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混凝法处理含油废水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以混凝法对实验室的含油废水的进行处理。处理过程中采用两种无机混凝剂与一种有机高分子混凝剂混用,达到絮凝除油,消除有机物质。以混凝剂的加入量,pH对混凝剂的影响为主要影响因素,研究不同混凝剂对此含油废水的处理效果。  相似文献   

介绍了啤酒废水的来源、减污措施及处理工艺的原理,通过工艺流程、主要设计参数等方面,综合比较接触氧化法、SBR工艺、氧化沟工艺和厌氧生物处理几种常用工艺,在此基础上提出采用厌氧-好氧联合工艺处理啤酒废水。  相似文献   

Trimeric quaternary ammonium surfactants are newly developed surfactants, their widespread synthesis and utilization results in a great amount of scouring wasterwater of high COD, which is unmanageable. The present investigation aims to find a new type of organo-bentonites modified by the scouring wastewater and to treat the scouring wastewater at the same time. Results of adsorption experiments of phenol and formaldehyde by the modified bentonite show that, at the optimal ratio 24 % (W/V) of modified bentonite to scouring wastewater, the removal rate of phenol and formaldehyde by FTAT scouring wastewater modified bentonite is 3.53 times and 2.48 times higher than that of Na-bentonite, and the COD of treated scouring wastewater reduces to below 200 mg/L, meeting the second level of Standards for Discharge of Water Pollutants from the Ammonia Industry of China.  相似文献   

Oily wastewater generated by various industries creates a major ecological problem throughout the world. The tra-ditional methods for the oily wastewater treatment are inefficient and costly. Surfactants can promote the biodegradation of pe-troleum hydrocarbons by dispersing oil into aqueous environment. In the present study, we applied rhamnolipid-containing cell-free culture broth to enhance the biodegradation of crude oil and lubricating oil in a conventional aerobically-activated sludge system. At 20 ℃, rhamnolipids (11.2 mg/L) increased the removal efficiency of crude oil from 17.7% (in the absence of rham-nolipids) to 63%. At 25 ℃, the removal efficiency of crude oil was over 80% with the presence of rhamnolipids compared with 22.3% in the absence of rhamnolipids. Similarly, rhamnolipid treatment (22.5 mg/L) for 24 h at 20 ℃ significantly increased the removal rate of lubricating oil to 92% compared with 24% in the absence of rhamnolipids. The enhanced removal of hydrocarbons was mainly attributed to the improved solubility and the reduced interracial tension by rhamnolipids. We conclude that a direct application of the crude rhamnolipid solution from cell culture is effective and economic in removing oily contaminants from wastewater.  相似文献   

1IntroductionIn recent years,tri meric quaternary ammoniumsur-factants,which have three hydrophobic and three hy-drophilic groups connected bytwo spacer chains,havebeen developed[1-5].The tri meric surfactants appearunique physicochemical properties such …  相似文献   

利用Fenton试剂去除焦化废水中的氰化物   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了在pH=3时,在Fenton试剂存在下,水中氰化物与Fe2+、H2O2反应,通过分离生成的亚铁氰化铁沉淀,高效去除了氰化物。除氰过程中,Fenton起到了协同和强化作用,用于焦化废水的深度处理,总氰化物的去除率达到98%以上,浓度低于0.1mg/L,并有效地降低了水的浊度等指标。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the role of micro-electrolysis in removing chromaticity and COD and improving the biodegradability of pharmaceutical wastewater. The results showed that the use of micro-electrolysis technology could remove more than 90% of chromaticity and more than 50% of COD and greatly improved the biodegradability of pharmaceutical wastewater. Lower initial pH could be advantageous to the removal of chromaticity. A retention time of 30 minutes was recommended for the process design of microelectrolysis.  相似文献   

研制了一种用于生活污水或有机工业废水厌氧处理研究的多功能实验装置,该装置可作为IC反应器和UASB反应器分别用于研究在一定的处理效果下的工艺参数的确定、运行参数的确定、颗粒污泥特性研究、三相分离器性能研究、环形布水器性能研究、沼气产率分析等,为学生掌握厌氧污水处理技术提供了坚实的实验基础。  相似文献   

为了促进水处理絮凝剂的迅速发展和实际应用,综述了水处理絮凝剂在国内外的研究进展,并简要介绍了各类絮凝剂在各种水处理情况下的应用及其今后的发展方向,对今后的研究工作提出了一些建议和设想。  相似文献   

As a novel advanced oxidation process (AOP), electro-Fenton process is powerful for degrading most organic compounds including toxic and non-biodegradable ones, and so has attracted great attention. This paper reviews this process in detail including the mechanism, electrolytic bath, electrode materials, aerations and operation parameters. The application of electro-Fenton method in wastewater treatment is evaluated and summarized. Future work in this field is suggested, and three main directions of new electrode exploitation, development of assisted technologies and mechanistic study should be strengthened.  相似文献   

