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Reading and Writing - In the original publication of the article the funding information was missed to be published.  相似文献   

This study examined whether reading a refutational or non-refutational text would induce different cognitive processing, as revealed by eye-movement analyses. Unlike a standard expository text, a refutational text acknowledges a reader’s alternative conceptions about a topic, refutes them, and then introduces scientific conceptions as viable alternatives. Forty university students read one or the other type of text about the phenomenon of the tides. All had alternative conceptions about the topic. Findings showed that at post-test (off-line measure) refutational text readers learned more than non-refutational text readers. Outcomes regarding indices of visual behavior (on-line measures) during reading revealed that refutational text readers fixated the text segments presenting scientific concepts for a longer time overall than non-refutational text readers, in particular during the second-pass reading. Refutational text readers also fixated the refutational segments for a shorter time than non-refutational text readers for the control segments. Furthermore, all indices of visual attention predicted learning only for the refutational text readers. The more the students’ reading of the refutational text was strategic, the better they learned from it. Implications about eye-tracking methodology and the refutational effect are drawn.  相似文献   

生态育人是一种具有深刻审美意蕴的教育理念和育人模式。生态育人作为一种育人方式,具有感化性;作为一种育人手段,具有愉悦性;作为一种育人形态,具有情感性;作为一个育人过程,具有激励性;作为一种育人途径,具有陶冶性。因此,它必将为高校培养创造性人才开辟新的境界。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether educators' judgments of problem behaviors are influenced by classroom context (disruptive × nondisruptive) and teacher type (regular × special). After viewing each of five randomly sequenced videotaped behavioral segments presented within a disruptive or nondisruptive classroom setting, teachers rated behavioral severity, tolerance, manageability, and contagion. A two-way multivariate analysis of variance produced significant main effects for both context and teacher type, with ratings more negative for the disruptive class and for regular teachers. Implications for special educational services and ecological research are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated what impact elaborated feedback has on sixth graders' deep-level comprehension of texts within a computer-based assessment. Experiment 1 (N = 566) focused on the contents of computer-provided elaborated feedback (i.e. inference-prompts, error explanations, or monitoring-prompt) using a control-group design. Results showed that none of the feedback treatments had an effect on performance. This appeared to result from participants' low commitment to processing the feedback. Experiment 2 (N = 251) focused on the feedback presentation type by varying computer-mediated and person-mediated inference-prompts within a control-group design. Results showed that only the person-mediated inference-prompts had significant effects on performance with respect to the correction of initially false answers to comprehension questions and the performance on subsequent test questions. Findings of both experiments indicate the impact of inference-prompts on text comprehension within performance assessments, highlighting the need to explicitly account for motivational issues in feedback interventions on higher-order reading processes.  相似文献   

超文本的概念是法国的文学理论家提出来的,就是在进行两种语言翻译的时候通过对多余文字的添加可以让整个文章的内容更加的丰满,在对新闻进行翻译的时候因为新闻就是真实的对信息进行叙述,我们通过超文本翻译来对翻译进行补充,这样可以让读者对整个的翻译作品感觉非常完美,如果一个作品没有超文本翻译是不能够进行生存的,因为跨语言和跨文化的东西在理解上是要翻译者进行整体的陈述。  相似文献   

"不a不b"析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对“不a不b”结构进行了否定意义的解释及句法结构的分析,指出“不a不b”句式流行的原因与中国人特有的辩证思维有关。  相似文献   

A longitudinal study analyzed (a) which lower- and higher-level semantic components uniquely predicted listening text comprehension and (b) the nature of the relation (i.e., direct and indirect) between the predictors and listening text comprehension in preschoolers. One-hundred and fifty-two children participated in the present study (68 females; mean age = 4;10 years/months and 5;5 years/months at Time 1 and Time 2, respectively). Participants were administered measures to evaluate listening text comprehension (Time 1 and Time 2) and (a) expressive and receptive word knowledge (lower-level semantic components), and (b) inferential skills and the ability to use context (higher-level semantic components) (Time 1). Verbal short-term and working memory were also included as control variables. Data were analyzed using path analysis models. Results showed that both types of semantic components (a) accounted for unique variance in listening text comprehension at Time 2, with lower-level semantic components explaining a larger proportion of variance than higher-level semantic components; (b) were related to later listening text comprehension through direct and indirect relations. Memory resources did not significantly contribute to listening text comprehension. The results are discussed in light of their theoretical relevance and educational/practical implications.  相似文献   

培训方案是培训目标、培训内容、培训指导、受训、培训日期和时间、培训场所与设备以及培训方法的有机结合。培训需求分析是培训方案设计的指南,一份详尽的培训需求分析就大致勾画出培训方案的大概轮廓,在培训需求分析的基础上,下面就培训方案各组成要素进行具体分析。  相似文献   

Despite an interactional analysis being able to offer valuable insight into the institutional workings of pastoral care practice, pastoral care delivery remains largely unstudied. This paper will contribute new knowledge to the field of counselling and education by offering an interactional analysis of one-to-one pastoral care provision within a primary school. Much pastoral care practice is informed by theory, often accompanied by guidelines about how to deliver pastoral care activities effectively. The pastoral carer needs to convert these guidelines into talk in order to deliver the intervention as an interactional encounter. However useful these guidelines are, they cannot show what the actual delivery of those pastoral care activities might look like in real life. Using conversation analysis, we examine video recordings of pastoral care delivery to reveal the ways in which a pastoral carer supports a child’s behaviour, social and emotional well-being. The significance of the findings is that those who provide pastoral care can see in close detail what delivery might look like as a real-life encounter, imparting valuable knowledge that can then be applied alongside theory and guidelines to enhance professional practice. Of further significance is that the findings can also show how an interactional analysis of pastoral care work can be used to demonstrate social and emotional learning and that the work being done effectively supports children.  相似文献   

