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试论闲暇与闲暇教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
闲暇不是无事可做的一段时间,而是人脱离繁忙的一种悠闲、自由、内观、宁静、从容不迫的沉思状态,也是一种个人从文化环境和物质环境的外在压力下解放出来的一种相对自由而有沉思参与的活动过程;所以闲暇教育不是在人的空闲时间对人进行的教育,如假日教育,也不是为填补个人空虚、丰富个人业余生活的教育,而是以关注受繁忙捆绑的个人自由解放为旨趣,以培养能拥有和操持闲暇的个人为目标的教育。它与职业教育互补而共同构成对个人的全人教育。  相似文献   

罪刑法定的司法化是通过贯彻罪刑法定原则的刑法司法运作来完成的。同其它部门法司法运作相比,贯彻罪刑法定原则的刑法司法运作表现出对刑法正式规则、显型规范的巨大期待。这种期待表现为立法者对法典编纂的热切和司法办案人员对成文法的强烈渴望和绝对的依赖。但是,纯粹的正式规则、显型规范治理的理想主义模式是不存在的。贯彻罪刑法定原则的刑法的司法运作,或言之,罪刑法定原则的司法运作同样需要非正式规则、隐形规则的介入,这是由刑法正式规则、显型规范的局限性及法律运作的规律决定的。  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of investigations planned with a view to studying the effects of the financial aid reform which was introduced in Sweden in the mid-1960s. The group studied is a nationally representative sample of those born in 1948. It is shown that social background is a strongly influential factor in the selection for higher education. However, this class bias would have been far greater if it had not been for the national financial aid system. The aid is not only important for recruitment but also to enable the students to complete a degree program and this is particularly true for those from lower socio-economic strata.  相似文献   

工程投标是一项消耗人力、物力、财力和时间的工作,施工企业若不加选择地对多个工程进行投标,一旦不能中标,势必造成企业人、财、物的浪费。本探论了工程投标的多参数决策问题,在主成份分析的基础上,通过选择投标的评价指标和确定各指标的权重,建立投标决策模型与评价标准,以指导施工企业科学投标,并给出了应用实例。  相似文献   

德性就是一种品质,是指任何事物的特长、用处和功能。德性对于人而言视为品质,而对于物而言可视为性质。在休谟以前,西方伦理学家们一般强调德性之"因其自身的缘故"成为人们所普遍追求的意义,即德性的内在善。但是休谟的观点与此不同,他认为德性的真正价值在于它的外在善,即品质对他人或社会的作用。因而他不再把德性之善,仅仅看作"因其自身的缘故"成为人们所普遍追求的东西,而是更喜欢把德性之善看作"因其结果的缘故"成为人们所普遍追求的东西。正因为如此,休谟改变了西方伦理学的传统,把德性之事实判断与价值判断相应地分开,从而把讨论的重点引向了德性之"效用"或"有用"。  相似文献   

系统论视野中的宗教存在原因、本质和作用观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章认为,宗教是一个系统,宗教存在的原因也是一个系统,只有从系统整体及各要素的变化,才能科学解释当代宗教存在的原因;宗教的本质同样是有多层次结构的系统,不同层次上关于宗教本质的多种规定,是人们关于宗教本质内涵的不断拓展过程。作为系统的宗教的功能与作用有联系也有区别,必须正确认识宗教结构和功能及功能和作用的辩证关系,正确认识马克思关于宗教是人民鸦片的思想。  相似文献   

