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活态文化在图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活态文化是一种非主流文化,但对它的保护与传承却是对人民创造的一种应有的尊重。面对它的急剧消失,作为图书馆,特别是最接近活态文化起源地、传承地的县级图书馆,必须承担起保护的职责,通过文献式保存,研究和开展活态文化活动,唤醒大众的关注,助推传承人的培养与成长,为活态文化的保护与良性传承作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   


Scrapbooks present a particularly challenging set of preservation issues to archivists. However, as an intriguing combination of diaries, photograph albums, and ephemera, their format and arrangement are an essential part of their usefulness as sources to researchers. The fascinating link between scrapbooks and quilts, evident in a brief history of scrapbooks and an exploration of several types, indicates that scrapbooks are a particularly rich source for researchers interested in women's history. In order to facilitate the richest understanding of these unique and fascinating sources, material literacy should be increased among both archivists and researchers. In particular, archivists should understand the important function these records have to researchers, and how their storage and preservation choices affect that function.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 活态民间音乐文化资源是指存活于民间的、鲜活的、发展的音乐文化资源。为记录和保存民间音乐文化,展现当下活态音乐的生存模式,中国音乐学院图书馆于2004年成立项目对活态音乐资源进行主动收集和保存。[方法/过程] 以中国音乐学院民间音乐资源建设项目为例,运用人类学、民族音乐学等方法和"走出去、请进来"的方式,将民间音乐及与其存活相连的文化事项整合考察,并以录音、摄像等多种形式收集第一手资料。[结果/结论] 活态民间音乐文化资源建设是一项庞大的音乐文献建设工程,在特色资源建设、艺术实践、文化传承等方面都发挥着重要作用,未来还将面临更大的挑战。  相似文献   

当“近代早期书籍”(early modern book)遇上“数字工具”,它们会发生怎样的化学反应?关于这一议题,目前的讨论集中在两个层面:“获取”和“文本”。文章以早期英语图书在线、福尔杰莎士比亚图书馆等机构的数字化馆藏为例,对上述两个议题进行讨论。如果数字工具可以帮助我们拉远与书籍的距离,重新认识这一习以为常的事物,或许可以藉此学到一些意料之外的新知识。  相似文献   

This study revealed the ways that student leaders make sense of their approaches to leadership in African student organizations in the United States. Seven leaders of recognized African student organizations in universities from the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and the South took part in interviews. Discourse analysis of interview data revealed the complexity of leadership discourses and practices in a postcolonial context in showing that African student organizational leadership (a) proceeds through the accommodation and resistance to dominant Western organizational and/or colonial discourses and (b) enables leaders to make sense of theirs and their organizations’ identities in the context of discourses that marginalize African forms of cultural expression.  相似文献   

<正>2003年10月联合国教科文组织的第32届大会通过的《保护非物质文化遗产国际公约》指出,非物质文化遗产涵盖五个方面的项目:口头传说和表述,表演艺术,社会风俗、礼仪、节庆,有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践,传统的手工艺技能。它们都可以以实物资料或数字化的方式入藏博物馆,尤其是其中的实物资料,很多都是文物或最终是以文物的身份入藏博物馆的。由于博物馆特殊的保管和展示条件,入藏博物馆从某种意义来讲,可以说是实物资料的最好归宿。而保护和保存非物质文化遗产实物资料,并将其展示给社会公众,也是博物馆的职责所在。  相似文献   


The eCommunity feature of the course management software, Blackboard, is used by the librarians at Henderson Community College to determine student success with their information literacy program. Pre- and post-tests are used along with brief lessons on a variety of library and course-specific topics to create learning modules. Advantages of this new electronic information literacy tool include greater collaboration with faculty, immediate feedback for students, convenient access from remote locations, and compliance with accreditation guidelines. Progress is documented, and popularity of the eCommunity is increasing throughout the community and technical colleges of Kentucky.  相似文献   

新形势下潮汕文化研究资料的证集整理工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析潮汕文化研究的范畴,提出大汕文化研究资料的收集方法与途径,并就资料的揭示和整理工作提出建议和方法。  相似文献   

论中外不同文化语境下的新闻媒介观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了西方国家将新闻媒介视为社会环境的监视器、分权制衡的"第四权力"、公共服务的"践行者"、社会发展的"粘合剂"的性质定位,和我国将新闻媒介作为党、政府和人民的耳目喉舌、社会主义国家信息和文化产业的组成部分,以及信息传播与文化交流的平台的性质定位.在认识其区别与差异的基础上,探讨了我国与西方国家在共享新闻媒介的"人民伦理"理念、看重新闻媒介的社会施动作用、倡导新闻媒介的公共精神和重视新闻媒介的技术进步等方面存在的共识性思想成果,并认为这是双方能够实现平等交流的话语基础和思想前提.  相似文献   

Renewed attention to the use of expletives on television has been spurred by several recent high-profile on-air incidents. This study investigates which words television viewers find most offensive in varying contexts: broadcast TV, cable, and premium channels. Results show significant differences in perceived offensiveness of words depending on the context in which words are heard. Male and female respondents, liberals and conservatives, and religious and nonreligious respondents also differ in their perceptions of the offensiveness of words spoken in prime time.  相似文献   

4岁那年,父母从军队转业,我们家从虹桥路的西尽头,搬到了中段腰眼部位的一栋花同洋房,二楼,东南一隅,紧挨着运输繁忙的沪杭铁路,与凯旋路、淮海西路转角相望.那也正是我的记忆账户开始吸储的年龄.因此直到60多年后的今天,我依然清晰地记得,从我们家厨房兼浴室的北窗,可以看到后面那栋洋房,满满地柄居着一群外国小孩,成天在花园里踢球嬉闹,开心得不亦乐乎.听说,那是一所德国学校.不过没多久,那些外国小孩就不见了,不知去了哪里.那栋楼便成了七机部在沪某院所的公舍.  相似文献   

云南少数民族传统手工艺非遗档案内容丰富翔实,开发利用这一档案信息资源对其活态性传承保护有现实意义。本文针对少数民族传统手工艺非遗现状,阐述活态性开发思路与要素,分析滞后问题,提出开发建议。依据民族自觉、转化创新理念,开发少数民族传统手工艺非遗档案,构建民族文化生态环境、培养传承人才和研发特色产品,可推进其活态性保护工作发展。  相似文献   

The bulk of instructional communication research to date examines communication among teachers and students in conventional classroom contexts. Although past and present research is prolific and informative, it is also somewhat limiting. With a specific unifying focus on affective, cognitive, and behavioral learning as outcome variables, we begin this article with a brief history of instructional communication research, as well as examples of research and practice in conventional classroom settings. We then outline, review, and explain four distinct contexts where we believe future instructional communication research and practice is likely to be fruitful: risk and crisis situations, technology-enhanced environments, digital games, and forensics education.  相似文献   

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