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黑谎指为隐瞒错误或避免自身的过失受到惩罚而说的假话,是一种利己性谎言。如果儿童养成说黑谎的习惯,会影响其健康成长。本文在对黑谎的相关概念进行概述的基础上,指出父母可通过正确的指导、良好的榜样作用以及采取权威型教养方式等方法进行儿童黑谎行为的家庭教育。  相似文献   

白谎即善意的谎言,它的出现与儿童道德意识和心理理论能力的发展有着密切的关联.研究儿童的白谎行为可以帮助我们更好地理解其道德水平以及心理理论水平的提高.本研究以三个年龄段的幼儿为被试,采用3×3×2的实验设计,考察了幼儿白谎行为的年龄差异、性别差异以及榜样与暗示这两个外部因素对于幼儿白谎行为的影响.研究结果表明:(1)幼儿的白谎行为不存在统计学意义上显著的年龄差异与性别差异,但随年龄增长,幼儿出现了更多的白谎行为.(2)榜样与暗示对幼儿白谎行为的产生有明显的促进作用.  相似文献   

本研究以445名小学三、四、五年级学生为被试,采用家长报告问卷法,考察了父母教养方式对小学生说谎行为(黑谎和白谎)的影响.结果表明:在教养方式各维度中,权威型负向预测黑谎行为,纵容型正向预测黑谎行为,专制型正向预测两种说谎行为.可见,父母的教养方式对小学生说谎行为存在重要影响.  相似文献   

白谎是善意的谎言,是维护受谎人面子的语用策略,对外汉语教学课堂是一个特殊的交际场所,外国留学生学习汉语的起点普遍较低,在学习过程中不可避免地会遇到很多困难;对外汉语教师面对留学生学习汉语的不足表现时,要恰当运用白谎式反馈语策略,鼓励留学生,增强留学生学习信心;要注意纠错方式,从而促进对外汉语课堂的教学相长。  相似文献   

谎言,欺骗之话语也。有人将之分为两类:善意的谎言和恶意的谎言。其实,不管善意也好,恶意也罢,谎言终归是说假话,不实事求是,与诚信背道而驰。所谓善意的谎言,只是说谎者自欺欺人的“小伎俩”而已。课堂乃授业解惑之地,追求真理之所,净化心灵之殿,更应尊重事实,不能因为怕给青少年的心理造成负面影响而说假话、官话、瞎话,课堂上应追...  相似文献   

别笑我想入非非。我想发明一种我们这个社会急需的机器那就是———谎言治疗机。原因是现在说谎的人太多。这里仅举一例就很能说明发明治谎机的必要性。据《大洋网》最新报道:一种用最新军事科技改良而成的颤音测谎机,从美国上一届总统候选人戈尔和小布什在竞选辩论时的录音测得,两人均在公开说谎。在那场辩论中戈尔说谎23次,小布什说谎则达5次之多。你看,两个堂堂的总统候选人的竞选竞成了说谎竞赛。仅仅靠测谎机测出了多少次谎话是不够的,更需要的是谎言治疗机。我发明的这种谎言治疗机和目前的测谎机不一样,目前的测谎机是通过测量胸腹呼…  相似文献   

你说过谎吗?哦,我是说,你敢发誓你这一生从未说过一句谎言吗?在标榜自己的诚实时,你能回答我吗?说“是”,你便立马撒下了一个谎。说“不是”,便是承认自己撒过谎。无论如何,你都不是一个诚实的人。从一出生起,我们便被教导要做个诚实的孩子,“说谎”更是被列为头条戒律。中国人信奉“三岁看大,七岁看老”。一旦小小孩童的谎言被拆穿,人们在愤怒之余都会惊叹:哟,这么小的年纪就会撒谎,长大了可怎么得了喔!于是一顿好打,末了丢下一句:这都是为了你好。这一顿好打换来的,是小小孩童深深的忏悔——别误会,小孩子后悔的不是说谎,而是没能圆谎,以…  相似文献   