法律信仰是社会主体对法律的一种崇尚,它不但是法治的内在动力,也是法治实现的必要条件。西方具有悠久的法律信仰传统,然而在我国由于历史、文化和政治的原因,尚未重视法律信仰,所以树立法律信仰应作为目前中国法治建设的一项基础性工程。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worthwhileness of 'being a learner'– a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential to understanding one's identity as a learner. Research suggests the human capacity to learn can be understood as a form of consciousness which is characterised by particular values, attitudes and dispositions, with a lateral and a temporal connectivity. This 'consciousness' has several dimensions which are all related to becoming a person, with a learning identity. They also enable the learner to become aware of and appropriate what is of worth and map onto the sorts of core values that learning communities espouse. Awareness of self and of one's own worth as a person is a necessary condition for 'becoming a learner' and for identifying and engaging with 'what is of worth'. Furthermore, a sense of self as a learner is formed in relationship, and understood as one learns to tell one's own story, as a participant in the conversation of the learning community. Character is the way in which we refer to that quality of personhood in which there is rooted the capacity to change and learn over time.  相似文献   

对构建社会主义和谐社会的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建社会主义和谐社会这一重要论断的提出,是对马克思主义理论的丰富和发展,是我们党对什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义的又一次理论升华。明确什么是和谐社会,构建社会主义和谐社会有什么重大意义.如何构建一个和谐社会。对进一步巩固党的执政地位,全面落实科学发展观、实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

人生问题是人类面临的普式问题.文学作品作为一种反映人类生存问题的媒介,于作品中完成对于人类生存现状的深刻揭示和反思,是文学创作者进行文学创作的初衰和目的所在.苏轼作为中国古代文学史上的一位大家,在面对困惑和无奈的人生问题时曾发出过无数的感慨.其中“人生忽如寄”就是这无数感慨中最具代表性的一种.“如寄的人生”不仅是苏轼对于生命本体存在之短暂的深切体验,更是东坡先生对于生命存在现状的一种深刻反思.  相似文献   

师生交互主体是学生主动参与历史教学的逻辑氛围,增设有效史料是学生主动参与历史教学的重要方法,设问是学生主动参与历史教学的主要形式,现代信息技术是学生主动参与教学的辅助工具。  相似文献   

The nature of science (NOS) is a primary goal in school science. Most teachers are not well-prepared for teaching NOS, but a sophisticated and in-depth understanding of NOS is necessary for effective teaching. Some authors emphasize the need for teaching NOS in context. Species, a central concept in biology, is proposed in this article as a concrete example of a means for achieving increased understanding of NOS. Although species are commonly presented in textbooks as fixed entities with a single definition, the concept of species is a highly discussed one in the science and the philosophy of biology. A multitude of species concepts exist, reflecting both the views and interests of researchers and their utility in different organism groups. The present study serves to address the following questions: How do textbooks in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools present the concept of species? Can inquiries into the concept of “species” serve to highlight aspects of NOS? A review of the available literature on species and species concepts in school is also performed. In the schoolbooks, the biological species concept is commonly used as the main definition, whereas the morphological species concept is represented by additional remarks of similarity. The potential and pitfalls of using the species concept for teaching NOS are discussed, with NOS being discussed both as a family resemblance concept and as a consensus list. Teacher education is proposed as a starting point for inducing a more sophisticated view of biology into schools.  相似文献   

至少从洪堡时代开始就认为本科教育培养的是理论研究型人才。但是今天本科教育在学历阶梯的位置发生巨大的变化,其性质也从精英教育、高深教育发展到今天的大众教育、基础教育。本科教育的职能和使命出现分化:从原来单一的理论研究人才培养发展到为学术做准备和为职业生活做准备。本科教育传统的“理论研究型人才”培养目标越来越不能涵盖两种使命职能的任何一面。就最复杂的中间类型本科而言。她同时承担的这两种职能使得学校教育目标、教育模式出现更加纷繁的复杂性。因此探索中间本科的教育性质、培养目标和培养模式对于如何办好中间类型本科具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