To inform efforts to prevent child neglect, we investigated a wide range of risk factors that have been largely unexamined in relation to infant neglect, the most commonly occurring form of child maltreatment. Using an ecological model of child neglect, we assessed the influence of characteristics at the level of the child, the mother, the family, and broader childrearing contexts on adolescent mothers’ likelihood of being a perpetrator in a substantiated case of neglect against their firstborn infants (n = 383, M = 12 months). Several factors were associated with infant neglect by young mothers: median block income, low infant birth weight, maternal smoking, maternal childhood history of neglect and of positive care, intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrated by either the mother or her partner, and maternal use of mental health services. In multivariate models, income, a maternal childhood history of positive care, IPV by either a mother or her partner, and mental health service usage made significant contributions to the odds that a mother neglected her infant. Our findings suggest that these factors have particular salience to policymakers’ and practitioners’ efforts to identify high risk families and to intervene during the earliest months of life to prevent child neglect.  相似文献   

迟子建用生态人文主义价值观构建了自己的文学世界,那些亲近爱护自然的人物形象,正是作家本人生态意识的承载者。研读她的作品,我们发现其中人物体现了强烈的摒弃人类中心主义的思想意识,他们愿意将传统人文主义的人与人之间关爱的理想,推及一切非人类存在,并用爱来守护自然,认为人类必须与他者成为生命共同体。迟子建的小说表现出强烈的生态意识源于作者对大自然的热爱与和对人与自然和谐关系的不断追寻。透过创建的文学世界,作家时时召唤我们,在地球上小心行走,“我们全部”才可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the broader college and career readiness agenda encourage educators, researchers, and other stakeholders to focus on preparing students for life after high school. A key emphasis is literacy, as the ability to read and comprehend written language is critical to success in college and careers. Understanding the level of reading comprehension needed for college and careers has important instructional implications. This study examined text complexity levels of various career texts using the Reading Maturity Metric and compared them to expectations in the CCSS. Text samples were selected for jobs from the five job zones in the Occupational Information Network database. Text complexity demands for all careers were generally in the CCSS range of college and career readiness and increased as job zone and required preparation increased. Results could provide specific career-related targets to make the CCSS reading requirements more relevant for students.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Young peoples' decision making when considering extending their education, obtaining training or deciding on their careers is a complex interactive process. Interests and choices can change due to the information available, which may also be modified by influential parties such as peers, teachers, careers officers, parents and other significant adults. They may also be affected by their own life experiences, either within or outside the class. By examining the selection of a university as a decision making process, much can be learnt which will provide recruitment personnel with a means of choosing more functional tools in achieving their enrolment goals. Many researchers (particularly from North America) have focused on higher education (HE) decision making itself and the information that adolescents require when arriving at their decisions, but there has been very little work performed within the UK. The aim of this article is to report research findings from a large-scale survey (n=674), incorporating a variety of further education institutions (sixth form departments, schools and colleges) within the north west of England, whose pupils were planning on entering HE within the next 12 months. The institutions (some of which were in affluent areas or deprived areas, some of which contained highly academic pupils whilst others did not, some of which were single-sex institutions) were selected using a convenience-based sampling method so that a variety of pupil characteristics were captured. The survey asked questions concerning the early period of who first stimulated the pupils to apply to university (problem recognition), how and when this occurred, through to the final decision of where to attend and why (evaluation of alternatives). Results showed that in the problem recognition phase, boys were more likely to be introduced to HE by their parents than were girls, and those pupils who made their minds up earlier to enter HE (more academic pupils) were less likely to rely upon teachers but more upon parents. In the information search phase, the prospectus was the most important source of information and the majority spent at least three months searching, although females took longer to gather their data than did males. With the evaluation of alternatives phase, course content was more important to females, whereas reputation was more important to males and the most critical factor in causing apprehension was that of grade expectations (particularly by the less academic pupils), with females being less confident than males in achieving the necessary entry qualifications. Another reason to cause one to change one's mind was the 'social atmosphere', as obtained on an open day visit. Also, females were more anxious about moving away from home than were males.  相似文献   

描述文字系统的方法目前有两种:一是罗列各种文字现象;二是认为全部字的总和便是文字系统.本文从具体现象入手,层层分析,最后推导出:文字系统是由造字系统、字集、标点系统和正字法四个子系统构成的复杂体系.  相似文献   

非线性编辑系统的组成及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非线性编辑系统在多媒体开发平台中已得到广泛应用。本介绍了非线性编辑系统的概念及组成,对其性能进行了初步分析,并结合音像教材建设和多媒体课件开发中的应用提出了较合理的建议配置。  相似文献   

主位结构和信息结构相互关联相互作用,共同构建语篇机制、推进信息发展,本文以俄语为语料对两大理论进行描述与对比分析,旨在探讨其相互关系,以此帮助俄语学习者提高语篇构建和解读能力.  相似文献   

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