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在对本例韦格纳肉芽肿患者进行治疗及护理过程中,通过严密观察免疫抑制剂、糖皮质激素的药物不良反应,做好心理护理,严格执行消毒隔离制度,加强并发症的观察与护理,患者病情好转出院。  相似文献   

目的提高临床医师对小儿血友病甲的认识。方法报道1例小儿血友病甲患儿的临床表现、实验室检查、诊治经过,讨论小儿血友病发病的诊治经验及教训,并复习相关文献。结果该例患儿系外伤后出血不止入院,凝血功能异常,通过完善APTT纠正试验、检测内源性凝血因子后,确诊为血友病甲,经输血浆后出血症状得到控制。结论反复出血患儿需警惕血友病可能,通过行APTT纠正实验,完善内源性凝血因子检测即可确诊。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腮腺腺泡细胞癌的临床特点、病理组织形态特点、诊断及鉴别诊断、治疗及预后。方法:复习我科一例腮腺腺泡细胞癌手术切除标本的临床病理资料,并复习相关文献进行分析。结果腮腺腺泡细胞癌发病较少,属于低度恶性肿瘤,可发生于各年龄段,女性多见。结论:发生于涎腺的腺泡细胞癌是一种低度恶性肿瘤,一般病程较长,生长缓慢,由于其组织结构的复杂性,需与多种肿瘤进行鉴别,手术彻底切除预后较好。  相似文献   

目的:观察肾集合管癌的临床、影像及病理学特征,提高对集合管癌的认识。方法对我院收治的这例肾集合管癌的临床、影像、大体、组织结构、免疫组化染色进行观察,结合文献复习。结果肾集合管癌临床无特异性症状,主要表现为腰痛、血尿,CT 平扫时肿瘤轻度强化,大体肿块呈实性、灰白、边界不清;镜下以不规则管状结构为主,伴肉瘤样分化;免疫组化染色AE1/AE3(+),CK7(+),EMA (+),Vim (+),CK34BE12(-)。结论肾集合管癌是一种少见,高度恶性的肾上皮性肿瘤,其组织学及免疫表型表现多样化,诊断及鉴别诊断主要依靠病理组织学和免疫组化,其中充分取材有利于鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

目的观察肝神经鞘瘤的临床、影像及病理学特征,提高对肝神经鞘瘤的认识。方法对我院收治的这例肝巨大神经鞘瘤的临床、影像、大体、组织结构、免疫组化染色进行观察,结合文献复习。结果果肝神经鞘瘤临床无特异性症状,CT示肝右叶后段巨大类圆形低密度影;大体肿块呈实性、灰白;镜下肿瘤组织由细胞密集区和细胞稀疏构成,密集区主要由梭形细胞构成,瘤细胞核呈波浪状或柳叶形,排列成编织状、丛状、漩涡状;免疫组化染色Vimentin(++),S100(++),CD117(-),CD34(肿瘤-,血管+),CD21(-),Ki-67 index 3%。结论神经鞘瘤是最常见的外周神经良性肿瘤,常见于头颈部及四肢,发生在腹腔体积较大且囊性者少见,诊断及鉴别诊断主要依靠病理形态学结合免疫组化。  相似文献   

嗜酸性粒细胞增多症(hypereosinophilia,HE)是一种以嗜酸性粒细胞持续的增多且以器官损害和功能障碍为主要特征的一种异质性疾病。可并发多种疾病,据查找文献资料,并发多发性脑梗死病例甚少。本文报告嗜酸性粒细胞增多症并发多发性脑梗死1例,并结合文献进行讨论。  相似文献   

目的探讨1例垂体瘤术后19年,反复出现以低钠血症为特点的垂体前叶功能减低患者的诊治经过。方法分析1例老年垂体瘤术后患者,术后19年出现晚发的以反复低钠血症为特点的垂体前叶功能减低,分析其临床特点及诊治经过,并进行了相关的文献复习。结果 1例垂体瘤术后晚发的以反复低钠血症为特点的垂体前叶功能减低的老年患者,确诊后给予氢化可的松及左甲状腺素钠替代治疗后,随访一年,患者血清钠、血压、血糖、甲状腺激素(T3、T4、FT3、FT4)水平均维持在正常范围。结论垂体瘤术后垂体前叶功能减低导致的低钠血症是垂体瘤术后罕见但偶尔发生的严重并发症,常在患者出院后发生,因为没有确定的临床因素来预测低钠血症的发生,所以在出院患者尤其是老年患者应该被告知相关的潜在症状,并给于及时激素替代治疗。  相似文献   