你说过谎吗?哦,我是说,你敢发誓你这一生从未说过一句谎言吗?在标傍自己的诚实时,你能回答我吗?说“是”,你便立马撒下了一个大谎。说“不是”,便是承认自己撒过谎。无论如何,你都不是一个诚实的人。绝对诚实的人已经在这个星球上消失了。从一出生起,我们便被教导要做个诚实的孩子。不说谎更是列为头条戒律。中国人信奉“三岁看大,七岁看老”。一旦小小孩童的小小谎言被拆穿,大人们愤怒之余都会惊叹:哟,这么小年纪就会撒谎,长大了可怎么得了喔!于是一顿好打,末了丢下一句:这都是为了你好。这一顿好打换来的,是小小孩童深…  相似文献   

研究采用解释性心理理论任务、白谎任务和失言任务考察了民族杂居区7至12岁小学儿童心理理论的发展。结果发现:(1)解释性心理理论在整个小学期随儿童年龄的增长而逐渐提高,性别差异不显著,9岁和10岁存在显著的民族差异,汉族儿童优于少数民族儿童。(2)白谎理解能力儿童到11、12岁时才有显著提高,汉族儿童比少数民族儿童进步大,女生成绩优于男生。(3)失言理解整个小学期发展缓慢,直到12岁才有一定提高,汉族儿童比少数民族儿童进步大,女生和男生间没表现出显著差异。  相似文献   

诗人不一定是思想家,但凡好诗不能没有思想。在纪念二战结束50周年时,他写了1000行的长诗《谎草之歌》,在这首诗中,他虚拟了一种“谎草”,吃了就要撒谎。过去被谎草喂养着,怎能不撒谎呢?法西斯曾宣称,“谎言重复千遍就变成真理”,但谎言无法掩盖血写的罪恶。  相似文献   

This is a true story which happened when I was ten years old.  相似文献   

This research examined adolescents' judgments about lying to circumvent directives from parents or friends in the moral, personal, and prudential domains. One hundred and twenty-eight adolescents (12.1-17.3 years) were presented with situations in which an adolescent avoids a directive through deception. The majority of adolescents judged some acts as acceptable, including deception regarding parental directives to engage in moral violations and to restrict personal activities. Other acts of deception were judged as unacceptable, including deception of parents regarding prudential acts, as well as deception of friends in each domain. In addition, lying to conceal a misdeed was negatively evaluated. Most adolescents thought that directives from parents and friends to engage in moral violations or to restrict personal acts were not legitimate, whereas parental directives concerning prudential acts were seen as legitimate. Results indicate that adolescents value honesty, but sometimes subordinate it to moral and personal concerns in relationships of inequality.  相似文献   

Prior studies have demonstrated that social-cognitive factors such as children’s false-belief understanding and parenting style are related to children’s lie-telling behaviors. The present study aimed to investigate how earlier forms of theory-of-mind understanding contribute to children’s lie-telling as well as how parenting practices are related to children’s antisocial lie-telling behaviors (rather than prosocial lie-telling as examined in previous studies). Seventy-three three-year-olds from Hangzhou, P. R. China were asked not to peek at a toy in the experimenter’s absence. The majority of children who peeked, lied about it. Children’s lies were positively related to performance on the knowledge-ignorance theory-of-mind task. Additionally, Control parenting, characterized by high levels of monitoring and demanding, unquestioning obedience, was negatively related to three-year-olds’ lying. The relation between Control parenting and lie-telling was partially mediated by children’s theory-of-mind understanding. These findings suggest that children’s early lie-telling behaviors are influenced by social and social-cognitive factors.  相似文献   

控制学生辍学是巩固提高九年义务教育成果和水平的重点和难点工作.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in the relationship between reading ability, frequency of reading and attitudes and beliefs relating to reading and school. Two hundred and thirty‐two 10‐year‐old children (117 male) completed a reading comprehension test and a questionnaire exploring the following areas: frequency of reading, attitude to reading, attitude to school, competency beliefs and perceived academic support (from peers and teacher). Overall, girls had better reading comprehension, read more frequently and had a more positive attitude to reading and school. However, smaller gender differences were found in reading ability than in attitudes and frequency of reading. Indeed, effect sizes for gender differences in reading were found to be small in this and other studies. Reading ability correlated with both boys' and girls' reading frequency and competency beliefs; however, only boys' reading ability was associated with their attitude to reading and school. Notably, gender differences were found predominantly in the relationship between factors, rather than solely in the factors themselves. Previous research has neglected to study these relationships, and has focused instead on the gender differences found in individual factors. Conclusions are made regarding the applicability of these findings to the school situation.  相似文献   

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