A novel β-PbO2 anode modified with fluorine resin was developed for typical pollutant electrocatalytic degradation and wastewater treatment. Various operating parameters such as applied voltage (3.5-10.5 V), pH (2-6), salinity of the electrolyte (0.5-2 g/L K2SO4) and initial phenol concentration (100-400 mg/L) were investigated to explore the electrocatalytic ability of the anode by taking phenol as sample. A preliminary study on dyeing wastewater treatment by this method indicated that the biodegradability could be increased to suit subsequent biological treatment. The stability of the anode has been proved to be high against acidity. The anode showed promising application for treatment of wastewater, especially of high salinity and high acidity wastewater.  相似文献   

以双氰胺、甲醛为主要原料合成了阳离子高效有机絮凝剂双氰胺一甲醛脱色剂,并与聚合氯化铝(PAC)以及聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)配合使用,处理模拟染料废水.通过考察脱色剂用量、絮凝剂的投加顺序、PAC用量以及pH值这几个方面对脱色率的影响,并通过正交试验寻求最佳试验条件.研究结果表明,影响脱色效果的主次因素依次为:脱色剂用量、pH值、聚合氯化铝用量.脱色剂用量为1.5—2.0mL/L,染料废水的pH值为7.5—9.5,PAC用量为50—90mg/L时,模拟染料废水的脱色率均可达92%以上,COD的去除率因染料种类的不同而存在一定的差异。不过也都在84%以上.  相似文献   

In solving the deterioration of biological treatment system treating petrochemical wastewater under low temperatures, bioaugmentation technology was adopted by delivering engineering bacteria into a pilot-scale two-stage anoxic-oxic (A/O) process based on previous lab-scale study. Experimental results showed that when the concentrations of COD and NH4 -N of the influent were 370~910 mg/L and 10~70 mg/L, the corresponding average concentrations of those of effluent were about 80 mg/L and 8 mg/L respectively, which was better than the Level I criteria of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). According to GC-MS analysis of the effluents from both the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the pilot system, there were 68 kinds of persistent organic pollutants in the WWTP effluent, while there were only 32 in that of the pilot system. In addition, the amount of the organics in the effluent of the pilot system reduced by almost 50% compared to that of the WWTP. As a whole, after bioaugmentation, the organic removal efficiency of the wastewater treatment system obviously in- creased.  相似文献   

针对我国废纸造纸行业的快速发展,归纳了废纸造纸废水的来源、污染特性,阐述了近年来国内废纸造纸废水处理技术的可行性.以某废纸造纸厂采用"混凝沉淀+生物接触氧化法"处理废水为实例,对废纸造纸废水处理技术可行性进行实践论证,供废纸造纸企业选择废水处理技术时参考.  相似文献   

采用三级计算机系统对污水处理过程进行智能控制、监测和管理。其中以中位机可编程序控制器(PLC)为系统核心,负责控制所有电动机、电磁阀等开关量,并通过A/D转换器及传感器组成的测控系统,接受下位机控制仪表的所有数据,再将处理过的数据经数据通信上传至上位PC机。上位PC机采用VB编制的组态软件,实时显示污水处理的工艺流程及各种模拟量的变化值。下位机采用智能仪表,对变频调速器、开度阀等进行过程控制。  相似文献   

纳米TiO2是一种新型的高性能无机材料.在分析纳米TiO2光催化降解原理的基础上,介绍了光催化技术在各种有机工业废水、生活废水处理中的应用,并在总结分析含有机物废水处理应用的基础上对其发展方向和应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

含酚废水治理技术进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了含酚工业废水的治理现状.对萃取、吸附、电解、化学絮凝、液膜、生化法等治理技术进行比较,阐述了各种方法的特点及发展趋势.  相似文献   

福建某化工有限公司是以生产有机磷农药为主的企业.该农药生产废水经预处理、生化处理和后处理,出水达到国家《水综合排放标准》(8978—96)一级标准.通过实例探讨并验证有机磷农药废水预处理的重要性及综合处理技术的可行性.  相似文献   

该文介绍了上流式污泥床(UASB)反应器的工艺特点及其在不同性质的污水处理中的应用情况和处理效果。  相似文献   

实验室废水处理研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
该文介绍了实验室存在的危害,总结了其思想和管理等源头处理方式以及实验药品的回收、预处理和综合处理等处理方法,对实验室废水处理的技术进行了展望,实现了实验室药品回收取得经济性,又避免实验室废水排入河流中造成环境污染。  相似文献   

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