目的 探讨并分析妊娠合并急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis in pregnancy,APIP)相关病因、诊断以及治疗方法,以便及早识别并进行治疗,以减少母胎死亡率。方法 选取西藏自治区人民医院自2013年8月至2021年4月收治的APIP患者14例,回顾性分析妊娠合并急性胰腺炎病因、严重程度、临床表现、辅助检查、治疗及最终妊娠结局,并进行文献复习。结果 14例患者中,病因方面,胆源性为10例,不明原因性为4例;均提示为轻症急性胰腺炎。最终2例在妊娠晚期进行了剖宫产手术,胎儿存活,其中1例因胎膜早破进行剖宫产术,并出现新生儿重度窒息,1例在妊娠晚期进行了引产,其余病人均好转出院,妊娠早期者建议后期行人工流产术。结论 西藏地区APIP主要病因为胆源性,治疗方面应按病情、孕周等情况需个体化治疗。  相似文献   

目的总结行TACE联合手术切除治疗中晚期肝癌的经验。方法笔者对2009~2014年间我科收治的4例中晚期肝癌行TACE联合手术治疗患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 4例病例各在术前接受TACE治疗2~4次,经评估可行手术切除后,均行肝脏不规则切除术。术后均未出现严重并发症,无围手术期死亡。结论中晚期HCC术前先行TACE治疗使肿瘤缩小后,行手术切除不仅有较高的安全性,而且得到比较满意的预后。  相似文献   

技术学习和竞争优势:文献综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
谢伟 《科技管理研究》2005,25(2):170-174
技术学习是关于发展中国家技术创新和发展研究的中心问题之一。技术学习从本质上说,是指后来企业积累和提高技术能力的过程或行为。本文的目的是总结前人的研究工作,以为未来的研究建立基础。直到目前为止,中国技术学习的研究进展主要包括:总结了技术学习的特点、识别了影响学习绩效的行业层次和企业层次的因素。此外,本文还指出了未来技术学习研究工作需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

The matrix factorization model based on user-item rating data has been widely studied and applied in recommender systems. However, data sparsity, the cold-start problem, and poor explainability have restricted its performance. Textual reviews usually contain rich information about items’ features and users’ sentiments and preferences, which can solve the problem of insufficient information from only user ratings. However, most recommendation algorithms that take sentiment analysis of review texts into account are either fine- or coarse-grained, but not both, leading to uncertain accuracy and comprehensiveness regarding user preference. This study proposes a deep learning recommendation model (i.e., DeepCGSR) that integrates textual review sentiments and the rating matrix. DeepCGSR uses the review sets of users and items as a corpus to perform cross-grained sentiment analysis by combining fine- and coarse-grained levels to extract sentiment feature vectors for users and items. Deep learning technology is used to map between the extracted feature vector and latent factor through the rating-based matrix factorization model and obtain deep, nonlinear features to predict the user's rating of an item. Iterative experiments on e-commerce datasets from Amazon show that DeepCGSR consistently outperforms the recommendation models LFM, SVD++, DeepCoNN, TOPICMF, and NARRE. Overall, comparing with other recommendation models, the DeepCGSR model demonstrated improved evaluation results by 14.113% over LFM, 13.786% over SVD++, 9.920% over TOPICMF, 5.122% over DeepCoNN, and 2.765% over NARRE. Meanwhile, the DeepCGSR has great potential in fixing the overfitting and cold-start problems. Built upon previous studies and findings, the DeepCGSR is the state of the art, moving the design and development of the recommendation algorithms forward with improved recommendation accuracy.  相似文献   

多吉平措 《西藏科技》2006,(9):33-33,42
随着经济的发展,机械化程度的提高,生活节奏的加快,交通事业的迅猛发展,随之而来的是交通事故增加,其中以颅脑外伤最为常见。本文重点探讨颅脑外伤的CT表现及其诊断,为临床诊治提供依据。  相似文献   