吴勇  高健 《哈尔滨学院学报》2009,30(12):131-135
目前,人类面临着严峻的生态危机。生态危机又导致了人类生存危机,也提出了道德教育的新话题——生态道德养成教育。加强大学生生态道德养成,是提高全民族生态道德水平的基础工程。文章揭示了加强大学生生态道德养成教育的重要性。公民生态道德素质是生态文明建设的内在道德诉求,而大学生生态道德养成教育是生态文明建设的一项基础性工程,是加强社会主义精神文明建设的有效途径,是促进学生全面发展和提高社会文明程度的客观要求,更是高等教育推进内涵建设的必然要求。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to ascertain the authenticity of both definitions of and explanations for the Hawthorne Effect which are found in the literature. The term is alleged to derive from the earliest of a series of experiments between the years 1924 and 1932 designed to establish the relationship between levels of illumination and industrial production in the Western Electric Company at Hawthorne in Chicago, Illinois. It is shown in this present paper that there is a distinct lack of clarity about the nature of the Hawthorne Effect and a consequent lack of agreement about possible courses and methods of control for research purposes. Though a method of controlling for the effect is suggested, particularly for research work with young children, there is clearly a need for further research.  相似文献   

Reflecting on the training programmes for school counsellors, I feel that there is a need for more adequate training in competences and skills in basic counselling and human relationships. There is a strong need for a more balanced approach between theory and practical application. This article examines microcounselling as an innovation in interviewing training for school counsellors in particular.  相似文献   

The marginalization of school physics as a socially dynamic educational experience for students is a cause for concern. It is one which needs to be addressed by providers of professional development courses for physics teachers. In this paper we explore some of the issues concerning the professional development of physics teachers, taking a direction which runs counter to the traditionally accepted values inherent in the teaching of the subject. The ideology of science teaching is explored in order to provide a rationale for a socially critical professional development programme for physics teachers. A programme designed to provide a challenge to traditional teaching ideology is described; this programme has an action research component coupled with an investigation into key issues involved in a socially critical physics education.  相似文献   

Educational research and evaluation for the purpose of improving practice is becoming increasingly common. The teacher‐researcher movement, LEA sponsored self‐evaluation schemes, for example, both involve teachers in reviewing their own practice or the practices of the school as an organization, with the express purpose of utilizing the review data for professional or school improvement. Unfortunately, the methodology for research and evaluation in schools is problematic; one reason for this is the difficulty in deriving valid inferences from data that are often qualitative in kind and subjective in manner. Although there is a body of literature that describes ways of collecting data on the functioning of schools and classrooms, there is little guidance as to how to analyse it. This presents particular difficulties for the teacher or school staff who, for example, are trying to make sense out of a mass of data accumulated from a self‐evaluation exercise. The following paper is an attempt to provide support for teachers and schools in such a predicament: it suggests a method for analysing qualitative data emerging from school‐based research efforts that draws on the traditions of sociological and anthropological field work.  相似文献   

就近入学与择校是一个两难问题,尽管多数西方国家和少数发展中国家在20世纪80年代后尝试推行择校政策,但择校带来的问题也不少,引起的争议依然存在,没有一个国家找到了比较好的方法解决。在我国,就近入学是我国义务教育阶段的主要政策,但现实中择校广泛存在。解决这个两难问题,可以让部分地区先制定择校政策,待成熟后逐步推广。  相似文献   

言文分离是中国人日常生活中一个极为普遍的现象,但少有社会学研究方法或是教育社会学角度就这一现象的深度思考。本文从言文分离现象出发,分析质性研究方法中的深度访谈,进而对教育中的权力一知识问题展开讨论。笔者指出,深度访谈只是为了深入了解言文一致的世界——西方世界而开发出来的一种调查工具。本为一种地方世界的治学态度或调查技术成为带有世界普遍意义的追求真理的代名词,对这一涉及权力一知识的问题应该有更深刻的知识社会学反思。深度访谈来自音声中心的西方世界,试图在言文分离而且表意优先的汉语世界里扎根,这一扎根现象本身为反思"文化霸权"、"音声帝国主义"等问题提供了可能。  相似文献   

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