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Wde assault is an important social problem that needs to be addressed by librarians and library and information science (LIS) re:;earchers concerned with the way in which battered women search for information. This paper reports on two studies in which the social1 service network is viewed as a type of information system and which question the effectiveness of community responses to the information needs of battered women. The results of these studies suggest several ways in which LIS professionals can better assist three client groups: individual battered women, social service providers, and public policy or decision makers.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):289-303
The information needs of minority women have received little attention. Fluency with the English language is a predictor of successful assimilation into mainstream American society. All ethnic groups share the need for unbiased educational materials, positive career role models for girls and young women, and enlightened career counseling. Lack of support from the publishing industry restricts the availability of writings by minority women. A wide variety of research opportunities exist in the field of ethnic women's studies due to past neglect. Academic, public, and school media libraries need to reexamine their role in the educational process of minority girls and women to help reverse trends of underemployment and cultural deprivation.  相似文献   

王厚全 《情报工程》2015,1(3):110-115
科技型中小微企业是创新发展的最活跃因素,也是自主研发、吸纳劳动力就业和税收的重要载体。信息在中小微企业创新发展中扮演着重要角色。文章通过分析中小微企业发展现状及对信息的需求,探讨中小微企业在获取信息过程中存在的问题,提出中小微企业获取信息的有效途径和对策措施。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(14):133-139
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Anthropologists at seven universities were surveyed in order to discover: the ways in which they go about locating information of value to them; the information sources that they use and that are of the greatest significance to them; the adequacy of the library service being currently provided to anthropologists; and any opinions they have on the subject of their information needs. Results show that anthropologists; information requirements differ somewhat from those of other social scientists. Reference lists in journals and books are often used to locate information sources; journals are the most important information source. However, cultural anthropologists report that their own field data is their most significant source. Anthropologists use pictorial sources and maps more frequently than social scientists in general do; they also make great use of interlibrary loan. Most of the information needs of the majority of respondents are met by their university's library. Older scholars tend to use databases less than younger ones do; online abstracts and indexes are most important to anthropologists than their print versions are. Some respondents express a great desire for a database which would include current references, abstracts, and articles in anthropology.  相似文献   

Service to small business in its community is an important function of the public library. Because this makes a measurable contribution to the economy of the community, the public library as a whole becomes more relevant and essential. Therefore it is important that the business library market itself carefully, in a manner most likely to resonate with the local business community. The business library like the rest of the public library reflects the values and traditions of its community but is proactive in adapting to change. A method for quantifying the value of the business library to the local economy is outlined, as well as specific suggestions for marketing the business library.  相似文献   

中国妇女信息需求研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄昕 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(2):3-6,18
妇女占中国人口的一半。在人类已进入信息社会的今天,研究并满足妇女的信息需求应为中国图书馆工作者的一项光荣使命。本文从时代背景、现实状况、发展目标等方面对当前中国妇女的信息需求问题进行了全方位的透视,分析了妇女信息需求的特征,并指出为满足这些需求我们应该如何行动。  相似文献   

论用户信息需求的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用户的信息需求具有主观性和认识性,存在着客观状态、认识状态和表达状态.用户信息需求的表达取决于用户的认知能力、表达能力、用户对服务系统的信任度和用户表达需求的途径、手段及环境.用户信息需求的表达和接收可以分解为三个要素:语用主体即用户和服务人员、语境和语用主体所使用的话语实体.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the information needs and seeking behavior of scientists could play a vital role in meeting their information needs effectively. Libraries can use this knowledge for re-orienting their collections and facilities to attune them to the needs of the scientific community. This study explores information needs and seeking behavior of Malaysian agricultural scientists. It was found that research scientists spent 16% of their office time on reading and literature searching, whereas academicians spent 9.3% of their time for this purpose. The study also revealed that scientists preferred using primary sources of information, particularly journal and review articles. Informal communication with professional colleagues was also considered important for exchanging current research information. A large number of the participants felt that they had not been keeping in touch with scientific literature due to deficient library collections and services. This article recommends that science and technology libraries should periodically survey the information needs of their users, assess their collections and facilities, and strengthen their promotional activities.  相似文献   