Modern neuroscience increasingly relies on 3D models to study neural circuitry, nerve regeneration, and neural disease. Several different biofabrication approaches have been explored to create 3D neural tissue model structures. Among them, 3D bioprinting has shown to have great potential to emerge as a high-throughput/high precision biofabrication strategy that can address the growing need for 3D neural models. Here, we have reviewed the design principles for neural tissue engineering. The main challenge to adapt printing technologies for biofabrication of neural tissue models is the development of neural bioink, i.e., a biomaterial with printability and gelation properties and also suitable for neural tissue culture. This review shines light on a vast range of biomaterials as well as the fundamentals of 3D neural tissue printing. Also, advances in 3D bioprinting technologies are reviewed especially for bioprinted neural models. Finally, the techniques used to evaluate the fabricated 2D and 3D neural models are discussed and compared in terms of feasibility and functionality.  相似文献   

西安建设国家硬科技之都,不仅具有优势的科技智力资源和发达的科技园区支撑,而且发展硬科技产业的政策环境良好。西安要紧紧抓住我国创新驱动的机遇,以制定硬科技产业发展规划为引导,科学确定市内硬科技产业发展的重点,以提高硬科技产业自主创新能力硬功夫为重点,正确选择西安硬科技产业自主创新的技术路线图,以体制机制创新为保障,提高硬科技成果的本地转化率,以科技园区和西咸新区为依托,加快建设硬科技小镇和硬科技产业集群。  相似文献   

In earlier papers the authors focused on differences in the ageing of journal literature in science and the social sciences. It was shown that for several fields and topics bibliometric standard indicators based on journal articles need to be modified in order to provide valid results. In fields where monographs, books or reports are important means of scientific information, standard models of scientific communication are not reflected by journal literature alone. To identify fields where the role of non-serial literature is considerable or critical in terms of bibliometric standard methods, the totality of the bibliographic citations indexed in the 1993 annual cumulation of the SCI and SSCI databases, have been processed. The analysis is based on three indicators, the percentage of references to serials, the mean references age, and the mean reference rate. Applications of these measures at different levels of aggregation (i.e., to journals in selected science and social science fields) lead to the following conclusions. 1. The percentage of references to serials proved to be a sensitive measure to characterise typical differences in the communication behaviour between the sciences and the social sciences. 2. However, there is an overlap zone which includes fields like mathematics, technology oriented science, and some social science areas. 3. In certain social sciences part of the information seems even to be originated in non-scientific sources: references to non-serials do not always represent monographs, pre-prints or reports. Consequently, the model of information transfer from scientific literature to scientific (journal) literature assumed by standard bibliometrics requires substantial revision before valid results can be expected through its application to social science areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an investigation of negative reviews and define the profile of negative influencers in Yelp. The methodology adopted to achieve this goal consists of two phases. The first one is theoretical and aims at defining a multi-dimensional social network based model of Yelp, three stereotypes of Yelp users, and a network based model to represent negative reviewers and their relationships. The second phase is experimental and consists in the definition of five hypotheses on negative reviews and reviewers in Yelp and their verification through an extensive data analysis campaign. This was performed on Yelp data represented by means of the models introduced during the first phase. Its most important result is the construction of the profile of negative influencers in Yelp. The main novelties of this paper are: (i) the definition of the two social network based models of Yelp and its users; (ii) the definition of three stereotypes of Yelp users and their characteristics; (iii) the construction of the profile of negative influencers in Yelp.  相似文献   

国内创新网络研究基本状况和主要进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
评述了1997-2003年中期国内已经公开发表的有关创新网络的研究论文,我们发现:虽然直到目前所发表的文章并不多,但却集中受到国家自然科学基金等重要基金的多项资助,学者们目前主要在区域创新网络和企业创新网络两个层面上展开探索,取得了多方面进展。  相似文献   

The impact of the global recession has served to increase pressure on non-profit organizations resources. Executive leadership is an essential component of the success of these institutions. The two-fold purpose of this article is to provide a state-of-the-art overview about the existing literature on leadership and organizational innovation in the third sector, as well as to identify research gaps leading to a research model, which can be used in further empirical research. For this, we used the collection of existing literature in the Web of Science. The 144 articles selected in the database were analysed using the VOSviewer software. Results show a concern with the renewal of management bodies and a lack of qualified leaders. This study contributes to the construction of an action agenda leading to the establishment of new leadership and organizational innovation model for the third sector.  相似文献   

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