluation by calculating the agreement frequency and the Kappa coefficient and propose some future developments.  相似文献   

The presence of clustering structure in the cystic fibrosis Document Collection is evaluated as a function of the exhaustivity of four subject representations and two citation representations. Experimental results show that for each representation the evidence for clustering structure diminishes as the exhaustivity of the representation decreases. Three of the four subject representations show no evidence of clustering structure at the least exhaustive representations. Although many documents have no references or citations, the citation representations demonstrate the presence of clustering structure over a wider range of exhaustivity levels than the subject representations. Both citation indexes show evidence of clustering structure at the least exhaustive representations. The structures imposed on the CF Document Collection by the subject and citation indexes satisfy the necessary condition for a meaningful clustering outcome.  相似文献   

The empirical import of Shannon's Information Theory and its impact on information science are discussed. It is argued that extension of the scope of Information Theory as well as development of new theories of information science presupposes better understanding of relevant empirical regularities and laws. Possibilities of broadening the empirical foundation of Information Theory by introduction of appropriate least effort criteria are discussed.  相似文献   

2020年中国科技地位预测和估计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章通过时过去20年世界各国科研投入和产出的数据进行分析,寻找出各国的研发人员、研发经费、科技论文和专利等数据变动的统计规律,并依此时2020年中国的科技地位进行预测和估计。预测结果反映出,2020年中国科技投入将居世界前列;科技产出数量有所增长,但与美国、日本和德国等科技强国相比,仍存在一定差距。  相似文献   

The relevance feedback process uses information derived from an initially retrieved set of documents to improve subsequent search formulations and retrieval output. In a Boolean query environment this implies that new query terms must be identified and Boolean operators must be chosen automatically to connect the various query terms. In this study two recently proposed automatic methods for relevance feedback of Boolean queries are evaluated and conclusions are drawn concerning the use of effective feedback methods in a Boolean query environment.  相似文献   

针对韩国新时期《ICT2020》战略展开背景分析,简述战略蓝图与目标、重点任务以及保障体系,对比分析韩国执政党“新国家党”ICT 研发战略两大时期侧重与转变,促进我国ICT产业应对政策制定,助力我国ICT产业未来发展及国际市场核心竞争力成长。  相似文献   

2010年7月14日德国内阁通过了由德国联邦教研部主持制订的2020离科技战略,该战略汇集了德国联邦政府各部门的研究和创新政策举描。德国联邦教研部长沙万表示,德国需要把知识和想法尽快变成。创新,因此需要一个跨部门的创新战略。  相似文献   

Traditional measures of retrieval effectiveness, of which the recall ratio is an outstanding example, are strongly influenced by the relevance properties of unexamined documents—documents with which the system user has no direct contact. Such an influence is awkward to explain in traditional terms, but is readily justified within the broader framework of a utility-theoretic approach. The utility-theoretic analysis shows that unexamined documents can be important in theory, but usually are not when it is the statistics of large samples that are of interest. It is concluded that the traditional concern with the relevance or nonrelevance of unexamined documents is misplaced, and that traditional measures of effectiveness should be replaced by estimates of the direct utility of the examined documents.  相似文献   

本文论述全球化过程可能对中国国家城市体系的影响。论文预测中国在未来30-40年内城市化水平可能达到70%左右。到2020年,全国设市城市将增加到1000个以上。以上海为中心的长江三角洲和以香港为中心的珠江三角洲将形成中国的两个全球城市区域。  相似文献   

本文从创新活动的过程模型出发,在充分考虑当前创新活动特征和政策评估面临新挑战的基础上,构建了创新政策评估的系统框架,分析创新活动的参与主体,识别不同类型的政策工具,并提出包含六个步骤的评估流程,开展创新政策的内容评估、过程评估和影响评估。在此基础上,本文以高新技术企业税收优惠政策为对象,结合调查问卷开展政策内容、政策执行和政策效果开展实证评估,进一步验证了构建的创新政策评估框架的实用性。  相似文献   

以2017-2020连续4年入选欧盟产业研发投入记分牌的中国247家高研发投入企业为研究对象,通过构建高研发投入企业评价指标体系、构建DEA-BCC模型对其运营效率进行测度和评价,并分别从区域和行业双重视角进行分析,据此提出相关启示建议.  相似文献   

一种基于“问题” 的评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据实践中遇到的问题,介绍了评估的概念,特点,原则和常用方法,提出了一种基于“问题”的评估方法及其具体做法。  相似文献   

Ocimum sanctum leaves have been traditionally used in treatment of diabetes mellitus. Dietary supplementation of fresh tulsi leaves in a dose of 2 gm/kg BW for 30 days led to significant lowering of blood glucose levels in test group. Intake ofOcimum sanctum also led to significant increase in levels of superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione and total thiols, but marked reduction in peroxiodised lipid levels as compared to untreated control group. The leaves were found to possess both superoxide and hydroxyl free radical scavenging action. The present observations establish the efficacy ofOcimum sanctum leaves in lowering blood glucose levels and antioxidant property appears to be predominantly responsible for hypoglycemic effect.  相似文献   

On 11 November 2020,the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the latest revision of the Copyright Law.The Copyright Law of China was enacted in 1990 and was amended respectively in 2001 and 2010.And in November 2020,China passed its third amendment.  相似文献   

教学评价的目的是为提高教师水平、促进教师发展从而提高学生学习效率和热情,其是通过对教师课堂教学水平以及教学过程中各要素所做出的判断和评价。本文基于层次分析法,建立以教师基本素质、教育资源利用、课堂管理、教学理念四类因素组成的综合评价指标体系,构建层次分析模型,介绍了权重系数求解过程,将定性问题定量化,利用较少的定量信息将问题解决。实践表明,层次分析法可以有效地对教师课堂教学水平做出正确的价值判断。  相似文献   

学术期刊分级评定的指标体系   总被引:35,自引:11,他引:35  
提出了学术期刊分级评定的17项指标并设计了权重,影响因子进行了深入讨论,设计了“篇均引用SCI源期刊数”的概念并引进了外文引文率的指标。  相似文献   

大学毕业是人生的重要里程碑,预示着一个人开始正式步入社会。处于青年期的大学毕业生将面临人生角色转变的重要变化,容易引起心理波动。毕业生群体的心理健康状况总体良好,个别学生的心理波动成因复杂,毕业生容易产生焦虑心理,在就业过程中存在求稳心理,是考虑人生发展的心理波动时期。  相似文献   

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