This study investigated the post-master's educational needs and interests of information professionals. The population for the study consisted of members of the library associations of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Ontario, Canada. About 78 percent of the respondents held a master's degree in library science, 22 percent a master's degree in another discipline, almost 1 percent was enrolled in a doctoral program, 1 percent possessed a doctorate, and 16 percent had some other degree. Given the choice of an LIS only doctoral program or one combined with the field of business administration or computer science, the participants expressed a slight preference for the LIS only program. Of the other fields suggested by participants, education and public administration were the most popular. Participants also expressed a strong preference for non-traditional modes of instruction.  相似文献   

The interactive presentation of information has s w i a l utility for individuals with coative disorders who may experience difficullty processing information from books. This article reports on a use of cbmputer-Sded instruction (CAI) and multimedia iechnology to meet the information needs of a special population-people who have severe and persistent mental illnesses. LSCA Title I monies funded this alternative approach lo traditional :institutional library services to explore the romise held by CAI for helping thought-disordered patrons intern aP ize information, in this case on consumer health and vocational topics. Described here are this population's special needs, the rationale for services to be tailored accordingly, uses of computers in psychiatric rehabilitation, collection development and usage, and reaction to the project.  相似文献   

浙江小企业的发展远远高于全国平均水平,究其根本原因和基本区别就在于采取群落式发展格局.本文先概述了浙江小企业群落式分布和发展状况,然后,多角度分析了其形成发展的原因,接着分析了浙江小企业群落这一新兴产业组织的微观结构特征和产业优势.最后从小企业群落存在的主要问题出发提出了有关未来浙江省小企业发展对策举措.  相似文献   

文章以现有的研究为基础,将信息需求动机的溯源划分为心理导向溯源、任务导向溯源和信息素养导向溯源三个方面,同时进一步细分了各“溯源”的维度,据此对信息需求动机的“溯源”问题进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   

新信息环境下高校图书馆用户信息需求调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章对西北师范大学用户利用馆藏资源的情况进行了比较分析,从信息需求、图书馆资源建设和信息服务等方面对用户进行了问卷调查及访谈,了解了不同层次、不同学科用户群体信息需求的差异,对高校图书馆如何在信息服务和资源建设方面更好地满足用户信息需求提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

王健  周国民  王剑  刘茜  丘耘  王帅 《图书情报工作》2013,57(10):136-141
在综述相关研究的基础上,认为信息需求研究整体上已完成认知转向,初步形成以刺激(情境)-认知模型(信息需求)-反应(信息行为)为基本框架的研究模式,并在信息需求的认知本质、情境和理论体系构建等方面取得较大的进展,同时也存在认知模型构建等难点和挑战。综合分析信息检索技术发展的需要和研究现状,认为下一阶段信息需求研究将在持续发展认知导向理论研究的同时加强应用研究,并将重点围绕情境化、认知模型及其驱动的信息检索系统等开展研究。  相似文献   


This paper attempts to illustrate the challenges that a reference law librarian might face when facing the information needs of Constitutionalist patrons.Constitutionalist patrons here are defined as members of a diverse community of groups that challenge the validity of the mainstream legal system in a variety of ways.The paper provides background on the different types of patrons who fit the generic category of Constitutionalist, explains the theories that these patrons use to view the legal system, and discusses sources and materials that are of interest to them.The intention of the paper is to provide the reference librarian with the necessary background information to understand the perspective from which the patrons approach the law library.  相似文献   

为更有效地对多媒体信息进行检索,在设计多媒体信息检索系统时人们开始更加注重用户的信息需求。本文设计一种新的检索方法对用户信息需求进行集成,即把用户的信息需求集成到信息检索结果的“语用环境”中。通过使用该方法,可以对多媒体信息检索中的用户需求进行更有效的集成。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(82):69-105

The Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Library, established in 1990 to support instructional teaching and research, continued to support the academic programs in the Institute while initiating and developing its Outreach Program in 1998. This program provides library and information services to Illinois fire departments and firefighters throughout the state. Since establishing the Outreach Program, the IFSI Library has accumulated more than 7,000 entries in a “Reference Request Database.”

This paper reports and analyzes the data, including request methods, delivery methods, types of requests, and types of resources. Trends indicate a change over time in request and delivery methods. Different regions of the state and different user groups have begun to use the library. The research can serve as a model for designing, developing and evaluating outreach reference service in a special or small library dedicated to meeting the information needs of remote library users.  相似文献   

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